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  • Effective: 7/11/1974
  • Revision: 3/29/2016

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that there are times when it may be beneficial to raise funds for specific projects and school activities.  The Board also recognizes its responsibility to protect students, parents, and community members of the District from undue pressures applied through these fundraising efforts.  The guidelines outlined in this policy are intended to provide schools with the ability to raise funds without unduly pressuring students, patrons, and/or community members to support or participate in fundraising activities.
    The Board provides funds for specific educational functions on an equitable basis; therefore, no school partnership or fundraising effort will be approved that would generate funds for the following categories:

    1. Textbooks and supplies (the purchase of)
    2. Transportation of students between school and home on a regular basis
    3. The purchase or construction of an additional classroom(s)
    4. The hiring of licensed, educational support professionals, or paraprofessional staff
      The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of administering this policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The Administration shall approve fundraisers that meet the administrative policy provisions listed below:
      1. A needs assessment must be conducted before a fundraiser can be approved, in order to determine the amount of funds required and the methods that will be used to raise the funds.
      2. All local school fundraisers must be submitted in writing to the Administrator of Schools for review and prior approval.
      3. Fundraisers cannot involve door-to-door sales.
      4. Students must not be compelled to sell or purchase products or services and must be free to voluntarily participate without peer or group pressure.  Care must be taken in awarding bonuses or prizes to individuals or groups so that students do not feel pressured into competitive selling.
      5. Students are not to miss class to participate in fundraisers.
      6. Fundraisers must be reviewed by the School Community Council.
      7. Fundraisers must be consistent with the generally accepted moral and ethical standards and practices of the Jordan School District community.
      8. Charitable fundraising will not be endorsed or sponsored on a Districtwide basis. Materials that advertise charitable fundraising activities that are not sponsored by the local school may be placed in the school office or other locations to be determined by the school administration.
    2. Level Guidelines
      1. Elementary and Middle Schools may participate in a total of up to four fundraisers every year as outlined below:
        1. One major fundraiser that involves students in the sale of a product/service
        2. One fundraiser sponsored by the School Community Council and selected from the list of Jordan Education Foundations partnership organizations
        3. Two charitable fundraisers
      2. High Schools are not limited to a set number of fundraisers.
    3. Parent Donation Guidelines
      Parent donations to support a specific activity (e. g. field trips) in the school will be accepted and will not be considered a fundraiser if the following stipulations are met:

      1. Donations may be solicited but are entirely optional with regards to parent participation.
      2. Donations must not be a factor in determining if a student participates in the activity for which the donations are solicited.
      3. Donations must be solicited in writing and approved by the school administration.
      4. Donations must be accounted for and recorded through the school office.
    4. Business Partnerships Guidelines
      1. School-based business partnerships that generate revenue, products, or services for the school, based on voluntary participation of students, parents, and community members that do not involve students or the school in the sale of a product or service, are exempt from the level guidelines of this policy.
      2. All requests to form school-based business partnerships must be reviewed and approved by the School Community Council on an annual basis.
      3. Any approved school-based business partnership may request and receive the same promotional access to students and parents afforded to any other school-approved partnership.
    5. Jordan Education Foundation Guidelines
      1. Fundraiser Partnerships  (Foundation-Initiated)
        1. The Jordan Education Foundation develops partnerships with organizations for the purpose of raising funds for the schools and the Foundation.  A list of these organizations is disseminated to the schools on a regular basis.  School personnel are encouraged to consider these partnership organizations, among others, in determining the methods used to raise funds for the school or school organizations.  As noted earlier in this policy, all School Community Council fundraisers must be selected from the Jordan Education Foundation list of partnership fund-raisers.
        2. The Jordan Education Foundation Director shall consult with the Superintendent of Schools or a designee prior to disseminating fundraising information to the schools in the District.
        3. All Jordan Education Foundation partnership fundraisers are subject to the level guidelines of this policy.
      2. Advertising Partnerships (commercial and nonprofit)
        1. The Jordan Education Foundation and the Jordan School District may not distribute advertisements to students unless there is a direct financial benefit to the District from the sale of the advertised product or service.  All requests to distribute advertising to students must be reviewed and approved by the Jordan Education Foundation Director.  The Foundation Director will approve no more than two requests per month, using criteria that evaluates the reputation of the advertising entity and the potential for revenue to support Foundation activities, among others.  The local school administration is responsible to insure that any advertising to be distributed to students has been approved by the Jordan Education Foundation Director.
        2. Advertisements from all other commercial enterprises may be placed in the school office for interested students and parents with the approval of the school administration.


2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.


  • Effective: 5/14/1974
  • Revision: 11/29/2022
  • Reviewed: 1/27/2015

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan District schools are to provide a safe, positive, inclusive and healthy in-person or virtual educational environment where academic learning, personal development, and accomplishment can flourish.  Part of the educational process is learning self-discipline and appropriate behavior.  Therefore, it is the philosophy of the Jordan School District Board of Education to enforce all Utah laws related to conduct on school premises and school buses and to see that students are taught to preserve public property including all school facilities and equipment.
    The Board also recognizes that dress and appearance seriously affect the behavior of students attending school or school sponsored activities and may also impact health, sanitation and safety conditions.  Because experience has demonstrated that the learning atmosphere is improved when students both look and act appropriately, the Board hereby authorizes establishment of standards of student conduct, dress, and appearance.  The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility to see that each school adheres to the conduct, dress, and appearance standards established in the provisions of this policy in a consistent manner.  Further, all District and school staff members shall have a share of responsibility in seeing that these standards are implemented and enforced in classrooms, in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, at school activities, and other occasions as appropriate.  With the approval of district administration and the School Community Council, schools may make minor changes and/or adaptations to the dress and appearance standards in order to address local needs. Schools should seek input from various stakeholder groups.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall implement Board philosophy according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Definitions
      1. “Conduct” means the act, manner, or process in which a person behaves on a particular occasion or in a particular context.
      2. “Disruption” means any action, disturbance, problem, or reaction which materially or substantially interrupts an event, activity or process, or causes school personnel to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease any instruction or school activity, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.
      3. “School” means any building, property, space, learning environment, sponsored activity or place (in-person or virtual/online) under the direct or indirect control or influence of the District.
      4. “School sponsored activity” means (but not limited to) field trips, tours, performances, ceremonies, competitions, assemblies, events, clubs, camps, classes, games, dances, or travel that is produced, financed, arranged, supervised, or coordinated by school or district personnel.
      5. “School personnel” means the same as defined in DP300-Personnel Philosophy including authorized individuals engaged in a school sponsored activity or purpose by the school or district.
      6. “School administration” means the school principal, assistant principal, or designee responsible for the daily functioning and overall operation of a school.
    2. Student Conduct and Positive Behavioral Expectations
      1. Safe, civil, responsible, and respectful conduct is expected of all students at school or school sponsored activity. Significant or repeated disruptions may be disciplined according to the procedures established in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
        1. Behavior at School
          Students are expected to contribute to a productive learning environment in a safe, civil, responsible, and respectful manner.
        2. Behavior at School Sponsored Activities
          As spectators or participants, students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior, citizenship, and sportsmanship at all activities and to conduct themselves in a safe, civil, responsible, and respectful manner.
        3. Protection and Care of School Property
          Students are expected to use school devices, resources, equipment, and facilities in a safe, civil, responsible, and respectful manner so that school property is preserved and protected.
        4. Digital Citizenship
          Students are expected to use, possess, or care for any district/school owned electronic device or resource used for digital access, commerce, or communication in a safe, positive, courteous, and responsible manner in accordance with the standards established in AA445-Student Information Network Acceptable Use Policy.

          1. When authorized by school personnel, electronic devices or resources may be used at school or school sponsored activity.
          2. Any use of an electronic device or resource, whether personal or district/school owned,  that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, creates a hostile, threatening, humiliating, abusive environment (AS98-Bullying, Cyberbullying and Hazing), invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited.
          3. Sharing, using, or communicating pornographic images, “sexting”, or other sexually suggestive materials, images, thoughts or phrases are strictly prohibited.
          4. The possession, use, or care of any electronic device or resource is a privilege that may be forfeited if it causes a disruption to the learning environment.
          5. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to personal electronic devices or resources brought to school or school sponsored activity.
        5. Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs or other Illegal Substances
          Use or possession (in any form) of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substances at school or school sponsored activity is prohibited and is administered in accordance with Policy AS90 - Illegal Substances.
        6. Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct
          Students that engage in dangerous or disruptive conduct, including (but not limited to) use and/or possession of any weapon or reasonable facsimile of a weapon, committing arson, burglary, larceny, criminal mischief, battery or assault, or who engage in activities which violate federal, state or local laws, may be excluded from school. (See District Policy AS67- Discipline of Students ).
        7. Patriotism and Respect for the Flag
          The Flag of the United States of America shall be appropriately displayed at all schools in keeping with customary and accepted practices.  Students shall show proper respect for their country's emblem.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag shall be recited at the beginning of each day in each public school classroom, led by a student in the classroom as assigned by the classroom teacher on a rotating basis. At least once per year, students shall be instructed that participation in the Pledge is voluntary and not compulsory and it is acceptable for someone to choose not to participate in the pledge of allegiance. Students should show respect for any student who chooses not to participate. (§53G-10-304) Discourteous treatment of the flag or other national symbols may be cause for disciplinary action.
    3. School Dress and Appearance
      Appropriate dress and appearance avoids extremes, exemplifies personal cleanliness, promotes an effective learning environment free of unnecessary disruption(s) and increases school safety, security and sanitation factors. There are a variety of clothing styles which may be popular but are inappropriate for the school or school sponsored activity setting.
      Dress and appearance standards include (but are not limited to) the following:

      1. General Standards
        1. Any clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice may be prohibited when it:
          1. Draws undue attention, distracts, disrupts, and/or interferes with the learning environment at school or school sponsored activity.
          2. Endangers or affects the health, safety and/or welfare of the individual or others.
          3. May cause damage or harm to individuals, school devices, resources, equipment or facilities.
          4. Limits the ability to identify the student.
          5. Appears as an attempt to challenge the intent and scope of policy or the authority of the school.
        2. Dress and appearance, including clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice, shall be in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and appropriate behavior. School personnel may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health, safety, security, or sanitation factors or in connection with classes, activities or circumstances.
        3. Clothing, appearance, jewelry, accessory, footwear, and/or personal items shall be free of writing, images, symbols or any other insignias that:
          1. Are lewd, obscene, vulgar, or profane.
          2. Advocate, represent or promote racism, discrimination, violence or hate in any form.
          3. Signify gang affiliation.
          4. Advocate, represent or promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance(s).
          5. Advocate, represent or promote criminal or illegal activities.
          6. Infringe on the rights of others.
          7. Are pornographic or sexually suggestive.
      2. Specific dress and appearance standards are found at Student Support Services online at
      3. School administration may authorize exceptions for health/medical issues, religious beliefs, or safety reasons.
      4. School dress and appearance enforcement should be reasonable and seek to minimize the loss of instructional time.
    4. Graduation
      The graduation commencement ceremony is a formal and dignified in-person school sponsored activity which has significant meaning for graduates, parents, families, staff, and the community. The commencement ceremony, from the opening of the processional to the completion of the recessional, honors the collective achievement of the graduating class.
      In order to maintain the dignity, decorum, propriety, and respect of the commencement ceremony, the following is expected of all participants:

      1. Conduct, dress and appearance are to adhere to the provisions in this policy and be appropriate for a ceremony of this nature.
      2. Graduates are expected to wear the prescribed cap and gown without alterations.
      3. Graduates will be allowed to wear recognized items of religious or cultural significance in a dignified manner.
      4. Formal, semi-formal, or customary dress attire is appropriate for a commencement ceremony.
      5. School issued and approved tassels, sashes, pins, hoods, cowls, mantles, cords, insignias, or medals signifying achievement, honor, participation, membership, or recognition may be worn.

Virtual graduation commencement ceremonies or events are school sponsored activities. Student conduct, dress, and appearance standards are contained in II.A-C above and are under the direction of the school administration.


Revision history: 12/4/2004, 8/28/12, 3/26/13, 5/22/18, 10/26/21

  • Effective: 10/6/1970
  • Revision: 8/23/2022

  1. Board Directive
    It is the policy of the Board of Education that the principal shall work with his/her faculty and student officers to develop a wholesome environment with reference to school publications and all printed material published within the school or from any source that might be distributed in or about the school; also with reference to speech and manners of students, personnel, visitors or guests.
    The Board recognizes the educational value of proper and wholesome resources in the nature of individual personalities, business and institutional publications and the many materials of local, state, and national agencies.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The property, parking lots, sidewalks, facilities of Jordan School District and the publications of Jordan School District are a closed forum, to be managed in the best interests of the students and patrons as determined by the Jordan School District Administration and local school principals.
    2. School Publications and Printed Materials
      The Board places the responsibility for school publications and distribution of any materials with the local school administration. Therefore, printed material of any nature shall not be distributed on the school premises without the consent of the school principal.

      1. Flyers, handbills, or other printed materials which are not either approved by the principal or sponsored by the District are prohibited and may not be posted or distributed on school property or placed in mail boxes that are provided for school staff.
      2. All publications shall be free of any lewd, wanton, or lascivious writings or pictures and shall not promote illegal substance use. There shall be no publications of a nature that would ridicule, defame, belittle, or otherwise injure the character of any individual or group. Material that is reasonably anticipated to substantially interfere with the work of the school or impinge upon the rights of other students is unacceptable for general distribution.
      3. Jordan School District will not accept or publish public political advertising on ballot initiatives, constitutional amendments, and candidates for election. The Board may publicize its position on initiatives and other matters sponsored by the Board or having a direct bearing on the education of students in Jordan School District.
    3. Student Distribution Process
      1. Any student wishing to distribute non-school sponsored material outside of classes or club meetings must first submit for approval a copy of the material to the principal or principal’s designee at least six (6) working days in advance of desired distribution time, together with the date(s) and time(s) of day intended for distribution and the requested location for material to be distributed.
      2. Within three (3) working days, the principal or principal’s designee will review the request and render a decision. In the event that permission to distribute the material is denied or limited, the person submitting the request should be informed in writing of the reasons for the denial or limitation. The request can only be denied for reasons outlined in section II.B.2.
      3. If the principal does not approve the material for distribution, the student may submit a written request for appeal to the Superintendent or designee. A decision will be made within three (3) working days of submitting the appeal.
      4. Permission or denial of permission to distribute material does not imply approval or disapproval of its contents by either the school, the administration, the school board, or the individual reviewing the material submitted.
    4. Speech and Manners
      1. There shall be no display of manner or speech that would be, or tend to be, lewd, vulgar, wanton, lascivious, defamatory, promote illegal substance use, or otherwise be materially disruptive to the wholesome educational environment of the school or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others.
      2. The Board of Education herein adopts the full intent of Salt Lake County Ordinance, Chapter 10.32 relating to "Offenses In or About Schools, Colleges, or Universities," as it may apply to printed materials or speech and manners of all individuals that may be within or about the school premises.
      3. Infractions by other than students shall be reported to the proper authorities. Infractions by students may result in suspension from school.

  • Effective: 9/2/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

    1. Board Directive
      Recognizing that extra-curricular activities bring to students breadth of experience, leadership training, and citizenship values not always provided in subject matter courses, the Board encourages the school administrators and faculties to determine, plan, and execute, with the approval of the Superintendent, those student activities which in their good judgment will implement, support, parallel and be consistent with the regular academic program.
      These activities shall be in harmony with Board policies and in the high schools with the by-laws and rules of the Utah High School Activities Association. They shall encourage students to develop and maintain high standards of personal conduct, academic powers, civic responsibility, loyal citizenship and wholesome school spirit.
    2. Administrative Policy
      Since all class and extra-class activities are a part of the local school curriculum, school administrators shall plan carefully to obtain quality and balance in their student activity program in acordance with the administrative policy provisions.

      1. Student Events Sponsored by the Schools
        1. All student parties or social activities conducted under the name of a school shall have the approval of the school administration. The administration shall be responsible for seeing that such activities are supervised by licensed personnel.
        2. All student activities shall terminate at a time designated by the school administration.
      2. Programs, Parties, Picnics, Carnivals, etc.
        1. The number of activities approved shall be determined by the school administration
        2. Middle schools and elementary schools are encouraged to schedule student activities during regular school time with the exception of activities that involve the parents of the students.
      3. Safety Precautions
        No activities shall be scheduled that in any way violate the established safety precautions.
      4. Activities After Athletic Contests
        There shall be no dances or other activities held immediately after an interschool athletic contest.
      5. Student Involvement in Planning
        Students, under proper supervision, shall share in the process of designing, developing, and guiding activities.
      6. Selecting Activities
        Selection of activities shall be determined on the basis of student need, interest, and ability. It is advisable to limit the number of activities in which a given student may participate, in order to maintain the proper balance of the student's in-class and extra-class activity.
      7. Where to Hold Activities
        Whenever possible, the school campus shall be the meeting place for all activities.
      8. Budgets
        Under the direction of the principal and faculty members, students shall be involved in preparing activity budgets. The activity budgets shall be accounted for through the office of the principal. Provisions shall be made for a regular checking and auditing procedure and for informing the principal of the financial status of such budgets.
      9. Secret Organizations
        Secret organizations or societies shall not be permitted among the students of the schools.
      10. Records
        Where appropriate, schools are encouraged to have for each activity a written constitution or code of rules outlining the method of operation.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/24/2017
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board endorses the concept of purposeful homework in recognition of the need for students to develop proper work and study habits, and in recognition of the fact that public education is a cooperative enterprise involving school and home.  Responsibility for the development of homework objectives, policy, and procedures is delegated to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Learning is an ongoing process.  Homework, properly planned, gives the student a feeling of continuous learning and shifts the emphasis from "receiving an education" to learning that is self-initiated.

    1. Homework may be required in all grades, augmenting the learning experiences initiated at school.  Assignments of homework shall be made judiciously at the discretion of the teacher after taking into consideration the individual needs of the pupil.  The development of good study habits should be an outgrowth of homework assignments.
    2. The frequency, amount, and quality of homework may vary according to the nature of the subject, the teacher's plan of instruction, and the amount of study time allowed at school.  These will be weighed against the student's age and his/her ability to respond and benefit from homework.
    3. Where appropriate, long-range assignments may be given.  Enough time should be allowed so students may give their other lessons fair and adequate consideration.  .  Assigned homework during the summer, holidays, and year-round track changes is encouraged to only take place on a limited basis.
    4. Because each year's work becomes progressively more difficult, it is assumed that students in the upper grades will devote more of their outside time to independent study.
    5. The objectives of homework assignments are:
      1. To encourage students to do independent study and research.
      2. To provide an environment of continuous learning that moves beyond what is being learned in the classroom.
      3. To gain additional practice in the processes relating to classroom instruction.
      4. To encourage students to study subject matter in depth.
      5. To prepare students for career and college readiness.
    6. To unify the District's approach to homework assignments, the following guidelines shall be utilized uniformly by all educators within the District:
      1. Homework should be application of previously introduced concepts.  Homework should develop skills, creative abilities, critical thinking, problem-solving techniques, the discovery method, and individual initiative.
      2. In giving homework, individual differences among students should be considered.
      3. The majority of classroom assignments should be completed within the classroom; however, if the work is not completed at school, it should be completed at home and will become homework.
    7. A logical relationship should exist between the homework and the reason for which it is given.  Homework as punishment shall not be assigned.
    8. Home study situations should be discussed during parent-teacher conferences, or as the need arises, with emphasis being placed on ways parents may help pupils learn.
    9. It is the responsibility of the principal to discuss reasonable homework assignments with all teachers.
    10. If a parent/guardian has a concern regarding homework that is assigned, the following procedure should be followed:
      1. The parent/guardian should contact the teacher who assigned the homework to discuss the concern.
      2. If a satisfactory solution is not reached between the parent/guardian and the teacher, the parent/guardian should contact the school principal.
      3. If a satisfactory solution is not reached between the parent/guardian and the school principal, the parent/guardian should contact the Administrator of Schools who has supervisory responsibilities of the school.
    11. Homework assignments which place an inordinate burden upon parents shall not be made.
    12. The relationship of homework to the awarding of grades and credits in the middle and high schools will be handled through individual teacher disclosure statements (i.e., weighing late homework, make-up work, etc.).

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/29/2022
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Given the diversity of the community it represents, the Board feels that defining which subjects are controversial and which ones are not is unproductive and perhaps even impossible. Therefore, the Board feels it is better to impose standards on ALL discussion rather than hold certain discussions to a separate standard. Consequently, the applicable contents of this policy have been moved to policy D200 Philosophy of Instruction, which governs all discussions held every day within the entire school district.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revised: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need to maintain a safe and healthy working and learning environment in the schools and workplace, the Board directs the Administration to implement a policy to develop and maintain safety programs that comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety standards.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. OSHA law 1910.133(a) requires that approved safety glasses (ANSI Z87) must be worn by all students, teachers and visitors while participating in or directly observing certain industrial education, physics, and chemistry laboratory activities and any other activity that could cause impairment.  The type of eye protection will be determined by the type of hazard that exist in the activity and will be job specific.
    2. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard:  In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be available and understandable to workers.  OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires the development and dissemination of such information.
    3. School principals, with the cooperation of classroom teachers, shall take all necessary precautions to avert eye damage or loss among students and teachers, and ensure that appropriate eye protection is available and used as required.  They will also be responsible for proper training and education as to any potential health and safety hazards.
    4. Persons exposed to an eye hazard from physical objects (i.e. impact hazard), chemical substances (splash or vapor hazard), harmful radiant energy, and nuisance dust, must wear eye protection.  Such hazards may include but are not limited to the following:
      1. Sparks, open flame and spatters
      2. Molten metals
      3. Research activities involving high energy, flying particles, and the possibility of explosion or implosion of vessels
      4. Toxic, poisonous, irritating, or corrosive chemicals
      5. Glass, wood or metal processing, particularly grinding, welding, chipping, sawing and sanding
      6. Heat treating, tempering or kiln firing of any industrial materials
      7. Injurious radiant energy, such as welding, ultraviolet light, lasers and brazing
      8. Bio-hazardous materials
    5. Every student teacher and visitor shall use appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors or potentially injurious light radiation.
      1. The building administrator shall ensure that each person uses eye protection that provides side protection when there is a hazard from flying objects.  Detachable side protectors (e.g.) clip–on or slide-on side shields) meeting the pertinent requirements of this section are acceptable.
      2. Each person who wears prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards shall wear eye protection that incorporate the prescription in it design, or wear eye protection that can be worn over the prescription lenses without disturbing the proper position of the prescription lenses or the protective lenses.
      3. Each person who uses equipment with filter lenses shall use a shade number appropriate for the work being performed for protection from injurious light radiation.  Reference Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1910.133(a)(5).
    6. Everyone who works with or is potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals will receive initial training on the Hazard Communication Standard and the safe use of those hazardous chemicals, as outlined in the Jordan School District’s hazard communications program.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing that instructional programs for students and teacher development opportunities may be extended beyond the limits of the regular school year, the Board authorizes the District Administration to plan and to conduct summer school and intersession programs.  Summer school and intersession programs conducted in the District shall be established in accordance with the State guidelines, District policies, and budget provisions.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Working within the framework of the established State administrative standards and procedures for implementing summer school and intersession programs, the Administration shall develop and sponsor appropriate direct teaching-learning activities for students.  The Administrators of Schools with the assistance of the appropriate department personnel, shall coordinate the planning and conducting of summer school and intersession programs.

Direct teaching-learning activities for students will include regular courses, enrichment courses, make-up work, remedial and special education classes, advanced or accelerated classes, field trips, summer camps, and a variety of activities calculated to provide exploration and experimentation opportunities as well as depth and breadth in course work and special interest projects.

Summer School or Intersession Program

    1. Student Enrollment and Classes
      1. Schools shall utilize needs assessment procedures to determine the best program to meet the needs of the students being served.
      2. Make-up credit-bearing classes for students grades 9 through 12 will conform with requirements for credit at the alternative high school.
      3. All courses will be supported by student fees and enrollment.
    2. Fees
      1. The fee schedule will be set by the Administration and be approved by the Board.
      2. Elementary student(s) shall be charged a minimum registration fee.  An additional materials fee may be charged those students who enroll in special classes, such as art, crafts, photography, and other classes involving the use of expendable materials.
      3. All secondary students who enroll in academic classes at the alternative high school shall be charged a registration fee.  A materials fee for regular school students may be charged those students who enroll in special classes.
    3. Field Trips for Students
      All field trips shall be conducted according to established policies.
    4. Teachers' Salaries
      The payment of teachers' salaries shall be compatible with the District's current salary schedule.
    5. Reports
      A Summer School Attendance Record shall be submitted to the District at the close of the summer session.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 3/26/2013
  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need for emergency preparedness planning, the Board authorizes District participation with community leaders and emergency management agencies. These programs shall be planned to accomplish the following:

    1. Extend the local community the greatest possible protection and assistance in times of emergency or disaster
    2. Provide protection and preservation of District properties
    3. Provide leadership assistance, as local and state authorities work to avoid panic or confusion in the event of an attack or disaster
    4. Comply with State Rule R277-400 School Emergency Response Plan.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The responsibility for coordinating emergency preparedness activities within the District shall be delegated to the Administrator of Auxiliary Services and/or designee.  Working with directors and school principals, the Administrator of Auxiliary Services shall direct the planning and conduct of emergency preparedness programs

    1. The Administrator of Auxiliary Services will obtain mutual agreements with local, county, state and federal agencies for the use of any Jordan School District facilities in the event of an emergency or disaster.
    2. Principals shall be responsible for conducting in-service training programs for teachers and appropriate orientation programs for students.
    3. Principals shall work closely with the PTA and other civic groups in correlating school and community emergency preparedness procedures.
    4. The District emergency preparedness program shall be planned and conducted in accordance with guidelines established by state, county and local agencies.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/9/2021

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need for a high quality and well-balanced educational system, the Board endorses District participation in accreditation programs.  Jordan School District shall become involved in only those accreditation programs which are approved by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).  Accreditation procedures are justified on the basis of the following:

    1. That they encourage the improvement of educational opportunities and services.
    2. That they involve the development of criteria of evaluation or standards of performance which stimulate continual improvement.
    3. That they promote cooperative relationships among colleges and high schools, between high schools and the Utah Board of Education, and among schools throughout the State.

    The Administration shall present an annual status report of school accreditations and related activities to the Board. The Board authorizes the Administration to participate in approved accreditation programs.

  2. Administrative Policy
    As directed by the Board, the District Administration shall assume the leadership role in encouraging schools to participate in accreditation programs.  However, direct responsibility for coordinating accreditation activities shall be delegated to the Administrators of Schools.

    1.  Instruction
      1. Senior high schools shall cooperate with the Northwest Accreditation Commission, a division of AdvancED, in conducting accreditation as defined in the handbook issued by the Northwest Accreditation Commission.
      2. Middle schools and elementary schools shall cooperate with the Utah State Board of Education. These schools shall utilize the standards and procedures of accreditation as outlined by the USBE.
    2. District Procedures
      1. Requests for participation in accreditation programs shall be prepared by the school principals and submitted to the Administrators of Schools for review and endorsement.
      2. The Administrators of Schools shall submit the requests to the proper accreditation offices.
      3. All accreditation activities shall be coordinated by the Administrators of Schools.
      4. Annual accreditation reports shall be submitted to the Administrators of Schools for District approval.