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  • Effective: 5/8/2001
  • Revision: 7/25/2017
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes the need for a policy governing the use of the electronic information resources by employees as outlined in Utah State Code §53G-7-1002.  Responsibility is delegated to the District Administration for implementing the policy according to established administrative policy provisions.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Acceptable Use Policy shall be administered and implemented according to the terms and conditions outlined in the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Scope
      This policy references the use of electronic information resources made available to employees by Jordan School District.  These resources include, but are not limited to, voice mail, electronic mail, social media, the Internet, and other network files or accounts provided to employees.
    1. Terms and Conditions of This Policy
      1. Acceptable Network Use
        1. Employees will use the Internet and other electronic information resources in an appropriate manner, abiding by the rules and regulations described in this policy and in the Social Media Guidelines.
        2. Employees who formally publish school or District related information on the Internet must have proper approvals from the principal/supervisor and abide by District publishing guidelines and procedures (as per D212—District and School Web Sites) and in the Social Media Guidelines.
        3. Employees are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette.  These rules include, but are not limited to, being polite, never sending or encouraging others to send abusive messages, and using inappropriate language.
      2. Unacceptable Network Use
        1. Employees may not intentionally transmit or receive material in violation of law or District policy.  This includes, but is not limited to, pornographic, indecent or sexually suggestive materials, weapons, controlled substances or alcohol, or incendiary devices.  An employee may not be in possession of or use pornographic material on school property. Users are prohibited from posting or sending content that contains threats or is hatefully or racially, ethically or otherwise objectionable.
        2. Employees may not participate in or promote any illegal or inappropriate activities, disruptive use of the network, or activities of any kind that do not conform to the rules, regulations, and policies of Jordan School District.
        3. Employees may not use the network for product advertisement or political lobbying.
        4. Employees are advised not to reveal personal information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, passwords, credit card numbers or social security numbers.  Releasing personal information of others or that of organizations associated with the District is prohibited.
        5. Employees may not place others’ personal information (i.e. social security numbers, year of birth, etc.) received from the District’s electronic data resources on their own personally owned devices.
        6. Employees will not transfer theirs or others’ personal data except through the District’s secure file transfer system which at the current time is “MoveIT”.
        7. Employees may not intentionally harm or destroy District data, the network, or network performance.  This includes, but is not limited to, creation and introduction of computer viruses, unauthorized access to restricted systems or programs, or using the District network to illegally access other systems.
        8. JSD owned equipment should not be used by employees to store personal photos, videos, documents or other personal information.
      3. Reporting of Child Pornography by a Computer Technician
        1. In accordance with state law (Utah Code  76-10-1204.5), a “computer technician” or “technician” who in the course and scope of the individual’s employment with Jordan School District installs, maintains, troubleshoots, upgrades, or repairs computer hardware, software, personal computer networks, or peripheral equipment is required to do the following when child pornography is discovered on any of the previously stated devices or systems:
          1. Immediately secure the device(s) on which the child pornography was found by disconnecting the device from the JSD network.
          2. Take the device to a safe storage location so discovered images or other data related to any child pornographic image(s) will not be lost or overwritten.
          3. Make sure the individual to whom the device was assigned or any other individuals do not have access to the device except for individuals who are specifically authorized to have access after the device has been secured.
          4. Contact the Director of Information Systems and/or the Administrator of Human Resources.
          5. The Director of Information Systems and/or the Administrator of Human Resources will contact a state or local law enforcement agency, or the Cyber Tip Line at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and report the discovery of child pornography.
        2. A technician is required to follow this procedure if image(s) found are child pornography or if the technician reasonably believes discovered images are child pornography.
      4. Any Jordan School District employee who in the course and scope of the individual’s employment with Jordan School District discovers child pornography on a Jordan School District owned device is required to notify their principal/supervisor immediately.  The principal/supervisor should immediately notify the Director of Information Systems and/or the Administrator of Human Resources.
      5. Any and all mobile devices owned by Jordan School District, such as laptops and tablets, that connect to the Jordan School District secure Data network that may contain or transmit Protected Information (i.e. HIPAA and FERPA data or other student or employee related data) must be configured to encrypt such data on any internal hard drive.  Users must protect these devices from unauthorized use or access.
        1. HIPAA and FERPA data or other Jordan School District proprietary data should not be copied to or stored on external storage media such as external hard drives or thumb drives. However, if there is a legitimate District need to store Protected Information on external devices (i.e. removable drives, including flash/jump/thumb drives, etc.) those external storage media must have the Protected Information encrypted on those external devices.  Users must protect these external devices from unauthorized use or access.
        2. Jordan School District employees should call Information Systems if they need assistance or guidance for encrypting data on any Jordan School District device described in this section of the Network Acceptable Use policy.
      6. An employee shall not loan, sell, pawn or dispose of Jordan School District owned computer equipment whether or not that equipment is assigned to them, except for those employees whose job description or job assignment allows them to dispose of District owned computer equipment.
      7. Expectation of Privacy
        1. Employee files, disks, documents, etc., which have been used or created with District electronic information resources are not considered private.
        2.  Electronic mail transmissions are not private.
      8. Submission
        Employees will be required to submit an Employee Signature of Agreement Form each year or upon special request.  Signatures may be electronic or on paper.  Forms are available from local principals and department supervisors.
      9. Disciplinary Action
        1. An employee is required to comply with this policy regardless of whether the District has a completed Employee Signature of Agreement Form. The signature indicates that the employee has carefully read, understands, and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions regarding proper behavior and use of the network.  The signature on the Employee Signature of Agreement Form is legally binding.
        2. Employees who violate the terms and conditions of this policy may have their access to electronic information limited, suspended, or revoked and will be subject to disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination of employment and appropriate legal action as outlined in District policies DP316 NEG Orderly Termination Procedures – Licensed, DP316A Orderly Termination Procedures – Administrators, and DP316B Orderly Termination Procedures – Education Support Professionals.
      10. Service Disclaimer
        Jordan School District makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, for the electronic information resources it is providing.  The District will not be responsible for any damages an employee suffers while using these resources.  These damages may include, but are not limited to, loss of data as a result of delays, employee errors or omissions, or non-deliveries or service interruptions caused by a network system.  Use of information obtained by the network system is at the employee's own risk.  Jordan School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through the electronic information resources.
      11. Employees agree to abide by this policy regardless of where or when they are using a Jordan School District owned device.