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DP351 – Job Sharing/Part-Time—Licensed

  • Effective: 5/14/1985
  • Revision: 10/26/2010
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education recognizes that one of the most important aspects of the education process is the relationship that teachers have with students.  The Board also recognizes that there are times when a very efficient, professional teacher may have circumstances where it would be beneficial for him/her to work part time. Although job sharing or part-time assignments (half-time or more) may provide a positive alternative in the school staffing pattern, the needs of students within the school's educational program will be of primary concern.  Consequently, job share or part-time assignments (half-time or more) must be compatible with the District philosophy, goals, and strategic plan.  The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility for administering this policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The District will allow two licensed individuals to share one position or for an individual to be hired on a part-time basis (half-time or more) with the approval of the local school principal and the appropriate Administrator of Schools.  The Human Resources Department will be responsible for processing job sharing or part-time (half-time or more) requests accordingly:

    1. Only two licensed employees may share one (1) full-time position.  At least one (1) of the licensed employees must have one or more years of successful teaching experience in Jordan School District.  An applicant for a job sharing position who is not a current licensed employee of Jordan School District will be considered upon recommendation of the Human Resources Department, the supervising principal and the appropriate Administrator of Schools.  Teachers desiring to job share will be required to find a qualified, licensed teacher with whom to share the position.
    2. A written plan must be presented to the principal by the licensed employee(s) desiring to job share.  The plan must meet the needs of the individual students within the school's educational program and be approved by both the principal and the Administrator of Schools.  After the fourth continuous year in a job share, a simplified written plan shall be submitted to the principal and Administrator of Schools for approval.
    3. If two (2) licensed employees from two (2) different schools propose a plan to job share at one of the schools, approval must be obtained from the principal where job sharing will take place, the Administrator of Schools and the Human Resources Department.
    4. Each job sharing licensed employee will be required to work half of the time of a regular teaching contract.   Time scheduling will vary according to the three (3) instructional levels and as determined by the principal of the school in which job sharing takes place.
    5. Job sharing is only approved for a single contract year.   Job share teachers do not have an expectation of continued employment.
    6. Licensed employees who have participated in job sharing may be offered a full-time position in a subsequent school year.    When a job share is dissolved and the principal does not offer a full-time position in a subsequent school year, the employee may apply for posted positions as outlined in DP304 NEG – Teacher Transfers.
    7. Subject to the approval of the supervising principal, licensed employees in a job sharing position may trade working time with their partner or may substitute for each other at substitute wages.  In the event that one licensed employee resigns, the other licensed employee will assume the full job responsibility until a replacement can be hired. Such a licensed employee will receive the full-time contract rate during the interim.
    8. Hours of work that part time/job share employees are required to spend on assignments such as parent-teacher conferences, committee work, faculty meetings, etc., shall be prorated by the percentage of a full-time contract according District policy DP342 – Hours of Work - Licensed.
    9. Part time/job sharing licensed employees may qualify for professional development days according to District policy.
    10. Movement on the salary schedule will be according to District policy DP309 NEG – Salary.
    11. Part time/job sharing licensed employees will be subject to the same District policies, procedures, and assignments as any other licensed employee.  This includes educator evaluations as per District policy DP311 – Evaluation for Licensed Personnel.
    12. Licensed employees involved in part time/job sharing who desire health insurance benefits must pay one-half of the insurance premium with Jordan School District contributing the other half of the premium.  Those who do not wish to participate in the health insurance program will be required to sign a waiver.
    13. An employee who is employed at least half-time and who works in any one school year a number of days equal to or greater than one-half the number of work days specified for similar contracts shall be given one-year experience credit as outlined in DP309 NEG – Salary Guidelines. Employees working less than one-half the number of work days will receive no experience credit.