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  • Effective: 1/2/2001
  • Revision: 9/27/2022

  1. Board Directive
    It is the desire of the Board of Education that each new building or other facility within the District is given a name that lends dignity and status to the school or facility.  Therefore, the Board authorizes the administration to develop policy for administering the naming of new buildings, existing facilities, or parts of facilities.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The Board of Education reserves the right to name all new buildings that are constructed or purchased. This will be accomplished after community input and by submission of an appropriate name by members of the Board of Education.  The name for any new facility must be approved by the Board of Education by a majority vote. The policy on naming new buildings or portions of a building will be administered as follows:
      1. The process for the naming of any new or existing facility or portion of a facility must begin with the Superintendent, Administrator of Schools, or the building principal.
      2. Any portion of a school not named after an individual or entity, but whose name is in keeping with the tradition and dignity of the school and the District, does not need the approval of the Board.
      3. The Board will consider petitions or recommendations for the naming of a new or existing facility providing ample time is given to the Board for a response. Requests from the principal or administrator must provide evidence of significant community input and should be submitted to the Board of Education.
      4. Any person or entity for whom the facility or a portion of the facility is named must have made a significant contribution to the educational system or community for a minimum of at least ten (10) years and if involved with the school or District as a full-time or part-time employee, paraprofessional or volunteer, the individual under consideration must be retired for at least five years. Individuals not in these categories must be deceased for at least one year before consideration will be given to naming a school facility in his/her memory.
      5. No dedicatory ceremonies for any facility are to take place without direction from the Board of Education.
      6. If the school administration or community desires to establish a process for placing memorial displays in a school, a committee representing the administration, faculty and community must be formed to select any names to be considered. Location of plaques of this nature must be approved by both the Administrator of Auxiliary Services and the appropriate area Administrator of Schools.
      7. No District funds are to be allocated for the purchase of memorial plaques or similar recognitions. Installation of any kind of memorabilia must be accomplished either by or under the direction of Jordan School District.
      8. All schools must follow established procurement practices, building codes, etc.
    2. The Board of Education gratefully considers named gifts to Jordan School District when substantial financial contributions are made by individuals or groups. The Board strives to recognize these major contributors in a long-lasting and meaningful way. The policy on named gifts shall be administered as follows:
      1. Named gifts to Jordan School District shall not impact, restrict, or limit the Board’s ability to purchase, sell or trade property and award contracts in the best interest of the District.
      2. All named gifts shall be unanimously recommended to the Board of Education by the Board of Directors of the Jordan Education Foundation.
      3. The person for whom a gift is named must be a well-respected individual whose name will lend dignity and status to the school or facility.
      4. Naming Schools for Donors
        Gifts valued at $2,000,000 or more that facilitate construction of a new school may be recognized by naming the school for the donor or the donor’s designee under the following conditions:

        1. The donor is the largest single contributor to the project.
        2. The Board has not already committed to name the school for a previously qualifying donor.
      5. Naming Facilities for Donors Including Auditoriums, Field Houses, Stadiums, Media Centers, Computer Labs, Science Centers, etc.
        Gifts valued at $500,000 or more that facilitate capital improvements at an existing school or District-owned building; e.g., remodels, additions, reconstruction, etc., may be recognized by naming the improved facility for the donor or donor’s designee under the following conditions:

        1. The donor is the largest single contributor to the project.
        2. The Board has not already committed to name the facility for a previously qualifying donor.
      6. Recognizing Gifts with Plaques or Other Appropriate Memorials
        Gifts valued at $50,000 or more that are used to improve educational facilities, to provide services for students or staff, or to enhance educational programs may be recognized with a plaque or other appropriate memorial at the location where the gift is received.

        1. The gift must make a significant difference to the educational system.
        2. The gift must help achieve a goal established by the school or other educational entity.

  • Effective: 3/22/1983
  • Revision: 5/23/1995
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the policy of the Board to comply with all laws and regulations governing the use of school property, facilities and equipment.  Responsibility is delegated to the District Administration to develop policies and procedures that (1) prohibit private use of school property, facilities, and equipment for personal gain; and (2) restrict schools from competing with private enterprise except for the purpose of providing students with practical training in applied technology courses.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following administrative policy provisions shall govern the use of school and District properties, facilities and equipment:

    1. School property and facilities shall not be made available for use by individuals or organizations outside the school system except as specified under Policy DA151—Use of Public School Buildings and Grounds as Civic Centers, which governs non-school use of all District facilities.  All use of District property and facilities for other than school purposes must be conducted through the approved rental process, in accordance with District policy and the Facility Rental Guidelines.
    2. School and District equipment, including computers, copiers, fax machines, and other technical equipment, shall be operated only by authorized personnel for education-related purposes.
      1. Copy machines may not be used for any volume work that is not school or District related. Employees may use District copy machines to make a maximum of five (5) copies for non-school use provided the copies are made outside of contract hours and paid for at the standard commercial rate.
      2. Employees shall not produce personal materials using school or District equipment without express authorization from the principal or immediate supervisor.
        1. All authorized personal use of equipment by employees shall take place outside of regular contract hours.
        2. Employees shall pay for any materials used at standard commercial rates.
        3. Equipment and materials may not be used for personal gain.
      3. Copying District-licensed computer programs for personal use is prohibited.  (Refer to Policy DE 505—Acceptable Use of Copyrighted Materials in Jordan School District.  Personal use of District-owned computer peripherals to copy computer programs is also prohibited.
    3. School and District equipment shall not be removed from the site where it is inventoried unless the item was specifically purchased for use at multiple off-campus locations; i.e., portable computers.
      1. Use of items purchased for use in multiple off-campus locations shall be monitored by the building administrator following strict "check-out/check-in" procedures.  These items shall only be used for District/school education-related purposes.
      2. Any transfer or loan of equipment among schools shall be authorized in advance by the Area Administrator of Schools, monitored on school inventories, and fixed asset transfer procedures followed.
    4. Circulation of films, videotapes, DVDs and other instructional support materials housed in the District Instructional Media Center shall be limited to Jordan District schools and other qualifying educational organizations.
    5. Equipment in the District Instructional Support Center shall be used solely for the production of school and District instructional support materials.

  • Effective: 2/27/1979
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 9/26/2017

  1. Board Directive
    Recognizing the need to maintain security at all school buildings, the Board authorizes the Administration to establish a procedure for the proper use of inside/outside master keys, and building access codes.  Adherence to this policy shall be required as a protective measure for both employees and the public.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Principals have the responsibility for building security and the issuing of keys/codes subject to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Only the principal and head custodian are authorized to have inside/outside master keys.  All others will have access based on their card access authorization.
      1. Access will be determined by authorization given by the principal on the access/ID cards.
      2. Appropriate security codes shall be assigned for each administrator, head administrative assistant, Nutrition Services manager, full-time custodian(s), and night custodian.
      3. Any exceptions to A.2. must be approved, in writing, by the appropriate Administrator of Schools using the Security Code Exception Form.
    2. No outside master keys, access keys, or security codes shall be issued to or used by any individual other than those specified in item A. above.
    3. Any access after hours requires prior arrangements with the principal. After hours is defined as that time when the custodian is not scheduled to be in the building. This applies to all alarmed buildings including portable classrooms. The appropriate "Building Access Permit" form must be completed. The principal or designee shall inform Alarm Response of all persons authorized to be in the building after hours. Alarm codes are not to be given to unauthorized employees.
    4. All employees are to be out of the school by 8:00 p.m., and on weekends and holidays unless prior arrangements are made with the principal and Alarm Response.
    5. Entry into the school before or after regular hours requires a clearance call to Alarm Response, (801)567-8865.
    6. Students are not to be issued security codes, ID/Access cards or allowed in a building without adult employee supervision.
    7. No security codes or ID/Access cards are to be issued to any member of the community, or a club or organization.
    8. Alarm Response shall be notified immediately of any lost keys or access cards, or if an unauthorized individual has obtained an access code.
    9. Employees who copy a key or disregard or fail to follow this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action or termination.

  • Effective: 6/28/1977
  • Revision: 10/1/2002
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board, in consultation with various political subdivisions, recognizes the need to maintain control of parking and driving on school property.  It is the intent of the Board that every effort be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of students, staff, and others who park or drive on school property.  The Administration is authorized to establish a policy for staff responsibility for parking, traffic and signs on school grounds.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The local school administration shall be responsible to handle, or initiate action to handle, any situation that may arise from the operation or parking of vehicles on school property.  The following administrative policy provisions have been adopted for the control of traffic and parking on school property:

    1. The Administration delegates its authority and responsibility to each local school in the school district to adopt and enforce rules and ordinances for the control of vehicular traffic on school property pursuant to Utah Code Ann.  §53G-8-604.
    2. The applicable District, state, county, or municipal traffic and parking regulations shall be enforced upon school and District property.
    3. Maximum speed on school and District premises is ten (10) miles per hour.
    4. Vehicular traffic is limited to entering, exiting, and parking. No cruising or loitering will be permitted.
    5. All vehicles are restricted to designated roadways. Motorized vehicles shall not be driven on lawns, paths or other prohibited areas.
    6. No parking shall be allowed in the areas where the curb is painted red, designated "NO PARKING," or where such parking would obstruct regular vehicular traffic.
    7. Students, staff and faculty shall not park in areas designated "FOR VISITORS" or "RESERVED."
    8. The following rules and regulations relate to the registration, parking and control of vehicles by high school students.
      1. All District traffic and parking regulations and individual school regulations (if any) will be distributed to every student and faculty member at or before the beginning of each school year.
      2. Students must register with the school all motor vehicles which will be driven or parked on school property. A registration decal must bedisplayed on the vehicle as follows:
        1. Cars - left side of rear window
        2. Trucks, rough terrain vehicles (jeeps, etc.) - upper center ofwindshield
        3. Motor bikes and cycles - rear frame or rear fender
      3. Prior to vehicle registration at the local high school and issuance of the decal, the student must possess the following:
        1. A valid Utah Driver's license
        2. A parent or guardian's written permission for the student to bring a vehicle to school
        3. A signed statement by the parent and student that they understand when any car is on school property, the car may be searched, if the school authorities have reasonable cause to suspect that materials that are in violation of the state, county, municipal, or school code are stored therein and they further understand that any materials found may be seized and used as evidence in school disciplinary hearings
        4. Proof of insurance filed in the school office.
      4. Students are to park in the designated student parking areas and within parking spaces as directed by painted lines and signs.
      5. Faculty and staff parking shall be designated and students are not topark in these areas.
    9. All regulatory signs utilized on District or school property shall be placed in conspicuous and appropriate areas of the grounds.  All regulatory signs must be approved by the Administrator of Auxiliary Services or designee prior to posting.
    10. These rules and regulations shall be enforced by local school administrators and area law enforcement agencies.  Enforcements may include, but shall not be limited to citations, towing away at owner's expense, and/or revocation of the privileges to park and drive on school property.
    11. The Board and/or Administration assumes no responsibility for damage to cars, lost articles, damage to property or injury to persons by the automobile or its driver while on District property.

  • Effective: 6/22/1976
  • Revision: 10/17/2006

  1. Board Policy
    It is the policy of the Board to operate each facility owned or utilized by the school district in a manner which will reasonably assure the safety of individuals participating in school district functions and activities and in a manner to avoid disruption of all school district activities and functions.  The Board maintains the right to close any school activity or facility or school bus to persons and organizations not specifically authorized by the Board or by local school administrators under authority delegated by the Board.
  2. Administration Policy
    The local school administrator shall be responsible to handle any situation that may arise because of a trespasser or any acts therefrom.  The following procedures and guidelines will be used in administering this policy.

    1. Legal basis for this policy includes:
      Salt Lake County Ordinance: (§10.32.010 Offenses In and About Schools, Colleges, and Universities), and Utah Code Annotated: (§76-9-102 Breaches of the Peace and Related Events; §53G-8-603 Criminal Trespass Upon School Property; §76-9-106 Disrupting the Operation of a School; and §76-9-107 Unauthorized Entry of a School Bus); and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as amended in 2004 (20 USC §1415(b)(1); 34 CFR §300.501(a)).
    2. The administrator is to have an understandable knowledge of the legal basis of this policy so that he/she may properly interpret and enforce them.
    3. The administrator shall inform his/her staff and students of the legal basis of this policy.
    4. The administrator shall post in a conspicuous place in his/her building, rules and regulations pertaining to all visitors.  This may be an abridgment of the Salt Lake County Ordinance and/or the State of Utah Criminal Code.
    5. The administrator shall have the right to utilize every effort in the protection of personnel and property.  He/she may, as he/she deems necessary, secure assistance from an appropriate law enforcement agency.
    6. In accordance with federal statutes and local ordinances, school administrators are vested with authority to limit or control access to any school facility or activity.  This includes the authority of the local school administrator to take reasonable steps to prohibit the transport of contraband onto the school facility or to a school activity and to restrict or prohibit access by persons who are not specifically authorized or required by law to be present in school facilities, at school activities, and on school buses.
    7. The local school administrator retains the discretionary authority to restrict access of school visitors to only those portions of the school reasonably associated with the purpose of the visit.  Permitted access to a portion of the school does not grant access to all areas in the school.
    8. Parents, guardians, relatives and acquaintances are invited and encouraged to enter schools to participate in specific activities, meetings and appointments with teachers and administrators.  Parents and guardians do not have the right to attend school with their children or access school premises, including school buses, without specific authorization by school administration.  Such authorization may be withdrawn without prior notice and a parent or guardian’s continued presence after authorization has been withdrawn will be considered school trespass.
    9. In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as amended in 2004, parents of students with disabilities are entitled to the same access as general education parents (see H above) as well as the opportunity to participate in meetings with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the child and the provision of a free and appropriate public education (20 USC §1415(b)(1); 34 CFR §300.501(a)).  Beyond this parental participation, parents of students with disabilities have no entitlement to access school premises.

  • Effective: 1/25/1972
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    In accordance with Utah Code 53G-7-209, the Board authorizes, on condition, the use of school buildings and grounds as civic centers, for other than school purposes.  The Board recognizes that these civic centers shall be established and maintained as limited public forums to District residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings.  It is further understood that use of property for civic center purposes may not interfere with a school function or purpose. Under Utah Code 53G-7-210, the Board directs the Administration to manage, direct, and control the use of school buildings and grounds when used as civic centers.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The Administration shall charge a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities as civic centers so the District incurs no expense for that use.  The Administration shall also ensure that school administrators are trained and properly implement District policy according to Utah Code.
    2. The Administration shall establish the Facility Rental Guidelines, a fee schedule, and personnel necessary to manage the rental and use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes.  The Board will review and approve the Facility Rental Guidelines and fee schedule as needed.  The Administrator of Auxiliary Services shall administer the rules and guidelines and see that all schools follow established policy and procedures.
    3. All Jordan School District employees are directed to support and follow this policy, the Facility Rental Guidelines and Utah Code related to use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes.  Any employee found in violation of this policy may be disciplined up to and including termination, in accordance to District Policies DP316 NEG, DP316A and DP316B—Orderly Termination Procedures.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/29/12
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Acknowledging that physical facilities do affect the learning environment, the Board is interested in the procurement of classroom furniture and equipment that will enable administrators and teachers to conduct effective instructional programs. In so doing, the Board charges the Administration with the following responsibilities:
    1. Working within established budget limits
    2. Striving for economy
    3. Obtaining a balance between quantity and quality
    4. Achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The responsibility for preparing standard lists, developing specifications, arranging displays, and recommending for purchase the classroom furniture and instructional equipment for new schools is delegated to the Purchasing Department.
    1. The Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Prepare and maintain standard lists of equipment which will reflect adequate school planning and curriculum requirements.
      2. Prepare and follow procedures that will allow opportunities for equipment firms to display and to discuss furniture and equipment.
      3. Work to retain a reasonable balance of furniture and equipment in all schools, ensuring all students have similar educational opportunities.
      4. Submit recommended lists of furniture and equipment to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    2. The success of instructional programs is dependent upon many factors and conditions among the most important of which are the following:
      1. Well-trained teachers
      2. A variety of teaching approaches
      3. A balanced curriculum
      4. Quality teaching supplies
      5. Adequate facilities and equipment
      6. Proper classroom furniture, technology, and instructional aids, and equipment
    3. To provide the proper and necessary classroom and instructional equipment for new schools, administrators, instructional staff members, and teachers should collaborate with members of the Information Services, Custodial and Purchasing Departments.  In a team effort, members of the District Administration and local school administrators have the primary responsibility to identify materials needed in schools, and members of the Purchasing Department have the primary responsibility to procure the designated furniture and equipment items.
    4. As an administrative team, leaders of District Administration, local school administration, Business Services and the Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Work within established budget limits
      2. Strive for economy
      3. Obtain a balance between quantity and quality
      4. Achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
    5. Classroom Furniture
      1. Classroom furniture shall include the standard furniture pieces which are common to all schools.  These include the basic classroom tables,  chairs, teacher desks, computers, audio-visual equipment, auditorium seats, and floor covering.
      2. The area Administrators of Schools, department administrators, and school principals shall prepare and maintain lists of standard classroom furniture.
      3. The Administrator of Auxiliary Services, working with the Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services, and Information Systems shall conduct periodic technical evaluations of classroom furniture used in the various schools and make recommendations for changes in the standard lists.
      4. The Purchasing Department shall:
        1. Notify business firms of furniture bids and arrange necessary exhibits.
        2. Work with the school principal, Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services,  Information System s, and the area Administrators of Schools in examining exhibit pieces and preparing recommendations for purchase.
        3. The Purchasing Department shall prepare specific recommendations reflecting the choices agreed upon by collaborating with teachers, instructional staff members, principals, and department directors for furniture and equipment required of all newly constructed schools, and submit these recommendations to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    6. Instructional Equipment
      1. The Purchasing Department, in collaboration with department administrators, shall prepare and maintain lists of instructional equipment to be used in all new schools.
      2. The instructional staff members (directors, consultants, and coordinators) and the Purchasing Department shall work with sales representatives in reviewing materials and obtaining information regarding cost and supporting data.
      3. The school principals, working with the instructional staff members, shall submit requisitions to the area Administrators of Schools for desired equipment items.
      4. The area Administrators of Schools shall review and approve the requisitions and submit the recommendations to the Purchasing Department for processing.
    7. Bids and Price Quotations on Classroom Furniture and Instructional Equipment
      1. When appropriate, state cooperative contracts may be used to procure classroom furniture and instructional equipment.  If pricing, terms, or timelines of delivery offered under a state cooperative contract are found not to be in the best interest of the District, then requests for proposal, bids or quotations will be solicited by the Purchasing Department.
      2. All solicitations for classroom furniture and instructional equipment shall be made by the Purchasing Department.  Results and analysis  from the  solicitation shall be furnished to those responsible for making decisions on furniture or recommendations for choices of specific classroom furniture.
      3. Procurement of instructional equipment shall comply with the following procedure:
        1. The Purchasing Department shall solicit price quotations or bids on various types of equipment for school use.  This information shall be made available to those responsible for making specific choices of equipment.
        2. Where there is no difference in the quality or service of specific items, the Purchasing Department shall be responsible to see that the lowest bid or quotation is accepted.
        3. Where price quotations on similar pieces of equipment are different, local school administrators shall be consulted in making choices of specific items.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 5/22/2018
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the desire of the Board of Education that each new building constructed reflect those features and designs most appropriate to desirable and current teaching processes and efficient service areas in that school.  The District Administration shall be responsible for the detailed formulation of the educational criteria for a particular building.
  2. Administrative Policy

    The District Administration shall carry out this responsibility in accordance with the directive of the Board of Education and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and building codes.