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  • Effective: 7/14/1998
  • Revision: 3/26/2002

  1. Board Policy
    Jordan School District views the Internet as a valuable tool in communicating with patrons, employees, and students. School Web pages are an extension of the District Web site and should be treated as such. Careful planning and consideration should go into the design and development of any Web site that represents the District.
  2. Administration Policy
    The District Web site is managed by the Office of Communications, which is responsible for posting accurate and updated information on the site. In addition, each local school will have a designated Web representative who will be responsible for the school’s Web site and who will receive periodic training from the District Web Manager.

    1. General
      Every school is encouraged to have a Web site that is developed and maintained in a way that communicates a professional image of the school and District. School Web sites should be designed according to District Web Development Guidelines.
    2. Hosting
      All school and District Web sites must reside on District-owned Web servers. The Director of Information Systems must approve all exceptions. A user name and password will by assigned to the corresponding Web manager. These user names and passwords will be kept confidential.
    3. Content
      1. Information posted on the District Web site must first be submitted to the Communications Manager with final authorization given by the Superintendent of Schools.
      2. All materials posted on District and school Web sites must be submitted directly from the person and/or school or department responsible for the information with proper authorization from the principal/supervisor.
      3. Principals and designated school Web managers are responsible for all Web content. Students may participate in creating or maintaining school or department Web sites under the direct supervision of a teacher or administrator.
      4. The language used on District/school Web sites must be grammatically correct, free of spelling errors, and appropriate.
      5. Information that is dangerous, harmful, or not in harmony with Jordan School District’s guidelines, goals, or policies will not appear on District or school Web sites.
      6. Jordan School District Administration and the Office of Communications reserve the right to audit and/or adjust any materials on all District-sponsored Web sites.
      7. The following disclaimer must appear on each District/school home page: We have made every effort to ensure that all links leaving this site are appropriate. Jordan School District and [school name] cannot be held responsible for information found on other Web sites.
      8. Every school and District Web site should have a visible link to the District’s Web site at
      9. All copyright laws will be respected and adhered to.
      10. Web sites will be monitored frequently by the Office of Communications, local school principals and department supervisors for appropriateness, accuracy, and legal compliance.
      11. Local school Web representatives will frequently monitor their Web sites in an effort to keep their Web site free of outdated files.
    4. Safety and Privacy of Students, Teachers, and Staff
      1. Personal contact information about students, teachers, and staff members must not be published on school or District Web sites. This includes addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or any other personal information that could be used by unauthorized persons to identify or make personal contact with students, teachers, or staff members.
      2. Student names, student photographs, personally identifiable student work, class participation, activities, projects, etc., may be published on school or District Web sites with a signed release from the student’s parent or legal guardian. Without a signed release, no personal information about specific students can be used on school or District Web sites. This policy does not apply to student information systems where information about student’s attendance, grades, and assignments is accessible using login and password information.
    5. E-Commerce
      1. Individuals are not to use Jordan School District resources for personal profit or gain.
      2. The Board of Education allows advertising and e-commerce on Web sites at both the District and local school level; however, such advertising must adhere to the District’s Guidelines for E-Commerce and E-Banner Advertising.
    6. Domain Names/Web Addresses
      The use of standardized domain names will be adopted by all elementary, middle, and high schools and will be managed by the Information Systems Department.

Student Personal Information Release Form

Effective: 7/14/1998
Revision: 12/10/2002
Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board supports work-based learning (WBL) programs for students. The Board recognizes responsibilities associated with placing students in work and community environments outside the school setting. The Board also recognizes that consistent practices throughout the six districts in the Wasatch Front South Consortium (Canyons, Granite, Jordan, Murray, Salt Lake City and Tooele School Districts) will encourage employers to participate in work-based learning experiences. Therefore, the Board supports:

    1. Clear and concise practices across all business, industry and community sites throughout the Wasatch Front;
    2. Uniform safety procedures across all work-based learning experiences;
    3. Consistency in WBL forms and procedures used in implementing work-based learning experiences; and
    4. Compliance with Utah Code §53G-7-902 Public or Private School Internships; R277-915 Work-Based Learning for Interns.

    The Board authorizes the Administration to develop and administer a policy for the work-based learning program in Jordan School District.

  2. Administrative Policy
    Jordan School District adopts the WBL forms and procedures found in the Wasatch Front South Consortium Work-Based Learning Manual, as well as the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. As required by law, procedures shall cover the following areas:
      1. Training for student interns, student intern supervisors, and cooperating employers regarding health hazards and safety procedures in the workplace;
      2. Standards and procedures for approval of off-campus work sites;
      3. Transportation options for students to and from the work sites;
      4. Appropriate supervision by employers at the work site;
      5. Adequate insurance coverage provided either by the student, the program, or the District;
      6. Appropriate supervision and evaluation of students by the District; and
      7. Appropriate involvement and approval by the parents of students in work-based intern programs.
    2. All work-based learning experiences shall be consistent with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Part 520, 29 CFR and Administrative Letter Rulings: Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division (pp. 226 and 228, July 1996).

  • Effective: 6/21/1983
  • Revision: 1/28/1986

  1. Board Policy
    It is the policy of the Board to reimburse employees for the use of their private cars for District business. The Board will determine the mileage rate annually.
  2. Administration Policy
    The Administration will administer the payment of mileage allotments according to the following guidelines:

    1. Professional District Office staff, principals and assistant principals will be reimbursed at a rate per mile determined by the Board for all District business miles.
    2. Requests for reimbursement should be submitted monthly to the immediate supervisor.
    3. Teacher specialists and other itinerant professional staff will be paid the mileage rate approved by the Board for the number of miles traveled.

  • Effective: 9/11/1979
  • Revision: 11/23/2004

    1. Board Policy
      The Board delegates responsibility for planning and directing a community relations program to the Superintendent of Schools.
      The Superintendent:

      1. Has primary responsibility for planning and coordinating a community relations program that builds public trust through effective, targeted communications.
      2. Delegates the proper community relations functions and commensurate authority to the Office of Communications without relinquishing his/her own authority.
      3. Makes effective use of available technical assistance from staff members and public relations consultants, and assigns specific responsibility to specific persons.
      4. Encourages and expects the staff of each school to maintain exemplary community relations.
      5. Develops a comprehensive set of long-range and short-term objectives designed to assure an appropriate and effective community relations program for the District.
    2. Administration Policy
      1. The District community relations program shall be the responsibility assigned to the Superintendent of Schools. To meet the intent of the Board, the community relations process shall consist of four equal concepts as follows:
        1. Analysis
          Analyze priority audiences to determine attitudes, understanding, and the degree of support generated by the school system.
        2. Planning
          Maintain an ongoing integrated communications plan to deal effectively with what is important to the school system and to maintain public trust.
        3. Communication
          Implement effective two-way communication with key audiences.
        4. Evaluation
          Evaluate the effectiveness of the community relations program, making revisions and adaptations as circumstances dictate.
      2. Objectives
        Following is a set of long-range community relations objectives:

        1. Maintain an effective media relations program to respond to media inquiries, proactively promote awareness for school and department activities and provide ongoing media training for administrators.
        2. Establish an internal communications program to communicate with employees and other internal groups.
        3. Develop an external communications program that provides critical information to District patrons, taxpayers and other key audiences.
        4. Implement an Internet strategy and Web presence to support the internal and external communications programs. Provide support and training for Districtwide and school-specific customer service and public/community relations initiatives.
        5. Develop and support District coalition building activities with key communicators.
        6. Conduct research and evaluation, as necessary, to support and direct District community relations efforts.

  • Effective: 9/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/27/18
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that a high school graduation diploma indicates completion of specified units of credit and a specified level of competency as measured by established District procedures and student learning outcomes.  The Board further recognizes that the educational program of any student should be one that recognizes the student's needs and promotes continuous student growth toward and beyond the competency level.  Educational programs will be designed to meet the needs of each student.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing and maintaining District curricula, programs, and evaluation procedures to meet State requirements and satisfy District needs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The District Program of Studies policy shall be reviewed and approved by the Administration periodically.
    2. District programs of study shall include all required, recommended, and elective courses and extracurricular activities.  These programs shall have the following characteristics:
      1. Compliance with State Standards and Guidelines
      2. Student learning outcomes that define mastery learning
      3. Instruction that meets the abilities and needs of each student
      4. Instruction which develops the skills required for students to achieve District graduation competencies
      5. Appropriate evaluation procedures
    3. A systematic staff development program shall be designed, implemented and maintained through professional learning communities and professional development.
    4. Planning for each student's program of studies in the middle and the high school shall include:
      1. Parent, designated school personnel, and student involvement in the decision making process, as the student progresses toward and beyond the stated competency levels.
      2. Student records that include student mastery of student learning outcomes, progress, competency, interests, aptitudes, and other relevant information.
    5. Responsibility for implementation of the Program of Studies is given to the Administrators of Schools.  Periodically, the Program of Studies shall be reviewed and revised.  Revision shall reflect changing curriculum and student needs.
    6. District Guidelines for Courses of Study
      The Administrator of Teaching and Learning is responsible for coordinating the development of curriculum goals, student learning outcomes, and instructional programs which comply with the State and District guidelines related to high school completion.  The Administrator of Teaching and Learning shall work with the Administrators of Schools who in turn will work with appropriate school personnel to delineate District guidelines for curriculum development and implementation.
    7. Evaluation of Student Progress
      The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability in cooperation with the Administrator of Teaching and Learning is responsible for coordinating the development of a systematic student assessment program to include criterion referenced and norm referenced tests.  The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability shall work with the appropriate Administrators of Schools, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, the Accountability specialist and Information Systems to develop, schedule, administer, and interpret student achievement assessments.
    8. Records of Student Progress
      The Director of Information Systems, in cooperation with the Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability, shall work with the appropriate Administrator of Schools, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, the Accountability specialist and Information Systems to develop and implement appropriate procedures for establishing and maintaining records of student progress including test results, program reports and report cards or electronic data processing files.  Records of student progress (K-12) will be maintained by local school principals and staff.
    9. Student Education Plans (SEP) and Plans for College and Career Readiness
      1. Each student shall have a personalized student education plan (SEP) or Plan for College and Career Readiness as required by Utah Code §53E-2-304. Each plan shall include the following:
        1. Guidelines for recognizing the student’s accomplishments and strengths.
        2. Guidelines for planning, monitoring, and managing the student’s education and career development.
      2. The SEP or Plan for College and Career Readiness shall be developed through an ongoing partnership involving students, parents, and school personnel.
      3. At least two SEP conferences per year shall be held for elementary-age students, grades one through six. The conferences shall involve the student, the student’s parent/guardian, and school personnel.
      4. To align with State Board Rule R277-462-4, the implementation for the Plan for College and Career Readiness shall include the following:
        1. 7th grade - at a minimum, students shall have either one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor or participate in one small group Plan for College and Career Readiness meeting per year. Students will develop four-year plans during their 7th grade College and Career Awareness class.
        2. 8th and 9th grade - at a minimum, students shall have one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
        3. 10th grade - at a minimum, students shall have either one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor or participate in one small group Plan for College and Career Readiness meeting per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
        4. 11th and 12th grade - at a minimum, students shall have one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
      5. The District shall provide in-service training to assist school personnel in the development and implementation of SEP’s and for College and Career Readiness.
    10. Staff Development
      In cooperation with the Administrators of Schools, local school principals, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, with the assistance of the consultant staff, shall be responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of staff in-service programs.
    11. Leadership Relating to the Implementation of the Program of Studies and Professional Learning Communities
      The Administrators of Schools are responsible for communicating Program of Studies and guidelines to the local school principals.  Each principal shall be responsible for local school implementation.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 1/23/2024

  1. Board Directive
    Every Jordan District student is entitled to be educated in an environment facilitated by qualified teachers, who implement evidence and research-based best practices in order to provide appropriate and productive learning opportunities, promote academic excellence, and encourage the development of college and career ready individuals and contributors to our society.
    The Board holds that one of the fundamental purposes of education is to teach students how to think critically; therefore, schools have an obligation to allow students a forum for examination and discussion of differing perspectives which arise in connection with the teaching of the Utah Core Standards. The Board recognizes that public education is a partner with parents, who play the primary role in educating their children.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The accompanying administrative policy provisions shall be followed:

    1. Instructional Principles
      1. Every student shall be considered a worthwhile, valuable individual.
      2. Every student shall be considered capable of learning which results in progress toward appropriate educational goals.
      3. Every student shall be treated with respect.
      4. Every student shall be expected to perform at a level commensurate with the student's ability, age, and rate of personal development.
      5. Every student shall be challenged to strive for the highest level of academic performance possible.
      6. Instructional environments shall encourage genuine discussion among students of varying viewpoints.
    2. Instructional Environment
      1. Instructional programs shall be offered in an atmosphere that is conducive to physical and emotional health and safety.
      2. Instructional programs shall be offered in an environment that promotes appropriate school conduct and encourages a cooperative approach to learning and the active participation of all students.
      3. Instruction shall be implemented to cultivate student interest and stimulate learning.
      4. Instruction shall include multiple strategies to address the needs of all learners and incorporate both large and small group interactions, interventions, and enrichment opportunities.
      5. Instruction shall take into account the mental, physical, emotional, social, and cultural aspects of all students.
    3. Instructional Content shall:
      1. Comply with state and federal requirements and implementation of Utah State Core Standards for the class being taught.
      2. Comply with all District policies, including Jordan School District Policy AA411 Sex Education and AA424 Literature Selection and Review.
      3. Include training in basic skills and provide opportunities for students to learn to read, write, speak, calculate, and master other practical skills needed for success in the adult world.
      4. Provide a proper understanding of American history and government, which is essential to good citizenship (Utah Code 53G-10-302 and 53G-10-204).
      5. Focus on helping students learn to reason and acquire course-related knowledge, skill, and understanding.
      6. Comply with State Board Rule R277-328 - Educational Equity in Schools which requires that instruction may not include or endorse that:
        1. a student or educator’s sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or membership in any other protected class is inherently superior or inferior to another sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected class.
        2. a student or educator’s sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or membership in any other protected class determines the content of the student or educator’s character including the student or educator’s values, morals, or personal ethics.
        3. a student or educator bears responsibility for the past actions of individuals from the same sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected class as the student or educator.
        4. a student or educator should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of the student or educator’s sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or membership in any other protected class.
      7. Allow students’ expression of personal beliefs unless the expression unreasonably interferes with order or discipline, threatens the well-being of persons or property, or violates concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting in compliance with Utah Code 53G-10-203 Expressions of Belief – Discretionary Time.
      8. Not include discussion of the teacher’s personal political affiliations or viewpoints and maintain an impartial and unprejudiced role throughout instruction.
      9. Provide opportunities for students to learn through direct personal experiences as well as through the experiences of others.
      10. Provide opportunities for students to discover the world of nature and learn about and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of cultures and societies.
      11. Encourage lifelong learning by providing opportunities for students to learn how to study as well as provide exercises in critical thinking and problem solving.
      12. Incorporate the ideals of human liberty, equality, justice, and ethical principles.
      13. Promote the values of ethical character, individual responsibility, economic sufficiency, civic usefulness, and personal health and hygiene.
    4. Instructional Responsibility
      1. Foster student progress, involvement, and coverage of appropriate content by providing instruction based on current research findings in classroom management, instructional delivery, interaction with students, instructional planning, and professional development.
      2. Education is a shared responsibility. Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and other staff as necessary shall work cooperatively for the good of each student.
      3. Student growth and achievement shall be consistently monitored and communicated to parents through report cards, at parent/teacher conferences, and other occasions as necessary.
      4. Instructional quality shall be monitored through a variety of performance evaluations. Curriculum guides and ongoing staff training shall be provided.
      5. Instructional delivery shall provide for the development of the personal, social, academic, and vocational potentials of students.
      6. Teachers shall collaborate in Professional Learning Communities, and share resources and ideas as a way of improving instructional processes in order to sustain a focus on results, a focus on collaboration, and a focus on learning.
      7. Teachers shall provide parents with a list of books that students are expected to read in full. Parents may request and receive an alternate assignment as outlined in Utah Code 53G-10-205. Teachers must give enough notice so that parents can be involved in the process.
      8. The teacher is responsible to:
        1. Prepare lesson plans which include clear, concise goals for the study unit.
        2. Provide content that is appropriate for the age of students being taught.
        3. Provide students the option, without penalty, of an alternate assignment when requested by a parent.
        4. Emphasize the academic aspect of the content and refrain from advocating a position.
      9. Secondary teachers shall send home disclosure statements as outlined in policy AA432 – Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements.
    5. Guest Speakers (anyone not employed by Jordan School District)
      1. Guest speakers shall agree in advance to abide by the guidelines outlined in this policy, and to refrain from discussions that go beyond the course-relevant content.
      2. The teacher shall be responsible to monitor the guest presentation in its entirety and halt the presentation if course content guidelines are violated.
      3. If the guest speaker is presenting only one point of view on a many-sided issue, the teacher shall be responsible to see that students also receive information on differing viewpoints.
      4. If a guest speaker is to be invited to a classroom, the teacher shall notify the principal with a completed Guest Speaker Request Form.
      5. The teacher shall notify parents or guardians of guest speakers invited to a classroom.
      6. Principals shall notify parents in advance of any guest speakers or performers at assemblies.
    6. Process for Reporting and Resolving Concerns
      1. Parents or students with concerns regarding the implementation of this policy are encouraged to contact (in this order):
        1. Teacher
        2. School administration (assistant principal or principal)
        3. District administration (Administrator of Schools or Superintendent)
        4. Board of Education
      2. Concerns can also be reported formally through the District hotline posted on  (pursuant to Utah State Board Rule R277-113). Each concern will be investigated and a response will be provided to the degree possible. Policy violations will be addressed using appropriate administrative actions.
      3. If a parent of a student, or a secondary student, determines that the student's participation in a portion of the curriculum or in an activity would require the student to affirm or deny a religious belief or right of conscience, the parent or the secondary student may request a waiver of the requirement to participate or a reasonable alternative.
        1. The school shall promptly notify a student's parent if the secondary student makes a request.
        2. If a request is made, the school shall waive the participation requirement, provide a reasonable alternative to the requirement, or notify the requesting party that participation is required as outlined in Utah Code 53G-10-205.
      4. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers at the beginning of the year or semester with any questions or concerns about course content or with requests as outlined in Utah Code 53G-10-205.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 5/22/2018
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the desire of the Board of Education that each new building constructed reflect those features and designs most appropriate to desirable and current teaching processes and efficient service areas in that school.  The District Administration shall be responsible for the detailed formulation of the educational criteria for a particular building.
  2. Administrative Policy

    The District Administration shall carry out this responsibility in accordance with the directive of the Board of Education and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and building codes.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 10/14/1986
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for a systematic approach in determining the personnel needed to staff the schools and other departments in the District. A well-developed system of personnel planning and accounting helps predict staff needs and enables the Administration to make sound provision for current and future employment. The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for determining these needs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Human Resources Department shall be delegated the responsibility for setting up such a system of personnel accounting for determining staff needs. The Administration will utilize all data available from various sources in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Utilize projections for future staff needs based on student growth, staff retirements, and replacements
    2. Utilize the projected curriculum requirement of the District
    3. Maximize the use of technology in determining projected pupil/teacher ratios and staff requirements
    4. Consider financial constraints as they apply to future staff needs
    5. Maintain up-to-date files containing data needed to comply with state and federal requirements including certification
    6. Keep abreast of current trends in staffing patterns and be familiar with options available for staffing schools such as differentiated staffing, etc.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board, recognizing that the leaders in the schools and in the District Office occupy key positions in the total District organization, considers the selection and appointment of administrators an important responsibility of the Administration.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility to  interview, screen and hire for leadership positions in the District.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Since the administrators are representative of the Board and the District, it is imperative that well-qualified and competent persons are selected for leadership positions.
    The Administration shall administer the leadership appointment policy in accordance to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. The Administration shall conduct leadership programs which will result in the identification and training of prospective administrators.
    2. Instructional leadership vacancies or other positions shall be publicized by the Human Resources Department.
    3. An applicant for a position in administration must make a formal online application with the Human Resources Department.  Job descriptions will be made available.
    4. Where required, each applicant must be licensed by the Utah State Office of Education for the position for which he/she is applying.
    5. The Human Resources Department will keep a current file on each applicant.  This file shall contain letters of reference, transcripts, interview appraisals, and other pertinent information.
    6. An applicant must renew his/her application annually in order for it to remain active.
    7. The administrative staff shall review all applications on file.  Applicants identified for further consideration will be interviewed by designated members of the Administration.
    8. The Administration shall recommend to the Superintendent candidate(s) for appointment.
    9. The Superintendent shall review and approve a candidate for hire.
    10. The Human Resource Administrator or the Superintendent or designee shall notify the successful candidate of his/her appointment.
    11. Those interviewed but not selected will be notified in writing by the Human Resources Department of the selection of another candidate.
    12. Administrative guidelines and procedures for hiring administrators are available on the Human Resources website.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009

  1. Board Policy
    To help promote quality education in Jordan District schools, educators and administrative leaders shall be encouraged to participate in professional development activities including educational conferences and other events which provide opportunities to acquire knowledge, learn from state and national educational leaders, and keep abreast of new developments in the teaching profession. In addition, opportunities shall be provided to broaden perspectives as a safeguard against provincialism. The Board, therefore, authorizes the District Administration to develop guidelines for providing professional development experiences through conference participation within funding limitations.
  2. Administration Policy
    Participation in educational conferences and other professional development experiences shall be administered according to the following guidelines:

    1. Conference selection and participation
      1. Efforts shall be made to take advantage of conferences and special institute programs conducted within the state and intermountain area.
      2. Efforts shall be made to obtain diversification in conference coverage and to provide an orderly rotation in conference participation.
      3. Individuals who have been assigned important leadership responsibilities and who are in positions to provide post-conference services to the District shall receive priority consideration as travel requests are reviewed.
      4. Individuals elected to national offices or who are invited by conference committees to participate as speakers or discussion group leaders shall receive priority consideration as travel requests are reviewed.
      5. Conference participants shall be encouraged to share materials and ideas with co-workers through in-service training sessions or other appropriate post-conference events identified by the Administrator of Schools.
    2. Allowances for conference expenses
      1. Allowances for expenses associated with conference attendance shall be provided according to the District travel authorization schedule.
      2. Special requests for partial payment of conference costs and the employment of substitutes shall be reviewed by the Administration.
    3. Procedures
      1. Conference requests shall be submitted by individuals or groups to the appropriate division administrator. Each request shall consist of three parts:
        1. A letter outlining the request and explaining the nature of the conference.
        2. A travel authorization form detailing the anticipated expenses.
        3. Copies of conference reservation information.
      2. Travel authorization requests shall be reviewed by the requester's supervisor and submitted to the appropriate division administrator for approval. Travel authorization requests for members of the Administrative Cabinet shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.
      3. Periodically, the Superintendent shall submit a report on conference activities to the Board.
    4. Participation
      1. School Principals
        1. An annual conference eligibility list shall be maintained. This list shall include the names of all principals and assistant principals and the year each one is eligible to attend a conference.
        2. Principals shall be authorized to attend a national conference once every four (4) years. National conference attendance is funded on the basis of the cost of registration, travel (air fare or automobile), lodging, and a District-authorized per diem for meals, gratuities, local travel, and other expenses. Principals desiring to attend an in-state conference, workshop or seminar during the year of their national conference rotation (every four years) may do so with the approval of the Administrator of Schools for their administrative area. Attendance at this conference is not at District expense.
        3. Principals requesting to attend in-state conferences, workshops, and seminars shall be approved on an individual basis by the Administrator of Schools. The Administrative Cabinet shall annually review and approve the amount that will be allowed for in-state conference expenses.
        4. Attendance at a conference by special request of the Board or Administration will not be included in the conference rotation.
        5. The principal and assistant principal working in the same school shall not be permitted to attend conferences simultaneously.
      2. District Office Staff
        1. An annual conference eligibility list, prepared by Division Administrators, shall be submitted for administrative approval. This list shall include nominations for participation in the current year's conference program and shall be the basis for conference attendance budgets.
        2. Conference attendance shall be determined by District needs and critical issues. Attendance shall be coordinated to assure that cabinet members do not all leave at the same time or attend the same conferences.
        3. District Administrators shall generally attend one national conference annually.
        4. Consultants, coordinators, and program specialists shall be authorized to attend a conference every two (2) years. Exceptions may be authorized by the Superintendent for those individuals who coordinate or direct multiple programs.
        5. Staff assistants maintain their conference participation rotation within the principal schedule.
        6. Attendance at a conference by special request of the Board or Administration will not be included in the conference rotation.
      3. Teachers
        1. Teachers shall submit requests for conference participation to their school principals. Schools are authorized a specific number of professional days to be used at the discretion of the principal. Otherwise, teachers or the organization they represent are responsible for their expenses. Approval for conference attendance will be given by the Superintendent upon the recommendation of the principal and Administrator of Schools provided the quota for professional days is not exceeded.
        2. Teacher conference travel shall be rotated so that representatives of all subject areas receive equal consideration.
        3. Travel requests for vocational teachers must comply with "a" and "b" above and must also be reviewed and endorsed by the respective vocational coordinator and the director of vocational education.
        4. Vocational education teachers assigned to supervise students attending conferences will have their expenses paid through vocational funds and are not included in the professional growth days.
      4. Students
        Requests for students or student groups to attend conferences shall be administered according to Policy AA414—Student Overnight Travel.