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  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 3/26/2013
  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need for emergency preparedness planning, the Board authorizes District participation with community leaders and emergency management agencies. These programs shall be planned to accomplish the following:

    1. Extend the local community the greatest possible protection and assistance in times of emergency or disaster
    2. Provide protection and preservation of District properties
    3. Provide leadership assistance, as local and state authorities work to avoid panic or confusion in the event of an attack or disaster
    4. Comply with State Rule R277-400 School Emergency Response Plan.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The responsibility for coordinating emergency preparedness activities within the District shall be delegated to the Administrator of Auxiliary Services and/or designee.  Working with directors and school principals, the Administrator of Auxiliary Services shall direct the planning and conduct of emergency preparedness programs

    1. The Administrator of Auxiliary Services will obtain mutual agreements with local, county, state and federal agencies for the use of any Jordan School District facilities in the event of an emergency or disaster.
    2. Principals shall be responsible for conducting in-service training programs for teachers and appropriate orientation programs for students.
    3. Principals shall work closely with the PTA and other civic groups in correlating school and community emergency preparedness procedures.
    4. The District emergency preparedness program shall be planned and conducted in accordance with guidelines established by state, county and local agencies.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 5/22/2018
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the desire of the Board of Education that each new building constructed reflect those features and designs most appropriate to desirable and current teaching processes and efficient service areas in that school.  The District Administration shall be responsible for the detailed formulation of the educational criteria for a particular building.
  2. Administrative Policy

    The District Administration shall carry out this responsibility in accordance with the directive of the Board of Education and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and building codes.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/29/12
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Acknowledging that physical facilities do affect the learning environment, the Board is interested in the procurement of classroom furniture and equipment that will enable administrators and teachers to conduct effective instructional programs. In so doing, the Board charges the Administration with the following responsibilities:
    1. Working within established budget limits
    2. Striving for economy
    3. Obtaining a balance between quantity and quality
    4. Achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The responsibility for preparing standard lists, developing specifications, arranging displays, and recommending for purchase the classroom furniture and instructional equipment for new schools is delegated to the Purchasing Department.
    1. The Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Prepare and maintain standard lists of equipment which will reflect adequate school planning and curriculum requirements.
      2. Prepare and follow procedures that will allow opportunities for equipment firms to display and to discuss furniture and equipment.
      3. Work to retain a reasonable balance of furniture and equipment in all schools, ensuring all students have similar educational opportunities.
      4. Submit recommended lists of furniture and equipment to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    2. The success of instructional programs is dependent upon many factors and conditions among the most important of which are the following:
      1. Well-trained teachers
      2. A variety of teaching approaches
      3. A balanced curriculum
      4. Quality teaching supplies
      5. Adequate facilities and equipment
      6. Proper classroom furniture, technology, and instructional aids, and equipment
    3. To provide the proper and necessary classroom and instructional equipment for new schools, administrators, instructional staff members, and teachers should collaborate with members of the Information Services, Custodial and Purchasing Departments.  In a team effort, members of the District Administration and local school administrators have the primary responsibility to identify materials needed in schools, and members of the Purchasing Department have the primary responsibility to procure the designated furniture and equipment items.
    4. As an administrative team, leaders of District Administration, local school administration, Business Services and the Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Work within established budget limits
      2. Strive for economy
      3. Obtain a balance between quantity and quality
      4. Achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
    5. Classroom Furniture
      1. Classroom furniture shall include the standard furniture pieces which are common to all schools.  These include the basic classroom tables,  chairs, teacher desks, computers, audio-visual equipment, auditorium seats, and floor covering.
      2. The area Administrators of Schools, department administrators, and school principals shall prepare and maintain lists of standard classroom furniture.
      3. The Administrator of Auxiliary Services, working with the Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services, and Information Systems shall conduct periodic technical evaluations of classroom furniture used in the various schools and make recommendations for changes in the standard lists.
      4. The Purchasing Department shall:
        1. Notify business firms of furniture bids and arrange necessary exhibits.
        2. Work with the school principal, Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services,  Information System s, and the area Administrators of Schools in examining exhibit pieces and preparing recommendations for purchase.
        3. The Purchasing Department shall prepare specific recommendations reflecting the choices agreed upon by collaborating with teachers, instructional staff members, principals, and department directors for furniture and equipment required of all newly constructed schools, and submit these recommendations to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    6. Instructional Equipment
      1. The Purchasing Department, in collaboration with department administrators, shall prepare and maintain lists of instructional equipment to be used in all new schools.
      2. The instructional staff members (directors, consultants, and coordinators) and the Purchasing Department shall work with sales representatives in reviewing materials and obtaining information regarding cost and supporting data.
      3. The school principals, working with the instructional staff members, shall submit requisitions to the area Administrators of Schools for desired equipment items.
      4. The area Administrators of Schools shall review and approve the requisitions and submit the recommendations to the Purchasing Department for processing.
    7. Bids and Price Quotations on Classroom Furniture and Instructional Equipment
      1. When appropriate, state cooperative contracts may be used to procure classroom furniture and instructional equipment.  If pricing, terms, or timelines of delivery offered under a state cooperative contract are found not to be in the best interest of the District, then requests for proposal, bids or quotations will be solicited by the Purchasing Department.
      2. All solicitations for classroom furniture and instructional equipment shall be made by the Purchasing Department.  Results and analysis  from the  solicitation shall be furnished to those responsible for making decisions on furniture or recommendations for choices of specific classroom furniture.
      3. Procurement of instructional equipment shall comply with the following procedure:
        1. The Purchasing Department shall solicit price quotations or bids on various types of equipment for school use.  This information shall be made available to those responsible for making specific choices of equipment.
        2. Where there is no difference in the quality or service of specific items, the Purchasing Department shall be responsible to see that the lowest bid or quotation is accepted.
        3. Where price quotations on similar pieces of equipment are different, local school administrators shall be consulted in making choices of specific items.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 10/14/1986
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for a systematic approach in determining the personnel needed to staff the schools and other departments in the District. A well-developed system of personnel planning and accounting helps predict staff needs and enables the Administration to make sound provision for current and future employment. The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for determining these needs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Human Resources Department shall be delegated the responsibility for setting up such a system of personnel accounting for determining staff needs. The Administration will utilize all data available from various sources in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Utilize projections for future staff needs based on student growth, staff retirements, and replacements
    2. Utilize the projected curriculum requirement of the District
    3. Maximize the use of technology in determining projected pupil/teacher ratios and staff requirements
    4. Consider financial constraints as they apply to future staff needs
    5. Maintain up-to-date files containing data needed to comply with state and federal requirements including certification
    6. Keep abreast of current trends in staffing patterns and be familiar with options available for staffing schools such as differentiated staffing, etc.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 4/26/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that all employees should be placed in the school and department that will best fit the educational needs of the students in the District.  Consideration will be given to the employee's placement preference.  When circumstances make it necessary to transfer employees involuntarily or reduce staff, orderly procedures are to be implemented.
  2. Administrative Policy
    It is the policy of the Administration to assign personnel to the positions that best meet the needs of the District.  Transfers shall be used to maintain a proper balance of experience and specialized competence among the schools of the District.

    1. Voluntary Transfers
      1. The Human Resources Department will identify and advertise known vacancies beginning March 1 of each school year, including those positions which were filled after Jan. 1 of the current school year (except nurses).  Transfer requests will be accepted during the transfer window up through August 1st.
      2. All vacancies for the coming school year occurring between March 1 and June 1, shall be advertised for five working days. Teachers will make transfer requests according to the following guidelines:
        1. All known job vacancies, together with required endorsements and skill requirements, will be posted online.
        2. Teachers interested in transferring must submit a separate transfer request through Skyward Employee Access for any posted position.  during the transfer window, principals will be notified weekly of transfer requests for posted positions,.
        3. Using a common set of criteria such as personnel files, requested qualifications, experience, etc., principals will review requests for transfer and select the candidates to be interviewed.   Principals will interview at least two (2) qualified transfer candidates if available through June 1.  Candidates who are interviewed but not offered a position will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.  When the position has been filled, the posting will be removed.
        4. Beginning the week of February 1 until the teacher transfer fair, teachers interested in transferring in conjunction with the teacher transfer fair may submit a transfer request through Skyward Employee Access.
    2. Involuntary Transfers–Administrative
      1. A principal or immediate supervisor may request the transfer of an employee when in his/her judgment it will benefit the employee, the school, or the District.  Transfer requests stating specific reasons for the transfer shall be made to the area Administrator of Schools.  The area Administrator of Schools shall review the request and recommend approval or denial to the Administrator of Human Resources.  Upon final approval of the Administrator of Human Resources, a copy of the request shall be given to the employee no later than April 1.
      2. An employee whose performance is unsatisfactory may not be transferred to another school unless the
        local school board specifically approves the transfer of the employee. §53G-11-517
        a.  Unsatisfactory performance is defined as minimally effective or not effective on the employee’s
        most recent evaluation.
      3. Involuntarily transferred teachers will be allowed to interview through the voluntary transfer process.  If teachers are not successful in gaining a voluntary transfer by June 1, the District will place the employee in a position for which he/she is qualified.
      4. If, after the employee has been placed, the employee may continue to review through the voluntary transfer process (Refer to Section II A of this policy).
      5. Transfers during the school year shall be avoided.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/27/2001
  • Revised: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Leaves of absence for military service shall be granted to employees who are ordered to active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.
  2.  Administrative Policy
    1. Military leaves of absence shall be granted upon the filing of letters of appointment or official orders, or upon verbal notification by a verifiable military authority, with the Human Resources Department.  All National Guard and Reserve members are required to provide a copy of orders, the annual drill schedule, or other type of documentation to employers as soon as available and, if possible, before the commencement of military leave. Military leave is absence which may be granted to:
      1. Employees ordered into military service of the United States.
      2. Employees ordered to serve in a branch of a reserve unit of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard.
      3. Employees mobilized by the National Guard or a reserve branch of the Armed Forces of the United States to meet local emergency situations.
      4. Employees who are members of an organized reserve unit who are ordered to attend annual inactive duty training.
    2. Military leaves of absence shall be administered as follows:
      1. The District will guarantee that there will be no loss in monthly gross pay or insurance coverage for an employee granted inactive duty training for 30 days or less.  The District will also cover the cost of a substitute, if needed.  In order to ensure no loss in monthly gross pay or benefits, military pay information must be supplied to the Payroll Department during or following military leave.
      2. If military leave is granted for 31-180 days, employees will be required to apply for a leave of absence on a District leave of absence form.  This leave will be without pay, and the District reserves the right to replace the employee on a temporary basis if it is in the best interest of the District.  The employee will be offered COBRA insurance, and upon release, an employee returning from this type of military leave of absence must request reassignment to a position within the District within fourteen (14) days after discharge or separation from active duty or military service.
      3. If military leave is granted for longer than 180 days, employees will be required to apply for a leave of absence, and the District will replace the employee.  Upon release, an employee returning from a military leave of absence must request reassignment to a position within the District within ninety (90) days after discharge or separation from active duty or military service.  Employees will be offered COBRA insurance for a total of 18 months.
    3. Employees whose employment is interrupted by military leave will be given retirement benefits in accordance with Federal Law (Utah Retirement System Employers Guide, Section 2, p. 24).
      1. Jordan School District will complete a Military Leave Notification and submit it to the Utah Retirement System with a copy of the employee’s official call at the time the employee leaves for service.
      2. If the employee is a member of the non-contributory plan, Jordan School District will pay the entire contribution as well as 401K contributions that would have been paid had the employee not left employment.
      3. If the employee is a member of the contributory system, Jordan School District will pay the employer contribution.  The employee must pay the employee portion of the contribution.
      4. For purposes of computing the required contributions, an employee’s compensation during the period of military service will be at the same rate had the employee not been called to military service.
      5. If an employee does not return to Jordan School District following military service, the Utah Retirement System will refund the contribution made to the Defined Benefit Plan but not the 401K.
    4. Employees returning from service under honorable conditions will be assigned to the same or comparable position for which the employee is qualified.
    5. Employees granted military leaves of absence shall receive experience credit on the salary schedule up to a maximum of five years.  They shall also be allowed to make individual contributions to any pension plan, and upon reinstatement, have all privileges and status restored as if they had not been absent.
    6. Jordan School District shall not be required to reemploy any employee who is discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States under conditions other than honorable.
    7. Twelve-month employees who are ordered to attend training sessions or who are assigned to short-term active duty for training shall consult with their immediate supervisor and make every effort to arrange such activities so as to provide for a minimum of interruptions and to promote continuity of work objectives of the District.
    8. An employee on an approved military leave of absence who fails to request reinstatement or who fails to return to the assigned position following discharge/separation from active duty or service may be terminated at the conclusion of the leave since failure of an employee to report is cause for dismissal.
    9. The limit for the amount of voluntary military leave an employee can use and still retain reemployment rights is five years cumulative service.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board is vitally interested in the maintenance and safeguarding of school buildings and property. Responsibility is delegated to the District Administration to develop policies and procedures that will 1) deter acts of vandalism and school burglary, 2) assist law enforcement officers in the identification and apprehension of persons who willfully damage property, steal school materials, and gain illegal entry into school premises, and 3) promote respect for public facilities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Direct responsibility for this phase of school operation shall be delegated to the Administrator of Auxiliary Services. The maintenance and safeguarding of school buildings and property is a shared responsibility of school administrators, licensed personnel, and classified employees. All District personnel shall work cooperatively in protecting school facilities.

    1. Principals, in cooperation with classroom teachers, shall conduct instructional activities designed to promote a respect for public facilities. Such activities shall be considered a part of the crime prevention program and part of citizenship education.
    2. Principals, teachers, and members of the custodial staff shall take precautions to discourage thefts, acts of vandalism and burglaries. Precautionary measures shall include the following:
      1. The careful distribution and accounting of keys
      2. The closing and locking of designated doors and windows
      3. Adequate lighting
      4. The current banking of school monies
      5. The practice of not keeping cash in desk drawers
      6. Other essential practices as determined by the administration
    3. In the event of burglaries, thefts, or vandalism to school property, the
      school principal or his/her representative shall take the following action:

      1. Notify Alarm Response (801)567-8865.
      2. Notify the local Police Department.
      3. Complete a vandalism work order on the online work order system (Sprocket) within 24 hours.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 10/16/2007
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes that there may be times when an employee is subpoenaed as a witness in court for District-related business in which the employee is party to litigation or is called for jury duty.   Therefore, the Board authorizes the District Administration to implement a policy which provides released time to eligible employees for the purpose of service jury duty or appearing as a witness in court.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall administer this policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Notice to the principal or immediate supervisor, together with a copy of the subpoena or notification from the court, shall be given as soon as possible after receiving such notification.  If necessary, after notification to the principal or supervisor, an employee shall arrange for a substitute through regular procedures.
    2. Time off will be documented under the heading "Jury Duty" or "Witness in Court for the District" on the Absence Record form.
    3. The employee shall be paid the difference between his/her regular salary and the amount he/she is paid as a witness or juror.
    4. Any amount paid to the employee for service as a juror or as a witness, excluding mileage, will be deducted from the employee's regular pay, or at the employee’s option he/she may retain the jury duty stipend and forfeit any payment from the District.
    5. This policy does not apply to an employee who is party to litigation or involved in non-District litigation.

Effective: 8/27/1969
Revision: 3/27/1990
Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Employees of Jordan School District are expected to adhere to standards in grooming and dress which reflect a positive image to students and patrons and which are in keeping with a professional education system.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for establishing policy for employee appearance and attire.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Employee appearance and attire is the responsibility of the Administration and shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees shall maintain standards of personal cleanliness which are conducive to good health and contribute to a pleasant working environment.
    2. Employees shall be neatly groomed and dressed in clothing which is suited to the day's work or activity.
    3. Employees shall dress in a manner befitting adults who serve
      as role models for students.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/27/2024
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board delegates the responsibilities of assignment of personnel to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates the responsibility for the placement of all personnel to the Human Resources department.  This shall be done in cooperation with the school principal or the immediate supervisor.  Grade and subject assignment shall be made by the school principal.

    1. Considerations for Placement of Personnel
      1. Assignments of teachers shall take into consideration the best interests of the students, teachers, team, department, and school without undue personal bias.
      2. Licensed personnel shall be notified of school placement and grade and subject assignments as early as possible.
      3. As far as possible, teachers shall be assigned within the field of their training and experience.
      4. The school administrator shall involve the staff in teacher placement to the degree he/she feels is appropriate and without abrogating his/her responsibility.
      5. Employee requests for specific assignments shall be given consideration; however, the final decision is made by the principal or administrator.


Revision history: 3/26/85, 9/8/09

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.