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  • Effective: 8/8/2000
  • Revision: 9/28/2021
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that students and families have certain privacy rights guaranteed under state and federal law.  Therefore, the Board directs the District Administration to develop policy which assures compliance with privacy requirements when certain information is obtained as part of a student's individual testing or evaluation program or as part of the general curriculum or school activity program.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to federal and state Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws and in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions. For the purposes of this policy, the term “parent” includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).
    1. Collection of Sensitive Information
      1. Written parental consent shall be required before students are administered a psychological or psychiatric:
        1. Examination
        2. Test
        3. Treatment
        4. Survey
        5. Analysis, or
        6. Evaluation

in which the evident intended effect is to cause the student to reveal information concerning one or more of the following sensitive areas about the student or any family member:

        1. Political affiliations or beliefs or, except as provided under UCA 53G-10-202 or rules of the state board, political philosophies;
        2. Mental or psychological problems;
        3. Sex behavior, orientation, or attitudes;
        4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
        5. Critical appraisals of others with whom the student or family member has close family relationships;
        6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, medical personnel, or ministers;
        7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; or
        8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
      1. Prior written consent shall be required:
        1. In all grades, kindergarten through grade 12;
        2. Within the curriculum and other school activities; and
        3. Whether the information collected is personally identifiable or not.
      2. The following procedures dictate the validity of written consent:
        1. Written consent shall be considered valid only if notice was given in accordance with the notification requirements of this policy;
        2. The authorization shall only be valid for the activity for which it was granted;
        3. A written withdrawal of authorization submitted to the school principal by the authorizing parent terminates the authorization;
        4. A general consent used to approve admission to school or involvement in special education, remedial education, or a school activity does not constitute written consent under this section.
      3. Prior written consent should not be required:
        1. As part of a suicide prevention program as described in UCA 53G-9-702 where the parent has received notification and the ability to opt out of the process in accordance with the Notification section of this policy; or
        2. If there is a reasonable belief that there is an emergency, child abuse, neglect, or a serious threat to the wellbeing of the student in accordance with the Emergency Situations section of this policy.
      4. Sensitive information collected under this policy may be shared in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC 1232g, and UCA 53E-9-308.
      5. Sensitive information collected from a survey may not be stored in a student’s Student Achievement Backpack as defined in UCA 53E-3-511.
      6. This policy does not limit the ability of a student to, under UCA 53G-10-203, spontaneously express sentiments or opinions otherwise protected against disclosure under this policy.
    1. Inspection of Instructional Materials
      1. The District shall provide notice and opportunity to a parent to inspect any instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including printed or representational materials, audio-visual materials, and materials in electronic or digital formats (such as materials accessible through the Internet) used as part of the educational curriculum for the student.
        1. The opportunity to inspect instructional materials shall not extend to academic tests or academic assessments.
    2. Nonemergency, Invasive Physical Examinations
      1. The District shall provide notification to parents and the opportunity to opt out of nonemergency, invasive physical examination that is:
        1. Required as a condition of attendance
        2. Administered by the school and scheduled in advance; and
        3. Not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, or of other students.
      2. The term “invasive physical examination” means any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts, or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion, or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision, or scoliosis screening.
      3. The policy does not apply to any physical examination or screening that is permitted or required by an applicable Utah law, including physical examinations or screenings that are permitted without parental notification.
    3. Marketing Surveys
      1. The District shall provide notice of and an opportunity to opt out of activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
        1. The requirement to provide notice and the opportunity to opt out does not apply to the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluation, or providing educational products or services for, or to, students or educational institutions, such as the following:
          1. College or other postsecondary education recruitment, or military recruitment
          2. Book clubs, magazines, and programs providing access to low-cost literary products
          3. Curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary and secondary schools
          4. Tests and assessments used by elementary schools and secondary schools to provide cognitive, evaluative, diagnostic, clinical, aptitude, or achievement information about students (or to generate other statistically useful data for the purpose of securing such tests and assessments) and the subsequent analysis and public release of the aggregate data from such tests and assessments
          5. The sale by students of products and services to raise funds for school-related or education-related activities
          6. Student recognition programs
    4. Notification
      1. The District shall provide notification to parents of this policy as follows:
        1. Notification at the beginning of each school year regarding this policy and within a reasonable period of time after any substantive changes to this policy;
        2. Notification at the beginning of each school year of any planned third-party surveys;
        3. Direct notification annually at the beginning of the school year by postal mail, hand, or email, including the specific or approximate dates, of any
          1. Marketing survey; or
          2. Nonemergency, invasive physical examination;
        4. Direct notification by postal mail, hand, or email, including the specific or approximate dates, annually at the beginning of the school year and at least two weeks prior to the administration of any collection of sensitive information. This notice shall also include:
          1. An Internet address where the parent can view the exact survey to be administered to the parent’s student, and a notice that a copy of the survey questions will also be made available at the school.
          2. Notice that a parent has a reasonable opportunity to obtain in writing the following information concerning the survey:
            1. Records or information, including information about relationships, that may be examined or requested;
            2. The means by which the records or information shall be examined or reviewed;
            3. The means by which the information is to be obtained;
            4. The purposes for which the records or information are needed;
            5. The entities or persons, regardless of affiliation, who will have access to the personally identifiable information; and
            6. A method by which a parent of a student can grant permission to access or examine the personally identifiable information.
      2. The two week's notice requirement for a collection of sensitive information may be waived in the following circumstances:
        1. In response to a situation which a school employee reasonably believes to be an emergency, or as authorized under UCA 62A-4a-4, Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting Requirements;
        2. By order of a court; or
        3. After receiving notice of a collection of sensitive information protected by this policy, a parent may waive the two week’s notice requirement.
    5. Training
      1. The District shall provide training for teachers and administrators on the implementation of this policy.
      2. District employees violating the provisions of this policy are subject to reprimand and possible adverse employment action, including probation or termination under the District's Orderly Termination policy (see policies DP316 NEG, DP316A NEG, DP316B NEG).
    6. Emergency Situations
      1. If a school employee, agent, or school resource officer believes a student is at-risk of attempting suicide, physical self-harm, or harming others, the school employee, agent, or school resource officer may intervene and ask a student questions regarding the student’s suicidal thoughts, physically self-harming behavior, or thoughts of harming others for the purposes of:
        1. Referring the student to the appropriate prevention services; and
        2. Informing the student’s parent without delay.
      2. If the matter has been reported to the Division of Child and Family Services within the Department of Human Services, it is the responsibility of the division to notify the student’s parent of any possible investigation, prior to the student’s return home from school.
      3. School employees, agents, or school resources officers shall use the minimum degree of intervention to accomplish the goals of this policy.
    7. Students Who Have Turned 18 and Emancipated Minors
      1. The rights to notification and opt out shall transfer to the student when the student turns 18 years old or is an emancipated minor.
        1. The notification shall be given to and written consent required from the parent in all grades, kindergarten through 12, regardless of the student’s age, before a collection of sensitive information shall be administered.

  • Effective: 6/29/1999
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the value of a competent, professionallyeducation support professionals staff and authorizes establishment of an Educational Support Professionals Professional Improvement Committee  (ESPPIC) to encourage, guide, and reward the professional development of education support professionals staff.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall administer this policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Membership
      The Jordan School District ESPPIC shall consist of the following members:

      1. The Administrator of Teaching and Learning or designee.
        1. The Administrator of Teaching and Learning or designee shall act as chairperson.
        2. The chairperson shall vote only in the case of a tie.
      2. Two principals (one elementary and one secondary)
        1. The two principals shall be nominated by the Administrators of Schools and will serve two-year terms.
        2. The elementary principal term expires on the odd year, and the secondary principal term expires on the even year.
      3. One representative from each of the following advisory committees: District Office Support Staff (DOSS), Custodial, Maintenance, Transportation, Central Warehouse, Secretaries, Nutrition Services, Instructional Assistants.
        1. Advisory committee representatives shall be nominated by the employee agent group and approved by the Superintendent.
        2. Representatives will serve two-year terms. Custodial, Maintenance, DOSS, and Nutrition Services terms expire on the odd years, and Central Warehouse, Transportation, Instructional Assistants, and Secretaries terms expire on the even years.
      4. One representative from the employee agent group presidency.
    1. Schedule of Meetings
      ESPPIC meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of the month.  Meetings will be scheduled as often as business requires.  Minutes shall be recorded and distributed to committee members.
    2. Functional Responsibilities
      1. The ESPPIC shall review all in-service requests for credit and make recommendations regarding approval.  Upon ESPPIC approval, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning shall sign the in-service requests.
        1. Any District education support professional may submit to the ESPPIC a request for a specific in-service course.  The Staff Development Office will then arrange for the class according to District policy provisions.
        2. The in-service class must be approved by ESPPIC before the class begins.
        3. Only requests received by the 25th of the month will be assured consideration at the next ESPPIC meeting.
        4. The request must meet an established District need.
      2. The ESPPIC shall review course evaluations and make recommendations based upon the results.
      3. The school principal or his/her designee shall serve as the in-service information disseminator at each school.
      4. Upon completion of the in-service course, the participant will be given a certificate of completion that the participant may submit for inclusion in his/her personnel file.

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 11/18/1997
  • Revision: 12/10/2002

  1. Board Policy
    The Board is concerned that students devote as much time as possible in the pursuit of excellence in the basic areas of the curriculum. The Board also recognizes that activities are an essential part of a student’s school experience and that most activities involving competition between schools should be reserved for high school students. Middle and elementary school activities should be conducted at the local school level as much as possible and within the established guidelines for field trips (AA416).

    1. High school activities include those sponsored by the following:
      1. Utah High School Activities Association
      2. State and/or national affiliated associations
      3. Local school and district sponsored programs
    2. The Administration will obtain information concerning the travel needs from the local schools. The Administration will develop guidelines that will bring into focus the financial feasibility and the priority of the schools.
    3. The Board supports the regulations concerning intrastate competition as approved by the Utah High School Activities Association.
  2. Administration Policy
    High school principals have the responsibility of planning student travel in relationship to the activity program. The following guidelines apply when using District transportation services:

    1. Utah High School Activities Association
      1. District buses may be used to transport participants to UHSAA events or other types of activities as determined by the school administration in conjunction with the Director of Transportation.
      2. Transportation for student spectators in District buses, at student expense, may approved when a specific need arises.
      3. Requests for use of buses are to be submitted to the Transportation Department at least two weeks in advance. This time period may be waived when schools compete in region and state tournaments.
    2. State Affiliated and Local School Activities
      1. Requests for use of District buses to support travel to state affiliated activities and other local school activities are to be submitted to the Transportation Department.
      2. These requests will be considered individually. They must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. This time period is waived when schools compete in region and state tournaments.
    3. When the District does not provide transportation in connection with a school-related activity or event, the following will apply:
      1. Each student desiring to participate in such an activity or event must submit a “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgment” form signed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian which acknowledges that no transportation is being provided by the District and that the student’s participation is conditioned on the student arranging for his or her own transportation to events or competitions associated with the activity. The student may not be a member of the particular team or organization, nor participate in the activity, unless a completed “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgement” form is on file.
      2. When involved in ATE/work-based learning experiences, students will utilize the “Activity Authorization” form developed by the Wasatch Front South Consortium.
    4. Organized tours involving post graduates (especially graduation celebrations) will not be sponsored by the local school or Jordan School District.
    5. Insurance coverage of any type excluding tort liability will not be underwritten by the local school or Jordan School District.
    6. In accordance with Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) bylaws, all practice games over 150 miles one way in any sport must be approved by the local Board of Education or its representative at the District Office. The request for approval must be submitted by the principal, on official school letterhead, and an eligibility list of that particular sport must be attached. Details of the travel experience must be provided.

  • Effective: 5/23/1995
  • Revised: 9/28/2021

  1. Board Directive
    The philosophy of the Board is to establish and maintain middle schools which are structured to meet the unique needs of students in the transition years between elementary school and high school. The middle school program shall emphasize academics and provide opportunities for a wide variety of learning experiences. Programs shall be structured to enable students to develop social skills and learn to interact in a cooperative, supportive environment. Middle school extracurricular activities shall be designed solely with the needs of middle school-age students in mind and shall not mirror high school activities or events. Activities which give all students opportunities to participate shall be encouraged with little or no emphasis given to competition.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Student Officers and Elections
      1. Each homeroom or teacher advisory class shall select representatives in accordance with the school constitution. There shall be no eligibility requirements for the homeroom or teacher advisory class representatives. These representatives shall comprise the Student Council.
      2. Each grade may elect up to four officers. No other elections shall be allowed.
        1. Students must have and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and an acceptable citizenship rating to be eligible for these elected offices.
        2. Election procedures shall be determined by the local school. Campaigning shall be limited to one election speech and two campaign posters for each candidate.
        3. Class officers may be elected to serve either one-year or one-semester terms according to school choice.
      3. The elected ninth grade class officers shall preside over the Student Council.
    2. Athletics and Intramurals
      1. The middle school athletic program shall be a broad-based, intramural program. Emphasis shall be on participation and skill building rather than on competition.
      2. Intramural activities may be offered in a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, flag football, etc.
      3. Interscholastic competitive sports programs shall not be sponsored by middle schools.
    3. Choral and Instrumental Music
      1. Middle school choruses and instrumental groups may be organized for students enrolled in regular choral and instrumental music classes.
        1. Uniforms shall not be provided for middle school choruses and instrumental groups either by the school or parents.
        2. Students performing in choruses and instrumental groups may be asked to dress in a certain color or general style provided no unnecessary expense is imposed on parents.
      2. District music festivals shall be the only extracurricular, interscholastic event for middle school choruses and instrumental groups.
      3. Middle school choruses and instrumental groups shall be allowed to perform at special events by invitation.
      4. Middle school students may be encouraged to participate in high school marching bands. If interest warrants, middle schools may organize a marching band as a summer activity. Uniforms shall not be provided for marching bands.
    4. Curriculum
      1. The middle school curriculum shall comply with State Core Curriculum guidelines.
      2. Seventh grade classes may be offered in two-period blocks with instruction in compatible subjects; i.e., English/social studies or English/reading. Team planning shall be emphasized and all curriculum coordinated whether the block is taught by a team of teachers or an individual teacher.
    5. Enrichment Activities
      1. Programs which recognize students for achievement, attendance, etc., shall be encouraged. The emphasis shall be on participation and performance within the school. Outside events or activities shall be discouraged.
      2. Formal student clubs in middle schools shall follow Policy AA443 Student Clubs (Limited Open Forum).
      3. Supervised student enrichment activities which are open to all students shall be encouraged. No dues or uniforms shall be required for enrichment activities.
    6. End of the Year Activities
      1. Middle schools shall not hold promotional or graduation exercises.
      2. Ninth grade students shall be offered a field day at Lagoon or another appropriate recreational activity to celebrate the end of the ninth grade year.
      3. In-school recognition assemblies shall be allowed for all grade levels.
    7. Memory Books
      1. Yearbooks, such as those published in high schools, shall not be part of the middle school program.
      2. PTA and PTSA organizations have the option of publishing a memory book on behalf of the school provided neither the school nor the staff assumes any responsibility for the publication, including liability for content, cost, and/or professional time.
      3. PTA and PTSA organizations who choose to publish a memory book on behalf of the school shall comply with the Administrative Guidelines for Middle School Memory Books.

  • Effective: 9/14/1993
  • Revision: 9/24/2024

  1. Board Directive
    1. It is the belief of the Board of Education that every student should have access to a library media center that offers a variety of materials, formats, and genres to meet multiple reading purposes: enjoyment, acquisition of knowledge, answering questions, different languages, emerging technologies, and personal growth.
    2. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guides the Jordan School District library media centers in both selection of materials and review of challenged materials. The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press...”
    3. This policy specifies the process for identifying materials to be included or disqualified from use in libraries and schools based on Utah Code Section 53G-10-103, Sensitive Instructional Materials, state and federal law, Utah State Board of Education Rule 277-217, Educator Standards and LEA Reporting, or based on age-appropriate contents.
    4. The Board delegates responsibility for developing and administering this policy to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Library Media Selection and Review policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Selection of Materials
      The responsibility for selection rests with trained library personnel under the direction of the Jordan School District Board of Education, using the following criteria:

      1. Overall purpose and educational significance
      2. Legality
      3. Age and developmental appropriateness, including consideration of violence, pervasive vulgarity, self-harm, etc.
      4. Timeliness and/or permanence
      5. Readability and accessibility for intended audience
      6. Artistic quality and literary style
      7. Reputation and significance of author, producer, and/or publisher
      8. Variety of format with efforts to incorporate emerging technologies
      9. Quality and value commensurate with cost and/or need
    2. Responsibility for Selection
      1. The professional library media specialist assigned to the school and the school principal, working in cooperation with staff members, shall be responsible for the selection of materials for school library media centers. This includes material acquired through grants, book fairs, and other donations. Each library media specialist holds either a master’s degree or an endorsement in library media science and is qualified to make selections in a responsible and professional manner.
    3. Evaluating Materials, Self-selection and Internet Access
      1. The library media specialist strives to review all incoming collection items. Because of the volume of materials that are purchased each year, they are also evaluated based on credible reviews from professional publications, professional recommendations, award recipients and other professional sources. When books that have been purchased are received, additional evaluation may be appropriate.
      2. Library materials are available to students on a self-selection basis. The library media specialist, library media assistants, teachers or staff members may assist students in locating needed library media materials.
        1. Student self-selection of materials is often guided by reading lists provided by sources such as professional journals, student book clubs, public libraries and commercial companies.  These lists are not formally approved by library media specialists, school administration or District personnel. Approval of selection lists used as part of a curriculum activity/assignment is addressed in Policy AA424 - Literature Selection and Review.
        2. Responsibility for the reading, listening and viewing of library media materials and accessing internet resources by children rests with parents/guardians, the library media specialist, and school staff members. The parents/guardians are invited to consult with the library media specialist to find materials they feel are appropriate for their children. 
        3. Through Destiny online access, parents may view the title, author, and description of any material the parent’s child borrows from the school library, including a history of borrowed materials.
        4. Electronic databases and other web-based searches and content will be filtered through Jordan District’s state-required internet filter.
    4. Sensitive Instructional Materials
      1. Instructional materials are not exclusively library materials.
      2. Instructional materials determined to be objective sensitive materials or subjective sensitive materials are removed from all school settings as defined in Utah Code 53G-10-103.
      3. If an instructional material constitutes objective sensitive material, no further review is necessary.
      4. Sensitive materials do not include:
        1. A concurrent enrollment course that contains sensitive materials for which a parent receives notice and provides consent.
        2. Instructional materials for medical courses.
        3. Instructional materials for family and consumer science courses.
        4. Health curriculum selected by an LEA under Utah Code 53G-10-402.
      5. An educator may not expose students to sensitive materials as outlined in Board Rule R277-217.
      6. A library/instructional material review request may be made by Jordan School District employees, students, parents, and governing board members. There is no limitation on submission for reviews unless an individual makes three unsuccessful challenges, inclusive of a direct review or appeal, during a given school year.
    5. Library Materials Review Process - Initial Review
      1. A library materials review may be based upon the concern that the material contains sensitive material as defined in Utah Code Section 53G-10-103, or upon concerns with age-appropriateness of content.
      2. The Materials Review Request Form is available here: Jordan District Materials Review Form.
      3. The requester must provide all information requested on the form including the complaint or objection to the library material, with excerpts and other evidence to support the allegation.
      4. Upon receipt of a request for review, at least two Jordan School District employees, including the Instructional Support Services Consultant and the Administrator of Teaching and Learning or designee, will make an initial determination related to a plausible claim that the material contains or constitutes sensitive material.
      5. If a plausible claim is substantiated, the instructional material is immediately removed from student access in all school settings until the full review is completed.
      6. A full review is initiated after the completion of an initial review that substantiates a plausible claim.
      7. Parents may request a list of materials currently under review from library personnel.
      8. The identity of the requester and committee members will be protected and kept confidential from all individuals outside of the review process outlined in this policy, to the extent possible.
    6. Full Review: Objective Sensitive Materials
      1. Members of the Objective Sensitive Materials Review Committee will include:
        1. Administrator of Teaching and Learning or his/her designee
        2. Instructional Support Services Consultant
        3. A school community parent
      2. Members of the Objective Sensitive Materials Review Committee may not include those responsible for procurement of the materials or the individual(s) who brought the challenge.
      3. Members of the Review Committee will receive materials to complete the review process, including the following:
        1. A copy of the Materials Review Request Form
        2. Excerpts and other evidence to support the allegation
        3. A copy of Jordan District Policy AA440
        4. Materials provided to the committee may also include relevant information about the title compiled and shared by the library staff, including the reasons for initial approval of the material.
      4. The Review Committee will determine dates and times for meetings and maintain minutes of the meetings.
      5. The Review Committee will determine the amount of time needed for an adequate review of a material to make a thorough and thoughtful decision and inform the requester of the determined timeline with a preference for 30 school days where possible and no longer than 60 school days.
      6. The Review Committee will determine whether the material constitutes objective sensitive material using the standards found in Section 76-10-1235, under the non-discretionary standards described in Subsection
        76-10-1227 (1)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii).
      7. If the library or instructional material constitutes objective sensitive material, the review process is completed and the library or instructional material is immediately removed from all school settings.
      8. The Instructional Support Services Consultant will promptly report the determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 20 days after completing the full review.
      9. The outcome of the review will be reported to the requester.
      10. If the objective sensitive material standard is NOT upheld, initiate a subjective sensitive material review.
    7. Full Review: Subjective Sensitive Materials and Age Appropriateness
      1. Members of the Subjective Sensitive Materials Review Committee will include:
        1. Administrator of Teaching & Learning or the Instructional Support Services Consultant or designee
        2. A teacher-librarian
        3. Parents of current students at the school that number at least one more than the LEA employees on the Committee. Parents should be reflective of the school community as required in Utah Code Subsection 53G-10-103(3).
      2. Members of the Subjective Sensitive Materials Review Committee may not include those responsible for procurement of the materials or the individual(s) who brought the challenge.
      3. Members of the Review Committee will receive materials to complete the review process, including the following:
        1. A copy of the Materials Review Request Form
        2. Access to the complete work that includes the material being challenged
        3. A copy of this policy
        4. If needed, relevant information about the title compiled and shared by the library staff; this may include the reason for initial approval of the material.
      4. The Review Committee will determine meeting dates and times and maintain meeting minutes.
      5. The Review Committee will determine the amount of time needed for an adequate review of a material to make a thorough and thoughtful decision and inform the requester of the determined timeline with a preference for 30 school days where possible and no longer than 60 school days.
      6. During the review period, students may access material with parental consent.
      7. In deciding whether the material constitutes subjective sensitive material, the committee will use the subjective sensitive material standards: constitutes pornographic or indecent material, as that term is defined in Section 76-10-1235, under the following factor-balancing standards:
        1. Material that is harmful to minors under Section 76-10-1201;
        2. Material that is pornographic under Section 76-10-1203; or
        3. Material that includes certain fondling or other erotic touching under Subsection 76-10-1227(1)(a)(iv).
      8. If the library or instructional material is determined to be subjective sensitive material:
        1. Ensure that the material is inaccessible to students in any school setting and terminate parent consent.
        2. Report the determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 10 days of the final determination.
        3. Report the outcomes to the requester.
        4. Dispose of or return the material identified for removal.
        5. Ensure that it is not sold or distributed to a minor.
      9. The Subjective Sensitive Materials Committee may also receive book challenges based on developmental appropriateness, including considerations of violence, pervasive vulgarity, self-harm, etc. that are not a part of the state definition of sensitive materials.
    8. Appeals Process
      1. Employees, students, parents, and governing board members of Jordan School District may initiate an appeal regardless of whether the material was retained or removed. The appeal must be made in writing within 15 business days of receipt of the Review Committee's final determination using an Appeal Request Form. The form may be found at Appeal Request Form.
      2. The Jordan School District Board of Education will review the appeal and vote in a public Board meeting to decide the outcome of a sensitive material review appeal, clearly identifying:
        1. The rationale for their decision.
        2. Their determination on each component of any statutory or policy standards they used to reach their conclusions.
      3. The Instructional Support Services Consultant will promptly report the Board’s determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 20 days after the final determination of the appeal.
      4. The Jordan School District Board of Education may not enact rules or policies that prevent them from:
        1. Revisiting a previous decision.
        2. Reviewing a recommendation of Jordan School District personnel or parent-related committee regarding a challenged instructional material.
        3. Reconsidering a challenged library or instructional material unless additional information regarding the material is received.
    9. Communication
      1. Jordan School District will maintain an accessible public website where the following information can be located:
        1. Materials Review Request Form
        2. Appeal Request Form
        3. Application to Serve on a Materials Review Committee
        4. This library policy
      2. If made aware of material that may be considered sensitive material as defined in Section 53G-10-103, the District will inform relevant parties regarding appropriate actions to take pursuant to this policy.

  • Effective: 12/17/1991
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

  1. Board Policy
    The Board recognizes that it is in the best interest of the school system to minimize outside disruptions which detract from the learning environment, encroach upon contract time, or reduce staff productivity. Further, publicly funded school and district services should not be used for private enterprise pursuits. Therefore, the Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for developing a policy which limits selling in schools and offices and frees employees from sales pressure in the work place.
  2. Administration Policy
    Board policy shall be administered according to the following guidelines:

    1. Sales directly related to education
      1. Sales representatives who wish to communicate with school staff members about education-related items or services shall:
        1. Obtain written authorization from an Administrator of Schools of Schools or designee.
        2. Contact the school principal to arrange an appointment at a time which does not interfere with educational programs or staff responsibilities.
      2. Sales representatives who wish to communicate with District administrators about education-related items or services shall make appointments in advance. Administrators reserve the right to determine when and how sales representatives are received.
    2. Sales indirectly related to education
      1. Sales associated with fund raising projects authorized through the Jordan Education Foundation, PTA, School Community Councils, or other official student or school organizations shall be allowed in accordance with the provisions outlined in policy AA417—Fund Raising.
      2. Sales associated with student instructional programs, student activities, school clubs, or school and student organizations shall be allowed subject to authorization by the principal.
      3. Sales of student pictures, articles designed to boost school spirit, school graduation memorabilia, etc., shall be allowed subject to authorization by the principal.
      4. The District shall cooperate with dissemination of materials related to U.S. Savings Bonds, United Way, and other civic efforts as authorized by the Board of Education.
      5. Vending machines for school supplies, soft drinks and snack foods shall be allowed for the convenience of students and employees.
    3. Sales which are not an integral part of the regular school program or directly or indirectly related to education, as described in items A and B, are prohibited in all school buildings and District offices.

  • Effective: 11/12/91
  • Revision: 9/22/20
  • Reviewed: 12/10/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that under Utah Code 53G-6-202, a minor between the age of six (6) and eighteen (18) years of age is generally required to attend either a regularly established private or public school.  The Board also recognizes that there are exceptions to this provision under the law and delegates to the District Administration responsibility for developing policy to handle exceptions to these Compulsory Education requirements.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Exceptions to the compulsory attendance requirement shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. A partial release from school to enter employment may be given to students who are over age sixteen (16) and who have completed the eighth grade.  Minors excluded under this provision are required to attend part-time schooling or home schooling as prescribed by the Board.
    2. Students may be excluded from the compulsory attendance requirement in the following circumstances:
      1. The minor has completed the work required for graduation from high school.
      2. The minor is in a physical or mental condition which renders school attendance inexpedient and impractical.  The student's condition must be certified by a licensed physician.
      3. The minor's employment provides proper influences and adequate opportunities for his/her education.
      4. The Administration has determined that a minor over the age of sixteen (16) is unable to profit from attendance at school because of inability or a continuing negative attitude toward school regulations and discipline.
    3. On an annual basis, resident school-aged students shall be excused from compulsory attendance by the Board, as defined by Utah Code 53G-6-204, when:
      1. A school-age student’s parent or legal guardian files a signed and notarized affidavit with the District affirming that:
        1. The school-age student will attend a home school; and
        2. The parent assumes sole responsibility for the education of the school-age student, except to the extent that the student is dual enrolled in a public school as defined in Utah Code 53G-6-702.
      2. A certificate excusing the school-age student from attendance shall be issued by the District:
          1. Within 30 days after a signed and notarized affidavit is filed by the school-age student’s parent as provided in B.1 above.
          2. On or before August 1 each year thereafter unless the school-age student (Utah Code 53G-6-402):
            1. Enrolls in a school within the school district; or
            2. No longer attends home school; or
            3. The district of residence has changed.

  • Effective: 8/6/1991
  • Revision: 11/24/2015
  • Reviewed: 8/27/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education encourages both parental involvement in the operation of the school district and parental participation in the educational process.  Therefore, the Board authorizes the District Administration to develop procedures to build effective communication between parents, teachers, and administrators; to provide parents with opportunities to be actively involved in their children's education; and to establish School Community Councils for receiving community input on local school issues.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Parent Involvement at the District Level
      1. Parents shall be represented on District committees and advisory groups, as appropriate.
      2. Parent members of the District consolidated student achievement plan committee shall participate in an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of school and make recommendations for policy revisions based upon evaluation findings.
      3. Parents may address the Board at school board meetings, public hearings, and other appropriate occasions.
    2. Parent Involvement at Local Schools
      1. The District will provide technical assistance and other support necessary to assist schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement plans to improve student academic achievement and performance.
      2. Schools shall provide opportunities for parents to serve as school volunteers. (See policy DE502—Volunteer Services.)
      3. Schools are encouraged to draw upon the talents of parents for special presentations, enrichment activities, and other events or circumstances where parent participation may enhance the curriculum.
    3. Parent Involvement in Student Education
      1. Parents shall regularly receive information about their student's academic performance;   i.e., report cards, progress reports, etc.
      2. Parents shall have opportunities to discuss their child's educational program and progress with teachers at parent/teacher conferences or other meetings as appropriate.
      3. Informal parent/teacher conferences may be initiated and scheduled by either the parent or teacher whenever it seems in the student's best interest.
      4. Parents shall be notified of student disciplinary problems and provided opportunities to be involved in the solution. (See policy AS67 NEG—Discipline of Students.)
    4. Parent Involvement in School Community Councils
      1. Organization
        1. Each school shall organize a School Community Council.  Each School Community Council shall consist of parents or guardians of students who are attending the school, school employees and the school principal.
        2. Each school community in the organizational year, half of the terms shall be for one year and half for two years.  In subsequent years, all terms shall be for two years.  Each school, in consultation with the Administration, shall set the beginning date of the term of office for School Community Council members. (53G-7-1202)
        3. A parent or guardian qualifies to be a candidate for election if at any time during the term of office, the parent or guardian’s student will be enrolled at the school.  The parent or guardian shall be elected by secret ballot by a majority vote of those voting in the election and serve a two-year term.
        4. Each employee member, except the principal, shall be elected by secret ballot by a majority vote of the employees and serve a two-year term.  The principal shall serve as an ex-officio member with full voting privileges.
        5. A school community council may determine the size of the school community council by a majority vote of a quorum of the school community council provided that:
          1. the membership includes two or more parent or guardian members than the number of school employee members; and
          2. there are at least two school employee members on the school community council. (53G-7-1202(4)(c)(ii)
        6. Educators in the District can serve as parent representatives on the School Community Council at their children’s school as long as they are not employed at their children’s school (53G-7-1202.1.e.).
        7. The number of parent or guardian members of a school community council who are not educators employed by the school district shall exceed the number of parent or guardian members who are educators employed by the school district.
        8. The principal of the school, or the principal’s designee, shall provide notice of the available Community Council positions to school employees, parents, and guardians at least 10 days before the date that voting commences.  The notice shall include the date and time of the election, a list of council positions that are up for election, and instructions for becoming a candidate for a Community Council position.  Ballots cast in the election shall be deposited in a secure ballot box (a closed container).  Results of the election are to be made available to the public if requested, and should be maintained at the school for three (3) years.
        9. Under certain circumstances, the School Community Council may establish policies for voting via mailed ballots and/or secure electronic systems, consistent with Utah State Board of Education Rule on School Community Councils.
        10. An election for the parent or guardian members of a School Community Council shall be held near the beginning of the school year or held in the spring and completed before the last week of school. At year-round schools, the first day of school will be interpreted as the start of D- track.
        11. Should a parent or guardian position on a School Community Council remain unfilled after an election, the other parent or guardian members of the council shall appoint a parent or guardian who meets the qualifications of the position.  Should an employee position remain unfilled following an election, the other employee members on the council shall appoint an employee to fill the position.  Such appointees shall serve a two-year term.  The chair of the Community Council is to notify the Administration of each appointment made.
        12. Council members may serve up to three successive terms.
        13. The School Community Council shall elect: (1) two co-chairs from its parent or guardian members or one co-chair from its parent or guardian members and one co-chair from its elected employees members; or (2) a chair and a vice chair from its parent or guardian members.  The principal shall serve as facilitator to the Council.
        14. Principals and all School Community Council members are encouraged to participate in annual training provided under the Board’s direction to build schools’ capacity for developing and implementing effective parental involvement plans.
        15. School Community Councils may form subcommittees or task forces to advise or make recommendation to the Council, e.g., to help with the school improvement plan.  The subcommittee or task force members may be appointed and do not necessarily need to be members of the Council.
      2. Meetings
        1. Meetings shall be scheduled according to the needs of the school with a minimum of four meetings per school year.
        2. School Community Council meetings are open to the public.
        3. School Community Councils are not accountable to Open Meetings Law, but they must post their agendas and minutes one week prior to each meeting.
        4. Meetings shall be held at times which are convenient for a majority of the members.
        5. School Community Councils must adopt their own rules of order and procedure.  These rules should be followed in conducting meetings, be posted on the school website, and be available at each meeting.
        6. Meeting agendas shall be prepared by the chairperson and the principal and posted on the school website at least one week in advance.
        7. All School Community Council minutes shall include:
          1. the date, time, location, names of members present and absent
          2. substance of all matters proposed and/or  discussed and the decisions made
          3. a record of votes
          4. name of each person who is not a member of the School Community Council and who is recognized by the chair to speak in the meeting, and substance of what was said
          5. Minutes are marked as a draft until approved.
        8. Issues not listed on the agenda may arise in the meeting, be discussed and assignments made to help the School Community Council make a decision at a future date, but no final action should be taken on substantive issues not listed on the agenda.
        9. A school or school district administrator shall not prohibit or discourage a School Community Council from discussing any issue or concern raised by any School Community Council member unless prohibited by law.
      3. Responsibilities
        1. The School Community Council shall participate in the development of a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) designed to improve student achievement.
          1. The comprehensive school improvement plan is to include the following:
            a) A review of testing data and other reliable data to determine the needs of students.  (Note:  Access to data that reveal the identity of students is not allowed.)
            b) An identification of the school’s most critical academic needs.
            c) A recommended course of action to meet the identified academic needs.
            d) A specific listing of programs, practices, materials or equipment the school will need in order to implement an action plan that directly impacts the instruction of students and results in measurable, increased student performance.
            e) A statement regarding how academic excellence at the school will be enhanced or improved, including how financial resources available to the school will be used to improve student achievement.  Budget information and other data are to be provided to the School Community Council by the principal.
            f) A reading achievement plan at each elementary school for grades K-3.
            g) The School LAND Trust Plan, an academic subset of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
            h) An identification of expenditures related to the Technology Initiative and provide for education and awareness on safe technology utilization and digital citizenship. (53G-7-1202)
            i) Partner with the school's principal and other administrators to ensure that adequate on and off campus Internet filtering is installed and consistently configured to prevent viewing of harmful content by students and school personnel, in accordance with Subsection 53B-1-115(3).
            j) A parent involvement plan designed to increase parental involvement for the purpose of improving academic achievement and school performance, with particular attention directed toward identifying and eliminating barriers to greater participation of parents of at-risk students.
        2. The School Community Council shall present its comprehensive school improvement plan to the Board of Education annually for approval.  Multiyear plans may be developed, but annual approval by the Board is required.
        3. The administrators, teachers, staff, and councils of each local school are to:
          1. Implement the comprehensive school improvement plan as developed by the School Community Council and approved by the Board of Education.
          2. Provide ongoing support for the Council’s plan.
          3. Meet Board reporting requirements regarding performance and accountability.
          4. Publicize the plan and how it is designed to enhance or improve academic excellence, as well as the results of these efforts.
          5. Submit an annual report to the Board of Education at the end of the year.
        4. The School Community Council shall advise and assist in the development and implementation of the professional staff development plan at each school.
        5. The School Community Council of each elementary and middle school shall develop and submit a child access routing plan annually to the local school Traffic Safety Committee.
        6. The School Community Council shall provide a forum for community discussion of school related concerns, encouraging citizens to express their views about educational issues and problems.
        7. Issues which are outside the purview of the School Community Council shall include District policies, budgets (except as noted above), laws, and ethics, as well as issues which are the specific responsibility of another educational organization.
        8. The School Community Council shall coordinate the fundraising activities of the local school.  However, local school PTA organizations may conduct fund-raisers to support their activities and projects.  (See Policy AA417—Fund Raising.)
        9. Each School Community Council shall provide a meeting schedule and a list of School Community Council members with either email or phone contact information, or both, within the first six weeks of school.  In addition, a report to parents on the implementation of last year’s School LAND Trust program must be distributed by November 15th of each year.    The School Community Council shall provide this information by posting it on the school’s website and providing individual delivery to each household that has a student attending the school by one or more of the following methods:  mailing the information, delivering a voice message describing the information and explaining where to obtain the full information, sending an e-mail message containing the information, providing the information in a packet that is to be delivered to the student’s parent or guardian, distributing the information during the school’s annual registration period, or with the student’s report card.
        10. At least one week prior to a meeting, the School Community Council shall post the following information on the school’s website:  notice of the meeting date, time, and place, an agenda for the meeting, and a summary of the previous meeting.
        11. School websites shall fully communicate the opportunities provided to parents about serving on the School Community Council and how parents can directly influence the expenditure of the School LAND Trust funds.  The website should include the dollar amount received each year through the program.
    5. Parent Information and Training
      1. Parents shall be informed of the workings of the school system through the District website and other school or District publications.
      2. A variety of classes and programs shall be offered through the Jordan Family Education Center and Community School to help parents become effective partners in their child's education.
      3. Parents may enroll in District-sponsored in-service classes to learn techniques for improving their children's academic success.

  • Effective: 12/13/1988
  • Revision: 9/22/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education allows secondary students to be released from school during the regular school day for the purpose of attending classes in religious instruction.  The Board holds that this policy does not violate the Constitutional requirement for separation of church and state so long as the school system and the particular church providing the religious instruction during the released time remain separate and neither institution invades the domain of the other.  Released time for religious instruction is not to be confined to any one religion.  The Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for implementing this policy in compliance with Utah law and in accordance with State and District policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration directs the Administrators of Schools to work with secondary school principals to implement a program which honors parental requests for student released time for religious instruction during the school day according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Students will be granted released time for religious instruction only upon the written request of their parents or legal guardian.
    2. Released time is limited to one (1) class period per day.
    3. Released time is not to be granted during times when it interferes with completion of the student's regular course of study or with classes required for graduation.
    4. School credit will not be awarded for released time classes.
    5. School personnel shall not monitor attendance, maintain records, or perform any other work related to released time classes.
    6. Records of released time class attendance, released time grades, marks or other released time information are not to be included on the student's school report card or other school records.
    7. Released time class instructors are not members of the school faculty nor are they to be included as faculty members or considered faculty members in any school functions.
    8. Public school teachers, administrators, or other officials may not request released time instructors to exercise functions or assume responsibilities for public school programs which commingle activities of the two institutions.
    9. School publications shall not publish articles, pictures, reports, or records related to released time class functions or activities.

  • Effective: 6/14/1988
  • Revision: 5/26/2015
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education holds the expectation that all interactions between employees and students are professional and appropriate.  Therefore, the Board directs the District Administration to develop a scope of employment policy regarding interactions between students and staff members which stem from school relationships.  In addition, the Board directs the Administration to designate that certain activities pertaining to dangerous weapons are outside the scope of an employee’s employment.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The scope of employment policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions and applies to all employees, contract employees, and volunteers.

    1. Instruction, counseling, and administrative tasks and all other planned school contact with students shall be accomplished at the school during regular school hours.
      1. If special circumstances make it necessary for a District employee to meet with one or more students outside the regular school day or at a location other than the school, prior written approval from the principal is required.
      2. When a student requires staff assistance outside the regular school day because of an emergency or unanticipated occurrence, the employee shall notify the principal of the occurrence as soon as possible.
      3. All transportation of students in personal vehicles by District employees shall be avoided, unless the students are members of the employee’s immediate family or a student must be transported by an employee due to an emergency situation where the health, safety or welfare of the student is at immediate risk.  If such travel cannot be avoided and the transportation of a student is not life threatening, written permission must be obtained in advance from the parent and principal.
    2. All extracurricular activities outside regular school hours or off school property must be authorized in advance and in writing by the school principal in accordance with District Policy AA444—Employee Involvement in Private, But Public Education-Related Activities.
    3. After-hour activities involving students are to be held at the school whenever possible.  If another location is necessary, prior written approval from the school principal is required.
    4. Employees shall not charge a fee for any tutoring services provided to students at the school within school hours.  Employees may charge a fee for tutoring services outside of contract hours, only in accordance with District Policy AA444.
    5. District employees have the responsibility to communicate with students and their parents or guardians in a professional manner.  Text messages to students must be of a professional, not personal nature.  All communication using social media must be in compliance with District policies, including Jordan School District Policy DP371 Employee Information Network Acceptable Use and the Social Media Guidelines.  The message content, context and frequency will be used to determine if disciplinary action is taken by the District.
    6. Unless otherwise provided for by law, possession, or use of a firearm, weapon, or other dangerous materials (as defined in section G, below) by any employee in a District building, in or on District property, in conjunction with any District activity, or while traveling in District funded or dispatched vehicles, is in violation of Jordan School District Policy, and will be subject to disciplinary sanctions which may include termination. Possessing, using, selling, or attempting to possess, use or sell any such dangerous materials on District property or in District vehicles is prohibited regardless of intent.  Exceptions to this prohibition are for employees that use tools or materials that are required as part of their job function (as defined in section H, below) and for current holders of a lawfully issued concealed firearm permit (as set forth in section I, below) applying only to firearms, not to any other prohibited weapon or other dangerous materials.
    7. Dangerous materials include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:  firearms (including antique firearms), weapons, knives, swords, explosive/incendiary devices, dangerous chemicals, noxious or flammable materials, martial arts weapons or other instruments including those which eject a projectile or substance of any kind, or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or when any object or substance is used as a weapon.
    8. Authorized use or possession of dangerous materials and tools when used in connection with a District approved activity or job function must be in the possession or under the control or supervision of the person authorized and responsible for the activity (e.g.: cooking, consumer science, CTE, chemistry classes, custodial, maintenance and repair).
    9. The law provides that a qualified person may receive a permit “to carry a concealed firearm for lawful self defense” UCA §§53-5-704(1),-705.  A concealed dangerous weapon means “a dangerous weapon that is covered, hidden or secreted in a manner that the public would not be aware of its presence and is readily accessible for immediate use.” UCA §76-10-501(3)(a)(i).  Therefore, any lawfully concealed firearm on District property or in District vehicles must remain concealed such that the public is not aware of its presence.
    10. District property may not be used to hide, cover or secret a firearm.  A lawfully concealed firearm must be within the employee’s immediate control at all times.  Employees must recognize that students could gain access to a firearm that is not properly concealed, or controlled.  Therefore, employees must use good judgment and strictly follow the law and this policy.
    11. An employee of Jordan School District who obtains a concealed weapons permit does so in his or her own individual capacity.  Any use of such weapons is outside the scope of employment, is contrary to the purposes of employment by the District and is done solely in the employee’s personal capacity, not as an employee of the District.  Any and all liabilities, damages, demands, claims, actions or proceedings in law or equity, including attorney’s fees and costs to suit, relating to or arising out of an employee decision to carry, threaten use, or use a weapon will be the sole responsibility of that employee without recourse to, or liability protection from or through the District.