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  • Effective: 10/30/1973
  • Revision: 9/26/2017

  1. Board Directive
    The Board is committed to an on-going evaluation program that is aligned to the Utah Effective Educator Standards (including the Utah Effective Teaching Standards for licensed personnel)and that complies with Jordan School District policy and state law.  (See Utah Code Title 53 -Chapter 8a  Part 4, State Rule R277-530, State Rule R277-531 and State Rule R277-533.) The Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for assuring that the evaluation program is reasonable and fair and based upon an evaluation instrument which is valid and reliable.

    It is the policy of the Board to require all licensed personnel to participate in the evaluation program for the following purposes:

    1. To promote the professional growth and development of educators.
    2. To recognize and encourage the use of effective teaching behaviors which contribute to student progress.
    3. To identify teachers according to their abilities, with the performance expectation that educators strive to receive an effective or highly effective rating.
    4. To provide a basis for decisions affecting employment.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The evaluation program for licensed personnel shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Definitions
      1. "Working days" means the days the educator being evaluated is under contract to work.
      2. "Career educator" means a licensed employee entitled to rely upon continued employment under the policies of the District.
      3. "Provisional educator" means any educator employed by the District who has not achieved status as a career educator, other than a Temporary employee.
      4. “Retired provisional educator” means any educator who has retired from the profession and is returning within three years to a licensed position. The employee’s status is provisional for one year.
      5. "Probationary educator" means any educator employed by the District who has been advised that his/ her performance is inadequate.
      6. "Temporary employee" means an individual who is employed by the District on a temporary basis. Temporary employees include but are not necessarily limited to the following:  substitute teachers, employees hired under contracts for one (1) year only or for less than one (1) year; employees whose positions are funded by grants and/or yearly allocated state or federal monies; and employees whose positions are authorized for no more than twelve (12) months.  A temporary employee also includes anyone who possesses a competency-based license as recommended by the local Board of Education and does not hold a level 1, 2, or 3 license as defined in Section 53A-6-103.
      7. “Jordan Performance Appraisal System (JPAS) evaluation” means the evaluation system for all groups including classroom teachers, special education teachers, speech and language pathologists, school psychologists, counselors, teacher specialists, library media, nurses, audiologists, occupational and physical therapists. The JPAS will be the evaluation of professional practices for high quality performance.
      8. "Utah Effective Teaching Standards-based Jordan Performance Appraisal System (UETS-based JPAS) evaluation" means two unscheduled observations and an interview completed using the UETS-based JPAS instrument. UETS-based JPAS is the summative evaluation tool to be used to evaluate those educators who are in a classroom setting on professional performance, student growth, and stakeholder input.
      9. “Specialized subgroup” means those educators who work in a non-classroom setting such as school psychologists, counselors, teacher specialists, library media, nurses, audiologists, occupational and physical therapist. The summative evaluations used to evaluate the performance of specialized subgroups are administered online through the Jordan Performance Learning System (JPLS).
      10. “Stakeholder input” is input from parents and students collected by appropriate data gathering methods and represents quality practice.
      11. A "summative evaluation" means evaluations that are used to make annual decisions or ratings of educator performance and may inform decisions on salary and employment.
      12. A "formative evaluation" is an evaluation that provides educators with information and assessments on how to improve their performance.
      13. "Other lines of evidence" used for evaluation may include but are not limited to documented concerns or positive written communications from parents, students or colleagues, documented deficiencies in work habits, and/or awards and recognitions for outstanding teaching performance.
      14. A "mentor" is an educator assigned by the immediate supervisor to assist a provisional educator to become effective and competent in the teaching profession.
      15. A “consulting educator” is an educator who has completed special training in coaching and assisting teachers in improving teaching skills and effectiveness. Consulting educators are assigned to educators through the Teaching and Learning Department.
      16. A “level of performance” means upon the completion of a JPAS evaluation, the educator will receive one of the four following differentiated levels of performance: highly effective, effective, emerging/minimally effective, or not effective.
    2. The JPAS is the District's tool for evaluating an educator's performance.
    3. The Educator Interim Evaluation is the District’s tool for conducting interim evaluations of career educators.
    4. Each licensed employee shall be evaluated by his/her principal, principal's designee, or immediate supervisor.
    5.  The principal and/or other licensed JPAS evaluator shall review the purposes and procedures of the evaluation program with all licensed educators at least once each contract year, and each licensed educator shall be provided a copy of the JPAS evaluation instrument.  The educator shall be notified of the evaluation process at least fifteen (15) working days prior to beginning the evaluation.  All provisional educators shall be assigned a mentor.  The mentor will assist the provisional educator in becoming effective and competent in the teaching profession.
    6. Evaluation frequency
      1. Career educators shall be evaluated annually.
      2. Provisional educators shall be evaluated at least once a year. First year provisional educators will be evaluated twice during the contract year.  Second and third year provisional educators that receive a level of performance of “Highly Effective” on the first evaluation cycle will be evaluated once during the contract year.  Second and third year provisional educators that receive a level of performance that is in the “Effective, Minimally Effective, or Not Effective” range on the first evaluation cycle will be evaluated at least twice during the contract year.
      3. Probationary educators shall be evaluated when necessary but not fewer than twice each contract year.
      4. Each licensed educator may be evaluated by his/her principal, principal's designee, or immediate supervisor when necessary.
    7. A UETS-based JPAS evaluation shall include two unscheduled classroom observations, an interview, and professional development meeting.
      1. Two systematic, unscheduled classroom observations shall be conducted by the principal, principal's designee or immediate supervisor using the UETS-based JPAS observation instrument.
        1. Each classroom observation shall be 30 minutes or more of observable time (as defined in the UETS-based JPAS Domains Document) and the two classroom observations shall not be conducted more than fifteen (15) working days apart. The second observation may not be conducted on the same day as the first observation. An educator may request a different observation time once during the evaluation cycle.
        2. The data collected from the first unscheduled observation is sent to the Jordan Evaluation Systems (JES) office as soon as it is completed. The data collected from the second observation and the interview is sent to the JES office to be electronically scored within five (5) working days after completing the interview.
      2. An interview between the educator and principal, principal's designee, or immediate supervisor shall be held within five (5) working days of the second classroom observation. During this interview, data are collected on indicators, which are not included in the UETS-based JPAS classroom observation.  The data collected from the classroom observations are not discussed during the interview.
      3. An individualized UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report will be produced and returned to the building administrator within five (5) working days of the receipt of the second UETS-based JPAS observation and interview form at the District Office.
      4. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report, the principal or immediate supervisor shall hold a professional development meeting for the educator.
        1. The UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report and other lines of evidence shall be reviewed.
        2. Goals for a professional growth plan will be identified on the back of the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report.
        3. Professional growth activities shall be identified to assist educators whose total score on the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report is in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range and a timeline for demonstrating acceptable levels of improvement shall be prepared on the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report Addendum.
        4. If the educator does not agree with any portion of the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report, other evidence, or professional growth activities as outlined, the educator has the right to attach a report to the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report stating his/her views.
        5. The UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report and Addendum, if any, shall be signed by both the educator and the principal, or immediate supervisor. The educator's signature indicates receipt of the report but does not necessarily signify agreement with its contents.
        6. Copies of the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report and Addendum, if any, shall be given to the educator and principal or immediate supervisor, and the original(s) are sent to the Jordan Evaluation Systems (JES) office.
    8. Additional evaluations shall be scheduled for provisional educators whose JPAS total score is in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range. Additional evaluations shall be scheduled for career educators whose JPAS total score is in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range.
      1. A second evaluation for provisional educators shall begin twenty (20) working days or more following the professional development meeting. The second evaluation must be completed sixty (60) working days prior to the end of the contract year.  In addition to the mentor, additional personnel resources may be used to assist the provisional educator whose total score was in the level of performance of the  “Not Effective” range on the first evaluation. Procedures outlined in item G. shall be repeated.
        1. Provisional educators whose total score is in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range shall be given twenty (20) working days or more to improve performance and then a third evaluation shall begin. The educator shall be notified that continued employment with the District is in question.  The plan for improvement developed during the professional development meeting shall serve as the plan required in the Orderly Termination policy.  Request for an outside evaluator must be submitted in writing no later than ten (10) working days after the professional development meeting. The written request must be sent to the JES office. This second or third evaluation may be conducted by the building administrator or, at the request of the administrator or educator, may be conducted by another individual licensed in the use of the JPAS.
        2. Provisional educators whose total score remains in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range on the third evaluation shall be subject to the provisions of Policies DP313—Provisional and Probationary Licensed Personnel, and DP316 NEG—Orderly Termination Procedures for Licensed Personnel.
      2. Career educators whose JPAS total score is in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range shall be given access to resources to help improve performance, and a second evaluation shall begin twenty (20) working days or more following the professional development meeting. The third evaluation must be completed thirty (30) working days prior to the end of the contract year.  If this evaluation cannot be completed thirty (30) days prior to the end of the contract year, the third evaluation will begin in the next contract year as soon as policy provisions allow.  Request for an outside evaluator must be submitted in writing no later than ten (10) working days after the professional development meeting. The written request must be sent to the JES office. This second or third evaluation may be conducted by the building administrator or, at the request of the administrator or educator, may be conducted by another individual certified in the use of the JPAS.
        1. Career educators whose total score improves to the level of performance of the "Minimally Effective, Effective, or Highly Effective" range on the second evaluation have met the evaluation requirements.
        2. Career educators whose total score remains in the level of performance of the "Not Effective" range on the second evaluation shall be placed on probation in accordance with Policy DP313—Provisional and Probationary Licensed Personnel, given access to resources to help improve performance, allowed twenty (20) working days or more to improve performance, and then a third evaluation shall begin.  The educator shall be notified that continued employment with the District is in question.  The plan for improvement developed during the professional development meeting will serve as the plan required in Policy DP316 NEG—Orderly Termination Procedures for Licensed Personnel.
        3. Career educators whose total score remains in the level of performance in the "Not Effective" range on the third evaluation shall be subject to the provisions of Policy DP316 NEG—Orderly Termination Procedures for Licensed Personnel.
      3. Career educators, whose JPAS total score is in the level of performance of the "Minimally Effective" range, shall be given access to resources to help improve performance and may request an additional evaluation within ten (10) working days of receipt of the UETS-based JPAS Feedback Report. Request for an outside evaluator must be submitted in writing no later than ten (10) working days after the professional development meeting. The written request must be sent to the JES office. This evaluation may be conducted by the building administrator or, at the request of the administrator or educator, may be conducted by another individual certified in the use of the JPAS. The additional evaluation will begin at least fifteen (15) working days after the request is received in the JES office.
    9. Educators whose JPAS total score is in the level of performance of “Not Effective” may not advance on the adopted salary schedule
      1. When compensation is withheld, both the educator and the principal, or immediate supervisor, will sign verifying documentation.
    10. Right to review and appeal
      1. Educators have fifteen (15) calendar days following the completion of the evaluation process to request a review of the evaluation findings.
      2. Educators have the right to appeal decisions or implementations based on evaluations under Policy DP315 NEG—Grievance Procedures—Licensed.
    11.  An Educator Interim Evaluation shall be conducted as an evaluation for a career educator each year a JPAS evaluation is not administered; however, a JPAS evaluation may be administered the same year an Educator Interim Evaluation is administered, if requested by the principal, principal’s designee or immediate supervisor.  The Educator Interim Evaluation shall be used by the educator and principal or immediate supervisor as a formative tool throughout the school year that the evaluation takes place.
      1. The Educator Interim Evaluation shall be available electronically.
      2. The level of performance on the Educator Interim Evaluation is the total score from the educator’s last full JPAS evaluation.
      3. The Educator Interim Evaluation will be discussed and acknowledged by both the educator and the principal or immediate supervisor by the end of the school year that the evaluation takes place. The educator’s acknowledgement does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation, but acknowledges they have met with the evaluator and have received this information.
    12. Evaluation records are classified as "Private Records" and shall be managed according to the provisions of Policy DP367—District Records Management.
    13. Nothing in this policy shall prevent the District from taking appropriate disciplinary action for cause as provided for by Utah law, the Utah Code, Utah Administrative Rule, or District Policy DP316 NEG - Orderly Termination Procedures—Licensed.

  • Effective: 7/21/1972
  • Revision: 6/10/2014
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that Jordan School District benefits from hiring licensed employees on a provisional basis until they have proven themselves through satisfactory service for a designated period of time.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for implementing policy for provisional and probationary licensed personnel and overseeing the probationary period.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Provisional employees are to be assigned in their major or minor fields and in areas where they have proper certification.  Provisional employees may be given contract status upon recommendation of the Superintendent or designee when all of the provisional status requirements are met.  An employee whose performance is substandard may be placed on probation in accordance with established policy.
    Provisional and probationary status shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Provisional Status
      1. Licensed employees who begin service with the District after July 1, 1999, with no previous experience shall be considered provisional employees for a period of three (3) years.
      2. Provisional employees will be recommended for regular contract status after they have successfully completed their provisional status, provided they meet the criteria outlined in DP311—Evaluation for Licensed Personnel.
      3. Newly employed teachers with three (3) or more years of satisfactory experience in another district will be required to serve one (1) year as a provisional teacher provided they are hired within three (3) years of their previous teaching experience and successfully meet the criteria outlined in DP311—Evaluation for Licensed Personnel.
      4. Continued employment during provisional status shall be contingent upon successful performance.
      5. A mentor shall be assigned to assist the provisional educator to become informed about the teaching profession and school system.  The mentor shall be assigned at the beginning of the contract year.
      6. The status of a Licensed Provisional Employee may be extended for up to five (5) years in unusual or exceptional circumstances, upon the written request of the principal to the respective Administrator of Schools for approval.  A copy of this request shall be forwarded to the Administrator of Human Resources following a decision by the Administrator of Schools.
    2. Provisional Service
      1. Full or half-time provisional employees who work fifty (50) percent or more of the required contract days in a year shall receive one (1) year of provisional service credit.
      2. The required years of provisional employment must be served consecutively.  Provisional educators whose total score is in the "Met Standard" range on the Jordan Performance Appraisal System (JPAS) for six evaluations (two per year for three years) are eligible for contract status.
      3. Employees taking approved leave prior to completion of provisional status will receive credit for the provisional time served prior to the time the leave is granted.
      4. Former employee(s) and retirees who have been rehired following an absence of three (3) years or less must serve one (1) year as successful provisional employee(s) before regaining contract status.
      5. Former employees who have been rehired following an absence of more than three (3) years must serve two (2) years as successful provisional employees before regaining career educator status.
    3. Information found online
      1. Provisional employees shall have access to information which includes:
        1. A statement of the objectives, aims and philosophy of education of the school system.
        2. A statement of the procedures and personnel policies of the Administration.
        3. A statement of the criteria for evaluating employees.
        4. A statement indicating the sources of supervisory help.
        5. Copies of guides and curriculum manuals which will aid the employee in implementing his/her assignment.
    4. Evaluation
      1. Systematic written evaluations shall be prepared on each provisional employee by January 15 and by April 1.
      2. The written evaluation is to be discussed and signed by both the employee and the immediate supervisor.
    5. Probation
      1. Career educators may be placed on probation at any time by the immediate supervisor with approval from the respective Administrator of Schools and the Administrator of Human Resources.
      2. A conference with the employee must be held to explain the reason(s) for probation.  Following the conference, a written notice of the action must be submitted to the Administrator of Human Resources, a copy provided for the employee, and a copy placed in his/her file in the Human Resources Department.
      3. When an employee is taken off probation as a result of improved performance, written notification will be provided to the employee and a copy placed in his/her personnel file.
      4. When performance does not meet the required objectives within the established time limits, the employee may be terminated in accordance with Policy DP316—Orderly Termination Procedure.


  • Effective: 6/13/1972
  • Revision: 5/28/2024
  • Reviewed: 4/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the directive of the Board to authorize paid sick leave for education support professionals who work 30 hours per week or more and to comply with requirements of Public Law 103-3, Family and Medical Leave Act.  The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for establishing policy for sick leave and family leave benefits. If additional leave is needed beyond what is covered in this policy, refer to DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
  2. Administrative Policy

    1. Purpose
      1. Sick leave is intended for use by the employee only for personal health-related absences, except as outlined below under critical family care. Annual leave should be used for non-critical care of an ill family member.
    2.  Definitions
      1. Immediate family is defined as husband, wife, daughter, son, father, mother, brother, sister, or other person residing in the employee’s home on a permanent basis. Special circumstances may be appealed to the Sick Leave Review Committee for consideration of immediate family status.
      2. Continuous service includes an approved leave of absence, sabbatical leave, sick bank, military and/or FMLA leave.
        1. If an employee resigns his/her position in the District and then returns, he/she must start over on years of service and sick leave accumulation.
      3. Sick Leave Review Committee
        1. A Sick Leave Review Committee, composed of the Human Resources administrator for education support professionals, one other member of the Human Resources Department and two members of the employee agent group, shall be appointed to administer use of the sick bank. The Human Resources administrator for education support professionals shall serve as the chairperson. If one of the employee agent group members cannot be in attendance, an alternative representative will be requested by the employee agent group president.
        2. The Committee shall review all sick bank requests and rule on sick bank usage. The unused sick bank days shall be reported to the Committee on a quarterly basis.
        3. The Human Resources administrator for education support professionals shall make available to the Committee all the information that is submitted with an employee’s sick bank request.
      4. Minutes of all Sick Leave Bank Committee meetings shall be recorded and made available to all Committee members.The sick leave policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions.
    3. Sick Leave Accumulations
      1. Sick leave accumulations are based on unused annual leave. See Policy DP335B Annual Leave – Education Support Professionals for annual leave details.
      2. Annual leave does not need to be exhausted before sick leave can be used.
      3. Maximum accumulations:

        9-Month Employees
        : (Includes all bus drivers and attendants)
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 180 days
        10-Month Employees
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 200 days
        11-Month Employees:
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 220 days
        12-Month Employees:
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 240 days
    4. Sick Leave Benefits During Approved Absences
      Should an employee be granted a leave for any reason, he/she will keep his/her number of cumulative sick leave days to be used upon return, but shall not be considered for sick leave during the time of leave.
    5. Use of Sick Leave for Critical Family Care
      1. Although sick leave is intended for use by the employee for personal health-related absences, some sick leave may be used for critical family care as described below. Annual leave should be used for non-critical care of an ill family member.
      2. A maximum of twelve (12) days of sick leave may be used each year to care for a critically ill member of the employee’s immediate family, as defined above.
      3. Use of sick leave for critical family illness must be authorized by the Sick Leave Review Committee. The employee must submit his/her request electronically by applying online via Employee Access.
      4. Employees may not apply for critical family care benefits until five (5) annual leave days have been used.
      5. In cases of extended critical care, employees may apply for additional days beyond the twelve (12) day allowance.
        1. If more days are needed, employees who continue to deal with a critical family care (as defined in item D.1. above) may apply to the Sick Leave Review Committee for up to three (3) additional days.
        2. If additional days are granted, 40% of the employee’s daily rate for each additional day of leave shall be deducted from the employee’s pay.
    6. Use of Sick Leave for Adoption
      1. An employee who adopts a child must apply for critical family care days by submitting his/her request electronically to the Sick Leave Review Committee by applying online via Employee Access.
      2. Employees may use up to a maximum of twenty (20) accumulated sick leave days at the time actual custody of the child is received. An employee shall not exceed a total of twenty (20) days of leave time, including the use of accrued personal leave days.
      3. Any additional leave must fall under the provisions of DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
    7. Notification of Absence
      1.  Absences due to illness are to be reported to the appropriate office or individual as soon as possible.
      2. The Administration may require a doctor's certificate without regard to the number of sick leave days claimed at any one time.
      3. Employees absent for more than five (5) consecutive days shall apply for FMLA within the policy provisions of DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
      4. Elective surgery shall be scheduled to minimize the time off work.
      5. The employee shall record the absence in Skyward at least one hour prior to the start of his/her contract day or the day of the absence. A supervisor may require additional information.
    8. Abuse of Sick Leave
      1. If an immediate supervisor suspects that an employee has misused his/her sick leave benefit as established by this policy, the immediate supervisor shall conference with the employee.
      2. If it is determined that the employee has misused his/her sick leave the immediate supervisor will forward a written explanation of the abuse to the Administrator of Human Resources or his/her designee and an investigation shall be conducted.
      3. If the investigation of sick leave abuse proves to be true, the following policy provisions will be in effect:
        1. Salary received for those unauthorized days shall be reclaimed.
        2. There shall be a five-day (5) suspension without pay. The principal/director will determine when this suspension will be implemented to cause the least disruption to the school/department and students.
        3. Disciplinary actions taken, up to and including termination of employment shall be entered in the employee's personnel file.
    9. Employee-Funded Sick Bank
      1. Employee Participation in the Sick Bank
        1. Employees are automatically enrolled in the sick bank each year through the annual donation of one (1) annual leave day to the sick bank.
        2. Each year, employees wishing to opt out of participation in the sick bank must annually complete the appropriate online form in Employee Access no later than September 1 for current employees and October 1 for first-year employees.
        3. Employees who have been offered a temporary transitional duty assignment due to a work-related injury, who refuse the temporary transitional duty assignment, will not be eligible for sick bank.
        4. Non-contracted employees shall not be eligible for the sick bank.
      2. Use of the Sick Bank
        1. The sick bank is not intended to be used for in-and-out absences, elective medical procedures or other medical care that could be scheduled during non-contract time.
        2. Employees shall complete an official request for sick bank leave online via Employee Access.
        3. Employees shall complete a release of medical information form to allow the members of the Sick Leave Review Committee to review any medical documentation that they provide with the request for sick bank leave.
        4. Employees shall be required to complete a release of information form to allow the Sick Bank Committee to review their official District personnel file, if the need should arise.
        5. Before an employee is eligible to apply for sick bank leave, the following criteria must be met for each qualifying medical condition. The employee must have:
          1. applied for FMLA (which will run concurrently with any sick bank leave usage); and
          2. exhausted all accrued sick leave days, annual leave days (up to a maximum of five (5) days), vacation days; and
          3. missed a minimum of fifteen (15) work days (any days from #1 and #2 above and/or no-pay days qualify for meeting this requirement).
        6. An employee shall be required to provide the Sick Leave Review Committee with updated information regarding his/her condition every 30 days after the approval of the sick bank leave benefits. Continuation of the sick bank leave shall be contingent upon the information contained in the update.
      3. Sick Bank Allowances
        Employees who are considered “Provisional” as defined in DP314 — Provisional and Probationary Education Support Professionals as of July 1 are not eligible for sick bank benefits that year. An employee’s continuous contracted service as of July 1 will determine his/her sick bank eligibility for that year. Sick leave days per year are based on the following:
        1 - 3 years of service are eligible for up to 15 sick bank days
        4 - 7 years of service are eligible for up to 30 sick bank days
        8 - 11 years of service are eligible for up to 60 sick bank days
        12 years of service and above are eligible for up to 120 sick bank days
      4. Employee Funded Sick Leave Bank Limitations
        1. The illness/injury must be medically documented with a statement bearing an original signature from the attending physician. The verification of absence form may not be stamped with a physician’s signature or signed by the attending nurse, office manager, etc.
        2. A second opinion may be required with any costs not covered by insurance borne by the District.
        3. Prior to granting sick bank leave, an employee shall acknowledge and agree in the online application to repay the sick bank any unused vacation days for sick bank days used or granted before transitioning to long-term disability.
        4. Prior to granting sick bank days an employee shall acknowledge and agree in the online application to repay compensation at his/her daily rate of pay for sick bank days used or granted if he/she terminates employment with the District for other than medical reasons before completion of the current and succeeding contract year. The purpose of said funds would be to purchase days
          for the sick bank.
        5. No employee shall draw more than 120 days from the sick leave bank during a three-year period.
        6. No employee shall take vacation days within 15 working days after drawing upon the sick bank.
        7. No employee shall accrue leave days, i.e., annual leave or vacation while drawing upon the sick bank.
        8. After 180 calendar days, including summer months, sick leave benefits from District sources shall terminate and employees shall transition to long term disability according to the provisions of policy DP317 — Long-Term Disability Insurance.
        9. No appeal beyond the Sick Leave Review Committee is provided.
        10. If all days in the sick bank are exhausted prior to July 1, no additional days will be granted for the remainder of the current contract year.

  • Effective: 1/25/1972
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    In accordance with Utah Code 53G-7-209, the Board authorizes, on condition, the use of school buildings and grounds as civic centers, for other than school purposes.  The Board recognizes that these civic centers shall be established and maintained as limited public forums to District residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings.  It is further understood that use of property for civic center purposes may not interfere with a school function or purpose. Under Utah Code 53G-7-210, the Board directs the Administration to manage, direct, and control the use of school buildings and grounds when used as civic centers.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The Administration shall charge a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities as civic centers so the District incurs no expense for that use.  The Administration shall also ensure that school administrators are trained and properly implement District policy according to Utah Code.
    2. The Administration shall establish the Facility Rental Guidelines, a fee schedule, and personnel necessary to manage the rental and use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes.  The Board will review and approve the Facility Rental Guidelines and fee schedule as needed.  The Administrator of Auxiliary Services shall administer the rules and guidelines and see that all schools follow established policy and procedures.
    3. All Jordan School District employees are directed to support and follow this policy, the Facility Rental Guidelines and Utah Code related to use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes.  Any employee found in violation of this policy may be disciplined up to and including termination, in accordance to District Policies DP316 NEG, DP316A and DP316B—Orderly Termination Procedures.

  • Effective: 1/25/1972
  • Revision: 6/29/1999

  1. Board Directive
    The policy of the Board of Education is to see that schools and departments are provided with furniture, equipment and textbooks which are functional, up-to-date, and in useable condition. The Board is also committed to assure the highest utilization possible of all items purchased with public funds.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for developing guidelines which facilitate appropriate transfer, resale, reuse, and disposal of surplus items.  These guidelines shall be outlined in the Purchasing Manual.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following policy provisions:
    1. Administration Responsibility
      A school or department administrator may declare property owned by the District to be surplus by making a written determination that the property:
      1. Is excess property that is no longer being used;
      2. Has exceeded its useful life;
      3. Is no longer usable;
      4. Is damaged and cannot be repaired;
      5. Is damaged and cannot be repaired at a cost that is less than the property’s value; or
      6. Is no longer required to meet the District’s needs or responsibilities.
    2. Purchasing Department
      The Purchasing Department shall establish rules and procedures for the disposal of surplus property to include:
      1. Procedures for the transfer of District surplus property from one location to another;
      2. Procedures governing school/district administration requirements;
      3. Requirements governing purchasing priorities;
      4. Requirements governing accounting, reimbursement, and payment procedures;
      5. Procedures for collecting bad debts;
      6. Procedures governing the timing and location of public sales of District surplus property; and
      7. Procedures governing the disposition of information technology equipment.
    3. Motor Vehicles
      1. Motor vehicles which have been declared surplus shall be sold by bid, public auction, or used as a trade-in toward a replacement vehicle.
      2. Motor vehicles that are estimated to have little to no resale value due to parts being removed to use on other District-owned vehicles of similar type and function, may be:
        1. Donated to another governmental agency within the state of Utah to conduct trainings or exercises as deemed appropriate; or
        2. Sold for scrap metal.
      3. The bidding procedures shall follow the guidelines outlined in the Purchasing Manual.
      4. District-owned vehicles available for surplus may not have any ancillary or component parts or equipment removed, destroyed, or detached from the vehicle prior to the sale without approval of the Purchasing Department, unless:
        1. The ancillary or component parts or equipment will be used on other District-owned vehicles;
        2. The department or school in possession of the vehicle intends to transfer the ancillary or component parts or equipment to another vehicle within the District; or
        3. The school or department has obtained prior approval from the Purchasing Department to remove ancillary or component parts or equipment from the vehicle intended for surplus.
    4. Furniture and Equipment
      1. District-owned property shall not be destroyed, sold, transferred, traded-in, traded, discarded, donated or otherwise disposed of unless the procedures set forth in the Purchasing Manual are followed.
      2. When a school or department determines that District-owned property is in excess to current needs, it will:
        1. Use as a trade-in on a replacement item.
        2. Transfer directly to another school or department.
        3. Resale or transfer to another governmental agency through negotiated agreements approved by the Purchasing Department.
        4. Notify the Purchasing Department in writing that the school or department has surplus property.
      3. Only those items which cannot be used within the school district, resold, or given away shall be disposed of according to District guidelines.
    5. Textbooks
      1. The District will follow Utah Code 53G-7-602, when determining when textbooks are no longer needed by the District.
      2. Textbooks which are in usable condition shall be made available to all other Jordan District schools according to the following methods:
        1. A list of available textbooks shall be circulated to all District schools by the Administrator of Teaching and Learning;
        2. A database provided by a third party contractor that is in the business of collecting surplus textbooks;
        3. Any other means the District can make available to other schools in the District as directed and approved by the Administrator of Teaching and Learning;
        4. School administrators may request available textbooks on a first come, first served basis.
      3. Textbooks, which are in such deplorable condition that they are unusable or which cannot be transferred, resold, or given away, shall be stamped "discarded" and destroyed.
    6. Discarding Library/Media Books
      In order to maintain a current base of resources in a library media center, it is necessary to “weed” a library collection when materials become worn out, out-dated, or fail to meet curriculum needs.  The following procedures should be followed in discarding library/media books and materials:
      1. The library media specialist will be responsible for “weeding” the library media collection based on the condition of the materials.  The process will include removing the items from the circulation inventory.
      2. The discarded materials will be offered first to teachers in the school for classroom and school use only.
      3. The surplus books and materials will be made available to other District library media specialists.
      4. Books not wanted by the teachers in the school or other District school library media centers will be compiled in a list and boxed and labeled with the school name and the appropriate grade level of the materials (K-6, 7-9, or 10-12).
      5. The discarded books will be sent to the Purchasing Department for appropriate handling of the discarded materials and according to the Purchasing Manual.

  • Effective: 5/24/1971
  • Revision: 12/14/2010
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that the primary responsibility of the total educational process is to provide services to individual students through individualization of programs based on the student's needs, interests and talents.   The Board also recognizes that it is the primary responsibility of the teacher to spend the greatest proportion of his/her time instructing students.  Part-time support personnel may be employed to assist teachers in the educational process.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility to develop and administer a policy regarding part-time support personnel.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration will administer the policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Support personnel work under the direction and supervision of the principal, director, and/or teacher, as applicable.  The teacher has the primary responsibility to educate students, and therefore, should not delegate such responsibility to support personnel.
    2. Support personnel complete a variety of tasks and assignments as outlined in a specific job description and must be able to complete all essential functions listed in the description.  Some of these assignments may include secretarial, clerical, nutrition, custodial, or classroom instruction.
    3. Support personnel employed as classroom or instructional assistants may perform actual instructional tasks under the direction of a teacher.  Under no circumstances would they (1) diagnose educational needs, (2) prescribe action, or (3) evaluate the results of instruction.
    4. The local school administrator will be responsible for developing the staffing pattern of the individual department or grade level.  This will be done in the school in cooperation with the professional staff of these departments or grade levels.  Department directors will also determine staffing patterns based on their department needs and available funding.
    5. All support personnel are considered supplementary and are employed upon the recommendation of the principal with the approval of the Administration.
    6. Support personnel are temporary, non-contracted employees and are considered at-will.  That is, either the employee or Jordan School District may end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason.  Support personnel are employed on a part-time basis only.  Support personnel do not accrue or earn District seniority and are not eligible for any District benefits or state retirement.
    7. If the principal or director determines that there are problems regarding staffing that he/she is unable to solve at the local level, he/she should communicate these problems to the Administrator of Human Resources or his/her designated representative.
    8. The Administrator of Human Resources will involve the respective Administrator of Schools in reviewing the problem and making a recommendation.
    9. Recommendations for the use of support personnel must be approved by the respective Administrators of Schools.
    10. The principal is responsible for ensuring that the support personnel are used in the roles for which they have been hired.
    11. It is the principal's or director’s responsibility to obtain optimum use of the support personnel through the development of an in-service training program for both professional educators and support personnel as well as providing adequate supervision.
    12. The teacher is responsible for using support personnel (within the framework of the job description) to provide the best possible program for the individual student.  Proper use of support personnel will provide the best possible program for the individual student. Proper use of support personnel will provide the professional educator more time to:
      1. Diagnose learning needs of students
      2. Prescribe educational programs for students in accordance with those needs
      3. Interpret and evaluate the results of instruction or testing
    13. The Administration, as they consider the employment of support personnel, will follow job descriptions as approved for individual positions.

  • Effective: 5/24/1971
  • Revision: 8/23/1994
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for school bus discipline in order to assure the safety and well-being of school bus passengers, drivers, and others. Therefore, the Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for establishing policy for school bus discipline.  The privilege of riding the bus is conditional upon compliance with this policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    School bus discipline shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. The school bus driver shall be responsible for maintaining discipline when traveling on a regular bus route, on a field trip or activity run, and while loading and unloading students.
      1. The school bus driver has authority to stop any student behavior which is disruptive, distracting, hazardous, in violation of policy, or in any way poses a threat to safety.
      2. When student passengers are accompanied by a supervising adult, the bus driver shall work through the adult to see that discipline is maintained. The supervising adult is responsible to assure proper student conduct on the school bus.
    2. In providing transportation services, the school bus driver shall adhere to the following:
      1. The driver shall travel prescribed routes except when emergency conditions necessitate a route change.
      2. The driver shall stop the bus to load and unload students only at authorized bus stops or as designated by field trip or travel plans.
      3. Eligibility for bus service shall be based on District and state guidelines.
      4. The driver may make seating assignments.
    3. In order to assure that school buses provide a clean, safe environment, the following regulations shall be observed:
      1. Students shall not be allowed on the bus unless the driver is present.
      2. Students shall not consume drinks or food items on the bus except when unusual circumstances warrant a special clearance from the driver.
      3. No illegal substances, hazardous materials, nuisance items, or animals shall be brought aboard the bus, except approved service animals as required by law.
      4. Bus doorways, steps, aisles, and driving compartments shall be kept free of students, equipment, personal items, etc.
      5. Incidents of vandalism shall be investigated and restitution sought for damages.
    4. The code of student conduct shall be posted in each school bus.
    5. Students who bring a weapon or facsimile of a weapon on the bus or who commit arson, burglary, larceny, criminal mischief, battery or assault, or engage in activities which violate federal, state or local laws, shall be disciplined in accordance with the procedures outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
    6. The following procedures shall be implemented when a rule of student conduct is broken which does not constitute prohibited behavior as outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students:
      1. First Minor Offense:
        The driver shall give a verbal warning.
      2. Repeated Minor Offenses and Serious First Offenses:
        The driver shall issue a student ticket, providing copies for the parents and school administrator.
      3. Continuing Problems and Repeated Serious Offenses:
        The driver shall issue a "Second Offense" ticket, providing copies for the parents and school administrator. The school administrator shall implement disciplinary procedures.
    7. Disciplinary procedures for serious or repeated violations of the rules of student conduct:

      1. The school administrator shall hold a conference with the offending student.
      2. The school administrator shall notify parents of the school bus incident.
      3. The school administrator shall determine appropriate disciplinary action; i.e., reprimand, place on probation, conference with parents, etc.
      4. If the student's riding privileges are in question, a conference must be held with the student, parent, bus driver, and school administrator to determine appropriate corrective action.
      5. The student's due process rights are to be assured according to guidelines outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
    8. When student behavior poses an immediate threat to safety, the bus driver shall do the following:
      1. Stop the bus and identify the student(s) involved.
      2. Restore order.
        1. An offending student may not be ejected from the bus except at the regular bus stop or at the school.
        2. If order cannot be restored, the driver shall call for assistance from the Transportation Department or local police department.
      3. Corrective disciplinary measures shall be determined by the school administrator according to the procedures outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
    9. Information on Policy DA170 School Bus Discipline shall be made available to parents annually as part of the student registration materials.

  • Effective: 10/6/1970
  • Revision: 12/12/2017
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that the length of working days varies for different categories of employees.   The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for establishing the length of the work day and determining the working hours for all employees.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The immediate supervisor or school principal shall have the responsibility of scheduling the hours of work for individual employees to conform to the requirements within each position.  This will be done within the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Licensed personnel assigned to the local schools are expected to be at school at least one-half hour before school begins and to remain at school at least one-half hour after school is dismissed. Licensed personnel working in team-teaching schools with compressed schedules shall be at the school a comparable number of hours as those assigned to other schools.
    2. Licensed personnel working on a part-time basis will have their hours determined by the school principal or immediate supervisor in cooperation with the Administrator of Human Resources and approved by the Superintendent.
    3. Itinerant licensed personnel assigned to the various local schools shall work a number of hours comparable to other licensed personnel.
    4. Licensed personnel may not perform work for or receive compensation from another employer during contract time with Jordan School District.
    5. Hours of work that job share and part-time employees are required to spend on assignments such as parent/teacher conferences, committee work, faculty meetings, etc. shall be prorated by the percentage of a full-time contract.
    6. Principals retain the authorization to require staff to attend up to two events annually outside of contract time
      without compensation, such as Back to School Night or any other school directed event. Parent Teacher
      Conferences are not included and are compensated by days off.

  • Effective: 10/6/1970
  • Revision: 8/23/2022

  1. Board Directive
    It is the policy of the Board of Education that the principal shall work with his/her faculty and student officers to develop a wholesome environment with reference to school publications and all printed material published within the school or from any source that might be distributed in or about the school; also with reference to speech and manners of students, personnel, visitors or guests.
    The Board recognizes the educational value of proper and wholesome resources in the nature of individual personalities, business and institutional publications and the many materials of local, state, and national agencies.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The property, parking lots, sidewalks, facilities of Jordan School District and the publications of Jordan School District are a closed forum, to be managed in the best interests of the students and patrons as determined by the Jordan School District Administration and local school principals.
    2. School Publications and Printed Materials
      The Board places the responsibility for school publications and distribution of any materials with the local school administration. Therefore, printed material of any nature shall not be distributed on the school premises without the consent of the school principal.

      1. Flyers, handbills, or other printed materials which are not either approved by the principal or sponsored by the District are prohibited and may not be posted or distributed on school property or placed in mail boxes that are provided for school staff.
      2. All publications shall be free of any lewd, wanton, or lascivious writings or pictures and shall not promote illegal substance use. There shall be no publications of a nature that would ridicule, defame, belittle, or otherwise injure the character of any individual or group. Material that is reasonably anticipated to substantially interfere with the work of the school or impinge upon the rights of other students is unacceptable for general distribution.
      3. Jordan School District will not accept or publish public political advertising on ballot initiatives, constitutional amendments, and candidates for election. The Board may publicize its position on initiatives and other matters sponsored by the Board or having a direct bearing on the education of students in Jordan School District.
    3. Student Distribution Process
      1. Any student wishing to distribute non-school sponsored material outside of classes or club meetings must first submit for approval a copy of the material to the principal or principal’s designee at least six (6) working days in advance of desired distribution time, together with the date(s) and time(s) of day intended for distribution and the requested location for material to be distributed.
      2. Within three (3) working days, the principal or principal’s designee will review the request and render a decision. In the event that permission to distribute the material is denied or limited, the person submitting the request should be informed in writing of the reasons for the denial or limitation. The request can only be denied for reasons outlined in section II.B.2.
      3. If the principal does not approve the material for distribution, the student may submit a written request for appeal to the Superintendent or designee. A decision will be made within three (3) working days of submitting the appeal.
      4. Permission or denial of permission to distribute material does not imply approval or disapproval of its contents by either the school, the administration, the school board, or the individual reviewing the material submitted.
    4. Speech and Manners
      1. There shall be no display of manner or speech that would be, or tend to be, lewd, vulgar, wanton, lascivious, defamatory, promote illegal substance use, or otherwise be materially disruptive to the wholesome educational environment of the school or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others.
      2. The Board of Education herein adopts the full intent of Salt Lake County Ordinance, Chapter 10.32 relating to "Offenses In or About Schools, Colleges, or Universities," as it may apply to printed materials or speech and manners of all individuals that may be within or about the school premises.
      3. Infractions by other than students shall be reported to the proper authorities. Infractions by students may result in suspension from school.

  • Effective: 8/25/1970
  • Revision: 5/28/2024
  • Reviewed: 5/26/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the value of having a clearly defined statement relative to assignment of bus drivers, and delegates to the Administration the responsibility to administer the following bus driver assignment policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates the responsibility for assignment of bus drivers to the Director of Transportation who shall perform such responsibilities consistent with the following regulations and requirements:

    1. Each driver shall have a valid Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with proper endorsements. Drivers shall receive a reimbursement for CDL renewal.
    2. Each driver shall provide the Director of Transportation with a doctor's statement that the driver has passed a physical examination and is physically fit to assume the full responsibilities of a bus driver.
    3. Once each year (if required), the Board shall pay the cost of the Department of Transportation (DOT) physical renewal, provided the driver uses a qualified physician authorized by the District. Each driver will be responsible for making his/her own arrangements for this physical examination.
    4. Regular Bus Routes - A.M. and P.M.
      1. All bus drivers and bus attendants employed by the District will be assigned a regular morning and afternoon route by the Director of Transportation.  Changes in assignments will be made at the beginning of each school year insofar as possible.  A driver whose contract route is involuntarily reduced mid-year due to unexpected route changes or other extenuating circumstances will maintain their benefit calculation ratio, in effect at the time of the route reduction, through the end of the current contract year.  The benefit ratio determines the amount the employee will pay for insurance coverage.
      2. When vacancies occur on established routes, new routes, kindergarten routes, or special education routes, this information will be posted for five (5) working days at the Transportation Office. Drivers or attendants may sign up for those runs based on department seniority and qualifications. Once the vacancy has been filled, other drivers or attendants may request assignment to the subsequent vacancy. If any created vacancy requires more than 30 hours of work per week, the position must be opened for bid. Any other subsequent vacancies shall be listed and distributed to
        contract drivers who may review and request in writing to the Director of Transportation. All others will be appointed by the Director of Transportation based on qualifications.

        1. Applicants may have one (1) reassignment per fiscal year for any purpose. Additional reassignments are allowed if the reassignment will give the applicant additional hours.
        2. Drivers will be assigned to regular kindergarten routes, and will be paid at their regular rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours, to include 30 minutes for the daily pre-trip/post-trip inspection, cleaning and refueling the bus, or actual time above the two (2) hours regardless of the number of routes served.
        3. Rescheduling of routes may alter time requirements from year to year.
        4. No assignment will be made which creates excessive deadheading. Excessive deadheading shall be defined as "greater than allowed on regular bus runs."
        5. Drivers cannot trade assignments.
        6. Unique circumstances may require the director to reassign drivers or attendants without regard to department seniority when it is necessary to meet special district or employee needs which are reasonable and not arbitrary.
      3. If a driver or attendant requests assignment to a bus run away from the areas in which he/she lives, he/she must furnish his/her own transportation to the point where the bus for that route is regularly stored. There will be no "deadheading" of buses out of regularly assigned areas for the convenience of the drivers or attendants.
    5. Regular Program Runs
      Minimum contract hours include 30 minutes for the daily pre-trip/post-trip inspection, cleaning and refueling the bus.

      1. For drivers hired on a contract prior to July 1, 2014:  Drivers will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the four (4) hours per contract day.  Some bus runs may not require the services of a driver for a normal four (4) hour day.  As few drivers as possible shall be hired for less than a regular contract.  These drivers shall be paid the regular contract hourly rate.  If a contract driver is assigned to these runs, other work may be required to fulfill the hourly requirements of a contract bus driver.
      2. For drivers hired on a contract on or after July 1, 2014:  Drivers will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the six (6) hours per contract day.
    6. Drivers shall be paid as follows:
      1. Driving time shall be paid at the driver's established hourly rate.
      2. Payment for field trip/activity runs shall be based on actual driving and layover time plus a one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus.  A minimum of two (2) hours is required.
      3. The hourly rate of pay for substitute bus drivers shall be equal to 100 percent of Lane 7, Step 1.
    7. Drivers shall be compensated according to the the Standards for Utah School Buses and Operations Manual for time required for pre- or post-trip and for time spent cleaning and fueling vehicles.
    8. Field Trip and Activity Runs
      1. Driver assignments
        1. Drivers interested in driving for field trips and activity runs shall notify the Director of Transportation or designee.
        2. A list of interested drivers shall be compiled in the order of department seniority.
        3. Except in unusual circumstances, drivers shall not be assigned to field trip/activity runs which would require them to exceed a 40-hour work week even if contract hours are not worked because of scheduled or unscheduled leave usage.  All overtime must be authorized by the Director of Transportation.
        4. As far as possible, field trip/activity run assignments shall not interfere with regular route assignments.
        5. Available field trips and activity runs shall be posted in the Transportation Office two (2) weeks in advance or for as many days as possible if two (2) weeks of notification is not received.
        6. Interested drivers must indicate their interest by submitting the proper form with the Field Trip Office by 9:00 a.m. on the posted sign up day.  The driver will list desired field trips/activity runs on the form by request number.  Drivers may choose to be present (not on contract time) when their field trip requests are reviewed.
        7. Available field trip/activity run assignments shall be posted.  Drivers shall bid on field trip/activity runs or be assigned based on the driver’s available hours within the 40-hour work week, department seniority, ability to meet the pick up/drop off time and preference, in that order.  The same driver may be assigned to field trip/activity runs that extend over multiple days.  (Drivers will not be penalized for extra time beyond what was posted or assigned.)
        8. The field trip bid process will proceed on a rotation order beginning with the senior driver on the list of interested drivers. Each driver will be allowed to sign up for one available field trip at a time.  After a driver makes his/her selection, the next driver in seniority will make a selection.  The procedure will continue through the list of interested drivers until all drivers on the list have had a chance to select one (1) field trip.  Following this initial round of field trip selection, drivers who still need required contract hours will be assigned field trips until the obligation is met.  After all obligated contract hours have been met, the field trip assignment process will resume with the seniority rotation procedure until all requested field trip/activity runs have been assigned.
        9. During the weeks prior to September 1 and after the spring sports tournaments, the District cannot guarantee 30-hour contract drivers, assigned to routes of less than 30 hours, the full 30 hours per week.
        10. Field trip/activity run requests made with four (4) -13 days' notice will be assigned by the Field Trip Office using the department seniority list until all requests have been filled.
        11. Field trip/activity requests received with less than 72 hours' notice will be assigned by the Director of Transportation or his/her designee.
        12. Substitute drivers shall not be assigned to field trip/activity runs until all interested benefit-eligible drivers with available hours have been assigned.
        13. Drivers are responsible to pick up their field trip/activity run assignments and paperwork from the field trip office. Any assignment/ paperwork which has not been picked up by Thursday of the week prior to the field trip will be reassigned to another available driver.
        14. Drivers who decline the first assigned field trip/activity run must wait in rotation for his/her next opportunity to select a trip, the same as if he/she had selected a trip on his/her first opportunity.
        15. June Field Trips: Drivers interested in driving field trips and activity runs shall notify the Director of Transportation or designee. A list of interested drivers will be compiled in the order of department seniority. All overtime must be authorized by the Director of Transportation. As far as possible, field trip/activity runs should not interfere with regular route assignments.
        16. July and August Field Trips: the field trip office will compile a list of drivers who are interested in driving during this time period. The bidding process will be done using the phone number(s) provided by the driver. Those drivers who have indicated interest will be called according to the department seniority list. The field trip office will allow 30 minutes for the driver to return the phone call to accept a field trip. After 30 minutes the field trip office will call the next driver in line of seniority. The field trip office will go through the entire list offering trips before returning to the top of the list. Two (2) weeks before the start of traditional school bidding will return to the process described in E.1.a.-g. above.
      2. The Director of Transportation has authority to deviate from the assignment guidelines listed in item E. 1. under the following circumstances:
        1. The field trip/activity run requires more than 15 buses.
        2. The field trip/activity run covers hazardous terrain.
        3. The field trip/activity run request was received on short notice
        4. The field trip/activity run is extended in time and/or distance.
        5. An unexpected need for bus service must be met.
        6. An emergency school closure or evacuation is underway.
        7. A community emergency is underway.
        8. Other compelling reason.
      3. Overnight travel: Drivers will be compensated for a minimum of eight (8) hours for each day traveling to and from the field trip destination.  Drivers will be compensated for a minimum of eight (8) hours for each day at the destination.  In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Regulations, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 395, a Jordan School District bus driver may only be on duty for 15 hours, followed by a full eight (8) hours of off-duty rest time. A driver may only drive for 10 of those 15 on-duty hours. Care should be taken to ensure drivers are well rested in order to operate the bus safely. The schools will be responsible to provide for the expenses incurred to be in compliance with this regulation, which may include a separate hotel room for each driver and any mileage or travel expenses for additional relief drivers.
      4. Bus drivers will be compensated as follows for field trips:
        1. Monday-Friday:   Drivers shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time spent on field trip/activity runs.  This time will include one-half hour for cleaning and fueling the bus.  If the field trip/activity run is cancelled while the driver is on duty or the trip assignment is one-way (either to or from an event), drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two hours with the one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus included as part of the minimum.  The additional costs will be charged to the school or department that cancels the activity.
        2. Weekend/Holidays:  If the school fails to cancel the field trip prior to the driver arriving at the bus facility, the driver shall be paid for four (4) hours.  The costs will be charged to the school or department that failed to cancel the activity.
      5. If the field trip/activity run is not completed on time and a substitute must be assigned to the driver's regular route, the school shall pay a minimum of two (2) additional hours to cover substitute costs.
      6. Upon arrival at the field trip/activity run destination, drivers shall secure the bus and remain accessible to the group unless otherwise instructed by the administrator in charge.
      7. The school administration shall assure that one or more responsible, adult supervisors are aboard each bus that is on a field trip/activity run.
      8. Drivers shall make every effort to assure safety and shall follow established procedures for student discipline.  (See District Policy DA170—School Bus Discipline.)
      9. It is not permitted for drivers to transport family members unless they are part of the group/class paying for the trip. It is also not permitted for Jordan School District buses to travel across State lines.
      10. Jordan School District buses are not authorized to operate between 1:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
      11. When students are engaged in an activity where a change of clothing is required, schools should make arrangements for a changing room for students.  School buses shall not be used as a dressing room.
    9. Assignment of Bus Attendants
      1. Bus attendants will be paid at the regular rate of pay on quarter-hour increments for time worked beyond the contract hours.
      2. For attendants hired on a contract prior to July 1, 2014:  If a bus run does not require the services of a bus attendant for a normal four (4) hours per contract day, the bus attendant will be a temporary at-will substitute bus attendant for actual hours worked.
      3. For attendants hired on a contract on or after July 1, 2014:  If a bus run does not require the services of a bus attendant for the normal six (6) hours per contract day, the bus attendant will be a temporary at-will substitute bus attendant.
      4. Field trip assignments for attendants will be done in the following manner: The field trip office will compile a list of attendants who are interested in being attendants for field trips. Attendants will be notified using the phone number(s) provided by the attendant. Those attendants who have indicated interest will be called according to the department seniority list. The field trip office will allow 30 minutes for the attendant to return the phone call to accept or reject the field
        trip/activity run. After 30 minutes the field trip office will call the next attendant in line of seniority. The field trip office will go through the entire list offering trips before returning to the top of the list.

Revision history:  8/28/12, 7/28/15