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Effective - 09/25/2012
Revision - 5/23/17
Reviewed - 9/22/2015

The Superintendent will not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions, which interfere with student achievement or which are unsafe, undignified, inequitable, discriminatory, or unnecessarily intrusive in his/her interactions with students and their families or those enrolling to be students.

Further, without limiting the scope of the aforementioned statement, he/she will not:

  1. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices which promote the health and safety of the students.
  2. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices that welcome and encourage parents to participate in their child’s education.
  3. Fail to be considerate of and sensitive to racial, ethnic, and cultural issues as well as community values.
  4. Fail to establish with students and their families, in a timely manner, a clear understanding of what may be expected and what may not be expected from Jordan School District services.
  5. Fail to operate facilities with appropriate accessibility.
  6. Use application forms that elicit information for which there is no clear necessity.
  7. Use methods for collecting reviewing, transmitting, or storing student and family information that fail to protect against improper access to the material elicited.  Privacy shall be protected by strict use of best practices and in compliance with all legal requirements.
  8. Fail to have clear accountability measures in fundraising activities that require the participation of students.
  9. Fail to inform students and their families of this policy in a timely manner, or to provide a way to be heard for persons who believe they have not been accorded a reasonable interpretation of their protections under this policy.
  10. Fail to provide for effective handling of grievances in a timely manner.

  • Effective - 09/25/2012
  • Revision - 05/23/17

With respect to the treatment of paid and volunteer staff, the Superintendent may not cause or allow conditions which are inequitable, discriminatory, undignified, disorganized or unclear.

Further, without limiting the scope of the previous statement, he or she will not operate without written personnel policies which:

  1. Clarify procedures and expectations for staff and volunteers.
  2. Provide for effective handling of grievances in a timely manner.
  3. Protect against wrongful conditions, such as nepotism and grossly preferential treatment for personal reasons.
  4. Discriminate against any staff member for non-disruptive expression of dissent.
  5. Fail to acquaint staff with the Superintendent’s interpretation of their protections under this policy.
  6. Fail to recognize contributions by employees in a timely manner.
  7. Fail to promote a positive work environment at all levels.

  • Effective - 09/25/2012
  • Revision -
  • Reviewed - 3/31/2015

The Superintendent and/or Business Administrator will not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance, which is either unlawful, imprudent or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics and practices.

  • Effective - 09/25/2012
  • Revision - 7/25/2017

In order to protect the Board from the sudden loss of services of the Superintendent and/or Business Administrator, each of these administrators shall have no fewer than two other administrators who are collectively familiar with their respective positions and the issues and processes of the Board.

  • Effective - 09/25/12
  • Revision - 09/25/2018

The Superintendent shall prepare an annual progress report for the public that includes the following items:

  1. Performance data toward accomplishing the Board’s Ends policies.
  2. Information about District strategies, programs and operations intended to accomplish the Board’s Ends policies.
  3. Revenues, expenditures and costs of major programs and elements of District operation.

  • Effective - 09/25/2012
  • Revision -

The Superintendent will not permit the Board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work.

Without limiting the scope of the aforementioned statement, the Superintendent will not:

  1. Neglect to submit monitoring data required by the Board in a timely, accurate, and understandable fashion, directly addressing the provisions of Board policies being monitored (see policy BSC204 Monitoring Superintendent Performance).
  2. Fail to communicate District objectives or fail to provide accurate data which reflects the need for improvement as well as success.
  3. Fail to notify the public when policies are under consideration for revision or adoption.
  4. Fail to report in a timely manner an actual or anticipated noncompliance with a policy of the Board.
  5. Fail to make the Board aware of state and federal legislative changes, District compliance to those changes, relevant trends, changes in Board district policies, anticipated adverse media coverage, threatened or pending lawsuits, significant harm to student(s) or staff, material external and internal changes, particularly changes in the assumptions upon which any Board policy has previously been established.
  6. Fail to support the Board in its Community Connection initiatives that develop community relations and communications with parents, community members, and staff.
  7. Fail to advise the Board if, in the Superintendent’s opinion, the Board is not in compliance with its own policies on Governance Process and Board/Superintendent Connection.
  8. Fail to provide for the Board as many staff and external points of view, all pertinent and significant information, issues and opinions as the Board determines it needs for fully informed Board choices.
  9. Fail to submit to the Board a consent agenda containing items delegated to the Superintendent, yet required by law, regulation, or contract to be Board approved, along with applicable monitoring information.