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  • Effective: 6/13/1972
  • Revision: 5/28/2024
  • Reviewed: 4/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    It is the directive of the Board to authorize paid sick leave for education support professionals who work 30 hours per week or more and to comply with requirements of Public Law 103-3, Family and Medical Leave Act.  The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for establishing policy for sick leave and family leave benefits. If additional leave is needed beyond what is covered in this policy, refer to DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
  2. Administrative Policy

    1. Purpose
      1. Sick leave is intended for use by the employee only for personal health-related absences, except as outlined below under critical family care. Annual leave should be used for non-critical care of an ill family member.
    2.  Definitions
      1. Immediate family is defined as husband, wife, daughter, son, father, mother, brother, sister, or other person residing in the employee’s home on a permanent basis. Special circumstances may be appealed to the Sick Leave Review Committee for consideration of immediate family status.
      2. Continuous service includes an approved leave of absence, sabbatical leave, sick bank, military and/or FMLA leave.
        1. If an employee resigns his/her position in the District and then returns, he/she must start over on years of service and sick leave accumulation.
      3. Sick Leave Review Committee
        1. A Sick Leave Review Committee, composed of the Human Resources administrator for education support professionals, one other member of the Human Resources Department and two members of the employee agent group, shall be appointed to administer use of the sick bank. The Human Resources administrator for education support professionals shall serve as the chairperson. If one of the employee agent group members cannot be in attendance, an alternative representative will be requested by the employee agent group president.
        2. The Committee shall review all sick bank requests and rule on sick bank usage. The unused sick bank days shall be reported to the Committee on a quarterly basis.
        3. The Human Resources administrator for education support professionals shall make available to the Committee all the information that is submitted with an employee’s sick bank request.
      4. Minutes of all Sick Leave Bank Committee meetings shall be recorded and made available to all Committee members.The sick leave policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions.
    3. Sick Leave Accumulations
      1. Sick leave accumulations are based on unused annual leave. See Policy DP335B Annual Leave – Education Support Professionals for annual leave details.
      2. Annual leave does not need to be exhausted before sick leave can be used.
      3. Maximum accumulations:

        9-Month Employees
        : (Includes all bus drivers and attendants)
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 180 days
        10-Month Employees
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 200 days
        11-Month Employees:
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 220 days
        12-Month Employees:
        Maximum sick leave accumulation 240 days
    4. Sick Leave Benefits During Approved Absences
      Should an employee be granted a leave for any reason, he/she will keep his/her number of cumulative sick leave days to be used upon return, but shall not be considered for sick leave during the time of leave.
    5. Use of Sick Leave for Critical Family Care
      1. Although sick leave is intended for use by the employee for personal health-related absences, some sick leave may be used for critical family care as described below. Annual leave should be used for non-critical care of an ill family member.
      2. A maximum of twelve (12) days of sick leave may be used each year to care for a critically ill member of the employee’s immediate family, as defined above.
      3. Use of sick leave for critical family illness must be authorized by the Sick Leave Review Committee. The employee must submit his/her request electronically by applying online via Employee Access.
      4. Employees may not apply for critical family care benefits until five (5) annual leave days have been used.
      5. In cases of extended critical care, employees may apply for additional days beyond the twelve (12) day allowance.
        1. If more days are needed, employees who continue to deal with a critical family care (as defined in item D.1. above) may apply to the Sick Leave Review Committee for up to three (3) additional days.
        2. If additional days are granted, 40% of the employee’s daily rate for each additional day of leave shall be deducted from the employee’s pay.
    6. Use of Sick Leave for Adoption
      1. An employee who adopts a child must apply for critical family care days by submitting his/her request electronically to the Sick Leave Review Committee by applying online via Employee Access.
      2. Employees may use up to a maximum of twenty (20) accumulated sick leave days at the time actual custody of the child is received. An employee shall not exceed a total of twenty (20) days of leave time, including the use of accrued personal leave days.
      3. Any additional leave must fall under the provisions of DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
    7. Notification of Absence
      1.  Absences due to illness are to be reported to the appropriate office or individual as soon as possible.
      2. The Administration may require a doctor's certificate without regard to the number of sick leave days claimed at any one time.
      3. Employees absent for more than five (5) consecutive days shall apply for FMLA within the policy provisions of DP322—Family Medical Leave Act.
      4. Elective surgery shall be scheduled to minimize the time off work.
      5. The employee shall record the absence in Skyward at least one hour prior to the start of his/her contract day or the day of the absence. A supervisor may require additional information.
    8. Abuse of Sick Leave
      1. If an immediate supervisor suspects that an employee has misused his/her sick leave benefit as established by this policy, the immediate supervisor shall conference with the employee.
      2. If it is determined that the employee has misused his/her sick leave the immediate supervisor will forward a written explanation of the abuse to the Administrator of Human Resources or his/her designee and an investigation shall be conducted.
      3. If the investigation of sick leave abuse proves to be true, the following policy provisions will be in effect:
        1. Salary received for those unauthorized days shall be reclaimed.
        2. There shall be a five-day (5) suspension without pay. The principal/director will determine when this suspension will be implemented to cause the least disruption to the school/department and students.
        3. Disciplinary actions taken, up to and including termination of employment shall be entered in the employee's personnel file.
    9. Employee-Funded Sick Bank
      1. Employee Participation in the Sick Bank
        1. Employees are automatically enrolled in the sick bank each year through the annual donation of one (1) annual leave day to the sick bank.
        2. Each year, employees wishing to opt out of participation in the sick bank must annually complete the appropriate online form in Employee Access no later than September 1 for current employees and October 1 for first-year employees.
        3. Employees who have been offered a temporary transitional duty assignment due to a work-related injury, who refuse the temporary transitional duty assignment, will not be eligible for sick bank.
        4. Non-contracted employees shall not be eligible for the sick bank.
      2. Use of the Sick Bank
        1. The sick bank is not intended to be used for in-and-out absences, elective medical procedures or other medical care that could be scheduled during non-contract time.
        2. Employees shall complete an official request for sick bank leave online via Employee Access.
        3. Employees shall complete a release of medical information form to allow the members of the Sick Leave Review Committee to review any medical documentation that they provide with the request for sick bank leave.
        4. Employees shall be required to complete a release of information form to allow the Sick Bank Committee to review their official District personnel file, if the need should arise.
        5. Before an employee is eligible to apply for sick bank leave, the following criteria must be met for each qualifying medical condition. The employee must have:
          1. applied for FMLA (which will run concurrently with any sick bank leave usage); and
          2. exhausted all accrued sick leave days, annual leave days (up to a maximum of five (5) days), vacation days; and
          3. missed a minimum of fifteen (15) work days (any days from #1 and #2 above and/or no-pay days qualify for meeting this requirement).
        6. An employee shall be required to provide the Sick Leave Review Committee with updated information regarding his/her condition every 30 days after the approval of the sick bank leave benefits. Continuation of the sick bank leave shall be contingent upon the information contained in the update.
      3. Sick Bank Allowances
        Employees who are considered “Provisional” as defined in DP314 — Provisional and Probationary Education Support Professionals as of July 1 are not eligible for sick bank benefits that year. An employee’s continuous contracted service as of July 1 will determine his/her sick bank eligibility for that year. Sick leave days per year are based on the following:
        1 - 3 years of service are eligible for up to 15 sick bank days
        4 - 7 years of service are eligible for up to 30 sick bank days
        8 - 11 years of service are eligible for up to 60 sick bank days
        12 years of service and above are eligible for up to 120 sick bank days
      4. Employee Funded Sick Leave Bank Limitations
        1. The illness/injury must be medically documented with a statement bearing an original signature from the attending physician. The verification of absence form may not be stamped with a physician’s signature or signed by the attending nurse, office manager, etc.
        2. A second opinion may be required with any costs not covered by insurance borne by the District.
        3. Prior to granting sick bank leave, an employee shall acknowledge and agree in the online application to repay the sick bank any unused vacation days for sick bank days used or granted before transitioning to long-term disability.
        4. Prior to granting sick bank days an employee shall acknowledge and agree in the online application to repay compensation at his/her daily rate of pay for sick bank days used or granted if he/she terminates employment with the District for other than medical reasons before completion of the current and succeeding contract year. The purpose of said funds would be to purchase days
          for the sick bank.
        5. No employee shall draw more than 120 days from the sick leave bank during a three-year period.
        6. No employee shall take vacation days within 15 working days after drawing upon the sick bank.
        7. No employee shall accrue leave days, i.e., annual leave or vacation while drawing upon the sick bank.
        8. After 180 calendar days, including summer months, sick leave benefits from District sources shall terminate and employees shall transition to long term disability according to the provisions of policy DP317 — Long-Term Disability Insurance.
        9. No appeal beyond the Sick Leave Review Committee is provided.
        10. If all days in the sick bank are exhausted prior to July 1, no additional days will be granted for the remainder of the current contract year.

  • Effective: 9/30/1969
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board accepts, as a basic responsibility, protecting the health of school children and providing a program of health education that promotes good health habits and concepts through health and nursing services.  The Board delegates the responsibility for policy regarding health and nursing services to the Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall develop and organize a program that will provide nursing services to students with identified healthcare needs under the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Services to Regular Schools
      1. The District nurse, under the direction of Educational Support Services shall:
        1. Provide resource/support to teachers responsible for children with acute and chronic health conditions.
          1. The District nurse may develop an individual healthcare plan.
          2. Provide training and support for administration of medication in the school setting (see policy AS85 Medication in the School Setting).
        2. Respond to local school health related emergencies.
        3. Vision screening shall be administered under the direction of the District nurse.
        4. Provide inservice to educators/volunteers in the following health related areas:
          1. Dental hygiene
          2. Personal hygiene
          3. Nutrition
          4. Maturation
          5. Kindergarten orientation
        5. Coordinate communicable disease control by:
          1. Supporting local and state health department for identification of contacts and source cases.
          2. Providing instruction for treatment.
          3. Making referrals to appropriate health care providers.
          4. Making recommendation for student exclusion.
          5. Participating in appropriate, necessary follow-up activities.
      2. Designated school personnel will be responsible for  maintaining immunization compliance and records of the student body.   District nurses provide training and advisement on maintaining compliance and completing state reports.
      3. A designated staff member of the local school will order and maintain necessary first-aid supplies.
      4. Under the direction of the school administration, trained middle school personnel are responsible for providing examinations for abnormal spinal curvature each year for students in the seventh and eighth grades, including all children with disabilities in the same age group.  A District nurse will be available to provide training, complete follow-up exams, and referrals.
    2. Services to Kauri Sue Hamilton School
      1. The nurse(s) will provide the following nursing services:
        1. Provide primary nursing care.
        2. Plan and update health care plans.
        3. Receive, administer and record daily medications at Kauri Sue Hamilton School.
        4. Take vital signs and maintain weight records.
        5. Train school staff twice yearly to administer g-tube feedings and maintain feeding records.
        6. Train school staff to monitor seizure activity and maintain seizure log.
        7. Train appropriate school staff and transportation staff on the use of Vagal Nerve Stimulator
        8. Train school staff and transportation staff on anaphylaxis reactions and the use of the Epi-pen.
        9. Assess maladaptive responses to health problems.
        10. Conduct physical assessment of high risk or referred students.
        11. Provide health counseling and instruction to students and staff.
        12. Maintain immunization records.
        13. Conduct scoliosis and vision screening according to state guidelines.
        14. Effectively communicate healthcare needs with families, guardians, school and District staff, healthcare providers and others as indicated for school healthcare plans and emergency care.
        15. Make referrals to appropriate healthcare providers.

Effective: 9/2/1969
Revision: 1/12/2016
Reviewed: 12/27/2012

  1. Board Directive
    The Board agrees to participate in a program of health and accident insurance coverage for all eligible employees.  The insuring company shall be selected by the Board after conferring with the officers of various employee organizations. The Administration is responsible to administer the policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This insurance policy shall be administered in accordance with the following provisions:

    1. Application for participation in group insurance must be made by the individual employee.
    2. Deductions for participation in the group insurance program shall be made in accordance with the schedule approved by the Board.
    3. Effective January 1, 2016, insurance coverage will be effective on the first day of the month following the employment start date, provided enrollment forms are completed and filed in the District Insurance Office within 30 days of the employment start date.
    4. Health and accident insurance coverage will terminate at the end of the month an employee voluntarily terminates employment with the District, effective Sept. 1, 2010.
    5. Health and accident insurance coverage will remain in force for employees who are involuntarily terminated until district level due process procedures are completed.
    6. If an employee completes his/her contract year, the insurance coverage will continue until the end of the contract year (July 31 for employees on year-round schedules, Aug. 31 for employees on traditional schedules, and June 30 for employees on fiscal year schedules) effective July 1, 2001.
    7. Employees who are eligible for Medicare benefits and continue their employment with the District will have the District's insurance as their prime carrier.  Employees should enroll in the Medicare Program during the first available enrollment period, preferably three (3) months prior to becoming eligible.

  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 6/22/2010
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Boards of Education are by law (Utah Code §53G-9-402 through 404) committed to the testing and examining of every student within their jurisdiction to ascertain if such student has impaired or defective vision.  Students with vision problems are affected academically, socially, and psychologically.  Therefore, the Board shall delegate the responsibility of providing for vision testing throughout the District to the Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Educational Support Services, in cooperation with the District nurse, shall be responsible for the development and annual review of the District Vision Testing Program.

    1. Objectives
      The objectives in the District Vision Testing Program shall be:

      1. To educate students in practices of good eye safety.
      2. To identify students with impaired vision.
      3. To help students with impaired vision obtain adequate medical attention and glasses as needed.
      4. To initiate necessary adjustments in the educational programming of students with impaired vision to help them compensate for their disability.
      5. To provide basic data which may be utilized in planning to meet the special needs of visually impaired students throughout the District.
    2. Procedures
      Grades to be screened each year for distance vision will be a minimum of kindergarten, first, third, fifth and one grade in middle school.  The vision testing program shall make special provision for testing of the following:

      1. Students moving into a school from another district.
      2. Students enrolled in special education.
      3. Students referred by classroom teachers, principals, parents, or other school personnel.
      4. Exemptions will be provided to students with a written statement signed by at least one parent or legal guardian that the screening violates the personal beliefs of the parent or legal guardian.
      5. According to §53G-9-404 a child under seven (7) years of age entering school for the first time must present the following to the school:
        1. a certificate signed by a licensed physician, optometrist, or other licensed health professional stating that the child has received vision screening; or
        2. a written statement signed by at least one parent or legal guardian of the child that the screening violates the personal beliefs of the parent or legal guardian.
        3. Jordan School District nurses may conduct free pre-kindergarten vision screening clinics.
    3. Administration
      Vision screening shall be administered under the direction of the District nurse per Jordan School District Vision Screening Rules.

      1. Parent volunteers and/or school personnel may assist with screenings.
      2. The District nurse trains volunteers in the vision screening process and is on site during the entire screening.
      3. A licensed health care professional may participate in the District’s free vision screening program only according to §53G-9-404 guidelines.
      4. The District nurse reviews the screening results and determines which students require a second screening or are referred for further follow-up.
    4. Referral
      Vision screening referral guidelines shall be developed by the Department of Health.   Referrals shall be considered for further visual testing whenever additional information concerning vision is needed for vision impaired services.
    5. Follow-up
      1. Parents will be informed, in writing, in a timely manner whenever their child fails a vision screening.
      2. Teachers, principals and other school personnel shall be informed concerning those students needing vision follow up and/or special accommodations.
    6. Reporting
      1. Recording of the vision test results of all students shall be made on the cumulative health card and/or electronic file under the direction of the District nurse.
      2. District nurses shall submit a yearly report of referrals to the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, State Office of Education for children aged 3 ½ to 7.
      3. Vision reports shall be confidential and made available only to DSBVI and District personnel who are directly responsible for the management of the student.