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GP115 – Policy Development

Effective: 09/25/2012
Reviewed: 4/28/2015

The Board serves as a policy-making body and employs a Superintendent to serve as executive officer. In accordance with its Board governance model, the Board shall adopt general policies and regulations that provide authorization and guidelines for the Board, Superintendent, and staff to take action. Application of such policies is an administrative function of the Superintendent.

  1. All District policies and regulations, as well as the policies of the Board, shall be approved in an open meeting with notice as established by law. Any Board member or the Superintendent may ask for policies and regulations to be reviewed, revised or developed.
  2. In accordance with its governance model, the Board delegates to the Superintendent the function of formulating administrative guidelines and District procedures designed to interpret and carry out District policies and Board policies. The administrative guidelines and procedures will specify required actions and detail the arrangements under which the District will operate. These rules and procedures must be consistent with the policies adopted by the Board.
  3. The Board retains the function of formulating Board governance policies. The Board policies will be ratified at an open meeting.
  4. The Board is responsible for final approval on all policies.
    1. New Policies: New policies will be brought to the Board to review and discuss in a study session. In a public meeting, public input will be taken and the Board will vote on final approval.
    2. Policy Revisions: If a policy is revised to the extent that the intent of the policy is changed, or if revisions are needed to be in compliance with the law, the policy will be presented in an open meeting for public input, and consideration and action by the Board.
    3. Policy Corrections: When corrections to a policy are necessary to update references to sections of the law, dates, personnel title changes, or other minor corrections, the Superintendent or designee is authorized to make the changes, advise the Board of the modifications, and present the policy on the consent agenda for approval.
  5. The Board will honor current negotiated policies, designated as NEG, during the applicable terms of the policies.