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  • Effective - 1/24/2017
  • Revision - 4/25/2023

Jordan School District will support and implement physically and emotionally safe school programs and procedures where learning can occur.

  1. School safety and security will be accomplished by providing a physically safe learning environment through safety and security programs that include:
    1. Safe and secure buildings and grounds
    2. Emergency preparedness
    3. Student, staff and patron safety and welfare
    4. Timely communication to families (coordinated with police) if an emergency should occur
    5. Yearly communication to parents containing safety procedures and protocol
  2. School safety and security will be further accomplished by encouraging each school to foster an emotionally safe and welcoming environment.
    1. The updated District Plan addressing the mental, social, emotional, and physical well-being of students and employees will be implemented throughout the District and shall include the following components:
      1. Clearly articulated procedures and protocols regarding the wellness needs of students and employees
      2. Clearly defined resources regarding suicide prevention and anti-bullying strategies
      3. Clearly defined education process for students, parents, faculty, and staff
    2. Each school will create a Code of Conduct in collaboration with the school administration, faculty, and School Community Council.  An anti-bullying program will be an element of each school’s Code of Conduct and shall include the following components:
      1. Clearly articulated and defined desired actions and behaviors
      2. Clearly defined rules and consequences
      3. Clearly defined reporting process
      4. Clearly defined education process for students, parents, faculty, and staff
  3. Evidence of the above may be requested by a Board member and provided through multiple means.
    1. The safety and security programs for physical safety shall be measured and assessed by:
      1. Jordan Safety and Security Assessments (three times per year)
      2. School Self-inspection Surveys (annually)
      3. Jordan School District Online Satisfaction Surveys (annually)
      4. Utah State Risk Inspections (annually)
      5. Utah State Fire Inspections (annually)
      6. Utah State Board of Health Inspections (annually)
      7. End of year drill reporting from schools
      8. Safety and Security Annual Report
    2. The emotionally safe environment for schools shall be measured and assessed by:
      1. Code of Conduct from each school provided to the appropriate Administrator of Schools and available on the school’s website (annually)
      2. Dates of each school’s Code of Conduct training provided to the appropriate Administrator of Schools (annually)
      3. District Plan with clear procedures and protocols regarding the wellness needs of students and employees
      4. Dates of training on the District Plan regarding the wellness needs of students and employees to be provided to the appropriate Administrator of Schools (annually)
      5. Data from early warning systems for student interventions
      6. Description of suicide, bullying, and violence prevention efforts
      7. Data from Skyward behavior logs
      8. School counselor student visit data
  4. The Board of Education will receive quarterly reports on school safety drills and incidents as well as anecdotal reports of efforts to establish an emotionally safe environment. The Board will report annually to the community on the physical and mental safety of students.

  • Effective: 8/30/2016
  • Revision:

  1. Board Directive
    The Board may authorize an application to establish and operate a charter school within the geographical boundaries (Utah Code § 53G-5-305). To assist with the Board’s decision whether to approve an application to authorize a charter school and consistent with the guidance provided by the Board, the Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing procedures to administer the policy for submitting an application to the Board seeking authorization by the Board for establishing and operating a charter school within the geographical boundaries of the District. All charter schools authorized by the Board are required to comply with federal and state laws, rules and regulations, the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school as set forth in a written charter agreement, and any other agreement entered into with the District.Consistent with the guidance provided by the Board, the Board further delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing procedures to administer the policy for reviewing charter applications of charter schools within the geographical boundaries of the District which do not seek authorization by the Board of Education, but which seek authorization of a charter school from the State Charter School Board (Utah Code § 53G-5-304).
  2. Board Authorization of Charter School Policy
    1. The Board will consider various factors in considering whether to authorize a charter school application including but not limited to the following potential concerns and benefits.
      1. Potential Concerns:
        1. Direct and indirect cost to the District
        2. Impact on District resources
        3. Burden and workload on District employees
        4. Dilution of Board focus
        5. Consequences of charter failure
        6. Long-term sustainability
        7. Financial responsibility
        8. Perceptions of employees and community
        9. Indicators of high quality education
        10. Oversight
      2. Potential Benefits:
        1. Increased high quality opportunities
        2. Specialized programs/opportunities
        3. Smaller school and classroom size
        4. Magnet schools
        5. Understanding and interacting with charter community
        6. Potential economic benefit to taxpayers
        7. Flexibility
        8. Engaging community
        9. Perceptions of employees and community
        10. Breaking boundaries
    2. Application for Authorization by the Board of Education
      1. Submission of Application for Board Consideration
        1. An application shall conform to requirements specified by the Utah Charter School Act (Utah Code
        2. According to the guidance provided by the Board, the District Administration will develop District charter school application procedures which may specify when applications may be submitted for Board consideration and which will specify any information required to be included in a charter application for an application submitted to the Board for its authorization of a charter school within the geographical boundaries of the District, which may include the following:
          1. the charter school's proposed curriculum, instructional program or delivery methods;
          2. a method for assessing whether students are reaching academic goals, including, at a minimum, participation in the Utah Performance Assessment System for Students under Chapter 1, Part 6, Achievement Tests;
          3. a proposed calendar;
          4. sample policies;
          5. a description of opportunities for parental involvement;
          6. a description of the school's administrative, supervisory, or other proposed services that may be obtained through service providers; or
          7. other information that demonstrates an applicant's ability to establish and operate a charter school.
        3. According to the guidance provided by the Board, the District Administration will develop District charter school application procedures which will include minimum academic, financial, and enrollment standards and timelines setting forth the when and how an application may be submitted to the Board for its authorization.
        4. The Board will review and provide written notice of its acceptance or rejection of an application within forty-five (45) days after the application is received by the Board.
      2. Rejection of Application
        1. If the Board rejects the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason for the rejection.
        2. Upon rejection:
          1. the applicant may submit a revised application for reconsideration by the Board, or
          2. the applicant may seek a charter from the State Charter School Board under Utah Code § 53G-5-304.
      3. Approval of Application
        1. If the Board approves the application, the applicant and the Board shall set forth the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school in a written agreement.
          1. The charter agreement shall be in compliance with Utah Code § 53G-5-303.
          2. The charter agreement will include the authorization period established by the Board.
          3. The charter agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of the Board and the governing body of the charter school.
        2. Approval for authorization is conditioned upon the express understanding that the governing body of a charter school, the nonprofit corporation under which the charter school is organized and managed, and the charter school are solely liable for any damages resulting from any legal challenge involving the operation of the charter school.  All charter agreements will include an indemnification provision that provides that the governing body, the charter school, and any managing nonprofit corporation will fully indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Board and District from any claims asserted against them that arise as a result of the operation of the charter school.
        3. The Board may authorize a charter school for an authorization period up to fifteen (15) years but not less than (3) years before reauthorization must be sought.
    3. Requests for Authorization by the State Charter School Board
      1. Application to State Charter School Board
        An applicant seeking authorization of a charter school from the State Charter School Board for a charter school located in the District shall provide a copy of the application to the District either before or at the same time it files its application with the State Charter School Board.
      2. District Feedback
        The Board authorizes the District Administration to review the application with the State Charter School Board and offer suggestions or recommendations to the Board.  The Board may instruct the Administration on whether to take a position on the application and on what, if any, suggestions or recommendations to then offer the applicant or the State Charter School Board prior to the State Charter School Board acting on the application.
  3. Policy Expiration
    Unless extended or expressly modified by the Board, this policy will expire on July 31, 2017.

  • Effective - 5/24/2016
  • Revision -

  1. Jordan School District will acknowledge, value, and support students, families, and the community by:
    1. Creating a welcoming culture.
    2. Fostering an inclusive environment where all students are valued.
    3. Addressing problems with efficiency and concern.
    4. Actively partnering with parents to provide educational support to students.
  2. Evidence of the above will be provided through multiple means, including:
    1. Gathering anecdotal evidence through website submissions and interactions with patrons, parents, students, and employees.
    2. Conducting and reviewing the results of School Culture and Climate Surveys with parents, students, and employees.
    3. Conducting and reviewing the results of exit surveys provided to families leaving District schools.
    4. Conducting and reviewing the results of community surveys that include patrons and partners who do not have students in school.

  • Effective - 5/24/2016
  • Revision - 9/25/2018

    The Board of Education values all employees of Jordan School District.

  1. Licensed Employees
    1. Jordan District licensed employees will recognize they are valued by:
      1. Targeted professional development
        1. Schoolwide, leadership team driven
        2. Self-select
        3. Districtwide
      2. Opportunities for growth by enhancing professional/classroom skills.
      3. Recognizing licensed employees as professionals and providing opportunities for educator input.
      4. Recognizing and rewarding quality performance.
    2. Evidence of the above will be provided through multiple means, including:
      1. Creating a competitive salary schedule to recruit, attract, and retain high-quality licensed employees by:
        1. Conducting ongoing comparison studies of licensed employee pay and turnover rates along the Wasatch Front.
        2. Conducting and reviewing the results of licensed employee exit surveys.
      2. Conducting and reviewing the results of professional development needs assessment surveys and professional development exit surveys.
      3. Gathering evidence of the opportunities provided for licensed employees to give input.  Examples of anecdotal evidence will also be provided that action was taken based on employee feedback.
  2. Education Support Professionals
    1. Jordan District education support professionals will recognize they are valued through:
      1. Targeted professional development
        1. Department/site driven
        2. Self-select
        3. Districtwide
      2. Opportunities for growth by enhancing professional skills.
      3. Recognition of education support professionals as skilled employees and providing opportunities for employee suggestions.
      4. Recognizing and rewarding quality performance.
    2. Evidence of the above will be provided through multiple means, including:
      1. Creating a competitive salary schedule to recruit, attract, and retain high-quality education support professionals by:
        1. Conducting comparison studies of employee pay and turnover rates for educational support professionals along the Wasatch Front as the need arises.
        2. Conducting and reviewing the results of employee exit surveys for education support professionals.
      2. Conducting and reviewing the results of the bi-yearly Contract Education Support Professionals Employee Survey.
      3. Gathering anecdotal evidence of the opportunities provided for educational support professionals to give suggestions and feedback.

  • Effective: 11/24/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need to provide consistency in the way that admission prices for extracurricular activities and performances are established.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility to administer this policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Admission charges to extracurricular activities and performances must be established at each level as outlined below:

    1. High schools may charge admission to attend student extracurricular activities and performances.  Each school program may determine the price of admission for performances in cooperation with the administration.  Schools are encouraged to consider special pricing for families and senior citizens. Admission prices for activities and athletic events that are overseen by the Utah High School Activities Association will be determined in accordance with the appropriate region policies.
    2. Middle schools may charge admission for extracurricular performing arts events, including drama, dance, music, and other performances.  The School Community Council must approve the amount being charged for admission in advance (up to $5.00 per person).  Schools should consider the royalty implications of charging for performances.  Schools are encouraged to offer family passes and senior discounts.
    3. Elementary schools are not authorized to charge admission to student performances.

Effective: 10/27/2015
Reviewed: 5/14/2024

The Board requires an attorney who is guided primarily by the Board’s policies and philosophies; one who seeks to put Board policies and views into effect rather than the potentially differing views of the administration.

  1. The Board expects its directions and wishes to be incorporated into administrative action when counsel regularly interacts with the Board and clearly understands their positions and directions to administrative staff.
    1. Board Counsel, like the members of the administration, works for the Board and is accountable to implement the policies and philosophies of the Board.
    2. Board Counsel provides frequent interaction with the Board and receives regular input from the Board so that counsel can better understand the attitudes and concerns of the Board and can efficiently assist in their implementation.
    3. Board Counsel works with administration to avoid courses of action which could be inconsistent with the direction and ideals of the Board.
    4. Board Counsel alerts the Board to potential issues, assesses the Board’s position on issues, and obtains timely clarification regarding Board intentions.
  2. Should any Board member express concern about possible legal counsel conflict of interest, that concern may become an immediate item on the next monthly Board agenda, so that any perceived conflict can be resolved and the entire Board can be satisfied with the legal counsel representation.

Effective - 09/25/2012
Revision - 5/23/17
Reviewed - 9/22/2015

The Superintendent will not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions, which interfere with student achievement or which are unsafe, undignified, inequitable, discriminatory, or unnecessarily intrusive in his/her interactions with students and their families or those enrolling to be students.

Further, without limiting the scope of the aforementioned statement, he/she will not:

  1. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices which promote the health and safety of the students.
  2. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices that welcome and encourage parents to participate in their child’s education.
  3. Fail to be considerate of and sensitive to racial, ethnic, and cultural issues as well as community values.
  4. Fail to establish with students and their families, in a timely manner, a clear understanding of what may be expected and what may not be expected from Jordan School District services.
  5. Fail to operate facilities with appropriate accessibility.
  6. Use application forms that elicit information for which there is no clear necessity.
  7. Use methods for collecting reviewing, transmitting, or storing student and family information that fail to protect against improper access to the material elicited.  Privacy shall be protected by strict use of best practices and in compliance with all legal requirements.
  8. Fail to have clear accountability measures in fundraising activities that require the participation of students.
  9. Fail to inform students and their families of this policy in a timely manner, or to provide a way to be heard for persons who believe they have not been accorded a reasonable interpretation of their protections under this policy.
  10. Fail to provide for effective handling of grievances in a timely manner.

  • Effective: 8/25/2015
  • Revision: 8/30/2016
  • Reviewed:

  1. Board Directive
    This policy is adopted in conformance with the provisions of Nursing Mothers in the Workplace, Utah Code § 34-49-101 et seq and the Utah Antidiscrimination Act, Utah Code § 34A-5-101 et seq.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing and administering the policy for nursing mothers in the workplace and reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related conditions.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Reasonable Breaks
      With regard to a breastfeeding employee, the District shall provide, for at least one year after the birth of the employee’s child, reasonable breaks to accommodate the employee’s needs to breast feed or express milk.  The District shall consult with the employee to determine the frequency and duration of the breaks.  A break shall, to the extent possible, run concurrent with any other break period otherwise provided to the employee.
    2. Private Location
      The District shall provide for a breastfeeding employee a room or other location in close proximity to the breastfeeding employee's work area.  The room or location may not be a bathroom or toilet stall.  The room or location shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, provide privacy shielded from the view of and intrusion from coworkers or the public, be available for the reasonable breaks as determined in consultation with the District and have an electrical outlet.The District is not required to provide a room or other location if compliance would create an undue hardship on the operations of the District by causing the District significant difficulty or expense when considered in relation to the size, financial resources, nature, or structure of the District's operations.
    3. Refrigerator or Freezer
      The District shall provide access to a clean and well-maintained refrigerator or freezer for the temporary storage of a breastfeeding employee's breast milk.  For any District employees who do not work in an office building, the District may instead provide a non-electric insulated cooler for storage of the breast milk.
    4. Reasonable Accommodation
      The District will provide a reasonable accommodation for an employee related to pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related conditions.
      In considering a request for a reasonable accommodation, the District will require a certification from the employee’s health care provider concerning the medical advisability of a reasonable accommodation which must include:

      1. the date the reasonable accommodation becomes medically advisable;
      2. the probable duration of the reasonable accommodation; and
      3. an explanatory statement as to the medical advisability of the reasonable accommodation.

      The District is not required to permit an employee to have the employee’s child at the workplace for purposes of accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related conditions.

  • Effective: 10/28/2014
  • Revision:  2/26/2019
  • Reviewed:

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan School District is committed to providing a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for establishing policy regarding bullying, cyberbullying and hazing.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall take appropriate disciplinary action when students or employees engage in bullying,  cyberbullying or hazing.

    1.  Definitions
      1. Abusive Conduct: verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a person directed toward a school employee that, based on its severity, nature, and frequency of occurrence, a reasonable person would determine is intended to cause intimidation, humiliation, or unwarranted distress.
      2. Bullying: intentionally committing a written, verbal, or physical act against a school employee or student that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know or reasonably foresee will have the effect of:
        1. Causing physical or emotional harm to the school employee or student;
        2. Causing damage to the school employee’s or student’s property;
        3. Placing the school employee or student in reasonable fear of:
          1. Harm to the school employee’s or student’s physical or emotional well-being; or
          2. Damage to the school employee’s or student’s property;
        4. Creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating, or abusive educational environment due to:
          1. the pervasiveness, persistence, or severity of the actions; or
          2. a power differential between the bully and the target; or
        5. Substantially interfering with a student having a safe school environment that is necessary to facilitate educational performance, opportunities, or benefits.
        6. Bullying typically involves repeated negative actions in a situation where an imbalance of power or strength exists and may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
          1. Physical bullying including but not limited to hitting and/or punching;
          2. Verbal bullying including but not limited to teasing or name calling;
          3. Non-verbal or emotional bullying including but not limited to intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression.
        7. The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person being bullied either directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
      3. Communication: the conveyance of a message, whether verbal, written, or electronic.
      4. Cyberbullying: using the Internet, a cell phone, or another device to send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual, regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
      5. Harassment: repeatedly communicating to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, statements that contribute to a hostile learning or work environment for the individual (See Policy AS94—Student Discrimination and Harassment and DP358—Employee Discrimination and Harassment).
      6. Hazing: intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly committing an act, or causing another individual to commit an act toward a school employee or student that:
        1. Endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a school employee or student;
        2. Involves any brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements;
        3. Involves consumption of any food, alcoholic product, drug, or other substance or other physical activity that endangers the mental or physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or
        4. Involves any activity that would subject a school employee or student to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, extended isolation from social contact, or conduct that subjects a school employee or student to extreme embarrassment, shame, or humiliation; and
        5. Is committed for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in, or as a condition for membership in a school or school sponsored team, organization, program, club, or event; or
        6. Is directed toward a school employee or student whom the individual who commits the act knows, at the time the act is committed, is a member of, or candidate for membership in, a school or school sponsored team, organization, program, club, or event in which the individual who commits the act also participates.
        7. The conduct described above constitutes hazing, regardless of whether the school employee or student against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
      7. Parent: a student’s parent and/or legal guardian.
      8. Restorative Practice: a discipline practice designed to enhance school safety, reduce school suspensions, and limit referrals to court, and to help minors take responsibility and repair the harm of behavior that occurs in school.
      9. Retaliation: an act of communication intended:
        1. As retribution against a person for reporting bullying, cyberbullying, hazing or harassment; or
        2. To improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying.
      10. Trauma-informed Care: a strengths-based service delivery approach grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, emphasizing physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both offenders and victims, and creating opportunities for victims to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.
    2.  Prohibitions
      1. A school employee, student, volunteer or patron may not engage in bullying or otherwise harassing a school employee or student:
        1. on school property
        2. at a school related or sponsored event
        3. on a school bus
        4. at a school bus stop
        5. while the school employee or student is traveling to or from a location or event described above.
      2. A school employee or student may not engage in hazing, cyberbullying or abusive conduct toward a school employee or student at any time or in any location as per Utah Code 53G-9-602.
      3. A school employee or student may not engage in retaliation against:
        1. a school employee,
        2. a student, or
        3. an investigator for, or witness or, an alleged incident of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, hazing, or retaliation.
      4. A school employee or student may not make a false allegation of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hazing, or retaliation against a school employee or student.
      5. Any bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or hazing that is found to be targeted at a federally protected class is further prohibited under federal anti-discrimination laws and is subject to compliance regulations from the Office for Civil Rights (see Policy AS94—Student Discrimination and Harassment)
    3. Investigation and Response Guidelines
      1. Each reported complaint shall include:
        1. Name of complaining party
        2. Name of offender (if known)
        3. Date and location of incident(s)
        4. A statement describing the incident(s), including names of witnesses (if known)
      2. Each reported violation of the prohibitions noted previously shall be promptly and reasonably investigated by a school administrator or an individual designated by a school administrator. Formal disciplinary action is prohibited based solely on an anonymous report of bullying, hazing, or retaliation.
      3. Violations of the prohibitions noted previously may fall under District policy AS67—Discipline of Students and the consequence(s) may include but are not limited to:
        1. Use of positive restorative practices consistent with Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rule R277-613
        2. Student suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity, including school-sponsored transportation;
        3. Student referral, under policy AS67—Discipline of Students, or a lesser disciplinary action which may merit student suspension or expulsion from school
        4. Employee suspension or termination for cause or lesser disciplinary action
        5. Employee reassignment
        6. Employees may be subject to provisions in DP316 – Orderly Termination Procedures
        7. Other action against student or employee as applicable.
      4. Action to include when appropriate:
        1. Procedures for protecting the victim and other involved individuals from being subjected to:
          1. further bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment
          2. retaliation for reporting the bullying, cyberbullying and harassment
        2. Referral of victim and/or aggressor to school psychologist, counselor, or other appropriate personnel for support through trauma-informed care.
        3. Procedures for a fair and timely opportunity for the accused to explain the accusations and defend his/her actions prior to student or employee discipline.
        4. Incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, harassment, and retaliation will be reported to the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee.
        5. Procedures for providing local employee discipline rights under DP 316—Orderly Termination Procedures for employee discipline and District Policy AS67 —Discipline of Students prior to long-term (more than 10 days) student discipline should be followed as appropriate.
    4. Parental Notification of Certain Incidents and Threats Required
      1. The school shall notify a parent if the parent’s student threatens suicide or if the student is involved in an incident of bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, or retaliation of the incident involving each parent’s student.
        1. If a school uses restorative practices, the school shall notify the involved students’ parents of the restorative practice and obtain consent from the involved student(s)’ parent(s) before including the victim in the process;
        2. If a school notifies a parent of an incident or threat required to be reported, the school shall produce and maintain a record that verifies that the parent was notified of the incident or threat.
      2. A school shall maintain a record in accordance with the requirements of the:
        1. Utah Student Data Protection Act (Utah Code § 53E-9-301, et. seq.);
        2. Utah Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Utah Code § 53E-9-202 seq.);
        3. Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 12332g; and 34 C.F.R. Part 99).
      3. At the request of a parent, a school may provide information and make recommendations related to an incident or threat.
      4. A school shall provide a student copy of a record maintained in accordance with this section that relates to the student if the student requests a copy of the record; and expunge a record maintained in accordance with this section that relates to a student if the student:
        1. Has graduated from high school; and
        2. Requests the record be expunged.
    5. Training and Additional Considerations
      1. Students, staff, and volunteers shall receive training regarding bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, harassment, and retaliation. Training shall comply with Utah State Board of Education Rules. (See Utah Administrative Code, Rule 277-613-4.)
      2. Prior to any student, employee, or volunteer coach participating in a District athletic program, or extracurricular club or activity, the student employee or coach shall participate in bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, and harassment prevention training. Training shall comply with Utah State Board of Education Rules. (See Utah Administrative Code, Rule 277-613-5.)

  • Effective: 7/1/13
  • Revision: 7/26/22
  • Reviewed:

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes the need for all administrative employees to have a vacation from their regular assigned positions.  All contracted administrative employees are eligible to participate in the administrator vacation program.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for developing and administering the administrator vacation policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following administrative policy provisions shall be used for administering the administrator vacation policy:

    1. Administrators will receive twenty (20) vacation days at the beginning of each contract year (frontloaded on July 1).
      1. Administrators earn these days pro rata during the contract year.
      2. Administrators hired after July 1 will receive a prorated number of vacation days that are available to be used on the day that the administrator’s contract begins (frontloaded).  If an administrator resigns or is terminated prior to the end of the contract year, the vacation pay-out amount will be prorated based on the percentage of contract worked, and:
        1. The employee will be compensated, at his/her daily rate (base pay only), for all earned vacation leave not used; or
        2. The employee will be required to reimburse the District, at his/her daily rate (base pay only), for any unearned vacation leave taken.
    2. Vacation days may not be accumulated from one year to the next.  However, unused vacation days allowed for the previous year may be used through December 31 of the current year with approval of the immediate supervisor.  After December 31, the vacation allowance may not exceed the days accrued for the current year.   Any earned vacation over twenty (20) days not used prior to January 1 will be forfeited.
    3. Generally, vacation leave is to be scheduled during off-peak work seasons.  Employees must submit vacation leave requests, with reasonable advance notice, to their supervisor for approval.
      1. School administrator vacation days are to be used when school is not in session (non-student days).  Year-Round Education (YRE) administrators are exempted from this requirement.
      2. School administrators, not including YRE administrators, may use up to five (5) of their vacation days when school is in session provided that the vacation leave is pre-approved by a supervisor. Taking three (3) or more vacation days in a row when school is in session requires approval fourteen (14) days in advance by the appropriate Administrator of Schools.
    4. Policy DP344 Vacation Schedule for Twelve-Month Personnel does not apply to administrators qualifying under this policy.