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  • Effective - 12/10/2024
  • Revision -

    The Jordan School District Board of Education is committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities in our schools that lead to graduates who are prepared for success within and beyond the classroom. Our Ends Policy reflects the core pillars of the District’s Strategic Plan: high-quality instruction, a culture of belonging, opportunities for every learner, student and staff wellness, and effective communication. The Board will monitor progress toward these Ends through multiple means, including but not limited to, the specified data sources.
  2. ENDS
    1. High Quality Instruction
      Students will seek out academic challenges and engage with each other and their community in real-world activities and discussions, and teachers will be prepared to engage students as measured by:

      1. Percent of students meeting or exceeding the benchmark for
        1. End-of-year Acadience Math in grades K-3 (combined)
        2. End-of-year Acadience Reading in grades K-3 (combined)
      2. Percent of students earning a proficiency level of 3 or 4 for
        1. RISE Math in grades 3-8 (combined)
        2. RISE ELA in grades 3-8 (combined)
        3. RISE Science in grades 3-8 (combined)
        4. Utah Aspire Plus Math in grades 9-10 (combined)
        5. Utah Aspire Plus Reading in grades 9-10 (combined)
        6. Utah Aspire Plus Science in grades 9-10 (combined)
        7. Dynamic Learning Maps in grades 3-11 (combined)
      3. Percent of grade 11 students earning an 18 or higher ACT composite score
      4. Percent of students showing typical or better progress for
        1. End-of-year Acadience Math in grades K-3 (combined)
        2. End-of-year Acadience Reading in grades K-3 (combined)
        3. RISE Math in grades 3-8 (combined)
        4. RISE ELA in grades 3-8 (combined)
        5. RISE Science in grades 3-8 (combined)
        6. Utah Aspire Plus Math in grades 9-10 (combined)
        7. Utah Aspire Plus Reading in grades 9-10 (combined)
        8. Utah Aspire Plus Science in grades 9-10 (combined)
    2. Culture of Belonging
      Students will value and engage with their school community, respect differences, and respond to conflict in healthy ways, as measured by percent of students reporting a sense of belonging three out of five or higher using the sense of belonging question items from the Panorama Survey administered annually in the fall, winter and spring to students in grades 3-12.
    3. Opportunities for Every Learner
      Every student will see a path to graduation that meets their individual learning needs, as measured by state graduation rate, as currently calculated and reported.
    4. Student and Staff Wellness
      Students and employees will feel empowered to excel personally and professionally and have access to resources, programs, and curriculum that support a safe and healthy learning environment, as measured by percent of students responding favorably to the “emotion regulation” question items from the Panorama Survey administered annually in the fall, winter and spring to students in grades 3-12 and percent of highest two ratings on the Educator Engagement Survey’s “emotion regulation” question items.
    5. Effective Communication
      Families, employees, and community members will be more informed and engaged in a trusting partnership which leads to greater student success, as measured by percent of positive responses to the “family-district trust” question items on the parent Stakeholder Input Survey.

  • Effective: 6/13/2006
  • Revision: 4/23/2019
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education is committed to providing fitness and nutritional instruction and implementing nutritional practices that enhance student learning and support the development of lifelong wellness. Responsibility for ensuring that each school meets the provisions of this policy is delegated to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Wellness policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions and USDA requirements:

    1. Nutrition and Fitness
      1. Students will receive nutrition education and physical fitness instruction based on Utah State Health Education and Physical Education Core Standards.
      2.  All foods and beverages regularly sold to students on the school campus during the school day will be consistent with federal regulations from the Healthy-Hunger-Free Kids Act.
      3. Food and beverage marketing will be allowed for only those products that meet current nutrition standards from the Healthy-Hunger-Free Kids Act.
      4. The use of healthy foods or non-food items as rewards will be encouraged (i.e. classroom parties, classroom snacks).
      5. Known allergies, medical conditions and dietary restrictions of students are addressed through 504 and individual health plans. Each school will have procedures to address student nutritional health care.
      6. School lunch periods will be scheduled to allow students adequate and appropriate time to move through lines and eat and enjoy a full lunch.
        1. Schools will examine the relationship between lunch periods, instructional periods and recess to determine the schedule most conducive to healthy eating habits.
        2. Schools will encourage a cafeteria environment that provides a positive dining experience with supervision of eating areas by adults who model proper conduct and voice level.
      7. Principals of secondary schools will monitor all foods and beverages made available in vending machines, in student stores and at concession stands and will ensure the inclusion of healthy food and beverage options for students.
    2. Local School Oversight
      Each principal will annually review the school’s procedures for  nutritional health care with teachers.  A report of this review will be submitted to the appropriate area Administrator of Schools.
    3. District Health Education Committee
      1. The District Health Education Committee shall review efforts, research and best practices on fitness and nutrition issues.
      2. Committee membership shall include principals, the Director of Nutrition Services, teachers, one school nurse, and patrons.
      3. The committee will meet at least twice a year.