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  • Effective: 2/10/1970
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 10/27/2015

  1. Board Directive
    It is the directive of the Board to allow employees who qualify for benefits to receive released time with pay for bereavement in the case of the death of a member of the immediate family.  The Board delegates the responsibility for implementing policy regarding bereavement leave for education support professionals.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Bereavement Leave Policy shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees shall be granted up to eight (8) days absence without pay deduction in the event of the death of a spouse, daughter, son, step-daughter or step-son.  This would also include any other person residing in the home who may have assumed the role of daughter, son, or spouse.
    2. Employees shall be granted up to three (3) days absence without pay deduction in the event of the death of the employee's or spouse's parent, step-parent, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or other person residing in the employee's home.  Verification of family relationship may be requested.
    3. A maximum of two (2) additional days may be granted if travel time is needed.  Travel must be in excess of 350 miles (one way) to qualify for additional days. An immediate supervisor shall request travel verification information from an employee.
    4. Bereavement Leave is provided only for the death of individuals listed under items A. and B. and must be taken within fourteen (14) calendar days of the individual's death.  Exceptions require verification and Cabinet approval. Employees who request to take additional leave days or who need to miss work because of the death of an individual not covered in this policy should refer to DP335B NEG —Annual Leave – Education Support Professionals.
    5. Bereavement leave for part-time employees shall be prorated according to the percentage of a full-time contract; e.g., an employee on a 30-hour  contract would be eligible for eight (8) six- (6) hour days for the death of individuals listed in items A. and B.
    6. If the death of an employee's parent results in the loss of the only remaining parent, up to three (3) days may be taken to deal with estate issues.  The three (3) additional days must be taken within one (1) calendar year of the parent's death.
    7. Employees shall enter their bereavement leave absence in Employee Access and in Absence Management (formerly known as AESOP), if a substitute is needed.  Bereavement leave requests should include the relationship to the deceased, date of death and location of service.

Review History: 6/14/2005, 7/12/2011, 4/26/2013, 6/10/14
Revision history:  7/12/2011, 5/23/2017

  • Effective: 2/10/1970
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 4/26/2013

  1. Board Directive 
    It is the policy of the Board to allow employees who qualify for benefits to receive released time with pay for bereavement in the case of the death of a member of the immediate family.  The Board authorizes the Administration to administer policy for bereavement leave for licensed employees.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Bereavement Leave Policy shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees shall be granted up to eight (8) days absence without pay deduction contiguous with the event of the death of a spouse, daughter, son, step-daughter or step-son.  This would also include any other person residing in the home who may have assumed the role of daughter, son or spouse.
    2. Employees shall be granted up to three (3) days absence without pay deduction in the event of the death of the employee's or spouse's parent, step-parent, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or other person residing in the employee's home. Verification of family relationship may be requested.
    3. A maximum of two (2) additional days may be granted if travel time is needed. Travel must be in excess of 350 miles (one way) to qualify for additional days. An immediate supervisor shall request travel verification information from an employee.
    4. Bereavement Leave is provided only for the death of individuals listed under items A. and B. and must be taken within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of the individual's death.  Exceptions will require verification and Cabinet approval.  Employees who request to take additional leave days or who need to miss work because of the death of an individual not covered in this policy should refer to the DP335 NEG –Annual Leave, Licensed, or other available leave policy.
    5. Bereavement leave for part-time employees shall be prorated according to the percentage of a full-time contract; e.g., an employee on a half-time contract would be eligible for eight (8) half days for the death of individuals listed in items A. and B.
    6. If the death of an employee's parent results in the loss of the only remaining parent, up to three (3) additional personal leave days may be taken to deal with estate issues. The three (3) additional days must be taken within one (1) calendar year of the parent's death.
    7. Employees shall enter their bereavement leave absence in Employee Access and in Absence Management (formerly known as AESOP), if a substitute is needed.  Bereavement leave requests should include the relationship to the deceased, date of death and location of service.

Revision history:  9/8/2009, 4/25/2017

  • Effective: 2/10/1970
  • Revision: 12/3/2012
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Jordan School District strives to provide adequate staffing of the schools each day including the placement of qualified substitute teachers when necessary.   The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of assigning substitute teachers to the schools.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The substitute teacher policy shall be administered by the Human Resources Department, in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Leave for teachers will be granted in accordance with District policies established by the Administration.  Copies of the leave policies are available on the District website.
      1. A teacher who will be absent must notify the principal or designee, and is responsible for calling the substitute management system to arrange for a substitute teacher.
      2. When teachers know in advance that they will be absent, they may call the substitute management system up to 45 days prior to the absence.
      3. A teacher who is absent shall provide adequate lesson plans for the substitute.  Seating charts of the students’ names for each class shall be provided when applicable.
    2. The Administrator of Human Resources shall be responsible for obtaining the best qualified substitute teachers available.  Substitute teachers shall be secured and placed in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:
      1. A prospective substitute teacher must file an online application with the Human Resources Department for review by a qualified staff member.  Human Resources shall determine the candidate's qualifications for substitute service.  An interview may be conducted.
      2. Every effort will be made to seek the most qualified person to substitute.  Those with a degree and certification shall be given first consideration.  Only candidates who are 21 years of age or older with 60 semester hours or an Associate Degree equivalent, shall be placed on the District approved list as regular substitutes.  In an emergency, a person with less than 60 semester hours may substitute if the individual has had training or experience in an area that meets specific District, school, or student needs.
      3. The substitute teacher shall report to the school principal or his/her designee.  The substitute shall carefully review all lesson plan material, and follow the teacher’s lesson plans.  At the end of the day, a report shall be left by the substitute for the regular teacher.
      4. The principal, or his/her designee, shall welcome all substitutes, aid them in finding teacher plans, and orient them to the school schedule and procedures.
      5. The principal, or his/her designee will be responsible to verify and reconcile substitute teacher hours of work in the District online substitute system and timesheets when applicable.
      6. If a substitute teacher renders unsatisfactory service for a school, the principal shall so indicate to the Administrator of Human Resources on the Substitute Teacher Evaluation Form.  Evaluations shall be made to determine if substitutes should remain on the District list.
      7. Teacher requests made in advance for a particular substitute will be honored whenever possible.
      8. When advance notice is given for absences of more than one day, the same substitute will be assigned for the duration of the absence whenever possible.
      9. Substitute teachers may be limited on the number of hours worked.

  • Effective: 1/27/1970
  • Revision: 8/25/2015
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that people who staff the school system are discharging a public trust of great significance and value to the community and to the nation.  It recognizes further that the human resources of the school system--the skill, the ability, the ingenuity, and the loyalty of each employee--are the key to a successful education system.  The Board delegates the Adminsitration to fill all vacancies with the best qualified persons available without regard to race, color, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or pregnancy-related conditions, religion, national origin, age (if the individual is 40 years of age or older), disability, sexual orientation or gender identity in order to obtain and maintain a high level of employee performance and satisfaction.  Utah Code 34A-5-106. It further charges the Administration to strive to retain capable and desirable employees already in the school system.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. Definition of Personnel
      Personnel, as described herein, refers to all licensed employees and education support professionals in the District.  In addition, the philosophy, the Administration, and the policies which form the framework of the organization within which these groups operate are considered as integral parts of personnel.
    2. Areas of Personnel Administration
      Personnel administration includes in its responsibilities the formulation of and implementation of policies and standards relating to the eligibility, selection, assignment, compensation, efficiency, promotion, transfer, probation, resignation, dismissal, absence, retirement, professional growth, job descriptions, professional rights, welfare, and personnel records of all employees of the schools.
    3. Welfare of Students
      The personnel organization shall provide children with educational opportunities of the highest possible quality.  Toward this end, the following principles offer guidance:

      1. Clarification of Educational Objectives - The entire school staff of the District and the Board should share in the development of educational aims which seek to fulfill the unique function of public education in American society.  Those involved in this task should strive to be flexible, objective, and resourceful and to be aware of the implications of the constantly changing field of education.  They should strive to develop a climate that stimulates creativity in the staff members and the students.  They should consider as essential a problem-solving approach for reaching solutions to problems of the classroom, the school, and the District.  Therefore, the school staff and the Board should work toward obtaining the services of employees of the highest competence who can help to achieve these aims.  Personnel actions affect, and are affected by, school organization, curriculum, and staff morale.
      2. Promotion of Pupil Achievement - Since one of the major purposes of each school system is to increase the degree and quality of each pupil's achievement in relationship to his/her ability, staff members of the highest caliber are needed.  Personnel practices should be tested to determine the extent to which quality instructional services to pupils, in relationship to their abilities at all levels of education, are provided.
      3. Maintenance of High Standards - In order to ensure instructional and supplementary services of high quality, personnel practices should reflect a consistent policy of selecting well-prepared employees and of encouraging the upgrading of services after employment.
      4. Maintenance of Integrity - Individuals should have a clear and undeviating purpose to provide the best possible opportunity for students to learn.  They should regard their position as a public trust, and their objectivity and efficiency consistently should justify the confidence placed in them.
      5. Citizenship Training - All personnel should recognize the importance of their role in the citizenship training of all students.  Every effort should be made to assist students to make worthwhile contributions to society.
    4. Welfare of Personnel
      The personnel organization should create a climate in which the individual staff member can make his/her best contribution.

      1. Integrity of Purpose - Integrity of purpose is an obligation of all District employees.  Respect for personality, mutual faith, trust and understanding should permeate all their relationships.
      2. Cooperative Involvement in Development of Personnel Policies - In formulating and implementing personnel policies and practices, the cooperative involvement of those concerned is imperative.
      3. Equality of Treatment - The principles of fairness and impartiality shall be followed in all personnel actions.
      4. Recognition of Excellence - District employees, the school system, and students benefit when excellence of service is recognized by words of appreciation, leadership opportunities, and advancement.  Employees deserve recognition for their contributions and accomplishments.  The very nature of public education makes sensitivity to this concern paramount.  Through such recognition, individuals find helpful encouragement for creativity and self-expression within the framework of their positions.
      5. Provision for Leadership Opportunities - Personnel procedures should enable those staff members who have the potential, to be advanced to positions of leadership in the school system, through an orderly procedure for professional advancement and promotion.
      6. Maintenance of Good Communications - Avenues for clear and candid two-way communication in all personnel relationships are essential.  The continuous flow of information through recognized channels contributes to a better understanding of the total educational enterprise.  Any employee has the obligation to be available for consultation, in confidence, in privacy, and in an atmosphere of sympathetic understanding.
      7. Fostering of Quality of Service - All District employees share in the responsibility of creating a climate wherein the employees can work at maximum efficiency.  Excellence in performance is more nearly possible when economic rewards, physical facilities, and a favorable psychological climate are provided.

  • Effective: 9/30/1969
  • Revision: 7/1/2023
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes that, under extenuating circumstances, an employee of the District may request termination of his/her contract, that the appropriate office of the District may request the termination of a contract, and that by mutual agreement between the District and the employee, an employee's contract may be terminated.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing policy regarding resignations for licensed employees.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Proper notice of resignation must be submitted electronically by the employee through Employee Access.  This notice will begin when received by the Human Resources Department.  The resignation policy shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees are expected to adhere to the conditions of the contract until it has been terminated legally or by mutual consent.
    2. Provided verification is received by the Human Resource Department, the employee may be released from the contract at any time for reasons such as maternity or adoption of a child, transfer of spouse, military service, illness, etc. and will not be assessed the $500 fine.
    3. When requesting contract termination, licensed personnel must notify the Human Resource Department via Employee Access with at least thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice.  Failure to give such notice will result in an assessment of $500 to be deducted from the last paycheck and may result in attachment of a letter that precludes future employment with the District. Employees must also notify their principal or department director with at least thirty (30) calendar days’ notice.
    4. Employees resigning during the contract year will be assessed 50% of the daily rate of a licensed employee on salary level one for any leave days used during the last thirty (30) days of their employment except in the case of an immediate, verified medical reason or emergency.
    5. Employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year, who give official notification of resignation/retirement through Employee Access prior to the published timeline will be eligible for a monetary incentive according to the timeline and incentive approved by the Board.  This incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck.

  • Effective: 9/30/1969
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board accepts, as a basic responsibility, protecting the health of school children and providing a program of health education that promotes good health habits and concepts through health and nursing services.  The Board delegates the responsibility for policy regarding health and nursing services to the Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall develop and organize a program that will provide nursing services to students with identified healthcare needs under the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Services to Regular Schools
      1. The District nurse, under the direction of Educational Support Services shall:
        1. Provide resource/support to teachers responsible for children with acute and chronic health conditions.
          1. The District nurse may develop an individual healthcare plan.
          2. Provide training and support for administration of medication in the school setting (see policy AS85 Medication in the School Setting).
        2. Respond to local school health related emergencies.
        3. Vision screening shall be administered under the direction of the District nurse.
        4. Provide inservice to educators/volunteers in the following health related areas:
          1. Dental hygiene
          2. Personal hygiene
          3. Nutrition
          4. Maturation
          5. Kindergarten orientation
        5. Coordinate communicable disease control by:
          1. Supporting local and state health department for identification of contacts and source cases.
          2. Providing instruction for treatment.
          3. Making referrals to appropriate health care providers.
          4. Making recommendation for student exclusion.
          5. Participating in appropriate, necessary follow-up activities.
      2. Designated school personnel will be responsible for  maintaining immunization compliance and records of the student body.   District nurses provide training and advisement on maintaining compliance and completing state reports.
      3. A designated staff member of the local school will order and maintain necessary first-aid supplies.
      4. Under the direction of the school administration, trained middle school personnel are responsible for providing examinations for abnormal spinal curvature each year for students in the seventh and eighth grades, including all children with disabilities in the same age group.  A District nurse will be available to provide training, complete follow-up exams, and referrals.
    2. Services to Kauri Sue Hamilton School
      1. The nurse(s) will provide the following nursing services:
        1. Provide primary nursing care.
        2. Plan and update health care plans.
        3. Receive, administer and record daily medications at Kauri Sue Hamilton School.
        4. Take vital signs and maintain weight records.
        5. Train school staff twice yearly to administer g-tube feedings and maintain feeding records.
        6. Train school staff to monitor seizure activity and maintain seizure log.
        7. Train appropriate school staff and transportation staff on the use of Vagal Nerve Stimulator
        8. Train school staff and transportation staff on anaphylaxis reactions and the use of the Epi-pen.
        9. Assess maladaptive responses to health problems.
        10. Conduct physical assessment of high risk or referred students.
        11. Provide health counseling and instruction to students and staff.
        12. Maintain immunization records.
        13. Conduct scoliosis and vision screening according to state guidelines.
        14. Effectively communicate healthcare needs with families, guardians, school and District staff, healthcare providers and others as indicated for school healthcare plans and emergency care.
        15. Make referrals to appropriate healthcare providers.

  • Effective: 9/30/1969
  • Revision: 7/22/2014
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that, under extenuating circumstances, an employee of the District may request termination of his/her contract, that the appropriate office of the District may request the termination of a contract, and that by mutual agreement between the District and the employee, an employee's contract may be terminated.
    The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing policy regarding resignations for education support professionals.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Proper notice of resignation in writing shall be submitted through the school principal/department director and to the Human Resources Department.  This notice  will begin when received by the Human Resources Department.  The resignation policy shall be administered in accordance with the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Employees are expected to adhere to the conditions of the contract until it has been terminated legally or by mutual consent.
    2. The employee may be released from the contract at any time for reasons such as maternity or adoption of a child, transfer of spouse, military service, illness, etc.
    3. Education support professionals shall be required to give two weeks' notice of resignation electronically through Employee Access  to the Human Resource Department except in the case of an immediate, verified medical reason or emergency.  Education support professionals shall also notify their principal or director.

  • Effective: 9/29/1969
  • Revision: 7/22/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board, as a service to its employees, authorizes the District Administration to provide for salary deductions from salaries paid for programs required by law and those approved by the Board.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Deductions from salary shall be made in accordance with the following provisions:

    1. All personnel who are contracted  are required to participate in the Utah State Retirement System as provided by law.
    2. Routine deductions shall be made for those deductions requiredby law according to the proper legal schedule.
      1. Social Security
      2. Income Tax (Federal and State)
    3. Deductions for dues to professional organizations, group medical insurance, United Way, special insurance premiums, annuities and other approved deductions shall be made only upon written request by the employee.

  • Effective: 9/27/1969
  • Revision: 2/27/18
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that a high school graduation diploma indicates completion of specified units of credit and a specified level of competency as measured by established District procedures and student learning outcomes.  The Board further recognizes that the educational program of any student should be one that recognizes the student's needs and promotes continuous student growth toward and beyond the competency level.  Educational programs will be designed to meet the needs of each student.  The Board delegates to the Administration the responsibility for developing and maintaining District curricula, programs, and evaluation procedures to meet State requirements and satisfy District needs.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. The District Program of Studies policy shall be reviewed and approved by the Administration periodically.
    2. District programs of study shall include all required, recommended, and elective courses and extracurricular activities.  These programs shall have the following characteristics:
      1. Compliance with State Standards and Guidelines
      2. Student learning outcomes that define mastery learning
      3. Instruction that meets the abilities and needs of each student
      4. Instruction which develops the skills required for students to achieve District graduation competencies
      5. Appropriate evaluation procedures
    3. A systematic staff development program shall be designed, implemented and maintained through professional learning communities and professional development.
    4. Planning for each student's program of studies in the middle and the high school shall include:
      1. Parent, designated school personnel, and student involvement in the decision making process, as the student progresses toward and beyond the stated competency levels.
      2. Student records that include student mastery of student learning outcomes, progress, competency, interests, aptitudes, and other relevant information.
    5. Responsibility for implementation of the Program of Studies is given to the Administrators of Schools.  Periodically, the Program of Studies shall be reviewed and revised.  Revision shall reflect changing curriculum and student needs.
    6. District Guidelines for Courses of Study
      The Administrator of Teaching and Learning is responsible for coordinating the development of curriculum goals, student learning outcomes, and instructional programs which comply with the State and District guidelines related to high school completion.  The Administrator of Teaching and Learning shall work with the Administrators of Schools who in turn will work with appropriate school personnel to delineate District guidelines for curriculum development and implementation.
    7. Evaluation of Student Progress
      The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability in cooperation with the Administrator of Teaching and Learning is responsible for coordinating the development of a systematic student assessment program to include criterion referenced and norm referenced tests.  The Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability shall work with the appropriate Administrators of Schools, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, the Accountability specialist and Information Systems to develop, schedule, administer, and interpret student achievement assessments.
    8. Records of Student Progress
      The Director of Information Systems, in cooperation with the Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability, shall work with the appropriate Administrator of Schools, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, the Accountability specialist and Information Systems to develop and implement appropriate procedures for establishing and maintaining records of student progress including test results, program reports and report cards or electronic data processing files.  Records of student progress (K-12) will be maintained by local school principals and staff.
    9. Student Education Plans (SEP) and Plans for College and Career Readiness
      1. Each student shall have a personalized student education plan (SEP) or Plan for College and Career Readiness as required by Utah Code §53E-2-304. Each plan shall include the following:
        1. Guidelines for recognizing the student’s accomplishments and strengths.
        2. Guidelines for planning, monitoring, and managing the student’s education and career development.
      2. The SEP or Plan for College and Career Readiness shall be developed through an ongoing partnership involving students, parents, and school personnel.
      3. At least two SEP conferences per year shall be held for elementary-age students, grades one through six. The conferences shall involve the student, the student’s parent/guardian, and school personnel.
      4. To align with State Board Rule R277-462-4, the implementation for the Plan for College and Career Readiness shall include the following:
        1. 7th grade - at a minimum, students shall have either one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor or participate in one small group Plan for College and Career Readiness meeting per year. Students will develop four-year plans during their 7th grade College and Career Awareness class.
        2. 8th and 9th grade - at a minimum, students shall have one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
        3. 10th grade - at a minimum, students shall have either one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor or participate in one small group Plan for College and Career Readiness meeting per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
        4. 11th and 12th grade - at a minimum, students shall have one individual Plan for College and Career Readiness with a counselor per year. The Plan for College and Career Readiness must include a four-year plan.
      5. The District shall provide in-service training to assist school personnel in the development and implementation of SEP’s and for College and Career Readiness.
    10. Staff Development
      In cooperation with the Administrators of Schools, local school principals, the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, with the assistance of the consultant staff, shall be responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of staff in-service programs.
    11. Leadership Relating to the Implementation of the Program of Studies and Professional Learning Communities
      The Administrators of Schools are responsible for communicating Program of Studies and guidelines to the local school principals.  Each principal shall be responsible for local school implementation.

  • Effective: 9/9/1969
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for devising and implementing an adequate system for registration, enrollment, and student accounting.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Department of Planning and Student Services shall organize and maintain a system of student accounting including a monthly verification of membership.

    1. Students shall be registered at their boundary school.  Each student's address shall be checked at the school to verify that the student's primary residence is within the school's boundary.  For purposes of determining the place of residence of a student, "residence" means the primary and permanent residence of the student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s) even though the student or family temporarily resides elsewhere.  Temporary, vacation, and secondary rented homes, apartments or other dwellings shall not be considered for purposes of student residency.
    2. A special placement/registration permit is required by the Department of Planning and Student Services for students in the following categories:
      1. Students seeking reentry after having been excluded from school.  (Placement by the Appeals Committee is required.)
      2. Students who are non-immigrant, foreign exchange students.
      3. Non-resident students not living with at least one natural parent or with a legal guardian.
    3. Students wishing to transfer from their Jordan District boundary school should do so in accordance with District policy AS93—Open Enrollment/School Choice.  Students transferring from one school to another must meet the requirements of the Utah High School Activities Association with regard to eligibility for participation in athletics and activities at the receiving school.
    4. Within 14 days after enrolling a transfer student, and simultaneous with enrolling a military student, a school shall request a certified copy of his/her record directly from the student’s previous school.
    5. Any school requested to forward a copy of a transferring student’s record to the new school shall comply within 30 days of the request, and within 10 days of a request for a military child’s records; however, if the record has been flagged as a “Missing Child,” the record may not be forwarded and the requested school shall notify the local police department of the request.
    6. Permanent records shall be initiated by the school for all children entering the District according to the criteria set forth in the Planning and Student Services manual.
      1. Permanent records should only be transferred to the receiving school after a written request is received from that school.  A parental release is not required when transferring student records from one school to another.
        1. Maintain a record of the date the transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent.
        2. Transfer the original records for students in grades K through 8.
          1. Discard duplicate and non-essential materials from the file, making sure test scores, report cards, health records and pertinent information about the student remains.
          2. Complete the exit date, membership and all folder information on the file before sending to the receiving school.
        3. Transfer a certified copy of records for students in grades 9 through 12 to requesting schools outside of Jordan School District.
          1. The original records shall then be archived at the high school the student last attended.
          2. Original records for ninth grade students shall be transferred at the end of the year to the feeder system high school to be archived.
          3. Certified copies shall contain an official school seal, are stamped “Official”, and contain a cover letter or other means to certify the school records are official copies.
        4. Transfer the original records for students in grades 9 through 12 to requesting Jordan School District schools.
          1. The original records shall then be archived at the high school the student last attended.
          2. Original records for ninth grade students shall be transferred at the end of the year to the feeder system high school to be archived.
      2. The permanent records of students in grades K-8 who leave the District shall remain in the school until requested by the receiving school.
    7. Each school shall have a hard copy containing demographic information and class schedule for each student, including all new students, that is readily accessible in case of a power failure or other emergency situation.
    8. Teachers shall make daily attendance checks for the purpose of verifying average daily membership for allocation of minimum school funds and other relevant purposes including awarding grades and credits.
      1. The absentee report and check-in/check-out sheets or forms shall be properly recorded, and will become the daily attendance report.
      2. All enrollment and attendance shall be recorded through the District student accounting system.