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  • Effective: 8/27/1969
  • Revision: 9/8/2009
  • Reviewed: 12/10/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board encourages District participation in worthy school-community contests and special programs.  Programs promoted or sponsored by community agencies and organizations shall be evaluated carefully before student and teacher involvement is committed.  In the evaluation of cooperative activities, their relevance to established curricula and good learning experiences shall receive prime consideration.  Responsibility for the assessment and coordinating of school-community programs shall be delegated to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Since most school-community contests and special programs are planned to complement classroom instruction, responsibility for coordinating such programs is delegated to the Administrators of Schools.  The offices of the Administrators of Schools shall be the clearing house for all requests for participation.

    1. District participation in community contests and special programs shall be determined on the basis of appropriateness (relationship to regular classroom instruction), timeliness (relationship to on-going school activities) and benefits (relationship to educational, civic, social, and ethical development of students).
    2. Contests or programs designed to promote or advertise a specific product or a questionable ideology shall not be approved.
    3. Selected contests and programs shall not place undue burden upon teachers or schools.
    4. The lists of approved contests and activities as published by the NASSP and other state and national associations shall be considered as decisions regarding District participation are made.
    5. Participation by the District or school in local and/or state contests or activities shall be reviewed and approved by a committee consisting of the Administrators of Schools.  A published list of approved activities shall be maintained.
    6. The option to participate or not to participate in approved contests and programs shall remain with the individual school.