- Effective: 9/25/2012
- Revision: 2/21/2017
The Business Administrator is appointed by the Board of Education per Utah Code 53A-3-302 and 53A-3-303 respectively. All duties and responsibilities are enumerated therein.
- In addition to the duties and responsibilities outlined in Utah Code, he/she shall be responsible for the following items:
- Presenting a balanced budget and maintaining the budget as directed by the Board.
- Maintaining a five percent (5%) General Fund reserve as allowed by Utah Code.
- Striving for an unqualified Audit Report with minimal management letter issues.
- Maintaining an Accounting Manual outlining school and District financial operations, procedures, and requirements.
- Executing purchases and contracts on behalf of the District and the Board of Education.
- Ensuring District compliance with the Utah Money Management Act.
- Representing the Board of Education and Superintendent as necessary and appropriate.
- Monitoring of the Business Administrator shall be done by items listed in section A.
- Evaluation of the Business Administrator’s performance will be accomplished as follows:
- Each December the Board will conduct a formal summative evaluation of the Business Administrator. The summative evaluation will be based upon data collected during the previous school year from monitoring Board policies on Ends and Executive Limitations. A written evaluation document will be prepared by the Board and will be reviewed by the Board and the Business Administrator at an open meeting.
- The evaluation instrument for the Business Administrator will consist of:
- The monitoring report data developed by the Business Administrator in section A. and submitted to the Board under the schedule included in Board policy BSC204 Monitoring Superintendent Performance.
- A summary of the monitoring report ratings for the current evaluation cycle, prepared by the leadership of the Board
- In an effort to resolve concerns and safeguard the reputation of the Business Administrator and the Board, should any difference of opinion arise between the Business Administrator and a member of the Board, the following steps will be applied before either of those parties make his or her difference of opinion a matter of public discussion.
- The Business Administrator and Board member agree to meet privately and commit to keeping efforts positive and constructive.
- The Business Administrator and Board member will provide sufficient time adequate to remedy any concern that is presented in the initial meeting.
- If either party does not feel that the concern has been addressed sufficiently the concern shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Education in closed session or study session, as allowed by the Utah Open and Public Meeting Act.
- If discussion with the entire Board of Education is not deemed to have resolved the issue by either the Business Administrator or a majority of the Board present, either party is allowed to request further exploration of the issue through continued discussion of the issue, requesting private recommendations from disinterested third parties, or creation of a committee selected by the Board.
The Business Administrator or any Board member has the right to invoke B/SC 205 section D. in closed session or study session and request that the Board instruct the affected parties to follow the steps as outlined.
- The Business Administrator and the Board president will sign and date the completed Business Administrator’s summative evaluation following the performance evaluation meeting.