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  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 3/29/2016
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    Field trips are an integral part of the instructional program and may be provided to enrich or expand learning opportunities for students.  Field trips shall be used to place a variety of civic, cultural, community, and business resources within the reach of the classroom.  Within funding limitations, it is the philosophy of the Jordan School District Board of Education to assure all schools an equal opportunity to receive bus service for field trips. The Board authorizes the Administration to implement a policy for field trips.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration shall be responsible to see that field trip experiences, which are directly related to established curriculum goals, are provided according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Field trip authorization
      1. Field trips of less than one (1) day duration shall be coordinated and authorized by the school principal who is responsible to assure that adequate funding is available through an appropriate funding source.  In elementary schools, field trips outside of Salt Lake, Utah and Davis Counties must be approved by the Administrator of Schools.
      2. Overnight travel must be authorized by an Administrator of Schools. (Refer to Policy AA414—Student Overnight Travel.)
      3. District consultants, coordinators, and teacher specialists may be assigned to coordinate field trip activities sponsored at the District level.
    2. A Field Trip Planning Guide shall be completed by staff and approved by the school principal for each proposed field trip.  The following information shall be provided by the teacher(s) or adviser(s) requesting the field trip:
      1. A description of the field trip including the purpose of the trip, place of destination, class or sponsoring organization, and number of students involved.
      2. An outline of the field trip curriculum including instruction prior to the event, during transit, at the point of destination, and evaluation or follow-up activities after the event.
    3. All field trips must adhere to established policies and regulations governing student safety, including use of an authorized means of transportation which meets all District and State requirements for transporting students, parent permission for student participation, and an adequate number of qualified adult supervisors who have passed a District background check, if needed.
    4. Bus service
      1. Principals must apply to the District Transportation Department for bus service for field trips a minimum of two weeks in advance.  The Request for Transportation Service should be completed online and approved by the principal and the Director of Transportation.
      2. District buses are generally available to provide field trip service beginning 15 minutes after the latest school starting time and ending 30 minutes prior to the earliest school closing time.
      3. Requests for bus service are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.  Special authorization may be obtained from the Administrator of Schools in hardship or special needs circumstances.
      4. District buses are not authorized to travel in hazardous terrain including unimproved or unmaintained roads.
      5. District buses are not authorized to travel in Big or Little Cottonwood Canyons during winter months or inclement weather.
      6. Field trip drivers will be compensated as follows:
        1. Monday-Friday:   Drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time spent on field trip/activity runs. Time will include plus one-half hour for cleaning and fueling the bus.  If the field trip/activity run is cancelled while the driver is on duty or the trip assignment is one-way (either to or from an event), drivers shall be paid for a minimum of two hours with the one-half hour allowance for inspecting, cleaning and fueling the bus included as part of the minimum.  The additional costs will be charged to the school or department that cancels the activity.
        2. Weekend/Holidays:  If the school fails to cancel the field trip prior to the driver showing up at the bus facility, the driver shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours. The costs will be charged to the school or department that failed to cancel the activity.
      7. If the field trip/activity run is not completed on time and a substitute must be assigned to the driver's regular route, the school shall pay a minimum of two additional hours to cover substitute costs.
      8. In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Regulations, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 395, a Jordan School District bus driver may only be on duty for 15 hours, followed by a full eight (8) hours of off-duty rest time. A driver may only drive for ten (10) of those 15 on-duty hours. Care should be taken to make sure drivers are well rested so they can operate the bus safely. The schools will be responsible to provide for the expenses incurred to be in compliance with this regulation, to include a separate hotel room for each driver and any mileage or travel expenses for additional relief drivers.
      9. Jordan School District buses are not authorized to operate between 1:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
      10. When students are engaged in an activity where a change of clothing is required, schools should make arrangements for a changing room for students.  School buses shall not be used as a dressing room.
      11. Upon arrival at the field trip/activity run destination, drivers shall secure the bus and remain accessible to the group unless otherwise instructed by the administrator in charge.
      12. The school administration shall assure that one or more responsible, adult supervisors are aboard each bus that is on a field trip/activity run.
      13. Drivers shall make every effort to assure safety and shall follow established procedures for student discipline.  (See District Policy DA170—School Bus Discipline.)
      14. It is not permitted for drivers to transport family members unless they are part of the group/class paying for the trip.
      15. It is not permitted for Jordan School District buses to travel across state lines.
    5. When the District does not provide transportation in connection with a school-related activity or event, the following will apply:
      1. Each student desiring to participate in such an activity or event must submit a “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgment” form signed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian which acknowledges that no transportation is being provided by the District and that the student’s participation is conditioned on the student arranging for his or her own transportation to events or competitions associated with the activity.  The student may not be a member of the particular team or organization, nor participate in the activity, unless a completed “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgement” form is on file.
      2. When involved in CTE/work-based learning experiences, students will utilize the “Activity Authorization” form developed by the Wasatch Front South Consortium.


  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 3/26/19

  1. Board Directive
    It is the primary responsibility of parents to provide sex education for their children.  It is the responsibility of the schools to provide supportive instruction that will complement the efforts in the home.  The Board authorizes the District Administration to conduct instruction on health, family life, character, refusal skills, and the harmful effects of pornography within the framework of guidelines established by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and as approved by Jordan School District Board of Education.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Administration delegates to the Administrator of Teaching and Learning the responsibility for the review and selection of appropriate materials.  The Administration delegates to the Administrators of Schools the responsibility to ensure use of appropriate, approved and supportive educational instruction.

    1. Sex education is best described as that part of character education that develops a reverence and respect for birth and life, respect for the human body, respect for parenthood, and a respect for moral standards.  It includes instruction to develop understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological phases of human relations as they are affected by male and female relationships.  It includes more than the anatomical and reproductive information, and it emphasizes the development of positive attitudes, and provides guidance for building healthy relationships.
    2. Programs and materials relating to sex education shall be an the abstinence based curriculum approved by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).
    3. All instructional materials shall be medically accurate and evidence based.
    4. Sex education shall be conducted within the framework of already existing courses such as Health, Biology, Psychology, Family and Consumer Science, and Physiology.
    5. Responsibilities of the Jordan School District
      1. The Administrators of Schools and the Administrator of Teaching and Learning involve community representatives and District personnel as members of a Health Education Committee. The Health Education Committee will review commercial materials, teacher prepared materials and professional programs considered for school use. Media, instructional materials and technology applications approved for use will be published and distributed to the schools.
      2. The Health Education Committee shall consist of the following: Administrator of Teaching and Learning, the District Health Consultant, seven (7) PTSA/parent representatives, one (1) high school health teacher, one (1) middle school health teacher, one (1) school counselor, one (1) school nurse, one (1) Board of Education member and one (1) elementary principal or assistant principal. Proposed courses of study, instructional units, and teaching materials relating specifically to sex education shall be screened by the Health Education Committee, and the approved list shall be submitted to the Jordan School District Administration for review and approval.  Approved materials are available for public viewing by request.
      3. The Health Education Committee shall review and report data to the local school board every two years as required by law. (Utah Code 53G-10-402)
      4. As parent interest warrants, classes for parents may be conducted in the adult high school program (Southpointe High School) or at the Jordan Family Education Center.  These classes would focus on parenting skills that would enhance the parents’ role as they teach their children responsible values and attitudes about sexuality.
      5. Each elementary school shall plan an elective maturation program for each fifth-grade girl and her parents and each fifth-grade boy and his parents.  Students may opt out of the program with written permission from their parents to their school.  The main purposes of the program will be to provide accurate information about sexual development and to encourage discussion in the home.  At the discretion of the school principal, students and their parents from other grades may be invited to attend.
      6. Jordan School District will manage a logging and tracking system of parental and community complaints and comments resulting from student participation in human sexuality instruction.
      7. Violators of USBE policy are to be reported to the State Board Commission.
      8. Provide training for health educators, allowing them to review USBE rules and instructional materials once every three years.
    6. Responsibilities of Jordan Health Educators
      1. Parent approval shall be obtained by sex education teachers in writing, using the USBE consent form. Materials that will be used in school presentations will be made available to parents upon request prior to the presentations taking place.  Selected programs must come from the published, approved list.
      2. New teachers are required to attend a state-sponsored professional development as they begin their career. Thereafter, teachers must complete a required professional development once every three years.
      3. Use instructional materials that are medically accurate and aligned with the Utah Health Core. Teachers may respond to students’ questions to provide accurate data or correct inaccurate or misleading information.

  • Effective: 6/27/1969
  • Revision: 7/13/2010


  1. Board Policy
    It is the intent of the Board to comply with the Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments of 1986 (P.L. No. 99-592). An employee's age shall not be a factor in determining separation from employment.
  2. Administration Policy
    The District Administration shall administer this policy for employees who retire from the District under the provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act in accordance with the following guidelines:

    1.  Notification of intent to retire
      1. Employees who plan to retire are encouraged to provide appropriate notice to the Human Resources Department to facilitate an appropriate replacement for the position being vacated.
      2. Employees qualifying for the early retirement provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act (Reference: Section 6-2-28) should give appropriate notification to the District and are encouraged to retire at the end of the year covered by the current contract.
      3. A request for early retirement may be initiated by the employee or the Administration.
      4. The Administrator of Human Resources shall provide assistance to retiring District employees in making written application for retirement benefits to the retirement office.
    2. Sick and personal leave bonus
      Eligible employees will be paid for unused sick, personal leave days, and alternative leave days at the time of retirement based on 30 percent of the employee's contract salary according to the following guidelines:

      1. Daily rate at time of retirement is used for figuring value of unused sick leave.
      2. Total eligible sick days will be computed at the rate of one (1) day per basic contract month FROM the date of continuous employment in the District; i.e., 9 days per year for 9-month employees, 10 days per year for 10-month employees, 11 days per year for 11-month employees, and l2 days per year for 12-month employees.
      3. Sick days, including sick bank and family health days used, during the above period of time will be subtracted FROM the total possible accumulation. Emergency days used between July 1, 1993, and July 1, 1997, are also subtracted from the total accumulation.
      4. The maximum benefit is 180 days for 9-month employees, 200 days for 10-month employees, 220 days for 11-month employees, and 240 days for 12-month employees,
      5. Additional days will be added to this maximum benefit at the rate of two (2) days for each year that no more than one (1) day of sick leave was used, including days deducted for sick bank.
      6. Additional days will be added to this maximum benefit according to Policies DP370B NEG—Alternative Leave Day, Classified, and DP335B NEG—Personal Leave, Classified. Retirees with 25 years of service with the Utah Retirement System have the option of authorizing the District to use the sick leave bonus and $75 per year service award to purchase additional service credit for the employee through the State Retirement System. Salary used to purchase service credit does not appear as employee income. (See Senate Bill 34, passed by the State Legislature in 1995.)
        Note: This formula for retirement benefit has no relationship to the amount of available eligible sick leave days shown on the Time and Attendance Report or on the employee's check stub.
    3. Employees who qualify for retirement under the provisions of the Utah State Retirement System will be paid $75 for each year of service in Jordan School District at the time they retire.
    4. Insurance benefits for retirees
      1. Health and accident insurance
        1. The Board shall pay the premium for group health and life insurance benefits for retirees based on full-time equivalent years of service.
        2. Employees who work fewer than 4 hours per day are not eligible for insurance benefits.
        3. The duration of insurance benefits following retirement will be based on total years of full-time service in Jordan School District. Years of service will be calculated on full-time equivalents; e.g., 2 years of half-time service equal 1 year of full-time service.
        4. Beginning at the date of retirement, insurance benefits (health and life) shall be maintained according to the schedule below. The effective date of the health and accident retirement schedule is the first day of the month following the retirement date.
          Full-time Equivalent Years Insurance Coverage
          10 - 3 years (36 months)
          15 - 3.5 years (42 months)
          20 - 4 years (48 months)
          25 - 5 years (60 months)
          30 - 6 years (72 months)
          35 - 7 years (84 months)
        5. Benefits for part-time classified employees (fewer than 7 hours per day) shall be based on full-time equivalent (FTE) years of service determined by the hours worked per day times the years of service divided by 7.
          Example for calculating FTE for a part-time employee who worked 4.5 hours per day for 15 years, 6 hours per day for 5 years, and 7 hours per day for 5 years:
          4.5 x 15 = 67.5
          6.0 x 5 = 30.0
          7.0 x 5 = 35.0
          132.5 divided by 7 = 18.93 FTE years.
          Note: partial years are not rounded.
        6. Employees who retire at the end of the contract year shall be covered under their regular contract insurance plan through Aug. 31. Retirement insurance benefits shall commence on Sept. 1 and continue for the number of years indicated by the schedule in item e. above.
      2. District insurance benefits for retirees covered under Medicare
        1. Three months before the retiree becomes eligible for Medicare coverage, an assessment will be made to determine the number of months of District insurance eligibility the retiree will have remaining when the retiree transfers from the District's group plan to Medicare. The following two options are available:
          Option 1: Enroll in the District group supplemental insurance plan for the remaining months of eligibility and the dependents, if any, will be offered COBRA.
          Option 2: Waive supplemental insurance. The number of remaining eligible months will include those months waived (i.e., spouse is still an active employee).
          Examples of Options 1 and 2:
          Option 1: 10 eligible months = supplemental insurance
          Option 2: 10 eligible months = waive 6 months, enroll 4 months
      3. Insurance benefits for retirees enrolled in COBRA
        Continuation of coverage for the retiree under COBRA shall run concurrently with the medical coverage provided under this policy. Dependents will be offered COBRA at the time of group coverage loss.
    5. Continuing insurance benefits after eligibility has expired
      Retirees who are not eligible for Medicare and who have exhausted their District insurance benefits may purchase insurance through the District's group insurance program.
      (1) The premium will be set at 110% of the current group rate premium.
      (2) The premium will be reassessed every year and may be adjusted upward if the group rate premium increases.
      (3) Dependents will be offered COBRA at the time of group coverage loss.
    6. All District insurance benefits terminate at the time of the retiree's death.
  3. Post Retirement
    If an employee retires under the provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act and desires to be rehired, they must meet the provisions of current law.

  • Effective: 6/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009


  1. Board Policy
    It is the intent of the Board to comply with the Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments of 1986 (P.L. No. 99-592).  An employee's age shall not be a factor in determining separation from employment.
  2. Administration Policy
    The District Administration shall administer this policy for employees who retire from the District under the provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act in accordance with the following guidelines:

    1. Notification of intent to retire
      1. Employees who plan to retire are encouraged to provide appropriate notice to the Human Resources Department to facilitate an appropriate replacement for the position being vacated.
      2. Employees qualifying for the early retirement provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act (Reference: Section 6-2-28) should give appropriate notification to the District and are encouraged to retire at the end of the year covered by the current contract.
      3. A request for early retirement may be initiated by the employee or the Administration.
      4. The Administrator of Human Resources shall provide assistance to retiring District employees in making written application for retirement benefits to the retirement office.
    2. Sick and personal leave bonus
      Eligible employees will be paid for unused sick, personal leave days, and alternative leave days at the time of retirement based on 25 percent of the employee's current lane and step using the standard 184-day contract (C salary schedule).

      1. Total eligible days will be computed at the rate of one (1) day per basic contract month from the date of continuous employment in the District; i.e., 9 days per year for 9-month employees, 11 days per year for 11-month employees, and 12 days per year for 12-month employees.
      2. Sick days used, including sick bank days used, during the above period of time will be subtracted from the total possible accumulation.  Emergency days used between July 1, 1993 and July 1, 1997, are also subtracted from the total accumulation.
      3. The maximum benefit is 180 days for 9-month employees, 220 days for 11-month employees, and 240 days for 12-month employees.
      4. Additional days will be added to this maximum benefit at the rate of two (2) days for each year that no more than one (1) day of sick leave was used, including days deducted for sick leave bank.
      5. Additional days will be added to this maximum benefit according to Policies DP370 NEG– Alternative Leave Day, Certificated, and DP335 NEG–Personal Leave, Certificated.
      6. Retirees with 25 years of service with the Utah State Retirement System have the option of authorizing the District to use the sick and personal leave bonus and the $75 per year service award to purchase additional service credit for the employee through the State Retirement System.  Compensation used to purchase service credit is not reported as income to the employee.  (See Senate Bill 34, passed by the State Legislature in 1995.)
        Note: This formula for retirement benefit has no relationship to the amount of available eligible sick leave days shown on the Time and Attendance Report or on the employee's check stub.
    3. Employees who qualify for retirement under the provisions of the Utah State Retirement System will be paid $75 for each year of service in Jordan School District at the time they retire.
    4. Insurance benefits for retirees
      1. Health and life insurance
        1. The Board shall pay the premium for group health and life insurance benefits for full-time employees (7 or 8 hours per day).
        2. Employees who work fewer than 4 hours per day are not eligible for insurance benefits.
        3. The duration of insurance benefits following retirement will be based on total years of full-time service in Jordan School District.  Years of service will be calculated on full-time equivalents; e.g., 2 years of half-time service equal 1 year of full-time service.
        4. Beginning at the date of retirement, insurance benefits (health and life) shall be maintained according to the schedule below.  The effective date of the health and accident retirement schedule is the first day of the month following the retirement date.
          Equivalent Full-time Years Insurance Coverage
          10 3 years (36 months)
          15 3.5 years (42 months)
          20 4 years (48 months)
          25 5 years (60 months)
          30 6 years (72 months)
          35 7 years (84 months)
        5. Benefits for part-time certificated employees (fewer than 7 hours per day) shall be based on full-time equivalent (FTE) years of service determined by the hours worked per day times the years of service divided by 7.
          Example for calculating FTE for a part-time employee who worked 4.5 hours per day for 15 years, 6 hours per day for 5 years, and 7 hours per day for 5 years:
          4.5 x 15 = 67.5
          6.0 x 5 = 30.0
          7.0 x 5 = 35.0
          132.5 divided by 7 = 18.93 FTE years.
          Note: partial years are not rounded.
        6. Employees who retire at the end of the contract year shall be covered under their regular contract insurance plan through Aug. 31.  Retirement insurance benefits shall commence on Sept. 1 and continue for the number of years indicated by the schedule in item d. above.
      2. District insurance benefits for retirees covered under Medicare
        Three months before the retiree becomes eligible for Medicare coverage, an assessment will be made to determine the number of months of District insurance eligibility the retiree will have remaining when the retiree transfers from the District's group plan to Medicare.  The following two options are available:
        Option 1:  Enroll in the District group supplemental insurance plan for the remaining months of eligibility and the dependents, if any, will be offered COBRA.
        Option 2:  Waive supplemental insurance.  The number of remaining eligible months will include those months waived (i.e., spouse is still an active employee).
        EXAMPLES of Options 1 and 2:
        Option 1: 10 eligible months = supplemental insurance
        Option 2: 10 eligible months = waive 6 months, enroll 4 months
      3. Insurance benefits for retirees enrolled in COBRA
        Continuation of coverage under COBRA shall run concurrently with the medical coverage provided under this policy.  Dependents will be offered COBRA at the time of group coverage loss.
      4. Continuing insurance benefits after eligibility has expired
        1. Retirees who are not eligible for Medicare and who have exhausted their District insurance benefits may purchase insurance through the District's group insurance program.
          (1) The premium will be set at 110% of the current group rate premium.
          (2) The premium will be reassessed every year and shall be adjusted to reflect group rate premiums.
          (3) Dependents will be offered COBRA at the time of group coverage loss.
      5. All District insurance benefits terminate at the time of the retiree's death.
  3. Post Retirement
    If an employee has retired under the Utah State Retirement Act and desires to be rehired, they must meet the provisions of Title 49 of the Utah Code, effective March 16, 2000:

    1. A person who has previously retired from one of the State Retirement Systems and returns to work full-time for the same employer within six months of retirement shall (a) cancel the retirement benefit and return to membership in the retirement system and (b) accrue additional service credit toward a future retirement.  A retired employee under age 65 who returns to work less than full-time within six months of retiring is subject to an earnings limitation.
    2. A person who retires and returns to work as in (A) above after six months from the date of retirement may keep the retirement benefit as well as the salary.  In this case, a person rehired after six months of retirement shall also have a contribution to a URS defined contribution (DC) plan made for them in the same amount as the employer contributes for similar positions.
    3. Individuals whose retirement exceeds six months must make application to Jordan School District and they will then be placed on the candidate list for potential openings.
    4. The guidelines that are used to determine the salary placement for work experience outside Jordan School District will be used to determine salary placement for all employees who have retired and are then rehired.
    5. Insurance benefits for a person who retires and returns to work after six months will run concurrent with the benefits earned through retirement.
    6. Employees who have retired and are then rehired after six months must serve one year as a provisional employee and all policies regarding provisional status must be followed.
    7. Retired employees who are rehired are subject to the provisions of the Utah State Retirement Act, and are, therefore, ineligible to earn a second early retirement from Jordan School District.

  • Effective: 8/27/1960
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    A kindergarten program shall be maintained as a regular part of the elementary instructional program offered to the children living within the Jordan School District boundaries.  In the state of Utah, enrollment in a kindergarten program is not required and is the decision of the student’s parent(s)/guardian.  Compulsory education begins at age six as defined in Utah Code 53G-6-202.  The Board authorizes the Administration to develop policy and implement a kindergarten program in the District.
  2.  Administrative Policy
    1.  Kindergarten classes, taught by certified teachers, will be provided in all elementary schools in Jordan School District.
    2. Age Eligibility
      1. Eligible children shall be five (5) years of age before September 2 of any particular school year in accordance with Utah Code 53G-4-402(6) except as provided in Section 53E-3-902.
      2. A birth certificate issued by the Bureau of Vital Statistics shall be required of all children at the time of their entrance into kindergarten.  Exceptions, if any, must be approved by the administrator for the Planning and Student Services Department.
    3. Purposes
      The kindergarten program shall provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment in which each child will participate in:

      1. A school setting that helps clarify and develop relationships with other children and adults.
      2. Activities for learning and practicing essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills to build a quality educational foundation.
      3. Large and small group instruction, learning centers with differentiated learning, and intervention and acceleration when appropriate.
      4. Opportunities to develop feelings of security and self-worth through recognized successes.
      5. Experiences that encourage accountability and increased independence for achieving academically and intellectually.
      6. A curriculum with clear instructional targets, based on Utah State Core Standards, with differentiated instruction rich in literacy, math, technology, art, music, dance/movement, physical education, science, and social studies.
    4. The fulfillment of the above purposes shall be accomplished through a variety of means. Jordan School District shall meet its responsibility in the following ways:
      1. It is preferred that kindergarten teachers employed by Jordan School District shall hold an Early Childhood (K-3) licenses; however, in certain circumstances an individual that holds a Utah Educator License with an Elementary (1-8) License Area of Concentration can earn an Early Childhood (K-3) License as determined by the Utah Office of Education.
      2. The Teaching and Learning Department shall provide principals and teachers with district and school-based professional development to meet educational and instructional needs.
      3. Under the direction of the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, with the assistance of committees, consultants who are experts in early childhood education, and others as needed, District guides shall be developed for implementing the Utah State Core Standards for kindergarten and for continuous improvement.
      4. The District shall provide teachers with materials, textbooks, and online resources as needed.
      5. The number of kindergarten classes provided at each location shall be based on projected enrollment following District FTE guidelines.