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  • Effective: 3/22/1983
  • Revision: 5/23/1995
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the policy of the Board to comply with all laws and regulations governing the use of school property, facilities and equipment.  Responsibility is delegated to the District Administration to develop policies and procedures that (1) prohibit private use of school property, facilities, and equipment for personal gain; and (2) restrict schools from competing with private enterprise except for the purpose of providing students with practical training in applied technology courses.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following administrative policy provisions shall govern the use of school and District properties, facilities and equipment:

    1. School property and facilities shall not be made available for use by individuals or organizations outside the school system except as specified under Policy DA151—Use of Public School Buildings and Grounds as Civic Centers, which governs non-school use of all District facilities.  All use of District property and facilities for other than school purposes must be conducted through the approved rental process, in accordance with District policy and the Facility Rental Guidelines.
    2. School and District equipment, including computers, copiers, fax machines, and other technical equipment, shall be operated only by authorized personnel for education-related purposes.
      1. Copy machines may not be used for any volume work that is not school or District related. Employees may use District copy machines to make a maximum of five (5) copies for non-school use provided the copies are made outside of contract hours and paid for at the standard commercial rate.
      2. Employees shall not produce personal materials using school or District equipment without express authorization from the principal or immediate supervisor.
        1. All authorized personal use of equipment by employees shall take place outside of regular contract hours.
        2. Employees shall pay for any materials used at standard commercial rates.
        3. Equipment and materials may not be used for personal gain.
      3. Copying District-licensed computer programs for personal use is prohibited.  (Refer to Policy DE 505—Acceptable Use of Copyrighted Materials in Jordan School District.  Personal use of District-owned computer peripherals to copy computer programs is also prohibited.
    3. School and District equipment shall not be removed from the site where it is inventoried unless the item was specifically purchased for use at multiple off-campus locations; i.e., portable computers.
      1. Use of items purchased for use in multiple off-campus locations shall be monitored by the building administrator following strict "check-out/check-in" procedures.  These items shall only be used for District/school education-related purposes.
      2. Any transfer or loan of equipment among schools shall be authorized in advance by the Area Administrator of Schools, monitored on school inventories, and fixed asset transfer procedures followed.
    4. Circulation of films, videotapes, DVDs and other instructional support materials housed in the District Instructional Media Center shall be limited to Jordan District schools and other qualifying educational organizations.
    5. Equipment in the District Instructional Support Center shall be used solely for the production of school and District instructional support materials.

  • Effective: 1/25/1972
  • Revision: 6/29/1999

  1. Board Directive
    The policy of the Board of Education is to see that schools and departments are provided with furniture, equipment and textbooks which are functional, up-to-date, and in useable condition. The Board is also committed to assure the highest utilization possible of all items purchased with public funds.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for developing guidelines which facilitate appropriate transfer, resale, reuse, and disposal of surplus items.  These guidelines shall be outlined in the Purchasing Manual.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following policy provisions:
    1. Administration Responsibility
      A school or department administrator may declare property owned by the District to be surplus by making a written determination that the property:
      1. Is excess property that is no longer being used;
      2. Has exceeded its useful life;
      3. Is no longer usable;
      4. Is damaged and cannot be repaired;
      5. Is damaged and cannot be repaired at a cost that is less than the property’s value; or
      6. Is no longer required to meet the District’s needs or responsibilities.
    2. Purchasing Department
      The Purchasing Department shall establish rules and procedures for the disposal of surplus property to include:
      1. Procedures for the transfer of District surplus property from one location to another;
      2. Procedures governing school/district administration requirements;
      3. Requirements governing purchasing priorities;
      4. Requirements governing accounting, reimbursement, and payment procedures;
      5. Procedures for collecting bad debts;
      6. Procedures governing the timing and location of public sales of District surplus property; and
      7. Procedures governing the disposition of information technology equipment.
    3. Motor Vehicles
      1. Motor vehicles which have been declared surplus shall be sold by bid, public auction, or used as a trade-in toward a replacement vehicle.
      2. Motor vehicles that are estimated to have little to no resale value due to parts being removed to use on other District-owned vehicles of similar type and function, may be:
        1. Donated to another governmental agency within the state of Utah to conduct trainings or exercises as deemed appropriate; or
        2. Sold for scrap metal.
      3. The bidding procedures shall follow the guidelines outlined in the Purchasing Manual.
      4. District-owned vehicles available for surplus may not have any ancillary or component parts or equipment removed, destroyed, or detached from the vehicle prior to the sale without approval of the Purchasing Department, unless:
        1. The ancillary or component parts or equipment will be used on other District-owned vehicles;
        2. The department or school in possession of the vehicle intends to transfer the ancillary or component parts or equipment to another vehicle within the District; or
        3. The school or department has obtained prior approval from the Purchasing Department to remove ancillary or component parts or equipment from the vehicle intended for surplus.
    4. Furniture and Equipment
      1. District-owned property shall not be destroyed, sold, transferred, traded-in, traded, discarded, donated or otherwise disposed of unless the procedures set forth in the Purchasing Manual are followed.
      2. When a school or department determines that District-owned property is in excess to current needs, it will:
        1. Use as a trade-in on a replacement item.
        2. Transfer directly to another school or department.
        3. Resale or transfer to another governmental agency through negotiated agreements approved by the Purchasing Department.
        4. Notify the Purchasing Department in writing that the school or department has surplus property.
      3. Only those items which cannot be used within the school district, resold, or given away shall be disposed of according to District guidelines.
    5. Textbooks
      1. The District will follow Utah Code 53G-7-602, when determining when textbooks are no longer needed by the District.
      2. Textbooks which are in usable condition shall be made available to all other Jordan District schools according to the following methods:
        1. A list of available textbooks shall be circulated to all District schools by the Administrator of Teaching and Learning;
        2. A database provided by a third party contractor that is in the business of collecting surplus textbooks;
        3. Any other means the District can make available to other schools in the District as directed and approved by the Administrator of Teaching and Learning;
        4. School administrators may request available textbooks on a first come, first served basis.
      3. Textbooks, which are in such deplorable condition that they are unusable or which cannot be transferred, resold, or given away, shall be stamped "discarded" and destroyed.
    6. Discarding Library/Media Books
      In order to maintain a current base of resources in a library media center, it is necessary to “weed” a library collection when materials become worn out, out-dated, or fail to meet curriculum needs.  The following procedures should be followed in discarding library/media books and materials:
      1. The library media specialist will be responsible for “weeding” the library media collection based on the condition of the materials.  The process will include removing the items from the circulation inventory.
      2. The discarded materials will be offered first to teachers in the school for classroom and school use only.
      3. The surplus books and materials will be made available to other District library media specialists.
      4. Books not wanted by the teachers in the school or other District school library media centers will be compiled in a list and boxed and labeled with the school name and the appropriate grade level of the materials (K-6, 7-9, or 10-12).
      5. The discarded books will be sent to the Purchasing Department for appropriate handling of the discarded materials and according to the Purchasing Manual.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 11/29/12
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Acknowledging that physical facilities do affect the learning environment, the Board is interested in the procurement of classroom furniture and equipment that will enable administrators and teachers to conduct effective instructional programs. In so doing, the Board charges the Administration with the following responsibilities:
    1. Working within established budget limits
    2. Striving for economy
    3. Obtaining a balance between quantity and quality
    4. Achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The responsibility for preparing standard lists, developing specifications, arranging displays, and recommending for purchase the classroom furniture and instructional equipment for new schools is delegated to the Purchasing Department.
    1. The Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Prepare and maintain standard lists of equipment which will reflect adequate school planning and curriculum requirements.
      2. Prepare and follow procedures that will allow opportunities for equipment firms to display and to discuss furniture and equipment.
      3. Work to retain a reasonable balance of furniture and equipment in all schools, ensuring all students have similar educational opportunities.
      4. Submit recommended lists of furniture and equipment to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    2. The success of instructional programs is dependent upon many factors and conditions among the most important of which are the following:
      1. Well-trained teachers
      2. A variety of teaching approaches
      3. A balanced curriculum
      4. Quality teaching supplies
      5. Adequate facilities and equipment
      6. Proper classroom furniture, technology, and instructional aids, and equipment
    3. To provide the proper and necessary classroom and instructional equipment for new schools, administrators, instructional staff members, and teachers should collaborate with members of the Information Services, Custodial and Purchasing Departments.  In a team effort, members of the District Administration and local school administrators have the primary responsibility to identify materials needed in schools, and members of the Purchasing Department have the primary responsibility to procure the designated furniture and equipment items.
    4. As an administrative team, leaders of District Administration, local school administration, Business Services and the Purchasing Department shall:
      1. Work within established budget limits
      2. Strive for economy
      3. Obtain a balance between quantity and quality
      4. Achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the process of equipping schools.
    5. Classroom Furniture
      1. Classroom furniture shall include the standard furniture pieces which are common to all schools.  These include the basic classroom tables,  chairs, teacher desks, computers, audio-visual equipment, auditorium seats, and floor covering.
      2. The area Administrators of Schools, department administrators, and school principals shall prepare and maintain lists of standard classroom furniture.
      3. The Administrator of Auxiliary Services, working with the Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services, and Information Systems shall conduct periodic technical evaluations of classroom furniture used in the various schools and make recommendations for changes in the standard lists.
      4. The Purchasing Department shall:
        1. Notify business firms of furniture bids and arrange necessary exhibits.
        2. Work with the school principal, Directors of Facility Services, Custodial and Energy Services,  Information System s, and the area Administrators of Schools in examining exhibit pieces and preparing recommendations for purchase.
        3. The Purchasing Department shall prepare specific recommendations reflecting the choices agreed upon by collaborating with teachers, instructional staff members, principals, and department directors for furniture and equipment required of all newly constructed schools, and submit these recommendations to the area Administrators of Schools for approval.
    6. Instructional Equipment
      1. The Purchasing Department, in collaboration with department administrators, shall prepare and maintain lists of instructional equipment to be used in all new schools.
      2. The instructional staff members (directors, consultants, and coordinators) and the Purchasing Department shall work with sales representatives in reviewing materials and obtaining information regarding cost and supporting data.
      3. The school principals, working with the instructional staff members, shall submit requisitions to the area Administrators of Schools for desired equipment items.
      4. The area Administrators of Schools shall review and approve the requisitions and submit the recommendations to the Purchasing Department for processing.
    7. Bids and Price Quotations on Classroom Furniture and Instructional Equipment
      1. When appropriate, state cooperative contracts may be used to procure classroom furniture and instructional equipment.  If pricing, terms, or timelines of delivery offered under a state cooperative contract are found not to be in the best interest of the District, then requests for proposal, bids or quotations will be solicited by the Purchasing Department.
      2. All solicitations for classroom furniture and instructional equipment shall be made by the Purchasing Department.  Results and analysis  from the  solicitation shall be furnished to those responsible for making decisions on furniture or recommendations for choices of specific classroom furniture.
      3. Procurement of instructional equipment shall comply with the following procedure:
        1. The Purchasing Department shall solicit price quotations or bids on various types of equipment for school use.  This information shall be made available to those responsible for making specific choices of equipment.
        2. Where there is no difference in the quality or service of specific items, the Purchasing Department shall be responsible to see that the lowest bid or quotation is accepted.
        3. Where price quotations on similar pieces of equipment are different, local school administrators shall be consulted in making choices of specific items.