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  • Effective - 12/10/2024
  • Revision -

    The Jordan School District Board of Education is committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities in our schools that lead to graduates who are prepared for success within and beyond the classroom. Our Ends Policy reflects the core pillars of the District’s Strategic Plan: high-quality instruction, a culture of belonging, opportunities for every learner, student and staff wellness, and effective communication. The Board will monitor progress toward these Ends through multiple means, including but not limited to, the specified data sources.
  2. ENDS
    1. High Quality Instruction
      Students will seek out academic challenges and engage with each other and their community in real-world activities and discussions, and teachers will be prepared to engage students as measured by:

      1. Percent of students meeting or exceeding the benchmark for
        1. End-of-year Acadience Math in grades K-3 (combined)
        2. End-of-year Acadience Reading in grades K-3 (combined)
      2. Percent of students earning a proficiency level of 3 or 4 for
        1. RISE Math in grades 3-8 (combined)
        2. RISE ELA in grades 3-8 (combined)
        3. RISE Science in grades 3-8 (combined)
        4. Utah Aspire Plus Math in grades 9-10 (combined)
        5. Utah Aspire Plus Reading in grades 9-10 (combined)
        6. Utah Aspire Plus Science in grades 9-10 (combined)
        7. Dynamic Learning Maps in grades 3-11 (combined)
      3. Percent of grade 11 students earning an 18 or higher ACT composite score
      4. Percent of students showing typical or better progress for
        1. End-of-year Acadience Math in grades K-3 (combined)
        2. End-of-year Acadience Reading in grades K-3 (combined)
        3. RISE Math in grades 3-8 (combined)
        4. RISE ELA in grades 3-8 (combined)
        5. RISE Science in grades 3-8 (combined)
        6. Utah Aspire Plus Math in grades 9-10 (combined)
        7. Utah Aspire Plus Reading in grades 9-10 (combined)
        8. Utah Aspire Plus Science in grades 9-10 (combined)
    2. Culture of Belonging
      Students will value and engage with their school community, respect differences, and respond to conflict in healthy ways, as measured by percent of students reporting a sense of belonging three out of five or higher using the sense of belonging question items from the Panorama Survey administered annually in the fall, winter and spring to students in grades 3-12.
    3. Opportunities for Every Learner
      Every student will see a path to graduation that meets their individual learning needs, as measured by state graduation rate, as currently calculated and reported.
    4. Student and Staff Wellness
      Students and employees will feel empowered to excel personally and professionally and have access to resources, programs, and curriculum that support a safe and healthy learning environment, as measured by percent of students responding favorably to the “emotion regulation” question items from the Panorama Survey administered annually in the fall, winter and spring to students in grades 3-12 and percent of highest two ratings on the Educator Engagement Survey’s “emotion regulation” question items.
    5. Effective Communication
      Families, employees, and community members will be more informed and engaged in a trusting partnership which leads to greater student success, as measured by percent of positive responses to the “family-district trust” question items on the parent Stakeholder Input Survey.

Effective: 10/27/2015
Reviewed: 5/14/2024

The Board requires an attorney who is guided primarily by the Board’s policies and philosophies; one who seeks to put Board policies and views into effect rather than the potentially differing views of the administration.

  1. The Board expects its directions and wishes to be incorporated into administrative action when counsel regularly interacts with the Board and clearly understands their positions and directions to administrative staff.
    1. Board Counsel, like the members of the administration, works for the Board and is accountable to implement the policies and philosophies of the Board.
    2. Board Counsel provides frequent interaction with the Board and receives regular input from the Board so that counsel can better understand the attitudes and concerns of the Board and can efficiently assist in their implementation.
    3. Board Counsel works with administration to avoid courses of action which could be inconsistent with the direction and ideals of the Board.
    4. Board Counsel alerts the Board to potential issues, assesses the Board’s position on issues, and obtains timely clarification regarding Board intentions.
  2. Should any Board member express concern about possible legal counsel conflict of interest, that concern may become an immediate item on the next monthly Board agenda, so that any perceived conflict can be resolved and the entire Board can be satisfied with the legal counsel representation.

Effective - 09/25/2012
Revision - 5/23/17
Reviewed - 9/22/2015

The Superintendent will not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions, which interfere with student achievement or which are unsafe, undignified, inequitable, discriminatory, or unnecessarily intrusive in his/her interactions with students and their families or those enrolling to be students.

Further, without limiting the scope of the aforementioned statement, he/she will not:

  1. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices which promote the health and safety of the students.
  2. Fail to implement policies, procedures and practices that welcome and encourage parents to participate in their child’s education.
  3. Fail to be considerate of and sensitive to racial, ethnic, and cultural issues as well as community values.
  4. Fail to establish with students and their families, in a timely manner, a clear understanding of what may be expected and what may not be expected from Jordan School District services.
  5. Fail to operate facilities with appropriate accessibility.
  6. Use application forms that elicit information for which there is no clear necessity.
  7. Use methods for collecting reviewing, transmitting, or storing student and family information that fail to protect against improper access to the material elicited.  Privacy shall be protected by strict use of best practices and in compliance with all legal requirements.
  8. Fail to have clear accountability measures in fundraising activities that require the participation of students.
  9. Fail to inform students and their families of this policy in a timely manner, or to provide a way to be heard for persons who believe they have not been accorded a reasonable interpretation of their protections under this policy.
  10. Fail to provide for effective handling of grievances in a timely manner.

  • Effective - 4/23/2013
  • Revision - 12/10/2024

  1. Mission
    Unleashing Potential: Exceptional Educational Opportunities for Every Student
  2. Vision
    Be Curious | Be Intentional | Be United
  3. Values
    1. Opportunity: We ensure all students have access to opportunities that will prepare them for their future.
    2. Curiosity: We foster curiosity and nurture a love of learning in our students.
    3. Connection: We create conditions that strengthen connection among all members of our community.
    4. Support: We commit to supporting our students in finding and pursuing their personal path to success.
    5. Growth: We prioritize and celebrate growth in all areas of a student’s life.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012
  • Revision: 2/21/2017

The Business Administrator is appointed by the Board of Education per Utah Code 53G-4-302 and 53G-4-303 respectively. All duties and responsibilities are enumerated therein.

  1. In addition to the duties and responsibilities outlined in Utah Code, he/she shall be responsible for the following items:
    1. Presenting a balanced budget and maintaining the budget as directed by the Board.
    2. Maintaining a five percent (5%) General Fund reserve as allowed by Utah Code.
    3. Striving for an unqualified Audit Report with minimal management letter issues.
    4. Maintaining an Accounting Manual outlining school and District financial operations, procedures, and requirements.
    5. Executing purchases and contracts on behalf of the District and the Board of Education.
    6. Ensuring District compliance with the Utah Money Management Act.
    7. Representing the Board of Education and Superintendent as necessary and appropriate.
  2. Monitoring of the Business Administrator shall be done by items listed in section A.
  3. Evaluation of the Business Administrator’s performance will be accomplished as follows:
    1. Each December the Board will conduct a formal summative evaluation of the Business Administrator. The summative evaluation will be based upon data collected during the previous school year from monitoring Board policies on Ends and Executive Limitations. A written evaluation document will be prepared by the Board and will be reviewed by the Board and the Business Administrator at an open meeting.
    2. The evaluation instrument for the Business Administrator will consist of:
      1. The monitoring report data developed by the Business Administrator in section A. and submitted to the Board under the schedule included in Board policy BSC204 Monitoring Superintendent Performance.
      2. A summary of the monitoring report ratings for the current evaluation cycle, prepared by the leadership of the Board
  4. In an effort to resolve concerns and safeguard the reputation of the Business Administrator and the Board, should any difference of opinion arise between the Business Administrator and a member of the Board, the following steps will be applied before either of those parties make his or her difference of opinion a matter of public discussion.
    1. The Business Administrator and Board member agree to meet privately and commit to keeping efforts positive and constructive.
    2. The Business Administrator and Board member will provide sufficient time adequate to remedy any concern that is presented in the initial meeting.
    3. If either party does not feel that the concern has been addressed sufficiently the concern shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Education in closed session or study session, as allowed by the Utah Open and Public Meeting Act.
    4. If discussion with the entire Board of Education is not deemed to have resolved the issue by either the Business Administrator or a majority of the Board present, either party is allowed to request further exploration of the issue through continued discussion of the issue, requesting private recommendations from disinterested third parties, or creation of a committee selected by the Board.

The Business Administrator or any Board member has the right to invoke B/SC 205 section D. in closed session or study session and request that the Board instruct the affected parties to follow the steps as outlined.

  1. The Business Administrator and the Board president will sign and date the completed Business Administrator’s summative evaluation following the performance evaluation meeting.

  • Effective:    9/25/2012
  • Revision:    4/23/19

While the Superintendent is the Board’s primary link to operational achievement and conduct the Board also recognizes the value of teamwork and seeks to work in harmony with District personnel.


  1. The Board will acknowledge that all authority and accountability of staff is derived from the authority and accountability of the Superintendent.
  2. An individual Board member may communicate with, but will not make extensive/excessive requests of staff.  As a courtesy, Board members shall make the Superintendent aware of requests.
  3. The Board will not evaluate, either formally or informally, any staff other than the Superintendent and Business Administrator.
  4. The Board will recognize the relationship between Superintendent performance and organizational performance. Organizational accomplishments of Board-stated Ends and adherence to other Board policies will be viewed as indicators of successful Superintendent performance.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012

Only official actions of the Board are binding on the Superintendent.


      1. Decisions or instructions of individual Board members, officers, or committees are not binding on the Superintendent, except in rare instances when the Board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority.
      2. In the case of the Board members or committees requesting information or assistance without Board authority, the Superintendent shall obtain Board approval when such requests, in the Superintendent’s opinion, require a material amount of staff time or funds to fulfill.

  • Effective - 09/25/2012
  • Revision - 05/23/17

With respect to the treatment of paid and volunteer staff, the Superintendent may not cause or allow conditions which are inequitable, discriminatory, undignified, disorganized or unclear.

Further, without limiting the scope of the previous statement, he or she will not operate without written personnel policies which:

  1. Clarify procedures and expectations for staff and volunteers.
  2. Provide for effective handling of grievances in a timely manner.
  3. Protect against wrongful conditions, such as nepotism and grossly preferential treatment for personal reasons.
  4. Discriminate against any staff member for non-disruptive expression of dissent.
  5. Fail to acquaint staff with the Superintendent’s interpretation of their protections under this policy.
  6. Fail to recognize contributions by employees in a timely manner.
  7. Fail to promote a positive work environment at all levels.

Effective: 09/25/2012
Revision: 11/26/20
Reviewed: 2/25/2015

The Second Vice President acts to ensure that accurate Policy Governance records and documents of the Board of Education for Jordan School District are kept.

Accordingly, the Second Vice President shall:

  1. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and First Vice President.
  2. Ensure that Board policies will be current in their reflection of Board decisions. Policies will rigorously follow Policy Governance principles.
  3. Assume such duties as the Board may decide.
  4. Gather items for the Board agenda.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012
  • Revision: 9/23/2014
  • Reviewed: 3/31/2015

Specific responsibilities of the Board of Education, as an informed agent of the people of Jordan School District, are those that ensure appropriate organizational performance.

Accordingly, the Board of Education will:

  1. Create the connection between the owners and Jordan School District and retain responsibility for the dissemination of information that is relevant to Jordan School District owners. This includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Annual accountability reports
    2. Monthly financial reports
    3. Annual financial reports
    4. Minutes and audio recording of Board meetings
    5. Posting of public meetings
  2. Develop written governing policies that will, at the broadest levels of all organizational decisions and situations, address:
    1. Governance Process: Specification of how the Board of Education conceives, carries out, and monitors its own tasks.
    2. Board/Superintendent Connection: How responsibility is delegated and its proper use monitored, the Superintendent role, and authority and accountability.
    3. Executive Limitations: Constraints on executive authority that establish the boundaries within which all executive activity and decisions must take place.
    4. Ends: Organizational products, impact, benefits, outcomes, recipients, and their relative worth (what good, for which recipients, at what cost).
  3. Approve all Jordan School District policies and regulations. Unless otherwise authorized, any waivers of provisions in Jordan School District policies and/or regulations must be approved by the Board of Education.
  4. Assure successful Superintendent and Business Administrator performance by monitoring performance on Ends and Executive Limitations.
  5. Make decisions related to taxation and new bond issues.
  6. Allow the mayor of each of the Cities, or the designee of a given mayor, to attend and participate in Board meetings as is currently provided by UCA 53G-7-208(3)(b).
  7. Participate in such additional activities and committees as are necessary to carry out the business of the Board.

Revision history: 9/23/14