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  • Effective: 11/12/91
  • Revision: 9/22/20
  • Reviewed: 12/10/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that under Utah Code 53G-6-202, a minor between the age of six (6) and eighteen (18) years of age is generally required to attend either a regularly established private or public school.  The Board also recognizes that there are exceptions to this provision under the law and delegates to the District Administration responsibility for developing policy to handle exceptions to these Compulsory Education requirements.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Exceptions to the compulsory attendance requirement shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. A partial release from school to enter employment may be given to students who are over age sixteen (16) and who have completed the eighth grade.  Minors excluded under this provision are required to attend part-time schooling or home schooling as prescribed by the Board.
    2. Students may be excluded from the compulsory attendance requirement in the following circumstances:
      1. The minor has completed the work required for graduation from high school.
      2. The minor is in a physical or mental condition which renders school attendance inexpedient and impractical.  The student's condition must be certified by a licensed physician.
      3. The minor's employment provides proper influences and adequate opportunities for his/her education.
      4. The Administration has determined that a minor over the age of sixteen (16) is unable to profit from attendance at school because of inability or a continuing negative attitude toward school regulations and discipline.
    3. On an annual basis, resident school-aged students shall be excused from compulsory attendance by the Board, as defined by Utah Code 53G-6-204, when:
      1. A school-age student’s parent or legal guardian files a signed and notarized affidavit with the District affirming that:
        1. The school-age student will attend a home school; and
        2. The parent assumes sole responsibility for the education of the school-age student, except to the extent that the student is dual enrolled in a public school as defined in Utah Code 53G-6-702.
      2. A certificate excusing the school-age student from attendance shall be issued by the District:
          1. Within 30 days after a signed and notarized affidavit is filed by the school-age student’s parent as provided in B.1 above.
          2. On or before August 1 each year thereafter unless the school-age student (Utah Code 53G-6-402):
            1. Enrolls in a school within the school district; or
            2. No longer attends home school; or
            3. The district of residence has changed.

  • Effective: 5/23/1978
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes the importance of providing instruction to students who are confined to home or hospital.  The Board also recognizes the need to maintain contact between the school and the home during the time when these students are unable to attend school.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the Administration responsibility for developing policy for a Home and Hospital Instruction Program for students who are unable to attend school due to injury, illness or other extenuating circumstances.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall establish a program to provide instruction to convalescing students in grades one through twelve to alleviate concern over academic work/credit, to maintain the skills necessary for returning to the classroom, and to assure ongoing home/school contact during the term of the illness, injury, or extenuating circumstances.  The District provides opportunities for short-term services through the student’s boundary school as well as long-term services for those students who may need extended out-of-school services.   The Home and Hospital Program will be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Qualifications for Services
      1. The student lives within the boundaries of Jordan School District and is enrolled in a Jordan District school.
      2. The student is confined at home or in a hospital due to physical or emotional illness, injury, handicap, complications of pregnancy, or extenuating circumstances.
      3. The student has missed or expects to miss ten (10) or more consecutive days of school.
      4. The student's condition will allow 50 percent or less attendance during the school day.
      5. Home and Hospital Instruction is recommended by the student's physician, medical professional, licensed clinical social worker, licensed psychotherapist, or legally directed services, and is requested by the parent(s)/guardian(s).
    2. Providing Services
      1. The parent will need to notify the administrator at the student’s school to inform them of the need for Home and Hospital services.  The school administrator will initiate the required procedures to begin the Home and Hospital services .  All required documentation will be submitted to the District prior to teacher reimbursement.
      2. The student's physician, medical professional, licensed social worker, or licensed psychotherapist shall be asked to estimate the length of time that Home and Hospital Instruction services will be needed.  Minimum duration of services is two weeks and maximum service is nine weeks without additional follow-up with referring medical provider.
      3. Short-term services will be initiated at the school by the building administrator.  The Request for Home and Hospital Instruction form, the Short-term Services Disclosure Statement, and the Professional Statement of Needs form need to be submitted to the District with the time sheet for the first month and the Monthly Teaching Record.
      4. Long-term services require the Home and Hospital Teacher Specialist to meet with the family and complete all required documentation to be submitted to the District Office with the time sheet for the first month and the Monthly Teaching Record.
      5. Home and Hospital Instruction services shall be provided for pregnant girls only when extenuating circumstances make it inadvisable or impossible for the student to participate at their boundary school or in the teenage parent program offered through Valley High School.
      6. Home and Hospital Instruction services may be denied or discontinued if it appears that the services are worsening the student's condition, increasing or prolonging school phobia or anxiety, or otherwise having a harmful impact upon the student.
      7. In most cases, the duration of services shall be determined by the administrator after consultation with the medical professional requesting Home and Hospital services per the medical release form.
      8. If it appears that the program is being abused by the parent or student, the administrator will initiate a formal review with the program consultant for Student Intervention Services or the District Administrator administering the Home and Hospital Program.
      9. Students attending schools that are on a year-round calendar will be provided Home and Hospital services only during the weeks when their assigned track is in session.
      10. Secondary students in grades 9-12 requiring long-term services of Home and Hospital (nine weeks or more) will be transferred to Valley High School.  The Home and Hospital instruction will be provided in the home or other designated public location (e.g., library, police or fire station) under the direction of the program consultant for Student Intervention Services.
      11. During the last two quarters of the school year, seniors who are on line for graduation and not involved in an extensive makeup program shall receive Home and Hospital services from their local school to enable the student to graduate from that school.
      12. Instruction for students who are expelled/suspended for drug and alcohol violations will be provided by the local school or Valley High School as specified in the District policies AS67— Discipline of Students  and AS90—Drugs and Alcohol.
      13. The District Appeals Committee may rule that some students will receive their education for a designated period of time through the Home and Hospital program as an alternative to their local school.  These services will be provided by either the local school or Valley High as directed by the Appeals Committee.
    3. Assignment of Teachers
      1. Short-term services:   Students shall be taught by teachers whenever possible, from the class and school in which they are enrolled.  When an appropriate teacher is not available, the administrator may arrange for a teacher from another school.
      2. School administrators shall make short-term Home and Hospital teaching assignments on the basis of teacher interest, availability, and curriculum qualifications.
        1. Teachers shall be reimbursed for providing Home and Hospital Instruction at their current hourly base rate.
        2. One half hour of preparation time is allowed for each two hours of actual instruction.
        3. Teachers shall receive a mileage reimbursement at the current district rate.  Mileage is based upon the distance from the school to the student's home or other designated public location (e.g., library, police or fire station) and to the instructor’s home.  If visiting multiple students on the same trip, mileage shall also be paid for the distance between students’ homes/locations when necessary. Time required for travel is not part of the two-hour instruction time.
        4. Teachers  shall submit the required documentation accessed online, each month prior to being reimbursed for services.
        5. The administrators shall submit time sheets for Home and Hospital Instruction along with the designated copy of the Home and Hospital Teaching Record Form signed by the parent to the Teaching and Learning Office
      3. Long-term teacher assignment will be determined by the District Administrator over Home and Hospital  to meet individual student needs.
    4. Instruction
      1. Home Instruction
        1. Instruction shall be provided at the student's home or other designated public location (e.g., library, police or fire station) after regular school hours for short-term services and during the school day or after regular school hours for long-term services.  Generally, one two-hour instruction session shall be provided per week.  With administrator  approval, two one-hour sessions may be provided if it is deemed in the best interest of the student.  (One-hour sessions are generally only used with elementary-age students.)
        2. A parent or other responsible adult must be present in the home during the instruction session.  If the parent or guardian fails to provide proper chaperonage, the instruction session shall be canceled.
        3. Textbooks shall be furnished by the school where the student is enrolled. When appropriate. additional coursework will be provided through the Teaching and Learning Department..
      2. Hospital Instruction
        1. Jordan District shall provide teachers, textbooks, and instructional materials for students confined to approved non-accredited facilities.
        2. Students enrolled in Jordan District and later assigned to hospitals with accredited educational programs shall be serviced in one of two ways:
          1. Withdrawn from Jordan School District and transferred to the accredited institution which will provide teachers, textbooks and instructional materials.
          2. Assigned to Valley High (Home & Hospital) but serviced at the facility by an accredited institution under a contract with Jordan School District based upon a daily pro-rated amount of the WPU.  Teachers, textbooks, and instructional materials shall be provided by the institution under contract.
    5. Grades and Credit for School Attendance
      1. Students who are receiving Home and Hospital Instruction shall be counted as attending school.
      2. Secondary teachers must prepare assignment sheets for students in their classes who are receiving Home and Hospital Instruction.  Teachers are accountable to provide Utah State Core curriculum educational services. Substitute assignments will be provided if the regular class activities cannot be completed at home.  Upon consultation with the school administration, the teacher can give the student an "incomplete" for the course when it cannot be appropriately taught through Home and Hospital Instruction.  In this case, the District would provide an opportunity for the student to make up the missed credit through an alternative class or program.  Because of limited instructional time, the Home and Hospital Instruction Program is designed to help students maintain credit.
      3. Middle school and high school students who receive Home and Hospital Instruction for five weeks or more during any one quarter shall receive attendance credit and grades for work completed from the Home and Hospital instructors, and the Home and Hospital specialist, in collaboration with the content classroom teacher.  Grades shall be awarded by the Home and Hospital teacher and specialist in collaboration with the classroom content teacher.

  • Effective: 9/27/1977
  • Revision: 9/22/2020
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes that regular student attendance at school facilitates academic achievement by maximizing the interaction between students and teachers. The Board also recognizes that regular student attendance at school is mandated by Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53G-6-202, which requires students between the ages of six and 18 to attend school and is critical if schools are to meet the accountability standards set by federal and state legislation.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the District and local school administration the responsibility to develop school policies and procedures that promote regular student attendance. The school’s responsibility is to encourage and help students develop positive attendance habits that will enhance opportunities for future success.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Frequent absences of students from the day-to-day classroom experiences disrupt the instructional process.  The benefits of instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained.  The process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study.  Therefore, the local school will make every effort within the following administrative policy provisions, to encourage regular attendance for all students and to assist parents in their responsibility to have their children attend school regularly.

    1. Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for regular student attendance at school. School staff and students also share in that responsibility.
      1. Students are expected to be in attendance every school day in order to receive maximum benefit from their education experiences. If a student is legitimately absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up work.  If a student is tardy for class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the school office, teacher, or utilize any other established school procedure so that an unexcused absence is not assessed.  It is also a student’s responsibility to obtain a checkout slip from the office when he/she must leave during the school day.
      2. Parents/guardians are expected to ensure that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify school officials of legitimate absences. The parent/guardian must telephone the office to confirm a checkout prior to the student’s leaving during the school day.
      3. Classroom teachers are required to record and verify daily student attendance as outlined in the Student Services Planning and Enrollment Manual. The individual school/teacher will, where appropriate, develop grading and credit policy that promotes attendance, class participation, and academic achievement.
        1. Learner validated attendance, in accordance with Utah Board Rule R277-419 Pupil Accounting, should be entered into the district’s student information system (SIS) daily and reviewed weekly as follows:
          1. In-person or live (streaming) online instruction
            1. Attendance will be recorded in the SIS at least once per day (elementary) or each class period (secondary).
          2. Virtual at home (online only) instruction (including competency-based instruction)
            1. Students will be considered “virtually present” if they have met the minimum criteria for participation. A variety of measures may be used to determine if a student participated in the learner validated program in an online, virtual at-home, blended or competency-based learning environment (digital or analog) including but not limited to:
              1. Evidence that validates student learning (e.g., online or offline assignment submission; rubric-scored written work; presentations; artistic performances and products; research projects; formative assessment results; progress toward academic goals; student portfolios; demonstrated competency assessments; explicit self-reflections on what students have learned related to institutional programs such as service learning; student ratings of their knowledge, skills, and reflections on what they have learned over a course of a specified period of time)
              2. Evidence that validates student participation (e.g., login data; discussion boards; completion of math and literacy supplemental software; virtual conferencing participation; classroom response systems (surveys/polls/quick checks); observations of field work; internship performance; service learning; clinical experiences; feedback from computer-simulated tasks; Social/Emotional Learning tools; number of student hours spent on activities related to a course)
              3. Evidence that validates student communication (e.g., emails from students or other electronic messages; student surveys; conversations by phone; feedback exchanges via learning management system; assignment pick-up/drop-off)
              4. Duration/Frequency minimums for student participation (e.g., minimum student login or teacher contact requirement; minimum hourly requirement, per day or week, when students are engaged in course work; required periodic contact with a licensed educator)
            2. Virtual students who have not met the minimum criteria to be considered present by the last day of the school week will be marked “unexcused absent” for the entire week.
      4. Any student that has had no contact, participation, or has not met the minimum criteria to be marked present, whether in-person or live (streaming) online or virtual at-home, for 10 consecutive school days shall be removed from district membership in the SIS, unless the student has a valid excuse under UCA 53G-6-201(9).
    2. Each school, in cooperation with the community, shall develop a schoolwide attendance plan that complies with state and District policies. Development of a schoolwide attendance plan shall include use of research findings, faculty and staff consensus, community input, and involve the respective Administrator of Schools.
      1. The schoolwide attendance plan must
        1. Identify common attendance issues, including but not limited to:
          1. Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing ten percent or more of the academic year for any reason, including excused and unexcused absences, suspension, and time missed due to changing schools.
          2. Truancy, defined by UCA 53G-6-201(7)(a) as a condition in which a school-age child, without valid excuse is absent for at least half the school day.
        2. Include possible interventions for attendance issues, including but not limited to:
          1. Attendance contracts and positive behavior interventions.
          2. Counseling of the student by school personnel.
          3. Adjusting the curriculum and schedule (if necessary) to meet the needs of the student.
          4. Voluntary participation in truancy mediation (if available).
          5. Consideration of alternatives proposed by the parent or legal guardian.
          6. Providing the parent or legal guardian, when appropriate, a list of resources available to assist in resolving attendance problems.
          7. Enlisting the assistance and resources of community-based agencies and programs.
          8. Court referrals, issued as a "last resort” and only in accordance to UCA 63G-8-211-4(a).
        3. Include the following, as appropriate for the grade and developmental level of the student body:
          1. A rationale for the importance of attendance.
          2. Responsibilities for students, parents, classroom teachers, and school administrators.
          3. Procedures for managing attendance issues, i.e., illness, check in/out, school activity absences, etc.
          4. An acceptable range of school and teacher consequences for unexcused absences and tardies.
          5. Guidelines for making up work.
          6. Other pertinent information that addresses local school attendance needs.
      2. School principals shall submit the schoolwide attendance plan annually to their respective Administrators of Schools for review and approval.
    3. The schoolwide attendance plan shall guide the development of disclosure statements for each course in secondary schools:
        1. Disclosure statements must:
          1. Comply with District and school administrative policy provisions
          2. Outline grading expectations for three basic components:
            1. Assessments
            2. Assignments
            3. Classroom attendance and participation
          3. Outline procedures and timelines for making up work and earning points/credit missed due to a legitimate absence. Legitimate absences are defined as:  verified illness, medical appointments, bereavement, court appearances, emergencies, pre-approved educational leave, and special family or religious events.
          4. The process to make up work and earn points/credit missed due to administratively approved school activity absences. Students shall also be allowed to make up work and earn points/credit missed for legitimate absences as listed in section C.3.
        2. All students shall receive disclosure statements for all classes on or before the fifth day of enrollment in the course. Parents and students shall be encouraged to return signed disclosure statements in a timely manner, typically two to four days.
        3. Teachers are encouraged to award points/credit for the return of signed disclosure statements within the established time frame.
        4. All disclosure statements must receive approval from the local school administrator or designee prior to distribution to students and parents.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 4/27/2021

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that special consideration may need to be given to some students for grade placement.   The Board authorizes the Administration to implement policy regarding student retention and acceleration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration recognizes that schools should offer students opportunities for acquiring skills, and for cognitive, academic, social and emotional development.  Ideally, the needs of an individual student can be met by differentiated instruction while he/she remains with his/her own age peer group.  In extreme cases, student retention or acceleration may be considered.
    Decisions regarding student retention or acceleration should be made only after all the needs and abilities of the student have been assessed, reviewed by an evaluation team and have been determined to meet the retention or acceleration guidelines found in the Planning and Enrollment Procedures Manual.

    1. The membership of the evaluation team will include the parent or legal guardian and any teachers or staff members with relevant and appropriate information about the student’s performance. The student may participate at the discretion of the parent/guardian and school administrator. The school administrator leads the team and makes the final decision based on its recommendation.
    2. The school administrator shall reasonably accommodate requests for retention of students in kindergarten through grade 8 as required by Utah Code 53G-6-803-2. Requests for retention of students in grades 9-12 may be approved by the school administrator in extreme cases when warranted by the situation and assessment data and recommended by the evaluation team.
    3. A reasonable acceleration or retention completed by another LEA and reflected on the student’s official transcript or record will be honored by the District upon the enrollment of the student. Students new to the District or to a District school must typically enroll in the age-appropriate grade long enough for the evaluation team to assemble relevant data regarding the acceleration or retention.
    4. The decision of retention or acceleration may be reviewed by the team at any time during the student’s educational experience, but a retention or acceleration may only occur once per academic year.
    5. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may request a review of their student’s acceleration or retention from Planning & Enrollment in the Student Services Department if they feel that relevant information was not considered or that established processes were not followed. In the event of irregularities, Planning & Enrollment will present any findings to the school administrator, who retains the responsibility for the final decision on an acceleration or retention.