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Effective: 09/25/2012
Reviewed: 4/28/2015

The Board serves as a policy-making body and employs a Superintendent to serve as executive officer. In accordance with its Board governance model, the Board shall adopt general policies and regulations that provide authorization and guidelines for the Board, Superintendent, and staff to take action. Application of such policies is an administrative function of the Superintendent.

  1. All District policies and regulations, as well as the policies of the Board, shall be approved in an open meeting with notice as established by law. Any Board member or the Superintendent may ask for policies and regulations to be reviewed, revised or developed.
  2. In accordance with its governance model, the Board delegates to the Superintendent the function of formulating administrative guidelines and District procedures designed to interpret and carry out District policies and Board policies. The administrative guidelines and procedures will specify required actions and detail the arrangements under which the District will operate. These rules and procedures must be consistent with the policies adopted by the Board.
  3. The Board retains the function of formulating Board governance policies. The Board policies will be ratified at an open meeting.
  4. The Board is responsible for final approval on all policies.
    1. New Policies: New policies will be brought to the Board to review and discuss in a study session. In a public meeting, public input will be taken and the Board will vote on final approval.
    2. Policy Revisions: If a policy is revised to the extent that the intent of the policy is changed, or if revisions are needed to be in compliance with the law, the policy will be presented in an open meeting for public input, and consideration and action by the Board.
    3. Policy Corrections: When corrections to a policy are necessary to update references to sections of the law, dates, personnel title changes, or other minor corrections, the Superintendent or designee is authorized to make the changes, advise the Board of the modifications, and present the policy on the consent agenda for approval.
  5. The Board will honor current negotiated policies, designated as NEG, during the applicable terms of the policies.

Effective: 9/25/2012
Revision: 3/28/2017
Reviewed: 2/28/2018

In compliance with Utah Code 52-4-205, closed sessions of the Board of Education are not open to the public or news media and may be conducted only to deliberate (a) personnel, (b) negotiations, (c) student appeals, (d) property, (e) potential litigation,(f) employee appeals or (g) security.

Accordingly, all closed sessions shall comply with the following:

  1. All meetings of the Jordan School District and committees of the Board shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Utah Open Meeting Law. All Board members shall familiarize themselves with the Utah Open Meeting Law and complete Utah School Board Association training. Any question regarding open meeting compliance shall be immediately brought to the attention of Board legal counsel.
  2. A person requesting a closed session shall inform the President of the Board regarding the reason for and the scope of the requested closed session. If necessary, ascertain from Board legal counsel whether the proposed reason and scope comply with the Utah Open Meeting Law .
  3. Board meetings conducted in closed sessions shall, as required by law, be audio recorded. The Board’s Business Administrator shall retain the audio recording for a period of ten years from the date of the closed session, or longer if needed for resolution of any related litigation.
  4. Minutes may be released only as provided by statute or court order, or with the prior approval of the Board President and Board legal counsel, when the Board determines that the matters discussed no longer require confidentiality, and the person whose character, conduct, competence, or health was discussed has consented to such release. The person discussed is entitled to a copy of that portion of the minutes relating to him/her upon request, whether or not the minutes become public records.
  5. Voting is permitted in closed session to give direction but not to finalize any action.   A resolution, policy, contract, or appointment may not be finalized in a closed meeting in accordance with Utah Code 52-4-204.
  6. If a dispute arises regarding the scope of a closed session, the Board shall consult Board legal counsel.

Effective: 9/25/2012
Revision: 1/23/2024
Reviewed: 2/24/2015

A Board of Education recognizes that its deliberative process benefits greatly from public input and perspective. At the same time, it wishes to organize its agendas and use its meeting time effectively, ensure an equitable allocation of time to speakers, and establish an orderly process for receiving public comment.

Additionally, in order to be responsive to the public, the Board desires that appropriate staff members be present and prepared to respond to general areas of concern identified by potential speakers; therefore, it is the policy of the Board that members of the public shall have the right and shall be encouraged to be heard at certain Board meetings. This right may be exercised in the following way:

  1. Prior to each special business item being brought to a vote, members of the public are allowed to speak on the item after the Board’s discussion. Since approval of the consent agenda may be approved in one motion, members of the public wishing to speak on a consent agenda item may speak prior to the vote. No person may yield his or her time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak on agenda items will be allowed three minutes to address the Board.
  2. Those wishing to address the Board may utilize one of three options to speak:
    1. Call the Office of the Superintendent during regular business hours.
    2. Sign up immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting.
    3. Volunteer to speak if the Board President invites additional patron input.

    Patrons must list their name and agenda item or topic they wish to address prior to speaking. The Board may elect to hear patron comments in any order or sequence and is not limited by the arrangement shown on the sign-up sheets.

  3. Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Patron Comment period.
    1. Patron comment time is allotted first to residents of Jordan District, students, parents/guardians of current students, and current employees of the District. All others may address the Board if time permits.
    2. No more than 45 minutes will be allocated to patron comments in a Board meeting. This does not apply to advertised public hearings (e.g. boundary changes, truth-in-taxation).
    3. Speakers will be given up to three minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to take action on items not on the agenda.
    4. In those situations where large groups of people desire to address the Board on the same subject, the President may request that those groups select only one or two speakers from the group to address the Board on behalf of the group and shall be allocated up to six minutes to speak.
    5. Patrons may submit a comment electronically to be read during the Patron Comment period if time permits. Comments will be heard from those attending in-person prior to those received electronically. Electronic comments should be submitted to by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. A comment or portion of a comment will not be read if it (a)is not germane to the authority of the Board, (b) regards the character, professional competence, or the physical or mental health of the an individual, (c) or is not appropriate for all ages. Comments not read in the meeting will be forwarded to the Board.
    6. Patrons presenting highly detailed or complex information are asked to provide a written outline of their comments for the Board.
    7. Silence by the Board on an issue does not suggest support or opposition to the message given.
    8. The Board will not take public comment on personnel issues or statements regarding the character, professional competence, and the physical or mental health of an individual during Board meetings. Similar comments about a group whose members could be identified individually are not allowed. Communications regarding such comments or
      statements should be sent in writing to the attention of the Board of Education, 7387 S. Campus View Drive, West Jordan, UT 84084 or email individual Board members.
    9. The Board will only take comments on issues that are germane to the authority of the Board.
    10. Comments should be appropriate for all ages.
    11. Persons who disrupt Board meetings or the business of the Board by applause, cheering, jeering, or personal outbursts may be removed from the meeting by appropriate legal means.
    12. Speech that defames individuals or interrupts the public business of the Board will not be tolerated and may be cause for removal from the meeting. The Board may adjourn the meeting at any time.
    13. Board meeting attendance cannot exceed the seating capacity of the room in which the meeting is scheduled to be held. Whenever possible, the Board will accommodate overflow seating and provide audio for the meeting.
    14. A mayor or the mayor’s designee of a municipality, the county commission chair, county executive or county manager or their designees of a county with unincorporated area that is partly or entirely with the boundaries of Jordan School District, shall be notified of Board meetings and may attend and may participate in discussions at Board meetings. (Utah Code 53G-7-208)
  4. At its discretion, the Board may schedule public hearings for the purpose of receiving public comment on topics of high public interest and/or as required by Utah state law.
    1. Each speaker shall be heard only once during the hearing. If more than one hearing is held on the same issue, patrons may speak at only one of the hearings.
    2. If a large number of patrons have signed up to speak, the Board may elect to adjust the time allocated to each speaker to allow more patrons the opportunity to be heard.
    3. Policy GP110, Sections B and C shall also apply to public hearings.
  5. The Board reserves the right to waive or alter this procedure if in the opinion of the Board it is warranted by the circumstances of any particular meeting.
  6. Study sessions shall be open to the public, but time shall not be provided for patron comments unless invited by the Board president.
  7. At each meeting, the Board President may read speaker guidelines prior to receiving public input.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012
  • Revision: 4/23/2013
  • Reviewed: 11/28/2017

The Board of Education will govern lawfully by policy on behalf of students with an emphasis on strategic leadership for the future of Jordan School District.

The Board of Education is accountable to the people of the Jordan School District for competent, conscientious, and effective accomplishments of its objectives.


  1. The Board is responsible for excellence in governing. The Board of Education is the initiator of policy, not merely a reactor to staff initiatives. The Board honors diverse viewpoints but does not use the expertise of individual members to substitute for the judgment of the Board, although the expertise of individual members may be used to enhance the understanding of the Board as a body.
  2. The Board of Education directs, controls, and inspires the organization through the careful establishment of broad written policies reflecting the Board’s values and perspectives. The Board’s major policy focus is on the intended long-term impacts outside the staff organization, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those effects.
  3. The Board of Education accepts information, which reflects the need for improvement, as well as success in order to gain a clear understanding of the District.
  4. The Board of Education maintains a professional relationship with all of its advisory committees in communicating requests, receiving information, and requesting staff assistance when necessary.
  5. The Board of Education governs with excellence in matters such as attendance, preparation for meetings, policymaking principles, respect of roles, and ensuring the continuance of governing capability. Although the Board can change its governance process policies at any time, it will observe them scrupulously while they are in force.
  6. New Board member orientation shall occur between the election of new Board members and January 1 and will be delivered by the sitting Board president or designee. Refer to the Appendix “Guidelines for New Board Member Orientation.”
  7. The Board of Education monitors and discusses the Board’s process and performance at a regular monthly meeting. This brief assessment will include review of Board activity and adherence to policies in the Governance Process and Board/Superintendent Connection categories.
  8. The Board will allow no officer, individual Board member, or committee of the Board to be a reason for not fulfilling its commitments.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012
  • Revision:

The purpose of the Board of Education, on behalf of the people of Jordan School District, is to ensure that Jordan School District achieves appropriate results for students at a cost comparable to like school districts and avoids unacceptable actions and situations. Accountability for the effectiveness of the District rests ultimately with the Board of Education. Consequently, the determination of policy is the responsibility as well as the prerogative of the Board. The Board acknowledges its responsibility to provide leadership in the achievement of District objectives.

Effective: 9/25/2012
Revision: 10/26/2021
Reviewed: 2/24/2015

The Board of Education shall meet at least once each month and may act as a group only within the confines of a meeting that complies with the requirements of the Utah Open Meeting Law.

  1. The Board shall hold a Board meeting at least once each month to conduct business.
  2. Recessed/reconvened meetings may be held at the discretion of the Board, since any legal meeting may be recessed to a specific time and place subject to statutory notice requirements. Only items on the agenda of the meeting recessed may be acted upon at the recessed meeting.
  3. Special Board meetings may be called by the President or at the written request of three members of the Board at any time. Special Board meetings are meetings at which action may be taken and business conducted. The time and date of a special Board meeting may be set during a regularly convened Board meeting.
  4. Closed sessions shall be held as needed or requested by Board members or staff concerning permissible issues including those of (a) character, competence or health of an individual, (b) student appeals, (c) employee appeals, (d) negotiations, (e) property, (f) pending or potential litigation, or (g) security.  A closed session shall appear as an agenda item and be publicly noticed as required.  Rules governing closed sessions are outlined in GP112 Closed Sessions of the Board.
  5. Study sessions will be scheduled as needed for the Board to review and discuss pending issues.  A study session shall appear as an agenda item and be publicly noticed as required.  Board action may be taken during a study session.  Study sessions shall be open to the public, and time may be provided for public comment if invited by the Board president.
  6. At its discretion or as required by state law, the Board may schedule public hearings where the Board shall receive public comment on specific topics.  Minutes of public hearings shall be prepared in summary form.  After official approval by the Board, summary minutes are open to the public.  A verbatim transcript of the proceedings will not be prepared.
  7. Board members may attend and participate by electronic means in meetings of the Board in accordance with this policy and Utah Code 52-4-207.
    1. “Electronic means” is defined as attendance via telephone, video, or audio conferencing, or other electronic communication.
    2. When a Board meeting is conducted by electronic means without a quorum of the Board physically assembled, a means by which members of the public may electronically attend the meeting remotely shall be provided. An anchor location for the public to attend the Board meeting shall be provided, unless the Board President determines that an anchor location would present a substantial risk to the health or safety of those present at the anchor location.
    3. The electronic means used shall allow the public to hear any comments made by the Board member(s) participating by electronic means and allow the Board member(s) to hear the comments made by the public.
    4. A Board member participating by electronic means will be included in the recording of the Board meeting.
    5. Board members may attend and participate by electronic means in a Board meeting only when extenuating circumstances prevent a Board member from physically attending the meeting.
    6. A Board member who seeks to attend and participate by electronic means in a Board meeting shall notify the Board President at least 24 hours prior to a meeting and shall explain the extenuating circumstances that prevent the Board member from physically attending the meeting.  If such notification is not possible under the circumstances, the Board member shall notify the Board President as soon as is reasonably possible of the request to attend by electronic means.
    7. At the commencement of the meeting, or at such time as any Board member initially joins electronically, the Board president shall identify for the record all those who are participating electronically.
    8. A Board meeting at which one or more Board members attend and participate by electronic means shall be open to the public, except for periods in which the Board is in closed session.
      If the Board convenes in closed session, the Board member attending and participating by electronic means shall ensure confidentiality during that portion of the meeting.

  • Effective: 9/25/2012
  • Revision: 10/29/24

The Board commits itself and its members to ethical, professional, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as Board members. In such conduct, the Board members shall fulfill the responsibilities set forth in the Oath of Office.

  1. Board of Education members shall have commitment to the owners, the people of Jordan School District, unconflicted by loyalties to staff, other organizations, and any personal interest as a parent or guardian of a student.
  2. Board members shall avoid conflicts of interest with respect to their Board responsibilities.
    1. Board members shall annually, by the first Board of Education meeting in January or upon discovery, disclose to the Board of Education their involvements with other organizations, with vendors, or any associations that are or might reasonably be seen as creating a conflict.
    2. In compliance with Utah Code 67-16-16, Board members shall complete an annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement between January 1 and January 31 of each year.
      1. All Board members shall disclose in writing a response to items described in Utah Code 20A11-1604-6.
      2. The disclosure shall be posted on the District’s website and will remain on the website until the Board member leaves office.
    3. Board Members shall comply with Utah Code 67-16-6 and 67-16-7 requiring certain written disclosures to certain state and local officials if the Board Member:
      1. is ever involved with or has significant changes to involvement with any business entity that is subject to the regulation of the school district; or
      2. ever receives or agrees to receive compensation for assisting any person or business with any transaction involving the school district.
        These statements will be posted on the District's website until the Board member leaves office as required by these statutes.
    4. When the Board is to decide upon an issue about which a member has a conflict of interest, that member shall withdraw without comment, not only from the vote, but also from the deliberation.
    5. Board members shall not use their Board of Education positions to obtain employment in the District, or other advantages for themselves, family members, or close associates. Should a Board member apply for employment in Jordan School District, he or she must first resign from the Board of Education.
    6. Members shall not accept or receive, directly or indirectly, a personal financial benefit, or accept any gift, token, membership, or service as a result of a District purchase entered into or anticipated in the future, from any person, firm, or corporation.
  3. Board members shall recognize that authority rests with the Board only in official meetings and that the individual member has no legal status to bind the Board of Education outside such meetings.
    1. In all meetings, a majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and no action of the Board shall be valid unless such action shall receive the approval of a majority of all Board members present.
    2. Board members must follow all open meeting laws established by the current Utah Open Meeting Law.
    3. Individual Board members have no authority when interacting with the Superintendent or staff, except when explicitly authorized by the Board of Education.
    4. When speaking with the public, press, or other entities, individual Board members must recognize they have no authority to speak for the Board unless specifically authorized or to repeat explicitly stated Board decisions.
    5. When speaking as an individual, the appropriate title of the Jordan Board of Education member may be used.
    6. Except for participation in Board deliberation about whether the Superintendent or Business Administrator has achieved reasonable interpretation of Board policy, Board members will not express individual judgments of performance of employees of the Superintendent.
  4. When on social media Board members will:
    1. Clarify that they are speaking as an individual and not for the Board, unless they have been directed by the Board to act as the spokesperson. In such directed instances they should ensure that only items that have been addressed by and voted on by the Board are shared.
    2. Not post statements that make it appear they have already formed an opinion on matters that are before the Board.
    3. On seeking input on an item coming before the Board, not indicate they will take the majority response to form their vote.
    4. Ensure they only post items that have been shared in an open meeting.
    5. Be respectful of the privacy of students and employees.
    6. Be cognizant of the fact that a Board member’s posts may be subject to retention or disclosure in accordance with state public records laws or the District’s record retention policies.
    7. Not accuse by name or position a Jordan District employee of wrongdoing.
  5. Board members shall honor the high responsibility that Board of Education membership demands by:
    1. Thinking and acting always in terms of "students first."
    2. Understanding and accepting that the basic function of a Board member is "policymaking," not “administration."
    3. Ensuring that appropriate facilities and resources are provided for the proper functioning of the schools.
    4. Making policy decisions without submitting to political pressure.
    5. Representing the entire school community, not just the precinct from which the Board member was elected.
    6. Becoming well informed concerning the duties of Board members and proper functions of public schools.
    7. Ensuring that they are properly prepared to participate in Board deliberations.
    8. Exercising oversight on behalf of all students and constituents regarding District policy, goals, and programs.
    9. Refusing to discuss confidential business of the Board, including closed session items, anywhere but in the proper Board setting.
    10. Refraining from drawing harmful attention to an individual or a group associated with Jordan School District.
  6. Board members shall respect relationships with other members of the Board by:
    1. Making decisions only after all facts bearing on a question have been presented and discussed.
    2. Respecting the right of others to their opinions and supporting the "majority rule" principle.
    3. Providing any prepared material for use during a Board meeting to all Board members prior to the meeting.
    4. Demonstrating respect for fellow Board members at all times.
  7. Board members shall maintain desirable relationships with the Superintendent and the staff by:
    1. Employing the best professional leader available as Superintendent.
    2. Giving the Superintendent full administrative authority for properly discharging the professional duties of this position and by holding the Superintendent accountable for desired results.
    3. Having the Superintendent present at regular and special meetings of the Board. On rare occasion, the Superintendent may be excused at the discretion of the Board.
    4. Referring complaints to the Superintendent and discussing such complaints at a regular meeting only after failure of administrative solution.
  8. Board members shall meet responsibilities to the community by:
    1. Appraising the present and future educational needs of the community.
    2. Communicating the goals and actions of the Board and District to the community.
    3. Insisting that all District business transactions be conducted on an open, ethical, and above-board basis.
    4. Vigorously seeking financial support for the schools.
    5. Involving the community in the schools and the educational process.
    6. Visiting schools and school functions regularly.
    7. Participating in community events.
  9. Board members shall strive to have meetings conducted in a businesslike manner with appropriate decorum through:
    1. Attending meetings and being prepared to participate.
    2. A well-planned agenda that is adjusted to focus on the Ends.
    3. Keeping discussion centered on the agenda and staying focused on Board business.
    4. Generally holding discussion after a motion and a second, with allowance for each member to speak on each issue.
    5. Balanced participation, with everyone participating and no one dominating.
    6. Sharing viewpoints in a clear, concise manner.
    7. Accomplishing work in an atmosphere of trust and openness, with respect and courtesy.
    8. Taking action at the policy level rather than the operational level.
    9. Monitoring policies to facilitate rigorous accountability and assurance of Superintendent performance.
    10. Supporting the Superintendent’s reasonable interpretation of applicable Board policies, or further clarifying Board intention by revising the policies.
    11. Making decisions based on information garnered from community input, both formal and informal.
  10. The Board will govern lawfully on behalf of students with an emphasis on strategic leadership for the future of Jordan School District through:
    1. Outward vision rather than an internal preoccupation or personal agenda.
    2. Encouragement of diversity in viewpoints.
    3. Strategic leadership more than administrative detail.
    4. Clear distinction of Board and Superintendent roles.
    5. Collective rather than individual decisions.
    6. Future thinking, rather than past or present.
    7. Governing proactively rather than reactively.
  11. Board members shall further meet the minimum standards for their elected office by:
    1. Annually committing in writing to abide by a Statement of Ethical Behavior.
    2. Completing Utah State Board of Education training on internal audits every two years, or when membership on the Board’s District Finance and Audit Advisory Committee changes, as required by USBE Rule R277-113-4-1.

Revision history: 6/14/16, 6/8/2021

Effective: 9/25/2012
Revision: 11/26/20

The First Vice President acts to ensure continuity of leadership on the Board of Education and in the absence of the President, and shall perform such other duties assigned by the Board.

Accordingly, the First Vice President shall:

  1. Serve as parliamentarian for the Board and accept responsibilities as designated by the President to ensure fair, open, and inclusive deliberations by all members and Board adherence to accepted Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. In the absence of the President, serve in the capacity and assume the duties of the President, including signatory authority, unless otherwise provided by law, taking action as appropriate to fulfill these responsibilities.
  3. In the absence of the Second Vice President, serve in the capacity and assume the duties of the Second Vice President .
  4. Should the office of the President become vacant, fill the vacancy until the election of a new President.

Effective - 09/25/12
Revision - 12/10/24

At the time of the annual budget approval, the Board may approve Board members’ travel for Board meetings and other travel for official school business. Travel expenses will be compensated in accordance with District policy.

  1. Board members are hereby authorized to be reimbursed for round trip travel expenses from a Board member’s home as required for the transaction of official school business. Official school business is defined as follows:
    1. School events, activities, and meetings, i.e. school openings, graduations, assemblies.
    2. Constituent meetings, i.e. School Community Council, PTA meetings, Town Hall, and Community Connection Meetings.
    3. Board committee and subcommittee meetings.
    4. School visits.
    5. Events sponsored by an entity in which the Board/District holds membership, i.e. USBA, NSBA.
    6. Seminars, conferences, and other educational opportunities which, with the approval of a majority of Board members, would directly assist in the professional development of the individual Board member.
    7. Emergency travel occasioned by unanticipated official business, i.e. legislative matters with the approval of a majority of Board members.
  2. Travel and per diem expenses required for the transaction of official school business shall be paid to Board members according to travel and per diem allowances authorized by Jordan School District guidelines.
  3. Board members may be allocated a supply and technology stipend of $100 monthly.
  4. Board members may not be paid or reimbursed expenses incurred in the course of non-district business, or to oppose an official position of the Board.
  5. Board members will not be paid travel expenses/mileage for attendance at Board meetings and study sessions.

Effective: 09/25/2012
Revision: 06/11/2024

Should a midterm vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation occur on the Board of Education, that Board member position will be filled by appointment by the Board.  The term of the appointment shall be for the remainder of the vacated or pending vacated term except as otherwise provided in section A in accordance with Utah Code 20A-1-511.

  1. A vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation on the Board shall be filled by an interim appointment, followed by an election to fill a two-year term if:
    1. The vacancy on the Board occurs, or a letter of resignation is received by the Board, at least 14 days before the deadline for filing a declaration of candidacy; and
    2. Two years of the vacated term will remain after the first Monday of January following the next Board of Education election.
    3. Members elected under this subsection shall serve for the remaining two years of the vacated term and until a successor is elected and qualified.
  2. The procedure to fill a vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation through appointment by the Board shall be:
    1. Meeting: The Board shall fill a vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation in a public meeting.
    2. Notice: Public notice of the vacant position or pending vacant position will be posted on the District website, at the District Office and on the Utah Public Notice Website and provided to at least one local newspaper or local media correspondent at least two weeks before the Board meets to fill the vacancy. Such notice shall identify the position the Board will fill by appointment and the date the vacancy occurred or will occur; identify the date, time, and place of the meeting where the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation will be filled; and identify the person to whom a person interested in being appointed to fill the vacancy may submit his or her name for consideration and any deadline for submitting it.  The notice will indicate that an interested person will be required to submit an application and may designate a contact person or persons to whom inquiries may be directed.
    3. Application:  Each applicant for a Board vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation shall submit a written application to the Board Executive Committee at the address of the District Office.  The application must meet the following requirements:
      1. The written application must be submitted no later than six (6) business days before the scheduled meeting where the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation will be filled.
      2. The written application must contain the name, address, email and telephone number of the person seeking the appointment and any other information the applicant desires to include. The notice of vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation or an application form (if the Board elects to provide a form) may specify additional information to be provided by the applicant.
      3. The applicant must submit written proof in the application that the applicant is a registered voter and resides in the election precinct where the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation occurs.
      4. The Board Executive Committee shall arrange for copies of all the applications to be provided to each member of the Board at least five days prior to the interview of the candidate.
    4. The Board Executive Committee shall provide the District Administration with a list of the applicants by name and address. District Administration shall verify applicant eligibility.
    5. The District may provide public notice of the list of applicants including contact information.
    6. Interview:  Each qualified applicant shall be interviewed by a majority of the Board at a public meeting scheduled in accordance with the Open and Public Meeting Act:
      1. The Executive Committee shall arrange the oral interview schedule and inform each Board member and applicant of the time, date, and location of the oral interviews. Where practicable, this shall be done at least five days in advance.
      2. The Board interview of each applicant shall be in an open meeting. The Board may not discuss any applicant in a closed meeting nor may the Board discuss filling the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation in a closed meeting.
      3. Board members who will vote on the appointment shall not communicate with any applicant outside of the Board interview until the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation has been filled by the Board.
    7. Voting:  A majority of the Board shall fill the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation at a public meeting scheduled in accordance with the Open and Public Meeting Act to consider and vote on the vacancy. The vote may be on the same agenda as the interview of the applicants. The vote shall proceed as follows:
      1. Nomination of Applicant
        1. Each applicant nominated by a Board member must receive a second.
        2. Any applicant not receiving a second to the nomination may be placed in nomination a subsequent time when no other applicant has received a majority vote of the Board to fill the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation.
      2. Voting for the Applicants
        1. Voting shall be by raise of the hand.
        2. The applicant to receive the approval of a majority of the members of the Board present shall be appointed to fill the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation.
    8. Withdrawal of Application:  Any applicant may withdraw his or her application for the vacancy or pending vacancy by resignation at any time.
    9. A Board member who submits a letter of resignation may not rescind the resignation after the Board makes an appointment to fill the pending vacancy by resignation. An individual appointed to fill a pending vacancy by resignation may not take office until after the vacancy has occurred.
    10. Before assuming any duties the newly appointed Board member shall take the Oath of Office as set forth in Utah Constitution Article IV, Section 10.
    11. If the Board fails to make an appointment within 30 days after a vacancy occurs, the county legislative body, or municipal legislative body in a city district, shall fill the vacancy by appointment.
  3. Definitions
    1. “Vacancy” means the absence of a person to serve in any position created by statute, whether that absence occurs because of death, disability, disqualification, resignation, or other cause as set forth in Utah Code 20A-1-102(83).
    2. A “pending vacancy by resignation” means the vacancy that will occur at a future date specified in a letter of resignation submitted by a Board member to the Board as allowed for in Utah Code 20A-1-511(4).
    3. A “temporary absence for qualified military leave” as set forth in Utah Code 20A-1-513 is not a vacancy to be filled under this policy.


Revision history: 11/15/2016, 4/25/2017