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Effective: 9/2/1969
Revision: 1/12/2016
Reviewed: 12/27/2012

  1. Board Directive
    The Board agrees to participate in a program of health and accident insurance coverage for all eligible employees.  The insuring company shall be selected by the Board after conferring with the officers of various employee organizations. The Administration is responsible to administer the policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This insurance policy shall be administered in accordance with the following provisions:

    1. Application for participation in group insurance must be made by the individual employee.
    2. Deductions for participation in the group insurance program shall be made in accordance with the schedule approved by the Board.
    3. Effective January 1, 2016, insurance coverage will be effective on the first day of the month following the employment start date, provided enrollment forms are completed and filed in the District Insurance Office within 30 days of the employment start date.
    4. Health and accident insurance coverage will terminate at the end of the month an employee voluntarily terminates employment with the District, effective Sept. 1, 2010.
    5. Health and accident insurance coverage will remain in force for employees who are involuntarily terminated until district level due process procedures are completed.
    6. If an employee completes his/her contract year, the insurance coverage will continue until the end of the contract year (July 31 for employees on year-round schedules, Aug. 31 for employees on traditional schedules, and June 30 for employees on fiscal year schedules) effective July 1, 2001.
    7. Employees who are eligible for Medicare benefits and continue their employment with the District will have the District's insurance as their prime carrier.  Employees should enroll in the Medicare Program during the first available enrollment period, preferably three (3) months prior to becoming eligible.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

  1. Board Policy
    The Board recognizes the need for licensed employees to be granted sabbatical leaves in order to continue their professional training. The Board authorizes a maximum of four (4) full-time equivalent employees each year to be selected for sabbatical leave. The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of administering the Sabbatical Leave Policy.
  2. Administration Policy
    Sabbatical leave shall be granted according to the following guidelines:

    1. A sabbatical leave for continued professional study may be granted to any licensed employee who has completed at least seven (7) years of continuous satisfactory service in Jordan School District.
    2. Application for sabbatical leave shall be filed with the Local Professional Improvement Committee (LPIC) by February 1 of the school year. Applications shall then be screened by the Committee and recommendations shall be made to the Superintendent for approval. All applications for sabbatical leave must be approved by the Board before being granted.
      1. An educational program must be submitted with the application.
    3. Sabbatical leave shall be granted to a licensed employee for the ensuing contract year and shall not extend beyond one (1) year of professional development approved by the LPIC.
    4. Remuneration for approved sabbatical leave shall be given as follows:
      1. Employees who work full time for 7 years prior to the leave will receive one-half their annual salary for the year during which the leave is granted.
      2. If any of the employee's required last 7 years of service were part-time, the employee will be placed on the full-time equivalent step of the salary schedule and receive one-half of that annual salary.
    5. Persons receiving sabbatical leave must return to the District for at least two (2) years at the same level of contract at which the leave was granted or reimburse the District for the total amount received (including fringe benefits) during the leave unless circumstances indicate that the Board make an exception. In the event that the employee elects to return to work before the conditions of the sabbatical leave are met, the employee must reimburse the District for the total amount received. If there are extenuating circumstances, the employee may appeal to the superintendent.
    6. Fringe benefits shall be continued during the duration of the approved leave.
    7. The educator shall be advanced on the salary schedule in the same manner as full-time employees.
    8. Personnel on sabbatical leave must submit a progress report to the LPIC by February 15 of the year the leave is granted. The report is to include the date the employee intends to return to full-time status. Following review by the LPIC, the report will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department.
    9. When the sabbatical is successfully completed, a copy of the educational program and a transcript of credit and a report shall be submitted for LPIC review. The LPIC will notify the Superintendent of successful completion or failure to comply.
    10. Upon returning from a one (1) year sabbatical leave, the educator shall be placed in the same school and position as was held at the time the leave was granted, unless the educator requests otherwise. The educator's replacement shall be hired on a temporary basis and will be so advised upon hiring.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 4/26/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that all employees should be placed in the school and department that will best fit the educational needs of the students in the District.  Consideration will be given to the employee's placement preference.  When circumstances make it necessary to transfer employees involuntarily or reduce staff, orderly procedures are to be implemented.
  2. Administrative Policy
    It is the policy of the Administration to assign personnel to the positions that best meet the needs of the District.  Transfers shall be used to maintain a proper balance of experience and specialized competence among the schools of the District.

    1. Voluntary Transfers
      1. The Human Resources Department will identify and advertise known vacancies beginning March 1 of each school year, including those positions which were filled after Jan. 1 of the current school year (except nurses).  Transfer requests will be accepted during the transfer window up through August 1st.
      2. All vacancies for the coming school year occurring between March 1 and June 1, shall be advertised for five working days. Teachers will make transfer requests according to the following guidelines:
        1. All known job vacancies, together with required endorsements and skill requirements, will be posted online.
        2. Teachers interested in transferring must submit a separate transfer request through Skyward Employee Access for any posted position.  during the transfer window, principals will be notified weekly of transfer requests for posted positions,.
        3. Using a common set of criteria such as personnel files, requested qualifications, experience, etc., principals will review requests for transfer and select the candidates to be interviewed.   Principals will interview at least two (2) qualified transfer candidates if available through June 1.  Candidates who are interviewed but not offered a position will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.  When the position has been filled, the posting will be removed.
        4. Beginning the week of February 1 until the teacher transfer fair, teachers interested in transferring in conjunction with the teacher transfer fair may submit a transfer request through Skyward Employee Access.
    2. Involuntary Transfers–Administrative
      1. A principal or immediate supervisor may request the transfer of an employee when in his/her judgment it will benefit the employee, the school, or the District.  Transfer requests stating specific reasons for the transfer shall be made to the area Administrator of Schools.  The area Administrator of Schools shall review the request and recommend approval or denial to the Administrator of Human Resources.  Upon final approval of the Administrator of Human Resources, a copy of the request shall be given to the employee no later than April 1.
      2. An employee whose performance is unsatisfactory may not be transferred to another school unless the
        local school board specifically approves the transfer of the employee. §53G-11-517
        a.  Unsatisfactory performance is defined as minimally effective or not effective on the employee’s
        most recent evaluation.
      3. Involuntarily transferred teachers will be allowed to interview through the voluntary transfer process.  If teachers are not successful in gaining a voluntary transfer by June 1, the District will place the employee in a position for which he/she is qualified.
      4. If, after the employee has been placed, the employee may continue to review through the voluntary transfer process (Refer to Section II A of this policy).
      5. Transfers during the school year shall be avoided.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/27/2001
  • Revised: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Leaves of absence for military service shall be granted to employees who are ordered to active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.
  2.  Administrative Policy
    1. Military leaves of absence shall be granted upon the filing of letters of appointment or official orders, or upon verbal notification by a verifiable military authority, with the Human Resources Department.  All National Guard and Reserve members are required to provide a copy of orders, the annual drill schedule, or other type of documentation to employers as soon as available and, if possible, before the commencement of military leave. Military leave is absence which may be granted to:
      1. Employees ordered into military service of the United States.
      2. Employees ordered to serve in a branch of a reserve unit of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard.
      3. Employees mobilized by the National Guard or a reserve branch of the Armed Forces of the United States to meet local emergency situations.
      4. Employees who are members of an organized reserve unit who are ordered to attend annual inactive duty training.
    2. Military leaves of absence shall be administered as follows:
      1. The District will guarantee that there will be no loss in monthly gross pay or insurance coverage for an employee granted inactive duty training for 30 days or less.  The District will also cover the cost of a substitute, if needed.  In order to ensure no loss in monthly gross pay or benefits, military pay information must be supplied to the Payroll Department during or following military leave.
      2. If military leave is granted for 31-180 days, employees will be required to apply for a leave of absence on a District leave of absence form.  This leave will be without pay, and the District reserves the right to replace the employee on a temporary basis if it is in the best interest of the District.  The employee will be offered COBRA insurance, and upon release, an employee returning from this type of military leave of absence must request reassignment to a position within the District within fourteen (14) days after discharge or separation from active duty or military service.
      3. If military leave is granted for longer than 180 days, employees will be required to apply for a leave of absence, and the District will replace the employee.  Upon release, an employee returning from a military leave of absence must request reassignment to a position within the District within ninety (90) days after discharge or separation from active duty or military service.  Employees will be offered COBRA insurance for a total of 18 months.
    3. Employees whose employment is interrupted by military leave will be given retirement benefits in accordance with Federal Law (Utah Retirement System Employers Guide, Section 2, p. 24).
      1. Jordan School District will complete a Military Leave Notification and submit it to the Utah Retirement System with a copy of the employee’s official call at the time the employee leaves for service.
      2. If the employee is a member of the non-contributory plan, Jordan School District will pay the entire contribution as well as 401K contributions that would have been paid had the employee not left employment.
      3. If the employee is a member of the contributory system, Jordan School District will pay the employer contribution.  The employee must pay the employee portion of the contribution.
      4. For purposes of computing the required contributions, an employee’s compensation during the period of military service will be at the same rate had the employee not been called to military service.
      5. If an employee does not return to Jordan School District following military service, the Utah Retirement System will refund the contribution made to the Defined Benefit Plan but not the 401K.
    4. Employees returning from service under honorable conditions will be assigned to the same or comparable position for which the employee is qualified.
    5. Employees granted military leaves of absence shall receive experience credit on the salary schedule up to a maximum of five years.  They shall also be allowed to make individual contributions to any pension plan, and upon reinstatement, have all privileges and status restored as if they had not been absent.
    6. Jordan School District shall not be required to reemploy any employee who is discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States under conditions other than honorable.
    7. Twelve-month employees who are ordered to attend training sessions or who are assigned to short-term active duty for training shall consult with their immediate supervisor and make every effort to arrange such activities so as to provide for a minimum of interruptions and to promote continuity of work objectives of the District.
    8. An employee on an approved military leave of absence who fails to request reinstatement or who fails to return to the assigned position following discharge/separation from active duty or service may be terminated at the conclusion of the leave since failure of an employee to report is cause for dismissal.
    9. The limit for the amount of voluntary military leave an employee can use and still retain reemployment rights is five years cumulative service.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 10/16/2007
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes that there may be times when an employee is subpoenaed as a witness in court for District-related business in which the employee is party to litigation or is called for jury duty.   Therefore, the Board authorizes the District Administration to implement a policy which provides released time to eligible employees for the purpose of service jury duty or appearing as a witness in court.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall administer this policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Notice to the principal or immediate supervisor, together with a copy of the subpoena or notification from the court, shall be given as soon as possible after receiving such notification.  If necessary, after notification to the principal or supervisor, an employee shall arrange for a substitute through regular procedures.
    2. Time off will be documented under the heading "Jury Duty" or "Witness in Court for the District" on the Absence Record form.
    3. The employee shall be paid the difference between his/her regular salary and the amount he/she is paid as a witness or juror.
    4. Any amount paid to the employee for service as a juror or as a witness, excluding mileage, will be deducted from the employee's regular pay, or at the employee’s option he/she may retain the jury duty stipend and forfeit any payment from the District.
    5. This policy does not apply to an employee who is party to litigation or involved in non-District litigation.

Effective: 8/27/1969
Revision: 3/27/1990
Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Employees of Jordan School District are expected to adhere to standards in grooming and dress which reflect a positive image to students and patrons and which are in keeping with a professional education system.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for establishing policy for employee appearance and attire.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Employee appearance and attire is the responsibility of the Administration and shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees shall maintain standards of personal cleanliness which are conducive to good health and contribute to a pleasant working environment.
    2. Employees shall be neatly groomed and dressed in clothing which is suited to the day's work or activity.
    3. Employees shall dress in a manner befitting adults who serve
      as role models for students.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/27/2024
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board delegates the responsibilities of assignment of personnel to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates the responsibility for the placement of all personnel to the Human Resources department.  This shall be done in cooperation with the school principal or the immediate supervisor.  Grade and subject assignment shall be made by the school principal.

    1. Considerations for Placement of Personnel
      1. Assignments of teachers shall take into consideration the best interests of the students, teachers, team, department, and school without undue personal bias.
      2. Licensed personnel shall be notified of school placement and grade and subject assignments as early as possible.
      3. As far as possible, teachers shall be assigned within the field of their training and experience.
      4. The school administrator shall involve the staff in teacher placement to the degree he/she feels is appropriate and without abrogating his/her responsibility.
      5. Employee requests for specific assignments shall be given consideration; however, the final decision is made by the principal or administrator.


Revision history: 3/26/85, 9/8/09

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/25/2022
  • Reviewed: 4/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the policy of the Board to meet with the Administration, officers of each departmental organization, and their appointed representatives in salary negotiations to establish salary schedules.
    It is also the policy of the Board to pay wages and salaries that shall enable the District to secure and retain qualified personnel.
    The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for implementing the salary policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The salary policy shall be implemented according to the following administrative policy provisions:

      1. Date of Payments
        Payment of all salaries shall be made on the 25th day of each month. If the 25th falls on a weekend or on a holiday, payday will be the previous working day as approved by the Board of Education. All approved deductions, other than those legally required, shall be made only upon the written request of the employee.
      2. Salary Rates
        District personnel shall be compensated at rates agreed upon through negotiations and published in the salary schedules for each group of employees. The actual employee's salary shall be a factor of his/her percent of contract and placement on the salary schedule.
      3. Basic Salary Schedule
        A basic salary schedule shall be established for licensed personnel. The schedule shall be based upon consideration of contract teaching experience in an accredited school and upon continued training.
      4. Differential Allowance
        Differential allowance may be paid to teachers with special assignments as recommended by the Administration and approved by the Board.
      5. Placement on Salary-Step Scale
        Salary schedule placement shall be determined by the number of full or part-time years of teaching experience. In cases of interrupted or part-time service, the following guidelines shall apply:

        1. Effective July 1, 1996, an employee who is employed at least half-time and who actually works in any one school year a number of days equal to or greater than one-half the number of work days specified for similar contracts shall be given one-year experience credit.
        2. Employees working less than one-half the number of work days will receive no experience credit.
      6. Equated Teaching Experience
        Teaching (accredited PK-12) experience in other schools and/or school districts shall be evaluated by the Administrator of Human Resources. Full-time teaching experience outside the District shall equate to full-time years of service credit; half-time teaching experience outside the District shall equate to one-half year of service credit.

        1. Salary schedule placement for new hires with no teaching experience shall be determined by education level as outlined below:
          Degree Salary Level
          Bachelor’s Degree Level 1
          Bachelor’s Degree + 20 Semester Credits Level 3
          Bachelor’s Degree + 40 Semester Credits Level 5
          Master’s Degree Level 6
          Master’s Degree + 30 Semester Credits Level 8
          Doctorate Degree Level 10
        2. New hires with teaching experience shall receive full credit for years of service and educational levels. Salary levels for new hires with teaching experience will be assigned as follows:
          Degree Maximum Salary Level
          Bachelor’s Degree Level 13
          Bachelor’s Degree + 20 Semester Credits Level 16
          Bachelor’s Degree + 40 Semester Credits Level 23
          Master’s Degree Level 28
          Master’s Degree + 30 Semester Credits Level 31
          Doctorate Degree Level 32
        3. New hires with teaching experience who are hired in areas of critical need may be placed above these maximum salary levels based on years of experience and educational level.
      7. After initial placement, teachers receiving licensure through an alternative pathway shall not be eligible for an educational advancement salary change until they have received their professional license.
      8. Military Experience
        No salary step credit shall be granted to any employee for military experience except for previous employees who have left the District to enter the military service. These employees shall be granted benefits required under the reemployment rights provision of Chapter 43 of Title 38, U.S. Code.
      9. Submission of Evidence
        1. It shall be the responsibility of the employees to submit to the Human Resources Department documented evidence which they wish to have considered in determining their initial placement on the salary schedule.
        2. For new employees to the District, only graduate hours beyond the original certificate and B.S. degree will count toward salary lane placement except under the following circumstances. For new hires, undergraduate hours taken after the original certificate and B.S. degree may be considered for salary lane placement if they are recommended to the Local Professional Improvement Committee by one or more District administrators as meeting an identified District need. The recommendation, along with supporting evidence, must be submitted in writing to the LPIC (no later than the first week of August for teachers on year-round schedules or the first week of September for teachers on traditional schedules) so the LPIC will have sufficient time to approve or deny the request prior to the issuance of the first payroll.
        3. Credit for salary lane changes for current employees will be granted  from an accredited institution, USBE approved credit on Ontrack Professional Learning Center, District approved credit and LPIC approved in-service credit in accordance with Policy AA421 Local Professional Improvement Committee.
        4. Credit for educational advancement salary changes for teachers receiving licensure through an alternative pathway will be granted only following completion of their Professional Licensure Program. Salary educational advancement changes will be awarded as noted in Policy AA421- Local Professional Improvement Committee.
        5. Salary lane changes shall be awarded when the Human Resources Department receives proof of eligibility in the form of an official transcript, including electronic transcripts submitted to the Human Resources Department directly from an accredited institution.  If proof of eligibility is submitted prior to the 15th of the month, the salary lane change shall be reflected on the paycheck issued in the following month.
      10. Compensation for Substitute Teachers
        A salary schedule for substitute teachers shall be established.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 9/20/2017

  1. Board Directive
    The Board may authorize a leave of absence without pay for continued study to licensed employees who have served three (3) consecutive years. The Board authorizes the Administration to set up procedures for educational leave and approval of candidates for such leave.
  2. Administrative Policy
    An educational leave for full-time continued study may be granted to a licensed employee upon the recommendation of the Local Professional Improvement Committee (LPIC).

    1. An application for educational leave shall be filed with the Human Resources Department for forwarding to the LPIC by February 1 of the school year. A detailed outline of studies must be submitted with the application. This outline must show the candidate will be a full-time student.
    2. The chairman of the LPIC will obtain a written evaluation of the applicant from his/her immediate supervisor. Only those who have favorable evaluations will be considered for educational leave.
    3. Applications shall be screened by the LPIC and recommendations shall be made to the Superintendent for approval.
    4. There shall be no remuneration for this leave.
    5. Educational leave shall be granted for the ensuing contract year and shall not extend beyond two contract years.
    6. Personnel on educational leave must submit a progress report to the LPIC by February 15 of the year the leave is granted. The report is to include the date the employee intends to return to full-time status and/or a request for a one-year extension if needed. Following review by the LPIC, the report will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department.
    7. When an educational leave is successfully completed, a copy of the outline of studies and a transcript of credit and a report will be submitted to the LPIC and the superintendent for review.
    8. An employee returning from approved educational leave shall be advanced on the salary schedule in the same manner as full-time employees.
    9. The employee may arrange with the insurance carrier to continue his/her insurance program. The employee shall pay for the full premium.
    10. The granting of the leave shall not compel the employee to return to the District.
    11. This leave is void if the employee does not complete the approved course of study as approved by the Local Professional Improvement Committee. It is the responsibility of the employee to submit evidence of successful completion of his/her approved program by June 30.
    12. A candidate shall be guaranteed a comparable position in the District upon his/her return from an educational leave.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/23/2018
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan School District is an equal opportunity employer and desires to maintain a high level of employee performance and satisfaction.   The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing policy for selecting licensed personnel.
  2. Administration Policy
    The Administration shall seek to employ the most able and highly qualified persons available for positions requiring licensure.  Selection shall be made in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Online application forms furnished by the District shall be properly completed and dated.  Applications shall be renewed annually to remain effective.
    2. Applicants must have a valid certificate issued by the Utah State Office of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning Licensing, for the position for which they are making application.
    3. The Administration shall review applications and shall evaluate applicants on the basis of qualifications for available positions.
      1. As much appropriate information as possible should be reviewed to assist in selecting the best candidates.  Written evaluations or descriptive reports on his/her student teaching or full-time teaching performance shall have been reviewed.
      2. A minimum of two (2) reference checks is required.
      3. The school administration shall conduct interviews to determine the best candidate for the position.
    4. Nepotism
      1. No one with supervisory responsibility shall hire or recommend for hire any “relative” as defined in Utah Code 52-3-1: “father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.  Furthermore and in addition to Utah Code, corresponding step or adoptive relative, or anyone residing on a permanent basis in an employee’s home will also be considered a “relative.”
      2. No employee shall be directly supervised or evaluated by a relative.  Family members as described in D.1 may not be employed under the same immediate supervisor, defined as the authorized evaluator for the employee, without Cabinet approval and Board notification.
      3. Employees hired prior to adoption of this policy are exempt from this policy except when the proximity of relatives is found to be creating problems.
      4. The hiring of relatives is also prohibited if it results in a conflict of interest with vendors of the District.
      5. In the event of a lack of candidates, a need for specialized skills or unique circumstances, the restriction against hiring relatives may be waived in the best interest of the District upon recommendation of a review committee comprised of the Superintendent and appropriate administrator or director, and upon approval of the Board.
    5. Employment assignments shall be reviewed annually.
    6. The District may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate an individual, or may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against an individual otherwise qualified because the individual breastfeeds or expresses milk in the workplace.  Utah Code 34-49-204.