- Effective: 10/28/1975
- Revision: 7/1/2023
- Reviewed: 4/26/2013
- Board Directive
It is the policy of the Board to allow each licensed employee, working 20 hours or more per week, annual leave time as indicated below.
- Administrative Policy
The Annual Leave Policy shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:
- Employees shall be allowed annual leave in accordance to the following schedule at no cost to the employee.
Continuous Service |
Days per year |
Years 1 through 5 |
12 days per year |
Years 6 through 10 |
13 days per year |
Years 11 through 15 |
14 days per year |
Years 16 and beyond |
15 days per year |
- Continuous service includes an approved leave of absence, sabbatical leave, sick bank, military and/or FMLA leave.
- A resignation or retirement constitutes a “break in service.”
- Employees returning to Jordan School District following a break in service will receive a new continuous service date reflecting the date of their return.
- District seniority will be based on the new continuous service date.
- Employees hired after a contract year has started shall receive annual leave benefits on a prorated basis for the remainder of that year.
- For example, an employee who is on contract for 50 percent of the contract year would be eligible to receive 50 percent or six (6) days of a 12-day annual leave allowance.)
- When calculating annual leave allowances in subsequent years, employees shall be awarded a full year of service for the first partial year of employment if their hire date is prior to January 1. If their hire date is after January 1, no service shall be awarded for the first partial year of employment.
- Unused annual leave will convert to sick leave at the end of the contract year and will accumulate to provide additional leave for personal health-related absences.
- The following policy provisions must be followed:
- Effective July 1, 2020, Personal Leave and Sick Leave allocations were combined into the new Annual Leave allocation with no future allocations toward the old Personal Leave. However, accumulated unused Personal Leave remains available for employee use. An employee may not use more than five (5) accumulated Personal Leave days in any contract year. The remaining policy provisions below apply whether the leave is Annual Leave or accumulated Personal Leave.
- Employees need principal permission to take more than five days annual leave in a row. For health-related absences, see DP322 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
- Except in unusual circumstances, prior notification must be given to the immediate supervisor at least one (1) day in advance.
- Critical Days are the first student attendance days before or after a school holiday. If a non-student attendance day falls before or after a school holiday (e.g. professional development day, grade transmittal day) the Critical Day is the day before or after that non-student attendance day when students are in attendance.
- Annual leave may be taken on a Critical Day for the following specific reasons:
- Observance of religious holidays which fall on a regularly scheduled school calendar workday.
- Family weddings of near relatives including children, father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandparents, or the same to one's spouse or any other person who is a member of the same household as the employee.
- Graduations of near relatives as defined in "b." above.
- Required court appearances,
- Deaths not covered by DP330 NEG Bereavement Leave - Licensed.
- Conferences and conventions which relate to the individual employee's work assignment and are not covered by policy DP339 – Released Time—Professional.
- To attend to personal or business matters which require the employee’s attendance and scheduling is beyond the employee’s control.
- First year employees who notify their supervisor in writing that they are ill.
- Annual leave may be taken on a Critical Day for other reasons under the following stipulations:
- Based upon a maximum of one annual leave day for each 100 employees, annual leave shall be granted on a Critical Day without being required to pay 50% of the daily rate of a licensed employee on salary level one provided the request is filed with the Human Resources Department at least 35 calendar days but not more than 45 calendar days before the holiday.
- On the first working day after the application deadline, numbers will be randomly generated which will identify those employees authorized to take annual leave without being required to pay 50% of the daily rate of a licensed employee on salary level one. Written notification will be sent to all applicants.
- Employees shall not be considered for paid annual leave on a Critical Day more than once during any contract year.
- Employees who have not registered prior to the deadline will not be allowed to fill unused slots.
- Licensed employees not selected in 6.a. and 6.b. above but request an annual leave day must notify their principal five (5) working days prior to the date. These employees shall be required to pay 50% of the daily rate of a licensed employee on salary level one.
- Annual leave shall not be taken during the first five days and last five days that students are in school except under the following conditions:
- To attend the wedding of a near relative including child, father, mother, brother, sister, grandchild, grandparent or the same to one's spouse or any other person who is a member of the same household as the employee.
- To attend to personal or business matters which require the employee's attendance and scheduling is beyond the employee's control.
- First year employees who notify their supervisor in writing that they are ill.
- Teachers may not take annual leave days during the four (4) days of contract time not involving students but may, through correlation with the principal, arrange to exchange one of these days for another non-contract day.
- Annual leave days may not be used during parent/teacher conferences.
- Annual leave days may not be used to pursue other employment.
- Annual leave days may not be used on make-up days as the result of employee job action.