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  • Effective: 5/23/1995
  • Revised: 9/28/2021

  1. Board Directive
    The philosophy of the Board is to establish and maintain middle schools which are structured to meet the unique needs of students in the transition years between elementary school and high school. The middle school program shall emphasize academics and provide opportunities for a wide variety of learning experiences. Programs shall be structured to enable students to develop social skills and learn to interact in a cooperative, supportive environment. Middle school extracurricular activities shall be designed solely with the needs of middle school-age students in mind and shall not mirror high school activities or events. Activities which give all students opportunities to participate shall be encouraged with little or no emphasis given to competition.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Student Officers and Elections
      1. Each homeroom or teacher advisory class shall select representatives in accordance with the school constitution. There shall be no eligibility requirements for the homeroom or teacher advisory class representatives. These representatives shall comprise the Student Council.
      2. Each grade may elect up to four officers. No other elections shall be allowed.
        1. Students must have and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and an acceptable citizenship rating to be eligible for these elected offices.
        2. Election procedures shall be determined by the local school. Campaigning shall be limited to one election speech and two campaign posters for each candidate.
        3. Class officers may be elected to serve either one-year or one-semester terms according to school choice.
      3. The elected ninth grade class officers shall preside over the Student Council.
    2. Athletics and Intramurals
      1. The middle school athletic program shall be a broad-based, intramural program. Emphasis shall be on participation and skill building rather than on competition.
      2. Intramural activities may be offered in a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, flag football, etc.
      3. Interscholastic competitive sports programs shall not be sponsored by middle schools.
    3. Choral and Instrumental Music
      1. Middle school choruses and instrumental groups may be organized for students enrolled in regular choral and instrumental music classes.
        1. Uniforms shall not be provided for middle school choruses and instrumental groups either by the school or parents.
        2. Students performing in choruses and instrumental groups may be asked to dress in a certain color or general style provided no unnecessary expense is imposed on parents.
      2. District music festivals shall be the only extracurricular, interscholastic event for middle school choruses and instrumental groups.
      3. Middle school choruses and instrumental groups shall be allowed to perform at special events by invitation.
      4. Middle school students may be encouraged to participate in high school marching bands. If interest warrants, middle schools may organize a marching band as a summer activity. Uniforms shall not be provided for marching bands.
    4. Curriculum
      1. The middle school curriculum shall comply with State Core Curriculum guidelines.
      2. Seventh grade classes may be offered in two-period blocks with instruction in compatible subjects; i.e., English/social studies or English/reading. Team planning shall be emphasized and all curriculum coordinated whether the block is taught by a team of teachers or an individual teacher.
    5. Enrichment Activities
      1. Programs which recognize students for achievement, attendance, etc., shall be encouraged. The emphasis shall be on participation and performance within the school. Outside events or activities shall be discouraged.
      2. Formal student clubs in middle schools shall follow Policy AA443 Student Clubs (Limited Open Forum).
      3. Supervised student enrichment activities which are open to all students shall be encouraged. No dues or uniforms shall be required for enrichment activities.
    6. End of the Year Activities
      1. Middle schools shall not hold promotional or graduation exercises.
      2. Ninth grade students shall be offered a field day at Lagoon or another appropriate recreational activity to celebrate the end of the ninth grade year.
      3. In-school recognition assemblies shall be allowed for all grade levels.
    7. Memory Books
      1. Yearbooks, such as those published in high schools, shall not be part of the middle school program.
      2. PTA and PTSA organizations have the option of publishing a memory book on behalf of the school provided neither the school nor the staff assumes any responsibility for the publication, including liability for content, cost, and/or professional time.
      3. PTA and PTSA organizations who choose to publish a memory book on behalf of the school shall comply with the Administrative Guidelines for Middle School Memory Books.