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  • Effective: 9/27/2011
  • Revision: 2/27/18
  • Reviewed: 9/22/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the importance of providing education about concussions and head injuries for coaches, school personnel, volunteers, parents, and students, and seeks to provide a safe return to activity for all students following any injury, but particularly after a concussion or other traumatic head injury.  In order to effectively and consistently manage these injuries, procedures have been developed to aid in ensuring that students with traumatic head injuries are identified, treated and referred appropriately, receive appropriate follow-up medical care during the school day, and are fully recovered prior to returning to activity. The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for policy and procedures to manage concussions and traumatic head injuries.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Management of concussions and traumatic head injuries in Jordan School District shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions, and in compliance with  Utah Code 26-53 and Utah State Board of Education Rule R277-614:

    1. All Sporting Events (Including High School)
      1. “Sporting events” shall be defined to include games, classes, tryouts and activities that take place during the regular school day, as well as extracurricular athletic activities sponsored by the school.
      2. The Jordan School District document Guidelines for Management of Sport-Related Concussions and Head Injuries shall be followed in evaluation of head injuries and in determining appropriate action and response.
      3. A copy of this policy, as well as the Guidelines for Management of Sport-Related Concussions and Head Injuries, shall be posted on the District website.
      4. All appropriate staff shall attend a yearly in-service meeting in which procedures for managing sporting event-related concussions are reviewed.
      5. Coaches, teachers, school employees, representatives or volunteers shall remove a student from a sporting event or other physical activity, including recess, field day, or physical education class, if the student is suspected of sustaining a concussion or a traumatic head injury.
      6. In the event a student sustains a head injury during the school day or an extracurricular athletic activity, that student’s parent or guardian must be notified using the form provided by District nursing staff.
      7. The injured student is prohibited from continued participation in a sporting event until the student is evaluated by a trained, qualified health care professional who provides the school with a written statement stating that they have successfully completed a continuing education course in the evaluation and management of a concussion and that the student is cleared to resume participation in the sporting event.All Sporting Events (Including High School)
    2. School-Sponsored Extracurricular Athletic Activities (High School Only)
      1. A copy of Guidelines for Management of Sport-Related Concussions and Head Injuries shall be provided to parents of students participating in school-sponsored extracurricular athletic activities.
      2. The school must obtain the signature of a parent or legal guardian of the child acknowledging that the parent or guardian has read, understands, and agrees to abide by the concussion and head injury policy and guidelines.
      3. Students may not participate in a school-sponsored extracurricular athletic activity until a signed acknowledgement has been submitted by a parent or legal guardian as described in above.
    3. Academics
      1. Annual training will be provided to licensed employees to help educators better understand the potential academic impacts of concussions and traumatic head injuries on students and the accommodations available to educators.
      2. Educators should work with families to help make appropriate accommodations to prevent students from suffering an academic penalty as a result of a concussion or traumatic head injury, and that such injuries are not exacerbated through the strain of coursework. Based on recommendations from a physician, student accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
        1. Assembling a 504 team to determine eligibility and potentially develop a 504 plan. This option involves additional educators and parents in a formal process to determine appropriate accommodations as a team.
        2. Assigning a “P” grade in place of a letter grade in order to provide credit without affecting the student’s GPA.
        3. Assigning an “I” grade in place of a letter grade in order to give students more time to complete coursework.
        4. Allowing additional time to complete coursework.
        5. Reducing the coursework required.
        6. Developing a Health Plan according to policy AS88 Health Care Services for Students with Special Needs.
        7. Continuing coursework through the Home and Hospital program.
        8. Freezing a grade.
        9. Providing a variety of assessments.
        10. Allowing for oral work in place of written work.

  • Effective: 7/12/2011
  • Revision:

  1. Board Policy
    The Board recognizes that students who engage in extracurricular activities in the Jordan School District are representatives of the School District and engage in such extracurricular activities as a matter of privilege and not of right. The Board recognizes the need to address serious conduct that may impact ability of the student to act as a representative of the School District which takes place off school property and that is not during school hours, but which nevertheless impacts team spirit, team unity and the educational process of the school district.
  2. Administration Policy
    1. This Policy supersedes all local school policies, team codes and rules.
    2. Any student charged with any felony shall be suspended from participating in any school district sponsored extracurricular activities until the charge is resolved. If the charge results in acquittal or the charges are dropped, then the student shall be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. However, any charge that results in a finding of guilty or entry of a plea of no contest, then the student shall be suspended from all extracurricular activities in the school district for 180 school days after entry of the finding, or the remainder of the school year, whichever is longer.
  3. Guidelines
    1. Student Discipline
      1. Students who are charged with any felony shall be suspended by the school principal from participating in any School District sponsored extracurricular activities as described in AS96 II. B above. Parents/Guardians must be notified of the activity suspension and be notified that the student may also be subject to further discipline pursuant to Policy AS67 NEG—Discipline of Students if or when such action becomes warranted.
    2. Employee Responsibilities
      1. School District employees who become aware of or reasonably believe that felony charges have been filed on a student shall immediately (by the next working day) report that information either to the building principal or the designee of the Superintendent of Schools. The principal shall promptly notify their immediate supervisor upon receiving a report of a felony charge.
      2. Principals who receive a report of a felony charge on a student shall, within twenty working days after receipt of such report, verify the accuracy of the report, apply the suspension as required and submit a report to the Superintendent’s designee which includes:
        (a) available details leading to the felony charge
        (b) the identity of the person/persons involved
        (c) action taken in response
      3. A review of the principal’s decision by the program specialist of Student Intervention Services may be requested by the parent/guardian of the charged student. The request must include written notification asking for the review as well as other pertinent documents submitted by the charged student’s family.

  • Effective: 6/9/1998
  • Revision: 10/27/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that student participation in any extracurricular activity and/or student government is a privilege and not a matter of right.  The Board expects students who are allowed to participate in such activities to be role models.  The Board also requires employees to be role models.  All students and employees are prohibited from engaging in hazing as defined in this policy and as outlined in Utah Code §53G-8-209.  The Board authorizes the District Administration to establish policy for student and employee conduct related to school activities and to take such action when policy is violated.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall take appropriate disciplinary action when students or employees engage in hazing.

    1. Definitions
      1. “Hazing” means intentional, knowing, or reckless acts of a demeaning or assaultive nature, whether or not consensual, or causing another to so act, in connection, affiliated with or sponsored by Jordan School District,  including but not limited to acts that involve;
        1. Endangering the mental or physical health or safety of another;
        2. Any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing harmful substances on another’s body, or exposure to the elements;
        3. Any physical activity that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another;
        4. Any activity that would subject any person to extreme mental stress such as sleep deprivation, extended isolation from social contact or conduct that subjects another to extreme embarrassment, shame or humiliation;
        5.  Use, possession or distribution of controlled substances, drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco or alcoholic beverages;
        6. Threatening comments or statements;
        7.  Cruelty to animals as provided by law;
        8.  Initiation, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in or as a condition for continued membership in any organization;
        9. Forcing others to engage in or be the subject of degrading pranks, games, stunts, practical jokes;
        10. Forcing students to ingest any substance;
        11. Forced personal servitude;
        12. Forcing students to wear outrageous, ridiculous or embarrassing articles of clothing;
        13. Coercing or promoting acts of vandalism, theft, assault, sexual acts or criminal activity;
        14. Coercing or promoting indecent exposure, gross or lewd behavior;
        15. Forcing any student to engage in illegal, perverse, publicly indecent, or immoral conduct.
    2. Policy Provisions
      1. It shall not be a defense that a person under 21 years of age, against whom the hazing was directed, cooperated, acquiesced, consented, and/or also engaged in hazing activity.
      2. Student Discipline
        1. Students who participate in hazing activity shall be suspended by the school principal to a parent conference and be subject to discipline pursuant to Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
        2. Students who illicitly use, possess, and/or distribute a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, tobacco or alcoholic beverages while engaging in hazing shall, in addition to the discipline here provided, be subject to discipline under Policy AS90—Drugs and Alcohol.
      3. Employee Responsibilities
        1. School District employees who are aware of, initiate, promote, and/or engage in hazing shall be subject to adverse employment action including either probation or termination of employment for cause under the appropriate District Orderly Termination policy:  DP 316 – Orderly Termination Procedure – Licensed; DP 316A – Orderly Termination Procedure – Administrators; DP 316B – Orderly Termination Procedures - Education Support Professionals.
        2. School District employees who reasonably believe that a violation of this policy has occurred shall immediately (by the next working day) report the alleged incident, either to the building principal or the designee of the Superintendent of Schools.
        3. Principals who receive a report of hazing shall, within ten (10) working days after receipt of such report, submit a report to the Superintendent’s designee which states:
          1. details of the alleged incident;
          2. the identity of persons believes to be involved;
          3. action taken in response.
        4. Employees who fail to give the notice to his/her immediate supervisor required under this policy have committed an unprofessional practice and shall be subject to adverse employment action, including probation or termination under the appropriate District Orderly Termination policy:  DP 316 – Orderly Termination Procedure – Licensed; DP 316A – Orderly Termination Procedure – Administrators; DP 316B – Orderly Termination Procedures - Education Support Professioinals.  (See Utah Code §53G-8-209 3C).
    3. District Activities
      1. The District and schools shall establish, and provide access to procedures and information regarding hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation.  The information will be posted on the District website.
        1. The District and schools shall develop procedures allowing for anonymous reporting of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation;
        2. Building administration is responsible for conducting investigations and responding to reports of hazing, harassment, bullying, and retaliation.
      2. In addition to the published procedures and notification above, each school shall follow established procedures and plans for:
        1. Involvement of parents or guardians of a perpetrator or victim of hazing, harassment, bullying, or retaliation in the process of responding to, and resolving conduct prohibited in this policy;
        2. Referring a victim of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation to counseling following parental/guardian notice and consent;
        3. To the extent that it is appropriate, treating the perpetrator according to the provisions of District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students;
        4. Training school employees and students to recognize hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation.
    4. Actions Required When Prohibited Acts Are Reported
      1. Each reported complaint shall include:
        1. Name of complaining party
        2. Name of offender (if known)
        3. Date and location of incident
        4. Statement describing the incident(s), including name(s) of witness(es)
      2. Each reported violation shall be investigated by the School Administrator or this/her designee.  Formal disciplinary action is prohibited based solely on an anonymous report of hazing, harassment, bullying or retaliation.
      3. Violations of the prohibitions noted previously may fall under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students and the consequence(s) may include but are not limited to:
        1. Student suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity, including school-sponsored transportation;
        2. Student referral, under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students, or a lesser disciplinary action which may merit student suspension or expulsion from school;
        3. Employee suspension or termination for cause or lesser disciplinary action;
        4. Employee reassignment; or
        5. Other action against student or employee as applicable.
      4. Action to include when appropriate:
        1. Procedures for protecting the victim and other involved individuals from being subjected to:
          1. further hazing, harassment or bullying; and
          2. retaliation for reporting the hazing, harassment and bullying.
        2. Procedures for a fair and timely opportunity for the accused to explain the accusations and defend his/her actions prior to student or employee discipline.
        3. Reporting incidents of hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation to the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee.
        4. Procedures for providing local employee discipline rights under Utah Code Section 53G-8-204 for employee discipline and District Policy AS67 —Discipline of Students prior to long-term (more than 10 days) student discipline.
    5. Training and Additional Consideration
      1. The training of school employees shall include training regarding hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation.
      2. To the extent possible, programs or interventions designed to provide training and education regarding the prevention of hazing, harassment, bullying and retaliation should be implemented.
      3. Training should be extended to volunteer and paid coaches, and activity leaders for all extra-curricular activities.
        1. Participants, volunteers and adult supervisors of extra-curricular activities should be informed annually of this policy and the prohibited activities outlined in this policy.
        2. Participants, volunteers and adult supervisors shall be informed annually of the policy and the potential consequences for violation of the policy.
        3. The District Policy AS95—Conduct Related to School Activities will be reviewed by the District Leadership team comprised of parents, teachers, school administration, school staff and District Administrators.

Revision history:  2/14/12

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 9/2/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

    1. Board Directive
      Recognizing that extra-curricular activities bring to students breadth of experience, leadership training, and citizenship values not always provided in subject matter courses, the Board encourages the school administrators and faculties to determine, plan, and execute, with the approval of the Superintendent, those student activities which in their good judgment will implement, support, parallel and be consistent with the regular academic program.
      These activities shall be in harmony with Board policies and in the high schools with the by-laws and rules of the Utah High School Activities Association. They shall encourage students to develop and maintain high standards of personal conduct, academic powers, civic responsibility, loyal citizenship and wholesome school spirit.
    2. Administrative Policy
      Since all class and extra-class activities are a part of the local school curriculum, school administrators shall plan carefully to obtain quality and balance in their student activity program in acordance with the administrative policy provisions.

      1. Student Events Sponsored by the Schools
        1. All student parties or social activities conducted under the name of a school shall have the approval of the school administration. The administration shall be responsible for seeing that such activities are supervised by licensed personnel.
        2. All student activities shall terminate at a time designated by the school administration.
      2. Programs, Parties, Picnics, Carnivals, etc.
        1. The number of activities approved shall be determined by the school administration
        2. Middle schools and elementary schools are encouraged to schedule student activities during regular school time with the exception of activities that involve the parents of the students.
      3. Safety Precautions
        No activities shall be scheduled that in any way violate the established safety precautions.
      4. Activities After Athletic Contests
        There shall be no dances or other activities held immediately after an interschool athletic contest.
      5. Student Involvement in Planning
        Students, under proper supervision, shall share in the process of designing, developing, and guiding activities.
      6. Selecting Activities
        Selection of activities shall be determined on the basis of student need, interest, and ability. It is advisable to limit the number of activities in which a given student may participate, in order to maintain the proper balance of the student's in-class and extra-class activity.
      7. Where to Hold Activities
        Whenever possible, the school campus shall be the meeting place for all activities.
      8. Budgets
        Under the direction of the principal and faculty members, students shall be involved in preparing activity budgets. The activity budgets shall be accounted for through the office of the principal. Provisions shall be made for a regular checking and auditing procedure and for informing the principal of the financial status of such budgets.
      9. Secret Organizations
        Secret organizations or societies shall not be permitted among the students of the schools.
      10. Records
        Where appropriate, schools are encouraged to have for each activity a written constitution or code of rules outlining the method of operation.