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  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/23/2018
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan School District is an equal opportunity employer and desires to maintain a high level of employee performance and satisfaction.   The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing policy for selecting licensed personnel.
  2. Administration Policy
    The Administration shall seek to employ the most able and highly qualified persons available for positions requiring licensure.  Selection shall be made in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Online application forms furnished by the District shall be properly completed and dated.  Applications shall be renewed annually to remain effective.
    2. Applicants must have a valid certificate issued by the Utah State Office of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning Licensing, for the position for which they are making application.
    3. The Administration shall review applications and shall evaluate applicants on the basis of qualifications for available positions.
      1. As much appropriate information as possible should be reviewed to assist in selecting the best candidates.  Written evaluations or descriptive reports on his/her student teaching or full-time teaching performance shall have been reviewed.
      2. A minimum of two (2) reference checks is required.
      3. The school administration shall conduct interviews to determine the best candidate for the position.
    4. Nepotism
      1. No one with supervisory responsibility shall hire or recommend for hire any “relative” as defined in Utah Code 52-3-1: “father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.  Furthermore and in addition to Utah Code, corresponding step or adoptive relative, or anyone residing on a permanent basis in an employee’s home will also be considered a “relative.”
      2. No employee shall be directly supervised or evaluated by a relative.  Family members as described in D.1 may not be employed under the same immediate supervisor, defined as the authorized evaluator for the employee, without Cabinet approval and Board notification.
      3. Employees hired prior to adoption of this policy are exempt from this policy except when the proximity of relatives is found to be creating problems.
      4. The hiring of relatives is also prohibited if it results in a conflict of interest with vendors of the District.
      5. In the event of a lack of candidates, a need for specialized skills or unique circumstances, the restriction against hiring relatives may be waived in the best interest of the District upon recommendation of a review committee comprised of the Superintendent and appropriate administrator or director, and upon approval of the Board.
    5. Employment assignments shall be reviewed annually.
    6. The District may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate an individual, or may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against an individual otherwise qualified because the individual breastfeeds or expresses milk in the workplace.  Utah Code 34-49-204.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 5/8/2018
  • Reviewed: 4/26/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for a District grievance process and delegates to the Administration the authority to implement a policy regarding grievance procedures for licensed personnel.
  2. Administration Policy
    It is the policy of the Administration to address grievances alleged by licensed employees with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1.  Definitions
      1. Grievance - A complaint which:
        1. Sets forth an allegation that there has been a violation of District policy, state law, or federal law.
        2. Specifically identifies the policy or statute alleged to have been violated.
        3. Provides a detailed statement of the alleged violation.
      2. Grievant - Any licensed employee or group of licensed employees aggrieved by a decision or condition falling under District policy, or state or federal law.
      3. Grievance Officer - The District employee or employees designated to review complaints regarding alleged violation of District policy, state law, and/or federal law and charged with the responsibility of investigating, or overseeing the investigation of, complaints.
      4. District - The Human Resource Administrator or his/her designee.
    2.  Procedure
      1. Step I
        Any licensed employee alleging a grievance is encouraged to resolve the problem, if possible, through an informal discussion with the immediate supervisor.  If this is not satisfactory, the grievant may file at Step II.
      1. Step II
        A grievance must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the grievant knew or should have known of the circumstances which precipitated the grievance.
        Any licensed employee submitting a grievance at Step II shall present a completed Licensed Employee Grievance form to his/her immediate supervisor.  Grievance forms are available in the District’s Human Resources Department or online at the District’s Human Resources website.  A copy of the grievance form shall be immediately forwarded by the supervisor to the grievance officer, the appropriate District-level Administrator, and the Administrator of Human Resources.  The grievance officer shall then submit the issue in question to the employee agent group in writing.  The employee agent group has the option of reviewing the issue and making a written response to the grievance officer.

        1. The supervisor shall respond to the grievance, in writing, within eight (8) calendar days following receipt of the grievance.  A copy of the response will be forwarded to the grievance officer, the appropriate District-level Administrator, and the Administrator of Human Resources or his/her designee, grievant, or representative.
        2. If the response (decision) does not resolve the grievance, the grievant may file the grievance at Step III.
      2. Step III:
        The Investigatory Committee may be activated at this step only.  (See Miscellaneous Provisions Item C. 8.)

        1. The grievant shall prepare and file the Licensed Employee Grievance Form with the grievance officer at Step III.
        2. The Investigatory Committee or the grievance officer shall investigate the complaint with the parties concerned in the grievance within twenty (20) calendar days of the grievance having been filed at Step III.
        3. The grievance officer shall issue a written report setting forth his/her findings and recommendations for the resolution of the grievance within eight (8) calendar days after the conclusion of the investigation.
        4. The grievance shall be considered resolved if the grievant and the District accept the recommendations of the grievance officer, or if the grievant fails to file the grievance at Step IV within the time limits set forth herein.
        5. If no written report has been issued within the time limits set forth in "c." above, or if the grievant or District shall reject the recommendations of the grievance officer, the grievant shall be authorized to file the grievance at Step IV.
      3.  Step IV:
        1. If the grievant rejects the recommendations of the grievance officer, the Investigatory Committee, or the grievance officer fails to issue a written report in the time specified, the grievant shall have fourteen (14) calendar days to request that an impartial hearing examiner be selected to hear the grievance.
        2. Within fourteen (14) calendar days days of receipt of the request, the grievance officer and the grievant or his/her designated representative shall meet together to agree upon a mutually acceptable impartial hearing examiner. (See Miscellaneous Provisions C.10-13)
        3. The impartial hearing examiner shall submit written recommendations to the Superintendent or his/her designee and the grievant or his/her designated representative within fourteen (14) calendar days after the hearing.
        4. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall, within eight (8) calendar days, submit in writing to the grievant the District's decision to reject or accept the impartial hearing examiner's recommendation.
      4. Step V:
        1. If the grievant rejects the recommendations of the Superintendent or his/her designee, or if the Superintendent or his/her designee fails to issue a report within the time limits set forth above, the grievant shall be authorized to file the grievance at Step V within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date the recommendation of the Superintendent or his/her designee was issued or should have been issued.
        2. The grievance at Step V shall be filed with the Board in the following manner:
          1. The grievant shall file the grievance by delivering it to the Board within the time limits set forth herein.
          2. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the grievance or another timeline agreed to in writing by both parties, the Board shall establish a hearing date to hear the testimony of all interested parties.  The Board shall have the authority to call witnesses for the hearing.  Such hearing will be held within thirty (30) calendar days of filing of the grievance at Step V or another timeline agreed to in writing by both parties.
          3. Within forty-five (45) calendar days or other timeline agreed to in writing by both parties of the filing of the grievance at Step V, the Board shall issue its determination of the grievance.  The findings of the Board shall be final and binding.
    3. Miscellaneous Provisions
      1. A grievance shall furnish sufficient background concerning the alleged violation which identifies date(s), time(s), person(s), and actions that led to the allegation.
      2. No person shall suffer recrimination or discrimination because of participation in this grievance procedure.
      3. Hearings should be scheduled during a mutually convenient time.
      4. Employees shall be free to testify regarding any grievance filed hereunder.
      5. Confidentiality will be observed pending resolution of the grievance or final decision by the Board.
      6. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to limit in any way the ability of the District and the grievant to resolve any grievance, mutually and informally.
      7. The grievant shall be entitled to representation of his/her choice in all stages of these proceedings.
      8. If needed, the Investigatory Committee shall be selected as follows:  The District shall designate one member of its choice and the employee agent shall designate one member of its choice, and these two appointees shall recommend a third committee member subject to the approval by the employee agent and the District.  This committee shall conduct investigations of grievances filed by persons asking to be represented by the employee agent and shall report the results of its findings and its recommendations, in writing, to the grievance officer who shall be responsible to make final determination of all grievances filed at Step III.  Step III grievances shall be investigated and a response made, regardless of whether or not the grievant asks for representation.
      9. When required, members of the Investigatory Committee shall be excused from their regular assignments to perform investigations.
      10. Impartial hearing examiners shall be persons who will conduct hearings independent of pressure or influence from the District administration, District staff, the licensed employee who is the participant in the grievance, or any association or organization acting on behalf of or representing the employee. No impartial hearing examiner may be a direct supervisor or subordinate of either the employee or a person recommending the employee’s termination for cause.
      11. Impartial hearing examiners may either be District hearing examiners or individuals not employed with the District.
      12. The employee agent and the District may agree to use a mutually agreed upon outside arbitration entity for Level IV hearings. This includes following the rules and procedures as outlined by that entity.
      13. The cost of services of the hearing examiner shall be equally shared by the District and the educator or the organization representing the educator.
      14. In the event that the grievance remains unresolved at the termination of this grievance procedure, the grievant is free to pursue such litigation or statutory remedy as the law may provide.
      15. Employees should exhaust all District grievance procedures before seeking other legal remedies.

Licensed Employee Grievance form  (form updated 5/23/2016)

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 8/25/2015

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan District is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to staffing schools and departments with the best fit and most qualified candidates available.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for ensuring that staff selection, promotion and salary placement practices comply with state and federal laws, and that the selection, placement and supervision of employees are free from discrimination, favoritism, or other unethical practices.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates to the Human Resource Department the responsibility for screening and selecting all education support professionals and shall protect the safety and interest of students by hiring only those individuals who are qualified according to state requirements and pass a background check.  All personnel who do not require state teacher or administrative/supervisory certification are designated as education support professionals.Staff selection and placement, promotion and salary placement for part-time and full-time education support professionals shall be accomplished through the use of the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Background Checks:  Individuals who are offered employment with the District shall be required to prove they are worthy to hold the trust required in a sensitive employment position through the following process:
      1. Each prospective employee shall agree to be fingerprinted and sign a waiver facilitating a criminal background check through the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.
      2. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall review each evaluation report received from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification to determine final eligibility for employment.
      3. No one shall be hired whose record shows a felony or misdemeanor conviction in an area which causes concern for the safety and well-being of students.
      4. Information disclosed by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation shall not be released to any other agency or individual.
    2. Nepotism
      1. No one with supervisory responsibility shall hire or recommend for hire any “relative” as defined in Utah Code 52-3-1  “father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.   Furthermore and in addition to Utah Code, any corresponding step or adoptive relative, or anyone residing on a permanent basis in an employee’s home will also be considered a “relative.”
      2. No employee shall be directly supervised or evaluated by a relative.  Family members as described in B.1 may not be employed under the same immediate supervisor, defined as the authorized evaluator for the employee, without Cabinet approval and Board notification.
      3. Employees hired prior to adoption of this policy are exempt from this guideline except when the proximity of relatives is found to be creating problems.
      4. The hiring of relatives is also prohibited if it results in a conflict of interest with vendors of the District.
      5. In the event of a lack of candidates, a need for specialized skills or unique circumstances, the restriction against hiring relatives may be waived in the best interest of the District upon recommendation of a review committee comprised of the Superintendent and appropriate administrator or director, and upon approval of the Board.
      6. When other qualified candidates have not applied, task assignments of short duration (generally less than sixty (60) working days) may be exempt from this policy.
    3. Selection and Placement of Entry Level Personnel
      1. All job applicants shall be required to complete an online employment application in its entirety.  Failure to complete any portion of the application may disqualify the applicant from employment consideration.
      2. Recruitment, screening and initial interviewing for job openings or positions shall be the responsibility of the Human Resources Department except for designated part-time positions such as sweepers, hourly education support professionals, etc.  Consideration of qualifications shall be determined by job description.
      3. Qualified candidates selected to interview for each opening or position shall be referred to the appropriate building or department administrator followed by a hiring recommendation to the Human Resources Department for final approval.
      4. Continued employment shall be contingent upon satisfactory service.
      5. New employees will be placed on the beginning step of the appropriate lane of the salary schedule unless it is determined that a higher initial step placement is necessary to attract and retain qualified employees in areas of critical District need.  Part-time employees will be placed on the appropriate level step when employed full time.  Employees who work full-time for two or more consecutive summers (a minimum of six months) will be granted one additional step on the salary schedule if hired full time thereafter.
      6. Former full-time District employees who are rehired may be granted full credit on the salary schedule for previous contract experience with the District. Former part-time District employees who are rehired may be granted full credit on the salary schedule for previous experience with the District.
      7. Employees who have retired and are then rehired will be placed up to Step 4 of the appropriate lane.
      8. Salary lane movement will be based upon the above guidelines and the date the employee was hired in the District.  Any person hired between July 1 and Dec. 31 will receive one full year’s experience the following July 1.  Anyone hired between Jan. 1 and June 30 will not receive experience credit for the first months of service up to July 1.
      9. The Administration may choose to promote existing education support professionals to any step and/or lane on the existing salary schedule to retain qualified employees.  The District Administration may make recommendations to the Superintendent for such promotions.
      10. Within its discretion, the Board of Education may augment any existing salary schedule for an existing employee by a specific percentage in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
    4. Job Reviews
      1. The Board of Education established an independent job review procedure through the Human Resource Department to assure the education support professionals job descriptions match the major duties and responsibilities actually assigned to each position by Job Family.
      2. The Board will review the job study results and is responsible to make fiscally responsible salary adjustments.
      3. If the job study reveals an employee is being overpaid in their position, the employee’s salary will be frozen until their current pay falls within their current pay lane.
      4. The Human Resource Department is responsible for revising job descriptions following each job study.
    5. Selection and Promotion of Non-Provisional Personnel
      1. Employees shall be notified of all full-time vacancies at least five (5) days prior to the application closing date.  Notification shall be made on the Human Resource Department website.
      2. Promotion or promote shall mean reassignment to a job which is located on a higher lane of the salary schedule than the lane from which the employee is currently paid or, at the discretion of the Board of Education, to a higher lane of the salary schedule for an employee who retains the same or similar job title and duties in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
      3. All employees may apply for promotion to a position which is posted as a vacancy.  Qualifications being equal, District employees will receive first consideration.  Provisional employees as described in DP314 – Provisional and Probationary Education Support Professionals, II.I. may not be considered for available openings.
      4. An employee who is promoted to a higher position shall be given a trial period of 30 days.  During this 30-day period, the promotion shall be nullified upon request by the District or the employee.  In such a case, the employee shall be returned to his/her former position or a comparable position when available.
      5. The Board of Education may choose to promote existing education support professionals to any step and/or lane on the existing salary schedule to retain qualified employees.  The District Administration may make recommendations to the Board for such promotions.
      6. Within its discretion, the Board of Education may augment any existing salary schedule for an existing employee by a specific percentage in order to retain qualified employees of the District.
      7. Probation reports and negative evaluations older than five (5) years with no repeat violation, as defined by DP 316B—Orderly Termination Procedures for Education Support Professionals, shall not be considered in employee eligibility for promotion or transfer.
    6. Temporary Assignments/Promotion
      On a short-term, temporary basis, it may be necessary for one education support professional to substitute for another education support professional who is assigned to a higher lane on the Education Support Professionals Master Salary Schedule.  Under such circumstances, many responsibilities normally required in the higher position are not required nor accomplished by those in temporary assignments.  While it is neither necessary nor realistic to give equal compensation for such short-term appointments, salary adjustments will be provided when a temporary assignment/promotion is necessitated by the extended illness, injury, or short term leave of an employee.   Beginning on the sixth consecutive working day of the temporary assignment, the promoted employee shall be paid on step two (2) of the higher lane or at $5 per day, whichever is higher.
    7. The District may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate an individual, or may not retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against an individual otherwise qualified because the individual breastfeeds or expresses milk in the workplace.  Utah Code 34-49-204.
    8. Voluntary Transfers
      Any contract education support professional wishing to transfer laterally or move to a lower lane for which he/she is qualified within Jordan School District shall use the following procedure:

      1. The employee shall submit an online application for any position posted on the District website.
      2. Known vacancies will be posted on the District website for five (5) working days.
      3. The application will be made available to the hiring administrator for first consideration.  Immediate supervisors may not consider new candidates until those requesting a lateral transfer have been considered first.
      4. No employee who is on probation or other disciplinary sanction is eligible for a transfer.

Revision History: 12/13/83, 2/14/12, 8/25/15

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

  1. Board Policy
    To help promote quality education in Jordan District schools, educators and administrative leaders shall be encouraged to participate in professional development activities including educational conferences and other events which provide opportunities to acquire knowledge, learn from state and national educational leaders, and keep abreast of new developments in the teaching profession. In addition, opportunities shall be provided to broaden perspectives as a safeguard against provincialism. The Board, therefore, authorizes the District Administration to develop guidelines for providing professional development experiences through conference participation within funding limitations.
  2. Administration Policy
    Participation in educational conferences and other professional development experiences shall be administered according to the following guidelines:

    1. Conference selection and participation
      1. Efforts shall be made to take advantage of conferences and special institute programs conducted within the state and intermountain area.
      2. Efforts shall be made to obtain diversification in conference coverage and to provide an orderly rotation in conference participation.
      3. Individuals who have been assigned important leadership responsibilities and who are in positions to provide post-conference services to the District shall receive priority consideration as travel requests are reviewed.
      4. Individuals elected to national offices or who are invited by conference committees to participate as speakers or discussion group leaders shall receive priority consideration as travel requests are reviewed.
      5. Conference participants shall be encouraged to share materials and ideas with co-workers through in-service training sessions or other appropriate post-conference events identified by the Administrator of Schools.
    2. Allowances for conference expenses
      1. Allowances for expenses associated with conference attendance shall be provided according to the District travel authorization schedule.
      2. Special requests for partial payment of conference costs and the employment of substitutes shall be reviewed by the Administration.
    3. Procedures
      1. Conference requests shall be submitted by individuals or groups to the appropriate division administrator. Each request shall consist of three parts:
        1. A letter outlining the request and explaining the nature of the conference.
        2. A travel authorization form detailing the anticipated expenses.
        3. Copies of conference reservation information.
      2. Travel authorization requests shall be reviewed by the requester's supervisor and submitted to the appropriate division administrator for approval. Travel authorization requests for members of the Administrative Cabinet shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.
      3. Periodically, the Superintendent shall submit a report on conference activities to the Board.
    4. Participation
      1. School Principals
        1. An annual conference eligibility list shall be maintained. This list shall include the names of all principals and assistant principals and the year each one is eligible to attend a conference.
        2. Principals shall be authorized to attend a national conference once every four (4) years. National conference attendance is funded on the basis of the cost of registration, travel (air fare or automobile), lodging, and a District-authorized per diem for meals, gratuities, local travel, and other expenses. Principals desiring to attend an in-state conference, workshop or seminar during the year of their national conference rotation (every four years) may do so with the approval of the Administrator of Schools for their administrative area. Attendance at this conference is not at District expense.
        3. Principals requesting to attend in-state conferences, workshops, and seminars shall be approved on an individual basis by the Administrator of Schools. The Administrative Cabinet shall annually review and approve the amount that will be allowed for in-state conference expenses.
        4. Attendance at a conference by special request of the Board or Administration will not be included in the conference rotation.
        5. The principal and assistant principal working in the same school shall not be permitted to attend conferences simultaneously.
      2. District Office Staff
        1. An annual conference eligibility list, prepared by Division Administrators, shall be submitted for administrative approval. This list shall include nominations for participation in the current year's conference program and shall be the basis for conference attendance budgets.
        2. Conference attendance shall be determined by District needs and critical issues. Attendance shall be coordinated to assure that cabinet members do not all leave at the same time or attend the same conferences.
        3. District Administrators shall generally attend one national conference annually.
        4. Consultants, coordinators, and program specialists shall be authorized to attend a conference every two (2) years. Exceptions may be authorized by the Superintendent for those individuals who coordinate or direct multiple programs.
        5. Staff assistants maintain their conference participation rotation within the principal schedule.
        6. Attendance at a conference by special request of the Board or Administration will not be included in the conference rotation.
      3. Teachers
        1. Teachers shall submit requests for conference participation to their school principals. Schools are authorized a specific number of professional days to be used at the discretion of the principal. Otherwise, teachers or the organization they represent are responsible for their expenses. Approval for conference attendance will be given by the Superintendent upon the recommendation of the principal and Administrator of Schools provided the quota for professional days is not exceeded.
        2. Teacher conference travel shall be rotated so that representatives of all subject areas receive equal consideration.
        3. Travel requests for vocational teachers must comply with "a" and "b" above and must also be reviewed and endorsed by the respective vocational coordinator and the director of vocational education.
        4. Vocational education teachers assigned to supervise students attending conferences will have their expenses paid through vocational funds and are not included in the professional growth days.
      4. Students
        Requests for students or student groups to attend conferences shall be administered according to Policy AA414—Student Overnight Travel.

Effective: 8/27/1969
Revision: 8/27/2019
Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that professional development activities are an important component in staff preparation and training. Therefore, the Board authorizes the District Administration to implement policy which provides released time to eligible licensed classroom teachers for the purpose of engaging in professional activities.  Such activities are to be in keeping with the needs and goals of the local school or the District.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall administer this policy in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees who participate in professional activities at the request of the District will be provided release days and financial considerations as determined by the District.
    2. Each school shall have a quota for professional leave days which may be used during the year for authorized professional activities.  The formula for each school shall be one (1) day per 4.5 full-time equivalents (FTEs).
    3. Time spent in authorized professional leave activities shall not be counted as an employee absence.
    4. Employees serving as the president or president-elect of a professional organization may be released from assignment to attend a national convention provided the organization or individual pays all related expenses including any substitute costs incurred.
    5. Employees serving as the president of a professional organization may be released from assignment to attend a state convention provided the organization or individual pays all related expenses including substitute costs when appropriate.  A president-elect may use two (2) personal leave days to attend a state convention provided the organization or individual pays all related expenses including substitute costs.
    6. Principals may use one or more of a school's professional days quota to cover the absence of an employee asked to attend a convention by a sponsoring organization provided attendance will benefit a school program or curriculum.
    7. Employees asked to attend a convention by a sponsoring organization whose absence is not covered by a school's professional days quota have the following options:
      1. Use accumulated personal leave days with conference expenses covered by the employee or sponsoring organization.
      2. Take days off without pay not to exceed fifteen (15) days in three (3) years.  (See policy DP337 NEG Leave of Absence (Personal 15 Days) - Licensed)  All conference expenses must be covered by the employee or sponsoring organization.
    8. Released time for other professional duties requires prior approval by the principal or immediate supervisor and the Superintendent or Superintendent's designee.
    9. The principal shall have responsibility for assigning the professional leave days quota after consideration is given to input and recommendations from the school advisory council.
    10. Each school must submit an annual report including the number, names and types of release time activities to its Administrator of Schools.  The report will be shared with the Teacher Quality and Professional Development Committee on an annual basis.
    11. Professional Development Days may only be used for workshops, conferences or activities in support of a teaching assignment. Professional Development Days may not be used for activities related to extracurricular assignments.
    12. Administrators receiving invitations to attend, present, or participate in any local, state or national events must
      communicate this request in writing in advance to their respective Administrator of Schools or Cabinet member.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing that the staffing of schools is an administrative responsibility, the Board authorizes the District Administration  to develop policies and procedures to ensure the identification and selection of competent personnel.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Since the success of the educational program is directly dependent upon the personnel who staff the school, efforts shall be made to recruit, select, assign, and retain competent persons.
      1. Staff members assigned to schools shall be properly licensed and qualified to assume appointments.
      2. The Administration shall consider carefully the transfer requests submitted by personnel who have worked successfully in the District.
      3. The Administration shall retain staff balance among all schools.  Each school shall have strong grade-level or department leadership and a balanced combination of experienced and inexperienced teachers.
      4. The Administration shall make periodic reports of staff appointments to the Board.
    2. The Administration shall use a cooperative approach in the staffing of schools.  This approach will involve many administrators and District instructional staff members in the process of determining staff appointments.  Primary responsibility for the recruiting, screening, recommending, and transferring of staff is delegated to the Administrator of Human Resources.  He/she shall be responsible for the initiation of detailed staffing procedures.  Other appropriate administrators, such as Administrators of Schools, directors, and principals, shall cooperate with the Administrator of Human Resources in making staff decisions.
    3. Requests and Preliminary Data
      1. The Administrator of Human Resources shall develop procedures providing personnel an opportunity to make requests for transfer.
      2. The school principals shall prepare preliminary reports indicating anticipated staff needs for the succeeding year.  These reports shall be prepared in accordance with the projected enrollment and pupil-teacher ratios established by the Administration.
      3. Instructional directors, consultants, and coordinators shall consult with the principals and division administrators as information about personnel is required.  Upon request, they will also assist in the recruiting and screening of candidates for employment.
      4. The Administrator of Human Resources shall conduct necessary interviews in screening and determining qualifications of applicants.  He/she shall be assisted by the personnel staffing specialist.
    4. Recommendations
      1. Instructional directors, consultants, and coordinators shall assist with the identification of successful grade-level or department leaders and advise the Administrator of Human Resources concerning the transfer and placement of personnel.
      2. Principals and Administrators of Schools shall make recommendations pertaining to the appointment of grade-level or department leaders and other personnel.
    5. Decisions
      1. The Administrator of Human Resources shall confer with principals and Administrators of Schools in preparing proposed lists of transfers and appointments.
      2. The Administrator of Human Resources shall review and approve the proposed lists of transfers and appointments with the appropriate area Administrator of Schools.
      3. The Administrators of Schools shall review and approve appointments, act as an arbitrator as problems of staff selection develop, and coordinate the reporting between the Human Resources Department and the Superintendent's Office.
      4. The Superintendent shall review appointments and submit periodic reports of staff appointments to the Board.
      5. The Administrator of Human Resources shall coordinate the announcements of approved appointments and notify the personnel concerned.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/29/2022
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need for an orderly transition of students between school levels, the Board authorizes the District Administration to conduct appropriate advancement, promotion, and graduation activities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Authorization
      The advancement, promotion, and graduation of students is authorized by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the principal of the school involved.
    2. Definitions
      1. Advancement:  Movement of students within the three divisions or levels (elementary, middle, and high school) of instruction.
      2. Promotion:  Movement of students from one grade level to another, from elementary to middle school, and from middle school to high school.
      3. Graduation:  Completion of the high school program of studies specified by the State and local Boards of Education.
        NOTE:  The following definitions relate directly to the mandate for optional configurations of the high school program as specified by Utah Code §53A-15-101.
      4. Advanced Placement (AP):  The most rigorous credit courses in the high school curriculum in any discipline area.  Sponsored by and controlled by the College Entrance Examination Board, AP courses each have associated tests that also grant college level credit upon successful completion of the examination designated for that course.
      5. Accelerated Vocational Programs:  Vocational/technical education courses designed to provide college credit to students evidencing a high level of content master/skills in a specialized field.
      6. Early Graduation:  Optional program governed by the creation of a specialized Student Educational Plan for College and Career Readiness and approved by the principal at the least one quarter prior to the date for early graduation; designed for the purpose of allowing a student to graduate after completion of the eleventh grade or at the end of any quarter of the twelfth grade year.
      7. Concurrent Enrollment:  Optional program governed by the creation of a specialized Student Educational Plan for College and Career Readiness that allows a student to enroll in post secondary training/education while attending classes in the regular high school day.  Courses completed in the Concurrent Enrollment program may be used as credit toward high school graduation and/or may be applied to fulfillment of post secondary educational requirements.
      8. Early Admissions:  Optional program governed by the creation of a specialized Student Educational Plan for College and Career Readiness that allows a student to enter post secondary training/education in place of or as part of the normal senior year.  Early Admissions does not preclude the student returning to graduate from high school with his/her class.
      9. International Baccalaureate:  A rigorous program of studies emphasizing critical thinking while encouraging an international perspective.  Students may earn a certificate in a specific course of study and a diploma recognizing completion of the entire program.
    3. Promotion and Graduation Requirements
      Promotion from elementary school to middle school or from middle school to high school shall be authorized upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements specified by the State Board of Education and additional studies required by the Jordan School District Board of Education. Graduation from high school shall be authorized upon satisfactory completion of high school graduation requirements in the Utah educational code and stated in the Jordan School District Credit Guidelines for graduation from secondary schools. (State Board Rule R277-705-3)
    4. Responsibility
      The Administration delegates responsibility for the general coordination of advancement, promotion, and graduation activities to the Administrators of Schools.  Working cooperatively with the school principals, the Administrators of Schools shall make certain that Board and Administrative policies are understood and complied with in conducting school programs.
    5. Advancement
      Teachers and principals shall consider the continuous progress and educational growth of students a major concern as students are advanced from one level to another in the elementary and middle school.  Retentions and accelerations shall be considered on the basis of the best interest and welfare of the student based upon the professional determination of the local school educational team comprised of a school administrator, parent(s)/legal guardian(s), teacher(s) and guidance personnel.  (See Policy AS64 Student Retention and Acceleration)
    6. Promotion
      As students are promoted from one division or level to another, teachers and administrators shall stress the non-terminal nature of promotion and shall encourage students to continue their studies.
    7. Graduation Programs
      Graduation programs shall be conducted according to the following guidelines:

      1. Commencement exercises shall be held to honor those students graduating from high school.
      2. They shall reflect the dignity of youth, the community, and the schools of Jordan School District.
      3. They shall emphasize conservatism in money expenditures required of students, parents, and schools in order not to embarrass the indigent.
      4. No formal programs or exercises shall be held for pupils being advanced from one grade to the next or for pupils being promoted from elementary to middle school or from middle school to high school.
      5. Middle school students shall not purchase class rings, yearbooks, or pins to signify the promotion occasion.
    8. Scheduling
      The scheduling of graduation programs shall be coordinated by the Administrators of Schools.  Selected program dates shall be cleared through the Superintendent's office and placed on the Activity Calendar.
    9. Graduation Attire
      In order to maintain dignity and decorum at high school commencements, students participating in commencement exercises are subject to the graduation dress attire articulated in Policy AA419 Student Conduct and Dress, item D.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need of a group testing program to gain information for use in individual student planning and to help evaluate the instructional programs of the District. Therefore, the Board charges the Administration with establishing a District-wide group testing program.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability, under the direction of the Administrator of Teaching and Learning and in cooperation with the Administrators of Schools, shall be responsible for the general direction and administration of the District-wide group testing program.

    1. Group tests are administered to gain information about the achievement of individual students, to provide information used in the screening and placement of students and to help evaluate
      instructional programs.

      1. Achievement tests are to be used in the basic District-wide group testing program.
      2. Tests will also be administered to establish competency and mastery of core curriculum standards as directed by the Jordan School District Board of Education, Utah State Board of Education, and the U.S. Department of Education.
      3. Other tests may be administered to determine student aptitude, achievement and interest levels for vocational guidance, for placement of students in remedial classes and for grouping students in various academic courses.
    2. A Testing Advisory Committee, composed of staff members from Teaching and Learning and Evaluation, Research and Accountability, shall periodically review the District-wide group testing program and make recommendations concerning test selection, testing procedures and the testing calendar.
    3. Procedures for administering the District-wide group testing program are to be established by Evaluation, Research and Accountability and include:
      1. The development and distribution of an annual group testing calendar and distribution of monthly updates to the group testing calendar.
      2. The ordering, distribution and security of test materials.
      3. The preparation of orientation programs and materials regarding the proper use, administration, interpretation and security of tests.
      4. The preparation and submission of electronic pre-print data requisite for online or computer-based assessment administrations.
    4. Principals shall be responsible for the administration of the District-wide group testing program at the local school level.  They are responsible for distribution and security of test materials and relaying test orientation information to the professional staff members within their building.  At the middle school and high school levels, an administrator or counselor shall be designated as the school testing coordinator.  Principals are responsible to oversee and ensure the standardized, ethical and efficient administration of all District-wide group testing including assessments administered in both paper-based and online or computer-based formats.  Utilizing resources provided by Evaluation, Research and Accountability, principals shall annually conduct professional development with their faculty and staff stipulating that all District-wide assessments are to be administered in a standardized and ethical manner, and of potential employee consequences if standardized and ethical procedures are not followed.
    5. Test scores shall be released to parents/guardians and to secondary students on appropriate occasions through (1) conferences in which test scores are interpreted by a professional educator, or (2) by other procedures deemed appropriate.
    6. Evaluation, Research and Accountability shall be responsible for preparation and distribution of test results and reports.
      1. It shall be each principal's responsibility to see that requisite test scores are maintained in each student's permanent record folder.
      2. Reports containing statistical summaries of test data shall be prepared as required by the Administration, and state and federal programs.
    7. The procedures for students/parents to appeal a given test score or scores are as follows:
      1. Within 60 days of receipt of test results, the parents or guardian shall notify the school principal in writing, detailing the specific testing irregularity or inaccuracy that has resulted in their appeal and their request for a remedy.
      2. Assisted by Evaluation, Research and Accountability, the principal will review the appeal in a timely manner.  In the case of students receiving special education services, the IEP team will be included in the review.
      3. The principal will notify the parent or guardian of the decision on the appeal.
      4. Should the parents or guardian disagree with the decision of the principal, they may appeal within 60 days to the Board of Education.
      5. The Administration will schedule such a hearing with the Board at the convenience of the parties directly concerned and shall notify those persons who will be in attendance at this hearing.
      6. The student, parents or guardian may exercise the right to be represented by legal counsel at the hearing.
      7. The Board must receive a notice ten (10) school days prior to the hearing if the student wishes to be represented by legal counsel in order that the Administration may exercise the same right.
      8. After the hearing, the Administration will inform the parents or guardian in writing of the Board’s decision.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/22/2020

  1. Board Directive
    Since the coordination of activities is an administrative function, the Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for the preparation and announcement of District calendars.  These calendars shall be prepared in accordance with guidelines established by the Utah State Board of Education and shall be approved by the Board.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Recognizing that the scheduling and coordinating of District activities is an important administrative function, the Superintendent or Superintendent's designee shall be responsible for the development of the school calendars for each type in use according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. A District Calendar Committee will be formed to make recommendations to the administration and the Board regarding calendar preparation. Committee members will serve four-year terms which expire on a staggered basis.
    2. Voting representatives will include the following:
      1. Two administrators (recommended by the Administration) and two teachers (recommended by the employee agent group) will be selected from the following groups
        1. One high school administrator or teacher
        2. One middle school administrator or teacher
        3. One elementary administrator or teacher that represents each calendar type in use.
      2. Two educational support professionals (ESP) (recommended by the employee agent group)
      3. One parent from each feeder area (Board approved with recommendations from the PTA and other groups)
      4. The chair for the committee shall be appointed by the District Administration as a non-voting advisor.
      5. At the recommendation of the Committee chair, District Administration may appoint non-voting advisory members to this committee as needed.
      6. Voting members can be removed at the discretion of the Board and/or District Administration.
    3. School calendars will be developed according to the following policy:
      1. Each year, two school calendars shall be presented to the Board of Education: final calendars for the coming school year, and the tentative calendars for the next school year.
        1. The committee shall develop at least two calendar options for the coming school year for each calendar type in use.
        2. Parents and employees in the District shall be surveyed on these options and feedback provided to the Board before calendars are finalized.
        3. The following shall be presented to the Board of Education: at least calendar options for the coming year for each calendar type in use, and survey results on those options.
      2. There will be at least a three week summer break for each school.
      3. School will not be held on these holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, July 4, July 24 and when possible, Washington/Lincoln Day.
      4. A Fall, Winter and Spring Recess shall be scheduled.
      5. Grade Transmittal Days
        1. Year-round elementary schools will schedule grade transmittal days to support track changes.
        2. Grade transmittal days in traditional schools will be the first school day after each quarter ends for the first three quarters of the school year.
      6. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled as follows:
        1. The dates for Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled no earlier than mid-first quarter and mid-third quarter on dates determined by the District Calendar Committee.
        2. When parent-teacher conferences are held in the two-evening format, a compensation day will be given.
      7. Emergency closure make-up days
        1. Will be calendared annually with preference given to the weekday immediately following the last day of the school year.
        2. Emergency closure days may be at-home virtual learning; or
        3. Used for professional development pursuant to Utah Code 53F-2-102; or
        4. Other options recommended by the Administration and approved by the Board.
      8. Teacher preparation time and/or teacher professional development (53F-2-102)
        1. Two (2) days will be included annually for each calendar type in use; and
        2. Two (2) optional days will be included for each calendar type in use.
          1. The use of optional day(s) will be recommended by the Administration and approved by the Board annually as-needed.
          2. If necessary, an optional day may be used for emergency closure make-up days pursuant to Utah Code 53F-2-102.
    4. School calendar approval by the Board will occur by December each year.

2/25/2020: Board of Education approved the term “Education Support Professionals” to replace “Classified” to describe personnel not licensed as educators.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board encourages and supports research projects relating to the various functions of the District.  The Board recognizes that current research data are required in the development of improved operational and instructional programs.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for policy regarding research in the District.
  2. Administrative Policy
    District administrators shall actively support and promote appropriate research by identifying and encouraging projects concerning operational and instructional programs.  In recognition of the need to coordinate such research efforts, the Administration shall appoint a Research Review Committee and delegate to the committee the responsibility for the review and approval of research project proposals.  The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability shall accept and coordinate requests for research projects.

    1. The Administrators of Schools and the Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability shall constitute the Research Review Committee.
    2. One Administrator of Schools serves as chairperson of the Research Review Committee.
    3. Administrators, principals, and consultants may be used as advisers to the Research Review Committee.
    4. The committee shall review all research proposals to determine their educational value and to evaluate the research design.  The Committee will then approve or disapprove each research project.
    5. Applicants requesting to conduct research projects shall submit to the Research Review Committee a completed Research Project application and a written proposal that outlines the purpose of the research, the methodology to be followed, the instruments to be used, and the anticipated benefits which shall accrue to the District upon completion of the research.
    6. Requests for budgeting support for research projects shall be prepared and submitted to the administrator in charge of research prior to March 1st.
    7. Following consideration by the Research Review Committee, formal notice of approval or disapproval shall be given to the applicant by the Committee chairperson.
    8. Administrators of Schools, division administrators, and department directors shall have the responsibility to coordinate approved research projects within their areas or departments.
    9. Upon completion of a research project, whether or not the District participates in the funding, a copy of the findings, thesis, dissertation or other written report shall be submitted to the administrator in charge of research.  The results of significant projects shall be reported to the Administrative Cabinet, appropriate staff members and/or the Board of Education by the chairperson of the Research Review Committee.