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  • Effective: 7/12/2011
  • Revision:

  1. Board Policy
    The Board recognizes that students who engage in extracurricular activities in the Jordan School District are representatives of the School District and engage in such extracurricular activities as a matter of privilege and not of right. The Board recognizes the need to address serious conduct that may impact ability of the student to act as a representative of the School District which takes place off school property and that is not during school hours, but which nevertheless impacts team spirit, team unity and the educational process of the school district.
  2. Administration Policy
    1. This Policy supersedes all local school policies, team codes and rules.
    2. Any student charged with any felony shall be suspended from participating in any school district sponsored extracurricular activities until the charge is resolved. If the charge results in acquittal or the charges are dropped, then the student shall be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. However, any charge that results in a finding of guilty or entry of a plea of no contest, then the student shall be suspended from all extracurricular activities in the school district for 180 school days after entry of the finding, or the remainder of the school year, whichever is longer.
  3. Guidelines
    1. Student Discipline
      1. Students who are charged with any felony shall be suspended by the school principal from participating in any School District sponsored extracurricular activities as described in AS96 II. B above. Parents/Guardians must be notified of the activity suspension and be notified that the student may also be subject to further discipline pursuant to Policy AS67 NEG—Discipline of Students if or when such action becomes warranted.
    2. Employee Responsibilities
      1. School District employees who become aware of or reasonably believe that felony charges have been filed on a student shall immediately (by the next working day) report that information either to the building principal or the designee of the Superintendent of Schools. The principal shall promptly notify their immediate supervisor upon receiving a report of a felony charge.
      2. Principals who receive a report of a felony charge on a student shall, within twenty working days after receipt of such report, verify the accuracy of the report, apply the suspension as required and submit a report to the Superintendent’s designee which includes:
        (a) available details leading to the felony charge
        (b) the identity of the person/persons involved
        (c) action taken in response
      3. A review of the principal’s decision by the program specialist of Student Intervention Services may be requested by the parent/guardian of the charged student. The request must include written notification asking for the review as well as other pertinent documents submitted by the charged student’s family.

  • Effective: 5/8/2001
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education is aware that occasionally employees provide or participate in private but public education-related activities outside of their public education employment.  The Board directs the Administration to set direction and parameters in policy which define when an employee is acting within the scope of employee duties with respect to school district activities, identifies when an employee does not represent the school district, and provides notice to employees regarding disclosure duties (Utah State Board Rule R277-107).
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Definitions
      For purposes of this policy the following definitions apply:

      1. "Activity Sponsor" means a private or public individual or entity from which the employees of the school district receive compensation of any sort and in which public school students participate.
      2. "Extra-Curricular Activities" means activities for students that are recognized or sanctioned (but not necessarily sponsored) by the school or school district that may supplement or complement required programs or regular curriculum.
      3. "Private but Public Education-Related Activities" means an activity in which an employee participates and receives compensation from current or prospective students of the school district.  Such education-related activities include but are not limited to:
        1.     Tutoring
        2.     Lessons
        3.     Clinics*
        4.     Camps*
        5.     Travel Opportunities*
          Exempts those sponsored by Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation and local city recreation departments in agreement with Jordan School District.
    2. Employee Participation in Private but Public Education-Related Activities
      1. An employee may participate in a private but public education-related activity if the activity is separate and distinguishable from employment in the school district and does not interfere with performing the duty of employment with the school district in any way.
      2. In promoting a private activity, an employee may not:
        1. Contact any students at public schools except as stated in B. 3. of this policy.
        2. Use education records or information obtained through employment with the school district unless the records or information have been made available to the general public and the requirement of the Federal Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) has been met.
        3. Use school time and/or materials to promote, discuss, or prepare for the private activity.
        4. State or imply to any person or entity that participation in a private activity is required for any school program.
        5. Give or withhold credit based on participation in the private activity, including but not limited to clinics, camps, private programs or travel activities that are not equally and freely available to all students.
      3. In promoting a private activity, an employee may:
        1. Offer public education-related services, programs or activities to students provided they are not advertised or promoted during school time and consistent with the policy.
        2. Discuss the private activity with students or parents only outside of the classroom and the regular school day.
        3. Use directories that are available to the general public to identify prospective clients such as high school phone directories distributed or made available to the public.
        4. Use student or school publications in which commercial advertising is allowed to advertise and promote the private activity.
      4. A student, but not an employee, may submit a request for approval of school credit based on an extra-curricular educational experience under school district policies.  Credit(s) applied for any extracurricular educational experience must be earned from a fully accredited program as per Utah Code §53G-6-406.
    3. Directives Regarding Advertising of Private Activities
      The following directives apply to advertising private activities where employees are involved or affiliated in any way with the group, entity, association or company promoting or sponsoring the private activity:

      1. An employee may purchase advertising space to advertise an activity or service in a publication that accepts advertising, whether or not sponsored by schools in the school district or by the school district.  Such publications include school newspapers and yearbooks but not school newsletters.
      2. The advertisement may identify the activity participants and leaders or service providers by name, provide non-school telephone numbers, and provide details of the employee's employment experience and qualifications.
      3. Posters and brochures may be posted or distributed only at times and in areas of schools and school district buildings where members of the general public are allowed to do so.
      4. Unless the activity is sponsored by the school district, the advertisement shall state clearly and distinctly in bold lettering that the activity is NOT sponsored by the school or school district.
      5. Neither the school nor the school district shall be named in the advertisement except in connection with the employee's employment history or, if school facilities will be used under the school district public civic-center use policy.
    4. Parent Notice and Permission
      Prior to any travel or other activity listed in A. 3. of this policy, parents or legal guardians of all students shall be notified and the parents shall have signed a release of liability form.  This form shall be kept in the administrative office(s) of the school.
    5. Copies of Contracts Provided to School District
      The employee must provide to the principal at the school where he/she is employed a signed copy of all contracts between him/her and the private activity sponsor.  The employee who engages in any private but public education-related activity shall provide a signed disclosure statement to Jordan School District available from local principals.  (See also District policy AA409—Scope of Employment.)


  • Effective: 2/6/2001
  • Revision: 8/23/2022

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education of the Jordan School District has determined that the educational goals of the School District are furthered by recognizing student clubs at the secondary school level which do not materially or substantially interfere with the orderly operation of the school, which are not harmful to the school’s educational mission, which maintain boundaries of socially appropriate behavior, and which are consistent with order and discipline on school premises and the protection of the well-being of students and faculty.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of administering this policy.

    1. Limited Open Forum
      The Jordan School District maintains a “limited open forum” for school clubs at the secondary school level.  A school has a limited open forum whenever the school grants an offering to or an opportunity for one or more noncurricular clubs to meet on school premises during noninstructional time.
    2. Reservation of Right to Close the Forum
      The Board of Education reserves the right to create at any time a “closed forum” by refusing to allow all noncurricular clubs to use school facilities or to define or restrict the rights of all student clubs relative to access to facilities as long as such rules apply to all noncurricular clubs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Definitions
      The following definitions apply to this policy:

      1. “Administration” means the central Administration of the District.
      2. “Closed forum” means allowing only curricular clubs.
      3. “Club” means any student organization that meets during noninstructional time at a school.
      4. “Curricular club” means a club that is school sponsored and that may receive leadership, direction, and support from the school or school district beyond providing a meeting place during noninstructional time. A secondary school curricular club means a club:
        1. whose subject matter is actually taught or will soon be taught in a regularly offered course;
        2. whose subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole;
        3. in which participation in the group is required for a particular course;
        4. in which participation results in academic credit; or
        5. which is a nationally sponsored group and is connected through the Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
      5. “Discretionary time” means school-related time for students that is not instructional time.
      6. “Instructional time” means time during which a school is responsible for a student and the student is required or expected to be actively engaged in a learning activity.
      7. “Limited open forum” means allowing both curricular clubs and noncurricular clubs.
      8. “Noncurricular club” is a student initiated group that may be authorized and allowed school facilities use during noninstructional time by the local school in accordance with the provisions of district policy. A noncurricular club’s meetings, ideas, and activities are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by the school, or by school or district employees.
      9. “Noncurricular club sponsored activity” means an event that is sponsored by a noncurricular club where clubs from other high schools are invited to participate in competitions at their local high school.
      10. “Noninstructional time” means time set aside by the school before actual classroom instruction begins or after actual classroom instruction ends, including discretionary time.
      11. “School facilities” means a school building, premises or playing field.
      12. “School facilities use” means access to a school building, premises or playing field.
      13. “Sponsor” means the faculty member assigned to curricular clubs for custodial purposes, to provide supervision and sponsorship and to ensure compliance with applicable school policies.
      14. “Sponsorship” includes the act of promoting, leading, or participating in a meeting. The assignment of a teacher, administrator, or other school employee to a meeting for custodial purposes does not constitute sponsorship of the meeting.
      15. "Supervisor” means the faculty member assigned to noncurricular clubs for custodial purposes, to provide support as necessary and to monitor meetings to ensure compliance with applicable school policies.
    2. Application
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, between August 15 and October 1 or between March 1 and April 1 faculty members or students seeking authorization of a club under this policy must submit an application to the school.  Each school shall administer the application process.  Noncurricular clubs are required to renew their charter annually.  Curricular clubs are required to have an active charter on file but an annual renewal is not required.  The application process shall include requirements for the submission of the following:

      1. A proposed club name;
      2. A club charter;
      3. A statement of the club’s purpose, goals, and activities;
      4. The proposed name of a faculty member to act as sponsor, or supervisor;
      5. Whether the club seeks curricular or noncurricular status;
      6. A statement of the club’s categorization, which shall be included in the parental consent, indicating all of the following that may apply:
        1. athletic;
        2. business/economic;
        3. agriculture;
        4. art/music/performance;
        5. science;
        6. gaming;
        7. religious;
        8. community service/social justice; and
        9. other.
      7. When the club anticipates holding its regular meetings including times, dates, and places;
      8. Any materials which the club plans to use to solicit membership or to inform others of the club’s existence.;
      9. A budget showing the amount and source of any funding provided or to be provided to the club and its proposed use; and
      10. The club fee amount when applicable. An appropriate fee may be considered and must be approved by the club advisor and the local administration.  Examples of appropriate use of this fee may include but is not limited to the following: club t-shirts, supplies, recognitions, field trip experiences, etc.
    3. Club Charter
      Students or faculty members seeking authorization to establish a club of any type must prepare a club charter which includes:

      1. The purposes of the club;
      2. A description of the types of activities in which club members may be engaged;
      3. A provision that the club must maintain a minimum of seven (7) student members;
      4. A restriction that a student may not participate in or attend club activities unless the student has provided written permission from either a parent with legal custody or other legal guardian; and
      5. A commitment that the club will comply with current Utah Codes all other applicable laws and regulations, and District and school policies and regulations.
    4. Authorization
      1. Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the Board authorizes the local secondary schools within the school district to review applications for authorization of clubs on a case-by-case basis. Before granting an authorization, a school may request additional information from the faculty sponsor, or from students proposing the club, if desired.  No school club shall be authorized unless the school principal or principal’s designee determines that its charter complies with this policy and that authorization of the club will not interfere with the school’s ability to:
        1. protect the physical, emotional, psychological or moral well-being of students and faculty;
        2. maintain order and discipline on school premises; and
        3. prevent a material and substantial interference with orderly conduct of the school’s educational activity.
      2. The school shall deny any access to any club whose program or activities would violate current Utah Codes, any other applicable law or regulation, or any District or school policy or regulation.
    5. Curriculum Related Status
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the local school principal or principal’s designee determines curriculum relatedness by strictly and narrowly applying this policy’s definition of curricular club to the club application.  If the local school principal or principal’s designee finds that the proposed club is not a curricular club, the administrator may:

      1. return the application to the faculty member or student proposing the club for amendment; or
      2. review the application as an application for authorization of a noncurricular club.
    6. Grant, Limitation, or Denial of Club Authorization
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the school principal or principal’s designee shall grant authorization to those applications which are found to meet the requirements of this policy and shall limit or deny authorization to proposed clubs which do not.  When granting authorization, the school principal or principal’s designee shall specify whether the club has curriculum related status or noncurriculum related status.  When limiting or denying authorization, the school principal or principal’s designee shall explicitly delineate in writing to the applicant the factual and legal basis for the limitation or denial.
    7. Club Name
      Approval of a club name may take place separately from that relating to the approval of the club itself.  The local school may grant access to the club but condition such access on the change of the club name to ensure that the club name:

      1. reasonably reflects the actual nature, purpose and activities of the club;
      2. be such that it will not result in undue disruption of school operations, subject students to harassment or persecution, imply that the club would operate in violation of applicable law, or otherwise be inconsistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration; and
      3. will only contain the term “High School” if connected to curricular clubs or teams that are UHSAA sanctioned.
    8. Appeal of Denial of Access
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the applications of all clubs, or complaints, shall be reviewed by the local school principal or principal’s designee within a reasonable amount of time.  If a club is denied access, required to change its name, or a complaint is denied, the reasons or results of an investigation must be provided in writing with the factual and legal basis for the denial and, if appropriate, suggestions for correction.  The Board of Education or its designee may convene a hearing to determine whether any club was properly denied access, suspended, terminated or required to change its name.  The Board of Education or its designee shall issue an opinion in writing either upholding or overturning the decision within thirty (30) days of receiving the appeal which shall be the final administrative decision.
    9. Sponsor or Supervisor
      Each club must have a faculty sponsor or supervisor who must be in attendance at every meeting or activity scheduled on school premises.  No faculty sponsor or supervisor shall be in attendance at any meeting scheduled off of school premises or competition unless prior written approval has been obtained from the principal or principal’s designee.  Students shall cancel any meeting whenever this condition is not met.  Selection and appointment of club sponsors and supervisors shall be made by the school principal or principal’s designee.
    10. Parental Consent
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, written consent from either a parent with legal custody or other legal guardian for student participation in all curricular and noncurricular clubs at school is required prior to a student’s attending or joining a club.

      1. All completed parental consent forms shall be filed by the parent or the club's sponsor or supervisor, with the school’s principal, or their designee.
      2. The consent shall include an activity disclosure statement containing the following information:
        1. the specific name of the club;
        2. a statement of the club's purpose, goals, and activities;
        3. a statement of the club's categorization, which shall be obtained from the application for authorization of a club (see B. Application - item 6.)
        4. a tentative schedule of the club activities with dates, times, and places specified;
        5. personal costs associated with the club, if any;
        6. the name of the sponsor, or supervisor who is responsible for the club; and
        7. any additional information considered important for the students and parents to know.
    11. Participation
      To participate in a club, a student must be currently registered and enrolled at the school.  Persons who are not either registered, enrolled students, or school personnel shall not be allowed access to clubs to direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend club meetings.  All guests must be registered with the school office.
    12. Club Use of Facilities
      1. Club meetings shall take place during noninstructional time.
      2. Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the principal or principal’s designee in conjunction with the facility scheduling office, shall determine which school facilities may be used and when they are available. A school may set the number of hours noncurricular clubs might use the school’s facilities per month, provided that all noncurricular clubs are treated equally.
      3. In assigning school facilities use, priority may be given to curriculum related clubs over noncurricular clubs.
      4. The school may provide financial or other support to curricular clubs.
      5. A preference or priority may not be given among noncurricular clubs.
      6. A school shall only provide the space for noncurricular club meetings and may not spend public school funds for noncurricular clubs, except as required to provide meeting space and faculty oversight.
      7. Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the principal or principal’s designee shall determine what access all student groups will be given to the school newspaper, school yearbook, bulletin boards and public address system and the time, place and manner of student group meetings, provided that all clubs of a given status shall be given equal access.
      8. No student group shall be permitted to engage in or conduct group therapy, counseling or other psychological services of the type provided by licensed professionals.
    13. Club Recognition
      Appropriate ways to recognize students and advertise in all club categories include the following:

      1. Announcements made over the PA system;
      2. Bulletin boards or other specifically designated areas used for group advertisements;
      3. Trophy cases that have been designated for clubs;
      4. School newspaper, newsletters, yearbooks, etc.; and
      5. School marquee.
    14. Distribution of Materials
      1. Materials distributed outside of classes or club meetings must be submitted to the Administration for approval six school days in advance.
      2. All materials must comply with policy AA425 Printed Materials – Speech and Manners.
      3. Appeals may be made as outlined in AA425 Printed Materials – Speech and Manners.
    15. Noncurricular
      Provided the Board of Education maintains a limited open forum, with regard to noncurriculum related clubs, in addition to all other provisions of this policy, the school shall uniformly provide that:

      1. The club meeting is voluntary and student-initiated;
      2. There is no sponsorship (as defined in this policy) of the meeting by the District or by District employees;
      3. Employees of the District are present at religious meetings only in a non-participatory capacity;
      4. The meeting does not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct of educational activities within the school; and
      5. Persons other than club members and supervisors may not direct, conduct, control or regularly attend club activities.

      The establishment of a limited open forum shall not limit the authority of the school, the District, or its agents or employees to maintain order and discipline on school premises, to protect the well-being of students and faculty, and to assure that attendance of students at meetings is voluntary.

    16. Noncurricular Club Sponsored Activity
      Consistent with such procedures, regulations or guidelines as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, noncurricular clubs wishing to sponsor an event where clubs from other high schools are invited to participate in competitions at their local high school must meet the following requirements:

      1. The noncurricular club must be well established with a minimum of a one-year charter.
      2. The opposing noncurricular club must also be well established with a minimum of a one-year charter and/or represented through an association.
      3. The activity is for competitions only and not practices.
      4. The activity must be relative to the club’s purpose as stated in their charter.
      5. The local sponsoring club must be the primary participants.
      6. An approved rental permit must be completed with the Facility Scheduling Office in advance of the competition event to indemnify Jordan School District and warrant that the user will provide the supervision necessary for safe use of the facilities. Additionally, the opposing noncurricular club or association will be required to provide evidence of liability insurance.
      7. The event must be scheduled by the Facility Scheduling Office and in communication with the local high school administration to be listed on the school’s calendar.
      8. Each club will be limited to facility access contingent on space availability.        
    17. Review of Approval
      If the school principal or principal’s designee determines that a club is participating in activities beyond the scope of its charter or is in violation of any law or policy, the school principal or principal’s designee may do any of the following:

      1. Allow the charter to be modified to include the activities if they are in compliance with the law and policies;
      2. Instruct the sponsor or supervisor not to allow similar violations in the future;
      3. Suspend the club’s authorization or school facilities use pending further corrective action as determined by the school principal or principal’s designee; or
      4. Terminate the club’s authorization and dissolve the club.
    18. Revocation of Authorization
      1. A club that is found to have been in violation of the provisions of its charter or to have been engaged in conduct that violates current Utah Codes, any other applicable law or regulation, or any District or school policy or regulation may be subject to charter suspension, revocation or other disciplinary action consistent with policies and procedures established and from time to time modified by the Administration.
      2. Local secondary schools shall notify clubs of intent to pursue disciplinary action.
      3. Hearings to review disciplinary action: Consistent with such procedures as established and from time to time modified by the Administration, the school principal or principal’s designee shall in writing issue a determination with reasons for the disciplinary action taken with regard to a club.

Revision history:  10/18/11

  • Effective: 6/9/1998
  • Revision: 10/27/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that student participation in any extracurricular activity and/or student government is a privilege and not a matter of right.  The Board expects students who are allowed to participate in such activities to be role models.  The Board also requires employees to be role models.  All students and employees are prohibited from engaging in hazing as defined in this policy and as outlined in Utah Code §53G-8-209.  The Board authorizes the District Administration to establish policy for student and employee conduct related to school activities and to take such action when policy is violated.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall take appropriate disciplinary action when students or employees engage in hazing.

    1. Definitions
      1. “Hazing” means intentional, knowing, or reckless acts of a demeaning or assaultive nature, whether or not consensual, or causing another to so act, in connection, affiliated with or sponsored by Jordan School District,  including but not limited to acts that involve;
        1. Endangering the mental or physical health or safety of another;
        2. Any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing harmful substances on another’s body, or exposure to the elements;
        3. Any physical activity that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another;
        4. Any activity that would subject any person to extreme mental stress such as sleep deprivation, extended isolation from social contact or conduct that subjects another to extreme embarrassment, shame or humiliation;
        5.  Use, possession or distribution of controlled substances, drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco or alcoholic beverages;
        6. Threatening comments or statements;
        7.  Cruelty to animals as provided by law;
        8.  Initiation, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in or as a condition for continued membership in any organization;
        9. Forcing others to engage in or be the subject of degrading pranks, games, stunts, practical jokes;
        10. Forcing students to ingest any substance;
        11. Forced personal servitude;
        12. Forcing students to wear outrageous, ridiculous or embarrassing articles of clothing;
        13. Coercing or promoting acts of vandalism, theft, assault, sexual acts or criminal activity;
        14. Coercing or promoting indecent exposure, gross or lewd behavior;
        15. Forcing any student to engage in illegal, perverse, publicly indecent, or immoral conduct.
    2. Policy Provisions
      1. It shall not be a defense that a person under 21 years of age, against whom the hazing was directed, cooperated, acquiesced, consented, and/or also engaged in hazing activity.
      2. Student Discipline
        1. Students who participate in hazing activity shall be suspended by the school principal to a parent conference and be subject to discipline pursuant to Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
        2. Students who illicitly use, possess, and/or distribute a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, tobacco or alcoholic beverages while engaging in hazing shall, in addition to the discipline here provided, be subject to discipline under Policy AS90—Drugs and Alcohol.
      3. Employee Responsibilities
        1. School District employees who are aware of, initiate, promote, and/or engage in hazing shall be subject to adverse employment action including either probation or termination of employment for cause under the appropriate District Orderly Termination policy:  DP 316 – Orderly Termination Procedure – Licensed; DP 316A – Orderly Termination Procedure – Administrators; DP 316B – Orderly Termination Procedures - Education Support Professionals.
        2. School District employees who reasonably believe that a violation of this policy has occurred shall immediately (by the next working day) report the alleged incident, either to the building principal or the designee of the Superintendent of Schools.
        3. Principals who receive a report of hazing shall, within ten (10) working days after receipt of such report, submit a report to the Superintendent’s designee which states:
          1. details of the alleged incident;
          2. the identity of persons believes to be involved;
          3. action taken in response.
        4. Employees who fail to give the notice to his/her immediate supervisor required under this policy have committed an unprofessional practice and shall be subject to adverse employment action, including probation or termination under the appropriate District Orderly Termination policy:  DP 316 – Orderly Termination Procedure – Licensed; DP 316A – Orderly Termination Procedure – Administrators; DP 316B – Orderly Termination Procedures - Education Support Professioinals.  (See Utah Code §53G-8-209 3C).
    3. District Activities
      1. The District and schools shall establish, and provide access to procedures and information regarding hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation.  The information will be posted on the District website.
        1. The District and schools shall develop procedures allowing for anonymous reporting of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation;
        2. Building administration is responsible for conducting investigations and responding to reports of hazing, harassment, bullying, and retaliation.
      2. In addition to the published procedures and notification above, each school shall follow established procedures and plans for:
        1. Involvement of parents or guardians of a perpetrator or victim of hazing, harassment, bullying, or retaliation in the process of responding to, and resolving conduct prohibited in this policy;
        2. Referring a victim of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation to counseling following parental/guardian notice and consent;
        3. To the extent that it is appropriate, treating the perpetrator according to the provisions of District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students;
        4. Training school employees and students to recognize hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation.
    4. Actions Required When Prohibited Acts Are Reported
      1. Each reported complaint shall include:
        1. Name of complaining party
        2. Name of offender (if known)
        3. Date and location of incident
        4. Statement describing the incident(s), including name(s) of witness(es)
      2. Each reported violation shall be investigated by the School Administrator or this/her designee.  Formal disciplinary action is prohibited based solely on an anonymous report of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation.
      3. Violations of the prohibitions noted previously may fall under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students and the consequence(s) may include but are not limited to:
        1. Student suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity, including school-sponsored transportation;
        2. Student referral, under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students, or a lesser disciplinary action which may merit student suspension or expulsion from school;
        3. Employee suspension or termination for cause or lesser disciplinary action;
        4. Employee reassignment; or
        5. Other action against student or employee as applicable.
      4. Action to include when appropriate:
        1. Procedures for protecting the victim and other involved individuals from being subjected to:
          1. further hazing, harassment or bullying; and
          2. retaliation for reporting the hazing, harassment and bullying.
        2. Procedures for a fair and timely opportunity for the accused to explain the accusations and defend his/her actions prior to student or employee discipline.
        3. Reporting incidents of hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation to the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee.
        4. Procedures for providing local employee discipline rights under Utah Code Section 53G-8-204 for employee discipline and District Policy AS67 —Discipline of Students prior to long-term (more than 10 days) student discipline.
    5. Training and Additional Consideration
      1. The training of school employees shall include training regarding hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation.
      2. To the extent possible, programs or interventions designed to provide training and education regarding the prevention of hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation should be implemented.
      3. Training should be extended to volunteer and paid coaches, and activity leaders for all extra-curricular activities.
        1. Participants, volunteers and adult supervisors of extra-curricular activities should be informed annually of this policy and the prohibited activities outlined in this policy.
        2. Participants, volunteers and adult supervisors shall be informed annually of the policy and the potential consequences for violation of the policy.
        3. The District Policy AS95—Conduct Related to School Activities will be reviewed by the District Leadership team comprised of parents, teachers, school administration, school staff and District Administrators.

Revision history:  2/14/12

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 11/18/1997
  • Revision: 12/10/2002

  1. Board Policy
    The Board is concerned that students devote as much time as possible in the pursuit of excellence in the basic areas of the curriculum. The Board also recognizes that activities are an essential part of a student’s school experience and that most activities involving competition between schools should be reserved for high school students. Middle and elementary school activities should be conducted at the local school level as much as possible and within the established guidelines for field trips (AA416).

    1. High school activities include those sponsored by the following:
      1. Utah High School Activities Association
      2. State and/or national affiliated associations
      3. Local school and district sponsored programs
    2. The Administration will obtain information concerning the travel needs from the local schools. The Administration will develop guidelines that will bring into focus the financial feasibility and the priority of the schools.
    3. The Board supports the regulations concerning intrastate competition as approved by the Utah High School Activities Association.
  2. Administration Policy
    High school principals have the responsibility of planning student travel in relationship to the activity program. The following guidelines apply when using District transportation services:

    1. Utah High School Activities Association
      1. District buses may be used to transport participants to UHSAA events or other types of activities as determined by the school administration in conjunction with the Director of Transportation.
      2. Transportation for student spectators in District buses, at student expense, may approved when a specific need arises.
      3. Requests for use of buses are to be submitted to the Transportation Department at least two weeks in advance. This time period may be waived when schools compete in region and state tournaments.
    2. State Affiliated and Local School Activities
      1. Requests for use of District buses to support travel to state affiliated activities and other local school activities are to be submitted to the Transportation Department.
      2. These requests will be considered individually. They must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. This time period is waived when schools compete in region and state tournaments.
    3. When the District does not provide transportation in connection with a school-related activity or event, the following will apply:
      1. Each student desiring to participate in such an activity or event must submit a “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgment” form signed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian which acknowledges that no transportation is being provided by the District and that the student’s participation is conditioned on the student arranging for his or her own transportation to events or competitions associated with the activity. The student may not be a member of the particular team or organization, nor participate in the activity, unless a completed “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgement” form is on file.
      2. When involved in ATE/work-based learning experiences, students will utilize the “Activity Authorization” form developed by the Wasatch Front South Consortium.
    4. Organized tours involving post graduates (especially graduation celebrations) will not be sponsored by the local school or Jordan School District.
    5. Insurance coverage of any type excluding tort liability will not be underwritten by the local school or Jordan School District.
    6. In accordance with Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) bylaws, all practice games over 150 miles one way in any sport must be approved by the local Board of Education or its representative at the District Office. The request for approval must be submitted by the principal, on official school letterhead, and an eligibility list of that particular sport must be attached. Details of the travel experience must be provided.

  • Effective: 7/1/1980
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for guidelines relating to the absence of licensed personnel to engage in activities within employee agent groups.  The Administration is directed to administer guidelines for released time for licensed personnel for released-time activities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following policy will be administered for released time for licensed personnel for employee agent group activities:

    1. The president of the employee agent group may be released as outlined in District Policy A5—NEG – Released Time for Licensed Employee Agent Group President.
    2. No employee shall be given approval for release from his/her duties for activities unless the release is requested in advance in writing by the employee agent group and approved in writing by the Superintendent or designee.
    3. No employee other than the employee agent group president (see Policy A5—NEG) involved in activities that do not directly benefit the District shall be given approval for released time in excess of five (5) days in any one school year.
    4. The appropriate salary and benefit costs for employees granted released time for activities including those that do not directly benefit the District shall be assessed to the employee agent group.  This will be accomplished through remittance of such fees to the District from the respective employee agent group.
    5. Leave records with associated costs will be on file in the Human Resources Department.

  • Effective: 11/12/1974
  • Revision: 9/28/2021

    1. Board Directive
      While study of the basic curriculum shall provide the basis of the educational program, the Board recognizes that extra curricular activities involving travel may provide worthwhile learning experiences for more mature students.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for developing policy for student travel which minimize disruptions in the basic education program, limit most overnight travel to high school students (or ninth grade students approved for high school activity/academic involvement), involve parents in planning, and safeguard students from undue pressure to participate.
    2. Administrative Policy
      The Student Overnight Travel policy shall be administered according to the following  administrative policy provisions:

      1. Principals shall be responsible for coordinating development of student activity and travel plans according to the following criteria:
        1. Whenever possible, student activities shall be scheduled in proximity to the local school and the need for long distance or overnight travel avoided.  Using the travel proposal and request application process, the school must show why the requested activity experience cannot be obtained in proximity to the school.  As a general rule, the Board of Education will not accept requests for travel outside the continental United States.  There may develop, on rare occasions, the need for essential travel of this nature.  If this becomes the case, the school principal may appeal to the Board by demonstrating in writing the absolute necessity of the travel and that all appropriate safety considerations have been addressed.   The principal should be prepared, upon Board request, to appear before the Board for explanation and/or clarification of an appeal of this nature if necessary.
        2. Overnight travel shall not be included as part of the elementary and middle school educational programs.  An exception may be granted to an individual student or group of students that wins a competition supported by the District and who qualifies for state or national level competition, e.g. history fair, science fair, geography bee, spelling bee, etc.  Elementary and middle school students participating in approved competitions requiring overnight travel must be accompanied by a parent. The District is not responsible for any costs, including travel, associated with local, state, or national competitions.  All travel for elementary and middle school students must comply with the provisions outlined in this policy (AA414).  Non-overnight learning experiences away from the local school shall be provided as outlined in policy AA416—Field Trips.
        3. Overnight travel may be part of the educational program for high school students when the travel is for an activity sponsored by the Utah High School Activities Association, a state or nationally affiliated educational organization, or an approved high school program.
        4. Overnight travel may be part of the educational program for high school students when the anticipated educational benefits warrant the required expenditures, comparable experiences are not available at the local school, and the travel costs will not burden families unduly.  All requestors of trips must demonstrate educational significance as to why the students are participating in the activity.  The student overnight preliminary travel proposal form submitted by the principal shall require thorough responses to the following questions:
          1. What is the purpose of the trip?
          2. What will be the educational outcome of the experience?
          3. Can the educational experience be obtained closer to the home school? If not, explain why.
        5. Schools shall abide by the regulations governing intrastate competitions outlined in Article VI of the Utah High School Activities Association bylaws.
        6. Each school group or team shall be limited to one overnight travel experience during the academic year whether or not such travel necessitates missing days of school.  No such experience shall cause a student to miss more than two (2) days of school.  (Special circumstances requiring additional days from school for valid education purposes may be appealed to the appropriate Administrator of Schools.)
        7. Student organizations shall be limited to one overnight travel experience during the school year.  An exception may be granted for up to eight (8) elected student leaders in each Career and Technical Education (CTE) organization if in the principal's judgment it is deemed essential to the successful completion of their program.  (Note: Exemptions granted for leaders in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs need not be counted as the one overnight travel experience.)
          An exception may also be granted to an individual student or group of students if winning at the local, state, or national level provides an invitation to compete at the next level of competition sponsored by the same organization or entity.  Such competition at the next level shall not count as the one (1) activity per organization nor the two (2) allowable days missed from school.  If an invitation to compete does not allow a school time to comply with the stipulation to request leave 45 calendar days prior to a trip, the preliminary travel proposal must be submitted as soon as is feasible.
        8. Supervision for student travel must be provided at least a ratio of one (1) responsible adult age 21 years or older per ten (10) students.  However, there must always be at least two (2) chaperones regardless of the total number of students traveling.  Responsible adults providing supervision will complete the Responsible Adult Information Form.  Each chaperone must have a completed background check through Jordan School District.  Clearance will be verified with the Human Resource department prior to departure.  Chaperones shall be primarily advisers and parents. Under no circumstance can a chaperone’s responsibility be delegated to an unapproved chaperone.  Students can only be released to their parent/guardian.
        9. All expenses (including travel expenses for required chaperones) associated with the trip must be paid by the participants themselves, covered by fund raising, or financed by Career and Technical Education (CTE) or other state or federal monies provided expressly for the activity.  School student body funds may not be used.
          1. The cost of substitutes for required advisers who are accompanying traveling students must be included as part of the travel expense and must be paid by either the travel participants or the individual adviser.
          2. Student body general funds may not be used to pay costs related to student travel.
          3. All student expenditures associated with the trip must be itemized in detail by listing exact costs per student:
            1. travel
            2. housing
            3. meals
            4. registration fees (when applicable)
            5. commercial insurance coverage (if not included in the package)
            6. individual post-departure travel insurance purchased through District travel buyer.
            7. other, i.e. event admissions
            8. chaperone/adult travel costs
          4. The total anticipated expenditure per student must be shown on the application form.  The percentage of the total student cost that may be earned through fund raising efforts must also be listed.
          5. When, in the sole judgment of the Administration or the Board of Education, in consultation with the school and the participating students and patrons, travel is suspended due to safety or other consideration beyond the control of any or all involved, Jordan School District, the Board of Education, school employees and agents shall have no obligation and shall be held harmless with respect to refund of any expenditures.  Participants should not expect refunds for cancellations either individually or as a group.  It is the local school’s responsibility to make this explicit to participants during the required parent meetings and prior to the commitment of funds.  The school administration must be certain that parents are aware of this condition and also require the parents to sign a statement of their understanding.
        10. Transportation shall be by commercial carrier, or by Jordan District Transportation Services for all overnight travel.  No private aircraft may be used for student travel. Ground transportation guidelines are as follows:
          1. Only those commercial carriers licensed to operate in Utah and in other states (when utilized) shall be used.
          2. Jordan District buses may be used in the following circumstances:
            1. The trip is to take place when school is not in session.
            2. The travel is to be within the state.
            3. The request for services is submitted at least one month in advance.
            4. The request is approved by the Director of Transportation.
          3. Overnight travel
            1. Drivers will be compensated for a minimum of eight (8) hours for each day traveling to and from the field trip destination.
            2. Drivers will be compensated for at least eight (8) hours for each day at the destination.
            3. In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Regulations, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 395, a Jordan School District bus driver may only be on duty for 15 hours, followed by a full eight (8) hours of off-duty rest time.
              a) A driver may only drive for ten (10) of those 15 on-duty hours.
              b) Care should be taken to make sure District drivers are well rested so they can operate the bus safely.
              c) The schools will be responsible to provide for the expenses incurred to be in compliance with this regulation, to include a separate hotel room for each driver, and any mileage or travel expenses for additional relief drivers.
          4. Jordan School District buses are not authorized to operate between 1:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
          5. When students are engaged in an activity where a change of clothing is required, schools should make arrangements for a changing room for students.  School buses shall not be used as a dressing room.
          6. No private vehicles may be used in overnight travel or school sponsored excursions that exceed 150 miles one way.  Parents or legal guardians wishing to transport their own children, with the approval of the administration and/or the team coach/adviser, will not be under the jurisdiction of Jordan School District.
          7. Commercially rented buses or other modes of ground transportation may be used upon arrival at destination.  Appropriate ground transportation insurance must be in place.  If the destination is over 150 miles one way, a commercial carrier, with a professional, licensed operator, must be utilized.
          8. Upon arrival at a destination, local ground transportation may be operated by an adult adviser/chaperone who is at least 21 years of age or older if the distance traveled is less than 150 miles one way, and the operator does not have any prior drug/alcohol related driving citations.  The vehicles used for this transportation should never exceed eight passenger capacity.  Fifteen passenger vans are strictly prohibited for any student travel.  Appropriate ground transportation insurance must be in place.
          9. Students are not allowed to drive when participating in overnight travel.
      2. A preliminary travel proposal outlining a desired overnight travel experience will be submitted to the Administrator of Schools prior to any discussion or meetings with parents and at least 45 days prior to the proposed trip.  The preliminary travel proposal for Administrator of Schools and Associate Superintendent,
        Business Administrator, or Superintendent approval shall include:

        1. The name of the group requesting permission to travel.
        2. The objectives of the trip, including valid and complete documentation of the educational outcomes.
        3. The proposed destination, mode of travel, and number of students involved.
        4. The number of school days missed.  (May not exceed two).
        5. The estimated total student cost of the trip including percentage of fund raising used to fund the trip per student. (Section II.A.9.)
        6. Specific and clearly defined reasons why the educational objectives cannot be met at another location closer to home.
        7. The principal's signature of approval.  (Cannot be a designee.)
      3. The final overnight travel request form shall be submitted to the appropriate Administrator of Schools and Associate Superintendent, Business Administrator, or Superintendent seven (7) days prior to departure. In addition to the information named in B. above, the request form shall also include complete documentation and summary of results of a required parent meeting as outlined in D below.
      4. A parent/guardian meeting must be held in conjunction with student travel requests.
        1. This meeting with parents will be held to discuss all costs and the itinerary associated with the proposed trip for the parents of potential student participants.  A parent survey may be utilized if a parent(s) is unable to attend the meeting.
        2. In this meeting parents will be informed, by a school administrator or the adviser in writing, of the proposed travel itinerary, anticipated expenditure per student, fund raising efforts, and the potential for non-refunds or expenditures when trips are cancelled.
          1. If 85 percent of the parents support the plan, a parent approval list will be submitted along with the application request.
          2. If the plan is not supported by 85 percent of the parents, all proposals for the trip will be abandoned.
            All necessary forms will be provided and completed at this meeting.
        3. A notarized statement granting the adviser permission to seek medical treatment for a student, in the event of an emergency, must be provided at the parent meeting or prior to the commencement of the trip.
      5. All overnight student travel participation is strictly optional.  Students who, for any reason, do not participate in activity travel shall not be penalized.  Nonparticipation shall not impact grades or the student's status in the class or organization.
      6. Advisers may not use an excessive amount of class/instructional time to plan and promote the trip.  The trip may only be advertised and promoted to Jordan School District students.
      7. Jordan District schools shall not sponsor activity travel for post-graduate students such as graduation trips, music tours, etc.
      8. Evidence of insurance coverage in addition to that provided by Utah State Risk Management shall be provided by the student organization from one of the following:
        1. The tour provider (vendor)
        2. A commercial group insurance carrier
        3. CHIPS insurance, sold to individual students through the school at reasonable cost
        4. Additional coverage from Utah State Risk Management
        5. In addition to the above insurance coverage, every traveling member will be required to purchase individual post-departure travel insurance through the District travel buyer. These costs shall be shared by the trip participants on an equal basis.
        6. A student shall show proof of family health insurance coverage.  This proof must be on file with the school adviser and provided to the school administration.

  • Effective: 9/2/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

    1. Board Directive
      Recognizing that extra-curricular activities bring to students breadth of experience, leadership training, and citizenship values not always provided in subject matter courses, the Board encourages the school administrators and faculties to determine, plan, and execute, with the approval of the Superintendent, those student activities which in their good judgment will implement, support, parallel and be consistent with the regular academic program.
      These activities shall be in harmony with Board policies and in the high schools with the by-laws and rules of the Utah High School Activities Association. They shall encourage students to develop and maintain high standards of personal conduct, academic powers, civic responsibility, loyal citizenship and wholesome school spirit.
    2. Administrative Policy
      Since all class and extra-class activities are a part of the local school curriculum, school administrators shall plan carefully to obtain quality and balance in their student activity program in acordance with the administrative policy provisions.

      1. Student Events Sponsored by the Schools
        1. All student parties or social activities conducted under the name of a school shall have the approval of the school administration. The administration shall be responsible for seeing that such activities are supervised by licensed personnel.
        2. All student activities shall terminate at a time designated by the school administration.
      2. Programs, Parties, Picnics, Carnivals, etc.
        1. The number of activities approved shall be determined by the school administration
        2. Middle schools and elementary schools are encouraged to schedule student activities during regular school time with the exception of activities that involve the parents of the students.
      3. Safety Precautions
        No activities shall be scheduled that in any way violate the established safety precautions.
      4. Activities After Athletic Contests
        There shall be no dances or other activities held immediately after an interschool athletic contest.
      5. Student Involvement in Planning
        Students, under proper supervision, shall share in the process of designing, developing, and guiding activities.
      6. Selecting Activities
        Selection of activities shall be determined on the basis of student need, interest, and ability. It is advisable to limit the number of activities in which a given student may participate, in order to maintain the proper balance of the student's in-class and extra-class activity.
      7. Where to Hold Activities
        Whenever possible, the school campus shall be the meeting place for all activities.
      8. Budgets
        Under the direction of the principal and faculty members, students shall be involved in preparing activity budgets. The activity budgets shall be accounted for through the office of the principal. Provisions shall be made for a regular checking and auditing procedure and for informing the principal of the financial status of such budgets.
      9. Secret Organizations
        Secret organizations or societies shall not be permitted among the students of the schools.
      10. Records
        Where appropriate, schools are encouraged to have for each activity a written constitution or code of rules outlining the method of operation.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board encourages District participation in worthy school-community contests and special programs.  Programs promoted or sponsored by community agencies and organizations shall be evaluated carefully before student and teacher involvement is committed.  In the evaluation of cooperative activities, their relevance to established curricula and good learning experiences shall receive prime consideration.  Responsibility for the assessment and coordinating of school-community programs shall be delegated to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Since most school-community contests and special programs are planned to complement classroom instruction, responsibility for coordinating such programs is delegated to the Administrators of Schools.  The offices of the Administrators of Schools shall be the clearing house for all requests for participation.

    1. District participation in community contests and special programs shall be determined on the basis of appropriateness (relationship to regular classroom instruction), timeliness (relationship to on-going school activities) and benefits (relationship to educational, civic, social, and ethical development of students).
    2. Contests or programs designed to promote or advertise a specific product or a questionable ideology shall not be approved.
    3. Selected contests and programs shall not place undue burden upon teachers or schools.
    4. The lists of approved contests and activities as published by the NASSP and other state and national associations shall be considered as decisions regarding District participation are made.
    5. Participation by the District or school in local and/or state contests or activities shall be reviewed and approved by a committee consisting of the Administrators of Schools.  A published list of approved activities shall be maintained.
    6. The option to participate or not to participate in approved contests and programs shall remain with the individual school.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 3/29/2016
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Field trips are an integral part of the instructional program and may be provided to enrich or expand learning opportunities for students.  Field trips shall be used to place a variety of civic, cultural, community, and business resources within the reach of the classroom.  Within funding limitations, it is the philosophy of the Jordan School District Board of Education to assure all schools an equal opportunity to receive bus service for field trips. The Board authorizes the Administration to implement a policy for field trips.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall be responsible to see that field trip experiences, which are directly related to established curriculum goals, are provided according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Field trip authorization
      1. Field trips of less than one (1) day duration shall be coordinated and authorized by the school principal who is responsible to assure that adequate funding is available through an appropriate funding source.  In elementary schools, field trips outside of Salt Lake, Utah and Davis Counties must be approved by the Administrator of Schools.
      2. Overnight travel must be authorized by an Administrator of Schools. (Refer to Policy AA414—Student Overnight Travel.)
      3. District consultants, coordinators, and teacher specialists may be assigned to coordinate field trip activities sponsored at the District level.
    2. A Field Trip Planning Guide shall be completed by staff and approved by the school principal for each proposed field trip.  The following information shall be provided by the teacher(s) or adviser(s) requesting the field trip:
      1. A description of the field trip including the purpose of the trip, place of destination, class or sponsoring organization, and number of students involved.
      2. An outline of the field trip curriculum including instruction prior to the event, during transit, at the point of destination, and evaluation or follow-up activities after the event.
    3. All field trips must adhere to established policies and regulations governing student safety, including use of an authorized means of transportation which meets all District and State requirements for transporting students, parent permission for student participation, and an adequate number of qualified adult supervisors who have passed a District background check, if needed.
    4. Bus service
      1. Principals must apply to the District Transportation Department for bus service for field trips a minimum of two weeks in advance.  The Request for Transportation Service should be completed online and approved by the principal and the Director of Transportation.
      2. District buses are generally available to provide field trip service beginning 15 minutes after the latest school starting time and ending 30 minutes prior to the earliest school closing time.
      3. Requests for bus service are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.  Special authorization may be obtained from the Administrator of Schools in hardship or special needs circumstances.
      4. District buses are not authorized to travel in hazardous terrain including unimproved or unmaintained roads.
      5. District buses are not authorized to travel in Big or Little Cottonwood Canyons during winter months or inclement weather.
      6. Field trip drivers will be compensated as follows:
        1. Monday-Friday:   Drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time spent on field trip/activity runs. Time will include plus one-half hour for cleaning and fueling the bus.  If the field trip/activity run is cancelled while the driver is on duty or the trip assignment is one-way (either to or from an event), drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two hours with the one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus included as part of the minimum.  The additional costs will be charged to the school or department that cancels the activity.
        2. Weekend/Holidays:  If the school fails to cancel the field trip prior to the driver showing up at the bus facility, the driver shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours. The costs will be charged to the school or department that failed to cancel the activity.
      7. If the field trip/activity run is not completed on time and a substitute must be assigned to the driver's regular route, the school shall pay a minimum of two additional hours to cover substitute costs.
      8. In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Regulations, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 395, a Jordan School District bus driver may only be on duty for 15 hours, followed by a full eight (8) hours of off-duty rest time. A driver may only drive for ten (10) of those 15 on-duty hours. Care should be taken to make sure drivers are well rested so they can operate the bus safely. The schools will be responsible to provide for the expenses incurred to be in compliance with this regulation, to include a separate hotel room for each driver and any mileage or travel expenses for additional relief drivers.
      9. Jordan School District buses are not authorized to operate between 1:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
      10. When students are engaged in an activity where a change of clothing is required, schools should make arrangements for a changing room for students.  School buses shall not be used as a dressing room.
      11. Upon arrival at the field trip/activity run destination, drivers shall secure the bus and remain accessible to the group unless otherwise instructed by the administrator in charge.
      12. The school administration shall assure that one or more responsible, adult supervisors are aboard each bus that is on a field trip/activity run.
      13. Drivers shall make every effort to assure safety and shall follow established procedures for student discipline.  (See District Policy DA170—School Bus Discipline.)
      14. It is not permitted for drivers to transport family members unless they are part of the group/class paying for the trip.
      15. It is not permitted for Jordan School District buses to travel across state lines.
    5. When the District does not provide transportation in connection with a school-related activity or event, the following will apply:
      1. Each student desiring to participate in such an activity or event must submit a “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgment” form signed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian which acknowledges that no transportation is being provided by the District and that the student’s participation is conditioned on the student arranging for his or her own transportation to events or competitions associated with the activity.  The student may not be a member of the particular team or organization, nor participate in the activity, unless a completed “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgement” form is on file.
      2. When involved in CTE/work-based learning experiences, students will utilize the “Activity Authorization” form developed by the Wasatch Front South Consortium.