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  • Effective: 9/28/1981
  • Revision: 7/12/2011
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for an orderly process when circumstances make it necessary to reduce staff.  In the event that it becomes necessary to reduce staff, responsibility is delegated to the District Administration for implementing the policy according to established policy provisions.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Reduction in Force Policy for education support professionals shall be implemented according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Reduction in Force
      1. In the event of declining student enrollment, the discontinuance or substantial reduction of a particular service or program, the shortage of anticipated revenue, school consolidation, or other unforeseen circumstances, it may become necessary to initiate a reduction in force (RIF).  If a RIF is necessary, seniority will not be used in employee RIF determinations; however, decisions may be within the discretion of the school district to consider the following:
        1. Program and staffing needs of the District
        2. Employee performance evaluation (Jordan Education Support Professionals Evaluation System)
      2. Under normal circumstances, staff members who are to be affected by a reduction in force shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice.
    2.  Rehire
      1. If an education support professional is terminated through a RIF, the employee will be given first consideration for available positions for which they apply and qualify within one (1) year of the date of the RIF.  However, there is no guarantee of continued employment.
      2. If an education support professional subject to a RIF is rehired within one calendar year from the date of the RIF, the employee will receive appropriate step increases, if any have been authorized, and accrued sick leave and other leave benefits will be reinstated at the level existing at the time of the RIF, excluding accrued vacation previously paid out.  If an employee accepts a position on a lower salary lane, benefits and salary will be adjusted to reflect the new lane placement.

  • Effective: 5/24/1971
  • Revision: 12/14/2010
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that the primary responsibility of the total educational process is to provide services to individual students through individualization of programs based on the student's needs, interests and talents.   The Board also recognizes that it is the primary responsibility of the teacher to spend the greatest proportion of his/her time instructing students.  Part-time support personnel may be employed to assist teachers in the educational process.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility to develop and administer a policy regarding part-time support personnel.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration will administer the policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Support personnel work under the direction and supervision of the principal, director, and/or teacher, as applicable.  The teacher has the primary responsibility to educate students, and therefore, should not delegate such responsibility to support personnel.
    2. Support personnel complete a variety of tasks and assignments as outlined in a specific job description and must be able to complete all essential functions listed in the description.  Some of these assignments may include secretarial, clerical, nutrition, custodial, or classroom instruction.
    3. Support personnel employed as classroom or instructional assistants may perform actual instructional tasks under the direction of a teacher.  Under no circumstances would they (1) diagnose educational needs, (2) prescribe action, or (3) evaluate the results of instruction.
    4. The local school administrator will be responsible for developing the staffing pattern of the individual department or grade level.  This will be done in the school in cooperation with the professional staff of these departments or grade levels.  Department directors will also determine staffing patterns based on their department needs and available funding.
    5. All support personnel are considered supplementary and are employed upon the recommendation of the principal with the approval of the Administration.
    6. Support personnel are temporary, non-contracted employees and are considered at-will.  That is, either the employee or Jordan School District may end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason.  Support personnel are employed on a part-time basis only.  Support personnel do not accrue or earn District seniority and are not eligible for any District benefits or state retirement.
    7. If the principal or director determines that there are problems regarding staffing that he/she is unable to solve at the local level, he/she should communicate these problems to the Administrator of Human Resources or his/her designated representative.
    8. The Administrator of Human Resources will involve the respective Administrator of Schools in reviewing the problem and making a recommendation.
    9. Recommendations for the use of support personnel must be approved by the respective Administrators of Schools.
    10. The principal is responsible for ensuring that the support personnel are used in the roles for which they have been hired.
    11. It is the principal's or director’s responsibility to obtain optimum use of the support personnel through the development of an in-service training program for both professional educators and support personnel as well as providing adequate supervision.
    12. The teacher is responsible for using support personnel (within the framework of the job description) to provide the best possible program for the individual student.  Proper use of support personnel will provide the best possible program for the individual student. Proper use of support personnel will provide the professional educator more time to:
      1. Diagnose learning needs of students
      2. Prescribe educational programs for students in accordance with those needs
      3. Interpret and evaluate the results of instruction or testing
    13. The Administration, as they consider the employment of support personnel, will follow job descriptions as approved for individual positions.

  • Effective: 8/25/1970
  • Revision: 5/28/2024
  • Reviewed: 5/26/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the value of having a clearly defined statement relative to assignment of bus drivers, and delegates to the Administration the responsibility to administer the following bus driver assignment policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates the responsibility for assignment of bus drivers to the Director of Transportation who shall perform such responsibilities consistent with the following regulations and requirements:

    1. Each driver shall have a valid Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with proper endorsements. Drivers shall receive a reimbursement for CDL renewal.
    2. Each driver shall provide the Director of Transportation with a doctor's statement that the driver has passed a physical examination and is physically fit to assume the full responsibilities of a bus driver.
    3. Once each year (if required), the Board shall pay the cost of the Department of Transportation (DOT) physical renewal, provided the driver uses a qualified physician authorized by the District. Each driver will be responsible for making his/her own arrangements for this physical examination.
    4. Regular Bus Routes - A.M. and P.M.
      1. All bus drivers and bus attendants employed by the District will be assigned a regular morning and afternoon route by the Director of Transportation.  Changes in assignments will be made at the beginning of each school year insofar as possible.  A driver whose contract route is involuntarily reduced mid-year due to unexpected route changes or other extenuating circumstances will maintain their benefit calculation ratio, in effect at the time of the route reduction, through the end of the current contract year.  The benefit ratio determines the amount the employee will pay for insurance coverage.
      2. When vacancies occur on established routes, new routes, kindergarten routes, or special education routes, this information will be posted for five (5) working days at the Transportation Office. Drivers or attendants may sign up for those runs based on department seniority and qualifications. Once the vacancy has been filled, other drivers or attendants may request assignment to the subsequent vacancy. If any created vacancy requires more than 30 hours of work per week, the position must be opened for bid. Any other subsequent vacancies shall be listed and distributed to
        contract drivers who may review and request in writing to the Director of Transportation. All others will be appointed by the Director of Transportation based on qualifications.

        1. Applicants may have one (1) reassignment per fiscal year for any purpose. Additional reassignments are allowed if the reassignment will give the applicant additional hours.
        2. Drivers will be assigned to regular kindergarten routes, and will be paid at their regular rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours, to include 30 minutes for the daily pre-trip/post-trip inspection, cleaning and refueling the bus, or actual time above the two (2) hours regardless of the number of routes served.
        3. Rescheduling of routes may alter time requirements from year to year.
        4. No assignment will be made which creates excessive deadheading. Excessive deadheading shall be defined as "greater than allowed on regular bus runs."
        5. Drivers cannot trade assignments.
        6. Unique circumstances may require the director to reassign drivers or attendants without regard to department seniority when it is necessary to meet special district or employee needs which are reasonable and not arbitrary.
      3. If a driver or attendant requests assignment to a bus run away from the areas in which he/she lives, he/she must furnish his/her own transportation to the point where the bus for that route is regularly stored. There will be no "deadheading" of buses out of regularly assigned areas for the convenience of the drivers or attendants.
    5. Regular Program Runs
      Minimum contract hours include 30 minutes for the daily pre-trip/post-trip inspection, cleaning and refueling the bus.

      1. For drivers hired on a contract prior to July 1, 2014:  Drivers will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the four (4) hours per contract day.  Some bus runs may not require the services of a driver for a normal four (4) hour day.  As few drivers as possible shall be hired for less than a regular contract.  These drivers shall be paid the regular contract hourly rate.  If a contract driver is assigned to these runs, other work may be required to fulfill the hourly requirements of a contract bus driver.
      2. For drivers hired on a contract on or after July 1, 2014:  Drivers will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the six (6) hours per contract day.
    6. Drivers shall be paid as follows:
      1. Driving time shall be paid at the driver's established hourly rate.
      2. Payment for field trip/activity runs shall be based on actual driving and layover time plus a one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus.  A minimum of two (2) hours is required.
      3. The hourly rate of pay for substitute bus drivers shall be equal to 100 percent of Lane 7, Step 1.
    7. Drivers shall be compensated according to the the Standards for Utah School Buses and Operations Manual for time required for pre- or post-trip and for time spent cleaning and fueling vehicles.
    8. Field Trip and Activity Runs
      1. Driver assignments
        1. Drivers interested in driving for field trips and activity runs shall notify the Director of Transportation or designee.
        2. A list of interested drivers shall be compiled in the order of department seniority.
        3. Except in unusual circumstances, drivers shall not be assigned to field trip/activity runs which would require them to exceed a 40-hour work week even if contract hours are not worked because of scheduled or unscheduled leave usage.  All overtime must be authorized by the Director of Transportation.
        4. As far as possible, field trip/activity run assignments shall not interfere with regular route assignments.
        5. Available field trips and activity runs shall be posted in the Transportation Office two (2) weeks in advance or for as many days as possible if two (2) weeks of notification is not received.
        6. Interested drivers must indicate their interest by submitting the proper form with the Field Trip Office by 9:00 a.m. on the posted sign up day.  The driver will list desired field trips/activity runs on the form by request number.  Drivers may choose to be present (not on contract time) when their field trip requests are reviewed.
        7. Available field trip/activity run assignments shall be posted.  Drivers shall bid on field trip/activity runs or be assigned based on the driver’s available hours within the 40-hour work week, department seniority, ability to meet the pick up/drop off time and preference, in that order.  The same driver may be assigned to field trip/activity runs that extend over multiple days.  (Drivers will not be penalized for extra time beyond what was posted or assigned.)
        8. The field trip bid process will proceed on a rotation order beginning with the senior driver on the list of interested drivers. Each driver will be allowed to sign up for one available field trip at a time.  After a driver makes his/her selection, the next driver in seniority will make a selection.  The procedure will continue through the list of interested drivers until all drivers on the list have had a chance to select one (1) field trip.  Following this initial round of field trip selection, drivers who still need required contract hours will be assigned field trips until the obligation is met.  After all obligated contract hours have been met, the field trip assignment process will resume with the seniority rotation procedure until all requested field trip/activity runs have been assigned.
        9. During the weeks prior to September 1 and after the spring sports tournaments, the District cannot guarantee 30-hour contract drivers, assigned to routes of less than 30 hours, the full 30 hours per week.
        10. Field trip/activity run requests made with four (4) -13 days' notice will be assigned by the Field Trip Office using the department seniority list until all requests have been filled.
        11. Field trip/activity requests received with less than 72 hours' notice will be assigned by the Director of Transportation or his/her designee.
        12. Substitute drivers shall not be assigned to field trip/activity runs until all interested benefit-eligible drivers with available hours have been assigned.
        13. Drivers are responsible to pick up their field trip/activity run assignments and paperwork from the field trip office. Any assignment/ paperwork which has not been picked up by Thursday of the week prior to the field trip will be reassigned to another available driver.
        14. Drivers who decline the first assigned field trip/activity run must wait in rotation for his/her next opportunity to select a trip, the same as if he/she had selected a trip on his/her first opportunity.
        15. June Field Trips: Drivers interested in driving field trips and activity runs shall notify the Director of Transportation or designee. A list of interested drivers will be compiled in the order of department seniority. All overtime must be authorized by the Director of Transportation. As far as possible, field trip/activity runs should not interfere with regular route assignments.
        16. July and August Field Trips: the field trip office will compile a list of drivers who are interested in driving during this time period. The bidding process will be done using the phone number(s) provided by the driver. Those drivers who have indicated interest will be called according to the department seniority list. The field trip office will allow 30 minutes for the driver to return the phone call to accept a field trip. After 30 minutes the field trip office will call the next driver in line of seniority. The field trip office will go through the entire list offering trips before returning to the top of the list. Two (2) weeks before the start of traditional school bidding will return to the process described in E.1.a.-g. above.
      2. The Director of Transportation has authority to deviate from the assignment guidelines listed in item E. 1. under the following circumstances:
        1. The field trip/activity run requires more than 15 buses.
        2. The field trip/activity run covers hazardous terrain.
        3. The field trip/activity run request was received on short notice
        4. The field trip/activity run is extended in time and/or distance.
        5. An unexpected need for bus service must be met.
        6. An emergency school closure or evacuation is underway.
        7. A community emergency is underway.
        8. Other compelling reason.
      3. Overnight travel: Drivers will be compensated for a minimum of eight (8) hours for each day traveling to and from the field trip destination.  Drivers will be compensated for a minimum of eight (8) hours for each day at the destination.  In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Regulations, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 395, a Jordan School District bus driver may only be on duty for 15 hours, followed by a full eight (8) hours of off-duty rest time. A driver may only drive for 10 of those 15 on-duty hours. Care should be taken to ensure drivers are well rested in order to operate the bus safely. The schools will be responsible to provide for the expenses incurred to be in compliance with this regulation, which may include a separate hotel room for each driver and any mileage or travel expenses for additional relief drivers.
      4. Bus drivers will be compensated as follows for field trips:
        1. Monday-Friday:   Drivers shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time spent on field trip/activity runs.  This time will include one-half hour for cleaning and fueling the bus.  If the field trip/activity run is cancelled while the driver is on duty or the trip assignment is one-way (either to or from an event), drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two hours with the one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus included as part of the minimum.  The additional costs will be charged to the school or department that cancels the activity.
        2. Weekend/Holidays:  If the school fails to cancel the field trip prior to the driver arriving at the bus facility, the driver shall be paid for four (4) hours.  The costs will be charged to the school or department that failed to cancel the activity.
      5. If the field trip/activity run is not completed on time and a substitute must be assigned to the driver's regular route, the school shall pay a minimum of two (2) additional hours to cover substitute costs.
      6. Upon arrival at the field trip/activity run destination, drivers shall secure the bus and remain accessible to the group unless otherwise instructed by the administrator in charge.
      7. The school administration shall assure that one or more responsible, adult supervisors are aboard each bus that is on a field trip/activity run.
      8. Drivers shall make every effort to assure safety and shall follow established procedures for student discipline.  (See District Policy DA170—School Bus Discipline.)
      9. It is not permitted for drivers to transport family members unless they are part of the group/class paying for the trip. It is also not permitted for Jordan School District buses to travel across State lines.
      10. Jordan School District buses are not authorized to operate between 1:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
      11. When students are engaged in an activity where a change of clothing is required, schools should make arrangements for a changing room for students.  School buses shall not be used as a dressing room.
    9. Assignment of Bus Attendants
      1. Bus attendants will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the contract hours.
      2. For attendants hired on a contract prior to July 1, 2014:  If a bus run does not require the services of a bus attendant for a normal four (4) hours per contract day, the bus attendant will be a temporary at-will substitute bus attendant for actual hours worked.
      3. For attendants hired on a contract on or after July 1, 2014:  If a bus run does not require the services of a bus attendant for the normal six (6) hours per contract day, the bus attendant will be a temporary at-will substitute bus attendant.
      4. Field trip assignments for attendants will be done in the following manner: The field trip office will compile a list of attendants who are interested in being attendants for field trips. Attendants will be notified using the phone number(s) provided by the attendant. Those attendants who have indicated interest will be called according to the department seniority list. The field trip office will allow 30 minutes for the attendant to return the phone call to accept or reject the field
        trip/activity run. After 30 minutes the field trip office will call the next attendant in line of seniority. The field trip office will go through the entire list offering trips before returning to the top of the list.

Revision history:  8/28/12, 7/28/15

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 10/14/1986
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for a systematic approach in determining the personnel needed to staff the schools and other departments in the District. A well-developed system of personnel planning and accounting helps predict staff needs and enables the Administration to make sound provision for current and future employment. The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for determining these needs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Human Resources Department shall be delegated the responsibility for setting up such a system of personnel accounting for determining staff needs. The Administration will utilize all data available from various sources in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Utilize projections for future staff needs based on student growth, staff retirements, and replacements
    2. Utilize the projected curriculum requirement of the District
    3. Maximize the use of technology in determining projected pupil/teacher ratios and staff requirements
    4. Consider financial constraints as they apply to future staff needs
    5. Maintain up-to-date files containing data needed to comply with state and federal requirements including certification
    6. Keep abreast of current trends in staffing patterns and be familiar with options available for staffing schools such as differentiated staffing, etc.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 4/26/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that all employees should be placed in the school and department that will best fit the educational needs of the students in the District.  Consideration will be given to the employee's placement preference.  When circumstances make it necessary to transfer employees involuntarily or reduce staff, orderly procedures are to be implemented.
  2. Administrative Policy
    It is the policy of the Administration to assign personnel to the positions that best meet the needs of the District.  Transfers shall be used to maintain a proper balance of experience and specialized competence among the schools of the District.

    1. Voluntary Transfers
      1. The Human Resources Department will identify and advertise known vacancies beginning March 1 of each school year, including those positions which were filled after Jan. 1 of the current school year (except nurses).  Transfer requests will be accepted during the transfer window up through August 1st.
      2. All vacancies for the coming school year occurring between March 1 and June 1, shall be advertised for five working days. Teachers will make transfer requests according to the following guidelines:
        1. All known job vacancies, together with required endorsements and skill requirements, will be posted online.
        2. Teachers interested in transferring must submit a separate transfer request through Skyward Employee Access for any posted position.  during the transfer window, principals will be notified weekly of transfer requests for posted positions,.
        3. Using a common set of criteria such as personnel files, requested qualifications, experience, etc., principals will review requests for transfer and select the candidates to be interviewed.   Principals will interview at least two (2) qualified transfer candidates if available through June 1.  Candidates who are interviewed but not offered a position will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.  When the position has been filled, the posting will be removed.
        4. Beginning the week of February 1 until the teacher transfer fair, teachers interested in transferring in conjunction with the teacher transfer fair may submit a transfer request through Skyward Employee Access.
    2. Involuntary Transfers–Administrative
      1. A principal or immediate supervisor may request the transfer of an employee when in his/her judgment it will benefit the employee, the school, or the District.  Transfer requests stating specific reasons for the transfer shall be made to the area Administrator of Schools.  The area Administrator of Schools shall review the request and recommend approval or denial to the Administrator of Human Resources.  Upon final approval of the Administrator of Human Resources, a copy of the request shall be given to the employee no later than April 1.
      2. An employee whose performance is unsatisfactory may not be transferred to another school unless the
        local school board specifically approves the transfer of the employee. §53G-11-517
        a.  Unsatisfactory performance is defined as minimally effective or not effective on the employee’s
        most recent evaluation.
      3. Involuntarily transferred teachers will be allowed to interview through the voluntary transfer process.  If teachers are not successful in gaining a voluntary transfer by June 1, the District will place the employee in a position for which he/she is qualified.
      4. If, after the employee has been placed, the employee may continue to review through the voluntary transfer process (Refer to Section II A of this policy).
      5. Transfers during the school year shall be avoided.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/27/2024
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board delegates the responsibilities of assignment of personnel to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates the responsibility for the placement of all personnel to the Human Resources department.  This shall be done in cooperation with the school principal or the immediate supervisor.  Grade and subject assignment shall be made by the school principal.

    1. Considerations for Placement of Personnel
      1. Assignments of teachers shall take into consideration the best interests of the students, teachers, team, department, and school without undue personal bias.
      2. Licensed personnel shall be notified of school placement and grade and subject assignments as early as possible.
      3. As far as possible, teachers shall be assigned within the field of their training and experience.
      4. The school administrator shall involve the staff in teacher placement to the degree he/she feels is appropriate and without abrogating his/her responsibility.
      5. Employee requests for specific assignments shall be given consideration; however, the final decision is made by the principal or administrator.


Revision history: 3/26/85, 9/8/09

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/23/2018
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan School District is an equal opportunity employer and desires to maintain a high level of employee performance and satisfaction.   The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing policy for selecting licensed personnel.
  2. Administration Policy
    The Administration shall seek to employ the most able and highly qualified persons available for positions requiring licensure.  Selection shall be made in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Online application forms furnished by the District shall be properly completed and dated.  Applications shall be renewed annually to remain effective.
    2. Applicants must have a valid certificate issued by the Utah State Office of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning Licensing, for the position for which they are making application.
    3. The Administration shall review applications and shall evaluate applicants on the basis of qualifications for available positions.
      1. As much appropriate information as possible should be reviewed to assist in selecting the best candidates.  Written evaluations or descriptive reports on his/her student teaching or full-time teaching performance shall have been reviewed.
      2. A minimum of two (2) reference checks is required.
      3. The school administration shall conduct interviews to determine the best candidate for the position.
    4. Nepotism
      1. No one with supervisory responsibility shall hire or recommend for hire any “relative” as defined in Utah Code 52-3-1: “father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.  Furthermore and in addition to Utah Code, corresponding step or adoptive relative, or anyone residing on a permanent basis in an employee’s home will also be considered a “relative.”
      2. No employee shall be directly supervised or evaluated by a relative.  Family members as described in D.1 may not be employed under the same immediate supervisor, defined as the authorized evaluator for the employee, without Cabinet approval and Board notification.
      3. Employees hired prior to adoption of this policy are exempt from this policy except when the proximity of relatives is found to be creating problems.
      4. The hiring of relatives is also prohibited if it results in a conflict of interest with vendors of the District.
      5. In the event of a lack of candidates, a need for specialized skills or unique circumstances, the restriction against hiring relatives may be waived in the best interest of the District upon recommendation of a review committee comprised of the Superintendent and appropriate administrator or director, and upon approval of the Board.
    5. Employment assignments shall be reviewed annually.
    6. The District may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate an individual, or may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against an individual otherwise qualified because the individual breastfeeds or expresses milk in the workplace.  Utah Code 34-49-204.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 8/25/2015

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan District is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to staffing schools and departments with the best fit and most qualified candidates available.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for ensuring that staff selection, promotion and salary placement practices comply with state and federal laws, and that the selection, placement and supervision of employees are free from discrimination, favoritism, or other unethical practices.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates to the Human Resource Department the responsibility for screening and selecting all education support professionals and shall protect the safety and interest of students by hiring only those individuals who are qualified according to state requirements and pass a background check.  All personnel who do not require state teacher or administrative/supervisory certification are designated as education support professionals.Staff selection and placement, promotion and salary placement for part-time and full-time education support professionals shall be accomplished through the use of the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Background Checks:  Individuals who are offered employment with the District shall be required to prove they are worthy to hold the trust required in a sensitive employment position through the following process:
      1. Each prospective employee shall agree to be fingerprinted and sign a waiver facilitating a criminal background check through the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.
      2. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall review each evaluation report received from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification to determine final eligibility for employment.
      3. No one shall be hired whose record shows a felony or misdemeanor conviction in an area which causes concern for the safety and well-being of students.
      4. Information disclosed by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation shall not be released to any other agency or individual.
    2. Nepotism
      1. No one with supervisory responsibility shall hire or recommend for hire any “relative” as defined in Utah Code 52-3-1  “father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.   Furthermore and in addition to Utah Code, any corresponding step or adoptive relative, or anyone residing on a permanent basis in an employee’s home will also be considered a “relative.”
      2. No employee shall be directly supervised or evaluated by a relative.  Family members as described in B.1 may not be employed under the same immediate supervisor, defined as the authorized evaluator for the employee, without Cabinet approval and Board notification.
      3. Employees hired prior to adoption of this policy are exempt from this guideline except when the proximity of relatives is found to be creating problems.
      4. The hiring of relatives is also prohibited if it results in a conflict of interest with vendors of the District.
      5. In the event of a lack of candidates, a need for specialized skills or unique circumstances, the restriction against hiring relatives may be waived in the best interest of the District upon recommendation of a review committee comprised of the Superintendent and appropriate administrator or director, and upon approval of the Board.
      6. When other qualified candidates have not applied, task assignments of short duration (generally less than sixty (60) working days) may be exempt from this policy.
    3. Selection and Placement of Entry Level Personnel
      1. All job applicants shall be required to complete an online employment application in its entirety.  Failure to complete any portion of the application may disqualify the applicant from employment consideration.
      2. Recruitment, screening and initial interviewing for job openings or positions shall be the responsibility of the Human Resources Department except for designated part-time positions such as sweepers, hourly education support professionals, etc.  Consideration of qualifications shall be determined by job description.
      3. Qualified candidates selected to interview for each opening or position shall be referred to the appropriate building or department administrator followed by a hiring recommendation to the Human Resources Department for final approval.
      4. Continued employment shall be contingent upon satisfactory service.
      5. New employees will be placed on the beginning step of the appropriate lane of the salary schedule unless it is determined that a higher initial step placement is necessary to attract and retain qualified employees in areas of critical District need.  Part-time employees will be placed on the appropriate level step when employed full time.  Employees who work full-time for two or more consecutive summers (a minimum of six months) will be granted one additional step on the salary schedule if hired full time thereafter.
      6. Former full-time District employees who are rehired may be granted full credit on the salary schedule for previous contract experience with the District. Former part-time District employees who are rehired may be granted full credit on the salary schedule for previous experience with the District.
      7. Employees who have retired and are then rehired will be placed up to Step 4 of the appropriate lane.
      8. Salary lane movement will be based upon the above guidelines and the date the employee was hired in the District.  Any person hired between July 1 and Dec. 31 will receive one full year’s experience the following July 1.  Anyone hired between Jan. 1 and June 30 will not receive experience credit for the first months of service up to July 1.
      9. The Administration may choose to promote existing education support professionals to any step and/or lane on the existing salary schedule to retain qualified employees.  The District Administration may make recommendations to the Superintendent for such promotions.
      10. Within its discretion, the Board of Education may augment any existing salary schedule for an existing employee by a specific percentage in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
    4. Job Reviews
      1. The Board of Education established an independent job review procedure through the Human Resource Department to assure the education support professionals job descriptions match the major duties and responsibilities actually assigned to each position by Job Family.
      2. The Board will review the job study results and is responsible to make fiscally responsible salary adjustments.
      3. If the job study reveals an employee is being overpaid in their position, the employee’s salary will be frozen until their current pay falls within their current pay lane.
      4. The Human Resource Department is responsible for revising job descriptions following each job study.
    5. Selection and Promotion of Non-Provisional Personnel
      1. Employees shall be notified of all full-time vacancies at least five (5) days prior to the application closing date.  Notification shall be made on the Human Resource Department website.
      2. Promotion or promote shall mean reassignment to a job which is located on a higher lane of the salary schedule than the lane from which the employee is currently paid or, at the discretion of the Board of Education, to a higher lane of the salary schedule for an employee who retains the same or similar job title and duties in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
      3. All employees may apply for promotion to a position which is posted as a vacancy.  Qualifications being equal, District employees will receive first consideration.  Provisional employees as described in DP314 – Provisional and Probationary Education Support Professionals, II.I. may not be considered for available openings.
      4. An employee who is promoted to a higher position shall be given a trial period of 30 days.  During this 30-day period, the promotion shall be nullified upon request by the District or the employee.  In such a case, the employee shall be returned to his/her former position or a comparable position when available.
      5. The Board of Education may choose to promote existing education support professionals to any step and/or lane on the existing salary schedule to retain qualified employees.  The District Administration may make recommendations to the Board for such promotions.
      6. Within its discretion, the Board of Education may augment any existing salary schedule for an existing employee by a specific percentage in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
      7. Probation reports and negative evaluations older than five (5) years with no repeat violation, as defined by DP 316B—Orderly Termination Procedures for Education Support Professionals, shall not be considered in employee eligibility for promotion or transfer.
    6. Temporary Assignments/Promotion
      On a short-term, temporary basis, it may be necessary for one education support professional to substitute for another education support professional who is assigned to a higher lane on the Education Support Professionals Master Salary Schedule.  Under such circumstances, many responsibilities normally required in the higher position are not required nor accomplished by those in temporary assignments.  While it is neither necessary nor realistic to give equal compensation for such short-term appointments, salary adjustments will be provided when a temporary assignment/promotion is necessitated by the extended illness, injury, or short term leave of an employee.   Beginning on the sixth consecutive working day of the temporary assignment, the promoted employee shall be paid on step two (2) of the higher lane or at $5 per day, whichever is higher.
    7. The District may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate an individual, or may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against an individual otherwise qualified because the individual breastfeeds or expresses milk in the workplace.  Utah Code 34-49-204.
    8. Voluntary Transfers
      Any contract education support professional wishing to transfer laterally or move to a lower lane for which he/she is qualified within Jordan School District shall use the following procedure:

      1. The employee shall submit an online application for any position posted on the District website.
      2. Known vacancies will be posted on the District website for five (5) working days.
      3. The application will be made available to the hiring administrator for first consideration.  Immediate supervisors may not consider new candidates until those requesting a lateral transfer have been considered first.
      4. No employee who is on probation or other disciplinary sanction is eligible for a transfer.

Revision History: 12/13/83, 2/14/12, 8/25/15

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing that the staffing of schools is an administrative responsibility, the Board authorizes the District Administration  to develop policies and procedures to ensure the identification and selection of competent personnel.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Since the success of the educational program is directly dependent upon the personnel who staff the school, efforts shall be made to recruit, select, assign, and retain competent persons.
      1. Staff members assigned to schools shall be properly licensed and qualified to assume appointments.
      2. The Administration shall consider carefully the transfer requests submitted by personnel who have worked successfully in the District.
      3. The Administration shall retain staff balance among all schools.  Each school shall have strong grade-level or department leadership and a balanced combination of experienced and inexperienced teachers.
      4. The Administration shall make periodic reports of staff appointments to the Board.
    2. The Administration shall use a cooperative approach in the staffing of schools.  This approach will involve many administrators and District instructional staff members in the process of determining staff appointments.  Primary responsibility for the recruiting, screening, recommending, and transferring of staff is delegated to the Administrator of Human Resources.  He/she shall be responsible for the initiation of detailed staffing procedures.  Other appropriate administrators, such as Administrators of Schools, directors, and principals, shall cooperate with the Administrator of Human Resources in making staff decisions.
    3. Requests and Preliminary Data
      1. The Administrator of Human Resources shall develop procedures providing personnel an opportunity to make requests for transfer.
      2. The school principals shall prepare preliminary reports indicating anticipated staff needs for the succeeding year.  These reports shall be prepared in accordance with the projected enrollment and pupil-teacher ratios established by the Administration.
      3. Instructional directors, consultants, and coordinators shall consult with the principals and division administrators as information about personnel is required.  Upon request, they will also assist in the recruiting and screening of candidates for employment.
      4. The Administrator of Human Resources shall conduct necessary interviews in screening and determining qualifications of applicants.  He/she shall be assisted by the personnel staffing specialist.
    4. Recommendations
      1. Instructional directors, consultants, and coordinators shall assist with the identification of successful grade-level or department leaders and advise the Administrator of Human Resources concerning the transfer and placement of personnel.
      2. Principals and Administrators of Schools shall make recommendations pertaining to the appointment of grade-level or department leaders and other personnel.
    5. Decisions
      1. The Administrator of Human Resources shall confer with principals and Administrators of Schools in preparing proposed lists of transfers and appointments.
      2. The Administrator of Human Resources shall review and approve the proposed lists of transfers and appointments with the appropriate area Administrator of Schools.
      3. The Administrators of Schools shall review and approve appointments, act as an arbitrator as problems of staff selection develop, and coordinate the reporting between the Human Resources Department and the Superintendent's Office.
      4. The Superintendent shall review appointments and submit periodic reports of staff appointments to the Board.
      5. The Administrator of Human Resources shall coordinate the announcements of approved appointments and notify the personnel concerned.