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  • Effective: 4/26/2022

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education seeks to provide every student with access to a high-quality learning environment that provides superior educational programming and supports student health and well-being. Board members recognize that at times there may be the need to reconsider the use of District buildings. The Board strives to maximize the efficient use of District facilities while balancing the effect that changes can have on students, families, employees, and communities. The Board of Education has the sole authority to consolidate or close Jordan District schools.The Administration is authorized to administer school consolidation and/or school closures under the direction of the Board.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. When reviewing the use of District facilities, the Board of Education will consider applicable factors including but not limited to:
      1. Need for significant investment in a building
      2. Supplementing general teacher Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
      3. Decreasing enrollment over time, building capacity, and enrollment of near-by schools
      4. New opportunities or use for District needs
    2. When changes are made, the priority of the Board is to provide students and staff with the opportunity to experience a smooth transition. If the Board decides to pursue consolidation or closure, the following conditions will be in place:
      1. Teachers who are subject to policy DP327 NEG - Reduction in Licensed Staff will have access to the negotiated policy protections which include one year of substituting with benefits and guaranteed opportunity to interview.
      2. Education Support Professionals (ESP) who are subject to policy DP349 NEG - Reduction in Force – Contract Education Support Professionals, who apply for and are offered a position at a lower lane, will have their pay held harmless for a period of one year.
    3. Additional consideration will be given to the following possibilities:
      1. Provide temporary transportation to ease transition.
      2. Create a sense of ownership for all students at the receiving school(s) such as:
        1. New name for school
        2. New mascot
        3. Building improvements
        4. Additional programs
      3. Have a plan for the use of the closed school that prioritizes a new opportunity or is utilized for District needs.
      4. Bring in an outside entity to facilitate stakeholder conversations.
    4. Timeline:
      1. October/November
        1. Enrollment, capacity and projection data provided to the Board by staff.
        2. Staff provides Facilities Committee with information on schools that meet the trigger points and an initial analysis of the trigger point data:
          1. Estimated costs associated with all short-term repairs, building lifespan needs over the next five (5) years, and/or addressing the structural safety issues is greater than 35% of the estimated cost of building a new school.
          2. General teacher FTE supplemented to allow for two teacher options per grade level in an elementary school.
          3. Enrollment is below 850 for a middle school.
          4. Five-year enrollment projection data indicates the school will be at or below 50% of capacity and surrounding schools will be at or below 65% of capacity.
        3. Facilities Committee notifies all Board members of schools being discussed and involves the Board member representing the affected school(s) in the discussions.
        4. Facilities Committee will analyze trigger point data, school information, potential resolutions, and determine if further action is recommended.
      2. March - June
        1. Facilities Committee presents recommendation(s) to the Board.
        2. Board reviews the recommendation(s) and identifies next steps.
          1. If the Board determines further action is necessary, the potentially impacted areas will be identified.
          2. If the Board determines no further action is necessary at this time, a timeline for re-evaluation will be established.
      3. May/June
        1. Provide notice to required groups of potential school consolidation or closure 120 days prior to final approval. Utah Code 53G-4-402(21)(a)
      4. August/September
        1. Feedback on options is received from patrons through open houses with stakeholders, surveys, and meetings with other focused stakeholders. (SCC, PTA, faculty, etc.)
      5. October/November
        1. Provide opportunity for public comment during at least two public school board meetings.
        2. Hold a public hearing on the issue.
      6. November/December
        1. Final vote is held during a public general meeting by the Board of Education.
        2. Approved changes take effect the subsequent school year unless noted by the Board.

  • Effective: 8/30/2016
  • Revision:

  1. Board Directive
    The Board may authorize an application to establish and operate a charter school within the geographical boundaries (Utah Code § 53G-5-305). To assist with the Board’s decision whether to approve an application to authorize a charter school and consistent with the guidance provided by the Board, the Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing procedures to administer the policy for submitting an application to the Board seeking authorization by the Board for establishing and operating a charter school within the geographical boundaries of the District. All charter schools authorized by the Board are required to comply with federal and state laws, rules and regulations, the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school as set forth in a written charter agreement, and any other agreement entered into with the District.Consistent with the guidance provided by the Board, the Board further delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing procedures to administer the policy for reviewing charter applications of charter schools within the geographical boundaries of the District which do not seek authorization by the Board of Education, but which seek authorization of a charter school from the State Charter School Board (Utah Code § 53G-5-304).
  2. Board Authorization of Charter School Policy
    1. The Board will consider various factors in considering whether to authorize a charter school application including but not limited to the following potential concerns and benefits.
      1. Potential Concerns:
        1. Direct and indirect cost to the District
        2. Impact on District resources
        3. Burden and workload on District employees
        4. Dilution of Board focus
        5. Consequences of charter failure
        6. Long-term sustainability
        7. Financial responsibility
        8. Perceptions of employees and community
        9. Indicators of high quality education
        10. Oversight
      2. Potential Benefits:
        1. Increased high quality opportunities
        2. Specialized programs/opportunities
        3. Smaller school and classroom size
        4. Magnet schools
        5. Understanding and interacting with charter community
        6. Potential economic benefit to taxpayers
        7. Flexibility
        8. Engaging community
        9. Perceptions of employees and community
        10. Breaking boundaries
    2. Application for Authorization by the Board of Education
      1. Submission of Application for Board Consideration
        1. An application shall conform to requirements specified by the Utah Charter School Act (Utah Code
        2. According to the guidance provided by the Board, the District Administration will develop District charter school application procedures which may specify when applications may be submitted for Board consideration and which will specify any information required to be included in a charter application for an application submitted to the Board for its authorization of a charter school within the geographical boundaries of the District, which may include the following:
          1. the charter school's proposed curriculum, instructional program or delivery methods;
          2. a method for assessing whether students are reaching academic goals, including, at a minimum, participation in the Utah Performance Assessment System for Students under Chapter 1, Part 6, Achievement Tests;
          3. a proposed calendar;
          4. sample policies;
          5. a description of opportunities for parental involvement;
          6. a description of the school's administrative, supervisory, or other proposed services that may be obtained through service providers; or
          7. other information that demonstrates an applicant's ability to establish and operate a charter school.
        3. According to the guidance provided by the Board, the District Administration will develop District charter school application procedures which will include minimum academic, financial, and enrollment standards and timelines setting forth the when and how an application may be submitted to the Board for its authorization.
        4. The Board will review and provide written notice of its acceptance or rejection of an application within forty-five (45) days after the application is received by the Board.
      2. Rejection of Application
        1. If the Board rejects the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason for the rejection.
        2. Upon rejection:
          1. the applicant may submit a revised application for reconsideration by the Board, or
          2. the applicant may seek a charter from the State Charter School Board under Utah Code § 53G-5-304.
      3. Approval of Application
        1. If the Board approves the application, the applicant and the Board shall set forth the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school in a written agreement.
          1. The charter agreement shall be in compliance with Utah Code § 53G-5-303.
          2. The charter agreement will include the authorization period established by the Board.
          3. The charter agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of the Board and the governing body of the charter school.
        2. Approval for authorization is conditioned upon the express understanding that the governing body of a charter school, the nonprofit corporation under which the charter school is organized and managed, and the charter school are solely liable for any damages resulting from any legal challenge involving the operation of the charter school.  All charter agreements will include an indemnification provision that provides that the governing body, the charter school, and any managing nonprofit corporation will fully indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Board and District from any claims asserted against them that arise as a result of the operation of the charter school.
        3. The Board may authorize a charter school for an authorization period up to fifteen (15) years but not less than (3) years before reauthorization must be sought.
    3. Requests for Authorization by the State Charter School Board
      1. Application to State Charter School Board
        An applicant seeking authorization of a charter school from the State Charter School Board for a charter school located in the District shall provide a copy of the application to the District either before or at the same time it files its application with the State Charter School Board.
      2. District Feedback
        The Board authorizes the District Administration to review the application with the State Charter School Board and offer suggestions or recommendations to the Board.  The Board may instruct the Administration on whether to take a position on the application and on what, if any, suggestions or recommendations to then offer the applicant or the State Charter School Board prior to the State Charter School Board acting on the application.
  3. Policy Expiration
    Unless extended or expressly modified by the Board, this policy will expire on July 31, 2017.

  • Effective: 9/13/2005
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education has statutory authority over all issues relating to the effective and efficient operation of the school district (Utah Code Title 53G Chapter 4).  Locally elected Board of Education members should retain the right to operate the school district without undue influence or control from outside groups, organizations, associations, political parties, or special interests.  The Board authorizes the Administration to administer the negotiated policies on behalf of the Board. The Board also recognizes the importance of an orderly process to arrive at a negotiated settlement with the recognized exclusive representatives and bargaining agents of the education support professionals employee group.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the Administration the responsibility of conducting good faith negotiations within the parameters set by the Board and reporting those negotiations to the Board.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The employee agent group is defined as the professional employee association with the largest membership based on full-time equivalent employees.  The Administration will recommend to the Board a negotiating team to represent the Board in conducting negotiations with the recognized employee group according to approved administrative policy provisions.

    1. The Board of Education recognizes the need to negotiate with employee issues relating to wages, hours, and working conditions.  Effective immediately, only the following policies will remain as negotiated polices:
      • A5B NEG Released Time for Education Support Professionals Agent Group President
      • A6B NEG Negotiations—Education Support Professionals
      • DA168 NEG Assignment of Bus Drivers and Bus Attendants
      • DP314 NEG Provisional and Probationary Education Support Professionals
      • DP315B NEG Grievance Procedure—Education Support Professionals
      • DP319B NEG Retirement—Education Support Professionals
      • DP326 NEG Sick Leave—Education Support Professionals
      • DP330B NEG Bereavement Leave—Education Support Professionals
      • DP335B NEG Annual Leave—Education Support Professionals
      • DP336B NEG Leave of Absence (1 Year)—Education Support Professionals
      • DP337B NEG Leave of Absence—(Personal-15 Days)—Education Support Professionals
      • DP343 NEG Hours of Work—Education Support Professionals
      • DP347 NEG Protection of Employees
      • DP349 NEG Reduction in Force—Contract Education Support Professionals
      • DP353 NEG Assault or Abuse of Employees
      • DP354B NEG Attendance Incentive—Education Support Professionals
    1. NOTE: Any other policies or specific aspects of certain policies where negotiation with employee groups is stipulated by state or federal law.
    2. The education support professionals will be represented through the Joint Relations Committee, which will be comprised of the Board’s negotiating team and the negotiating team for the education support professionals employee group. Team membership will be established no later than October 1 of each school year. The mission of the Joint Relations Committee is to enhance the professional employee association/District relationship by fostering open communication and a free exchange of ideas and to identify and resolve issues in a collaborative environment to allow us to provide a quality education for every child in Jordan School District.
    3. Regularly scheduled meetings (monthly) of the District Advisory Council (Policy A3B Released Time – Educational Support Professionals) will be held to review and discuss policies, including compensation discussions, to begin no earlier than May 1 of each contract year.  Dates can be changed by mutual agreement.
    4. Formal negotiations meeting dates will be determined no later than May 1 of each contract year.
    5. Beginning with the first negotiating session, procedural agreements concerning negotiations will be mutually established.
    6. Changes in compensation and negotiated policy will be considered and finalized through the negotiation process.
    7. The District shall comply with Utah Code 53G-11-206 and will require reimbursement to the school district of the cost of paid association leave activities to the extent required by the Code.
    8. After June 15, if agreement has not been reached in negotiations, the Board or the employee agent group or both parties may declare an impasse.
    9. Immediately after declaration of impasse by either party, the Board will invite the employee agent group to participate in mediation using the services of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.  The role of the mediator will be to facilitate communication.  All costs associated with mediation will be shared equally by the Board and the employee agent group.
    10. If mediation is not completed or otherwise terminated within forty-five (45) days after the appointment of a mediator, further mediation may continue at the discretion of the Board.
    11. A negotiated agreement entered into by the Board will be posted on the District’s website within ten (10) days of ratification of the agreement.

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 6/25/2002
  • Revision: 7/10/2007
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Policy
    The Board recognizes the need for guidelines relating to the absence of education support professionals to engage in activities within employee agent groups. The Administration is directed to administer guidelines for released time for education support professionals for employee agent activities.
  2. Administration Policy
    The following policy will be administered for released time for education support professional personnel employee agent group activities:

    1. The president of the employee agent group may be released as outlined in Policy A5B NEG – Released Time for Education Support Professionals Agent Group President.
    2. No employee shall be given approval for release from his/her duties for activities unless the release is requested in advance in writing by the employee agent group and approved in writing by the Superintendent or designee.  All duties performed by employees on paid employee agent leave must directly benefit the District.
    3. No employee other than the employee agent group president (see Policy A5B NEG) involved in Association activities that do not directly benefit the District shall be given approval for released time in excess of five (5) days in any one school year.
    4. The appropriate salary and benefit costs for employees granted released time for activities including those that do not directly benefit the District shall be assessed to the employee agent group.  This will be accomplished through remittance of such fees to the District from the respective employee agent group.
    5. Leave records with associated costs will be on file in the Human Resources Department.


2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 6/19/2001
  • Revision: 6/12/2007
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board authorizes the release of the education support professionals agent group president as specified below and directs the Administration to allow such absences according to the following provisions.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following administrative policy provisions shall be followed in administering this policy:

    1. The employee agent group president, when serving on a released-time basis, will be released from his/her current assignment.  The employee agent will reimburse the District the total salary and benefits of the president for such released time.
    2. The released time president will declare whether it is his/her intention to return to his/her assignment previously held.  If so, at the completion of his/her term of office, the Association president will be returned to the school building, department or site where previously assigned.
    3. The right of return to the same position will exist for a maximum of two (2) years.  If a request is made for an additional term of office, the president will be guaranteed a return to the District in a position for which he/she is qualified.  The return after three (3) years may not necessarily be in the same building, department, or site which the president left.
    4. If appropriate, the individual(s) replacing the released-time president will be advised that the placement is for a limited term.
    5. Time served as released president will be counted for purposes of experience credit on the District salary schedule.  The released president will accrue all sick leave, personal leave and other leave allowed by District policy.
    6. If the employee agent group president is not serving on a full-time released-time basis, the following provisions will apply:
      1. The employee agent shall be allowed up to twenty-five (25) days per year for its president to perform employee agent business.
      2. The employee agent shall pay appropriate salary and benefit costs for days used up to twenty-five (25).
      3. These twenty-five (25) working days of release time do not include time spent on District-assigned  committee/task force meetings.
      4. For time spent on District-assigned committee/task force meetings, the employee agent group president must present a document to his/her supervisor, signed by the Superintendent, authorizing the released time.
      5. The normal notification procedures used for leave shall be followed.

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 1/2/2001
  • Revision: 9/27/2022

  1. Board Directive
    It is the desire of the Board of Education that each new building or other facility within the District is given a name that lends dignity and status to the school or facility.  Therefore, the Board authorizes the administration to develop policy for administering the naming of new buildings, existing facilities, or parts of facilities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The Board of Education reserves the right to name all new buildings that are constructed or purchased. This will be accomplished after community input and by submission of an appropriate name by members of the Board of Education.  The name for any new facility must be approved by the Board of Education by a majority vote. The policy on naming new buildings or portions of a building will be administered as follows:
      1. The process for the naming of any new or existing facility or portion of a facility must begin with the Superintendent, Administrator of Schools, or the building principal.
      2. Any portion of a school not named after an individual or entity, but whose name is in keeping with the tradition and dignity of the school and the District, does not need the approval of the Board.
      3. The Board will consider petitions or recommendations for the naming of a new or existing facility providing ample time is given to the Board for a response. Requests from the principal or administrator must provide evidence of significant community input and should be submitted to the Board of Education.
      4. Any person or entity for whom the facility or a portion of the facility is named must have made a significant contribution to the educational system or community for a minimum of at least ten (10) years and if involved with the school or District as a full-time or part-time employee, paraprofessional or volunteer, the individual under consideration must be retired for at least five years. Individuals not in these categories must be deceased for at least one year before consideration will be given to naming a school facility in his/her memory.
      5. No dedicatory ceremonies for any facility are to take place without direction from the Board of Education.
      6. If the school administration or community desires to establish a process for placing memorial displays in a school, a committee representing the administration, faculty and community must be formed to select any names to be considered. Location of plaques of this nature must be approved by both the Administrator of Auxiliary Services and the appropriate area Administrator of Schools.
      7. No District funds are to be allocated for the purchase of memorial plaques or similar recognitions. Installation of any kind of memorabilia must be accomplished either by or under the direction of Jordan School District.
      8. All schools must follow established procurement practices, building codes, etc.
    2. The Board of Education gratefully considers named gifts to Jordan School District when substantial financial contributions are made by individuals or groups. The Board strives to recognize these major contributors in a long-lasting and meaningful way. The policy on named gifts shall be administered as follows:
      1. Named gifts to Jordan School District shall not impact, restrict, or limit the Board’s ability to purchase, sell or trade property and award contracts in the best interest of the District.
      2. All named gifts shall be unanimously recommended to the Board of Education by the Board of Directors of the Jordan Education Foundation.
      3. The person for whom a gift is named must be a well-respected individual whose name will lend dignity and status to the school or facility.
      4. Naming Schools for Donors
        Gifts valued at $2,000,000 or more that facilitate construction of a new school may be recognized by naming the school for the donor or the donor’s designee under the following conditions:

        1. The donor is the largest single contributor to the project.
        2. The Board has not already committed to name the school for a previously qualifying donor.
      5. Naming Facilities for Donors Including Auditoriums, Field Houses, Stadiums, Media Centers, Computer Labs, Science Centers, etc.
        Gifts valued at $500,000 or more that facilitate capital improvements at an existing school or District-owned building; e.g., remodels, additions, reconstruction, etc., may be recognized by naming the improved facility for the donor or donor’s designee under the following conditions:

        1. The donor is the largest single contributor to the project.
        2. The Board has not already committed to name the facility for a previously qualifying donor.
      6. Recognizing Gifts with Plaques or Other Appropriate Memorials
        Gifts valued at $50,000 or more that are used to improve educational facilities, to provide services for students or staff, or to enhance educational programs may be recognized with a plaque or other appropriate memorial at the location where the gift is received.

        1. The gift must make a significant difference to the educational system.
        2. The gift must help achieve a goal established by the school or other educational entity.

  • Effective: 6/13/1995
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 6/25/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board authorizes establishment of Department Advisory Councils to provide an orderly, professional means of improving program coordination and communications within departments for education support professionals.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Department Advisory Councils shall be administered as follows:

    1. Organization and Operation
      1. Department Advisory Councils shall be composed of representatives mutually appointed by the employee agent and the  department administrator.  Employee agent representatives will be appointed yearly by the employee agent group.
      2. The council membership shall select a chairman to serve for a one-year term.
      3. Councils shall address issues and items of business introduced by the council members with the exception of administrative policies and programs which are outside the purview of the department.
      4. Each council shall meet monthly or as often as business dictates.
        1. Meetings of the Council shall be held at other than regular working hours. If circumstances should require that a meeting be held during working hours, committee members may be excused from their regular duties without loss of pay.
        2. If no agenda items are submitted by the Wednesday prior to the meeting, the scheduled meeting will be canceled.
      5. Minutes of each council meeting shall be kept and distributed to department employees, Superintendent, Administrator of Auxiliary Services, Administrator of Human Resources, and the employee agent group.
      6. Based upon District and department needs, new Department Advisory Councils may be developed as needed.  Educational support professionals who are not served by a Department Advisory Council shall continue to direct concerns to the District Advisory Council.
    2. Council Membership
      1. Custodial Advisory Council:  Membership shall include one high school head custodian, one middle school head custodian, one year-round and one traditional elementary head custodian, one lead custodian, one assistant custodian, one Custodial Specialist, one custodial representative, and the Director of Custodial and Energy Services.
      2. Nutrition Services Advisory Council:  Membership shall include one high school manager, one middle school manager, one year-round and one traditional elementary manager, one traditional, one year-round and one secondary nutrition services worker, one secondary lunch clerk, one nutrition services representative, the Director of Nutrition Services, and one coordinator designated by the director.
      3. Maintenance Advisory Council:  Membership shall include one representative from each of the following trades—audio visual, carpentry, electrical, painting, plumbing, trade repairs, HVAC, mechanical, and grounds plus one maintenance representative, the Director of Facility Services, and one lead person designated by the director.
      4. Transportation Advisory Council:  Membership shall include one bus driver, one bus attendant, one mechanic, one special education driver, one transportation representative, the Director of Transportation, the transportation coordinator(s) and the secretary.

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 8/2/1994
  • Revision: 3/22/2005
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that the free flow of information is basic to an effective school system.  The Board authorizes the Administration to establish policy for receiving and responding to employee suggestions to improve and promote education within the District.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Suggestions from employees shall be received and responded to according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Any employee may submit a suggestion, anonymously if preferred, to the District Administration or the Board of Education.
    2. Suggestions may be mailed to the attention of the District Administration or the Board of Education, e-mailed to individual District administrators or Board members, and/or may be deposited in a suggestion box provided by members of the Board at various locations throughout the District.
    3. Suggestions from employees and/or patrons may also be made through an online suggestion box on the District website.

  • Effective: 2/9/1982
  • Revision: 6/11/2019

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the importance of an orderly process to arrive at negotiated settlements with the recognized exclusive representatives and bargaining agents of employee groups (licensed and educational support professionals, excluding administrators).  The Board, therefore, delegates to the Administration the responsibility of conducting good faith negotiations within the parameters set by the Board and reporting those negotiations to the Board.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The employee agent group is defined as the professional employee association with the largest membership based on full-time equivalent employees.  The Administration will recommend to the Board a negotiating team to represent the Board in conducting negotiations with recognized employee groups according to approved administrative policy provisions.

    1. The licensed employees will be represented through the Joint Relations Committee, which will be comprised of the Board’s negotiating team and the negotiating team for the licensed employee group.  Team membership will be established no later than October 1 of each school year.  The mission of the Joint Relations Committee is to enhance the professional employee association/District relationship by fostering open communication and a free exchange of ideas and to identify and resolve issues in a collaborative environment to allow us to provide a quality education for every child in Jordan School District.
    2. Regularly scheduled meetings (monthly) of the Joint Relations Committee (Licensed – Policy A3)  will be held to review and discuss policies, including compensation discussions, to begin no earlier than May 1 of each contract year.  Dates can be changed by mutual agreement.
    3. Formal negotiations meeting dates will be determined no later than May 1 of each contract year.
    4. Beginning with the first formal negotiating session, procedural agreements concerning negotiations will be mutually established.
    5. Changes in compensation and negotiated policy will be considered and finalized through the negotiation process.
    6. The District shall comply with Utah Code 53G-11-206 and will require reimbursement to the school district of the cost of paid association leave activities to the extent required by the Code.
    7. After June 15, if agreement has not been reached in negotiations, the Board or the employee agent group or both parties may declare an impasse.
    8. Immediately after declaration of impasse by either party, the Board will invite the employee agent group to participate in mediation using the services of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.  The role of the mediator will be to facilitate communication.  All costs associated with mediation will be shared equally by the Board and the employee agent group.
    9. If mediation is not completed or otherwise terminated within forty-five (45) days after the appointment of a mediator, further mediation may continue at the discretion of the Board.
    10. A negotiated agreement entered into by the Board will be posted on the District’s website within ten (10) days of ratification of the agreement.
    11. Results of negotiations will be released in separate but simultaneous meetings by the Board of Education and Jordan Education Association. 

      Revision history:  3/27/2018

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 7/1/1980
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for guidelines relating to the absence of licensed personnel to engage in activities within employee agent groups.  The Administration is directed to administer guidelines for released time for licensed personnel for released-time activities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following policy will be administered for released time for licensed personnel for employee agent group activities:

    1. The president of the employee agent group may be released as outlined in District Policy A5—NEG – Released Time for Licensed Employee Agent Group President.
    2. No employee shall be given approval for release from his/her duties for activities unless the release is requested in advance in writing by the employee agent group and approved in writing by the Superintendent or designee.
    3. No employee other than the employee agent group president (see Policy A5—NEG) involved in activities that do not directly benefit the District shall be given approval for released time in excess of five (5) days in any one school year.
    4. The appropriate salary and benefit costs for employees granted released time for activities including those that do not directly benefit the District shall be assessed to the employee agent group.  This will be accomplished through remittance of such fees to the District from the respective employee agent group.
    5. Leave records with associated costs will be on file in the Human Resources Department.