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Effective: 6/23/1992
Revision: 11/29/2022
Reviewed: 8/25/2015

  1. Board Directive
    The Board of Education is committed to see that Jordan School District records are managed in an efficient, responsible manner.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for establishing criteria for maintaining, classifying, preserving, accessing, and destroying district records in compliance with the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), Utah Code §63-2-101.
  2. Administrative Policy
    Records shall be defined as written or electronic records that are owned and maintained by the District. The District Records Policy shall be implemented according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Records Management
      1. Jordan District records shall be managed under the direction of the principal and/or the appointed records officer of each school and department.
      2. The Superintendent of Schools shall be the chief administrative officer of the District.
      3. The Business Administrator shall be the records officer for all general district records including Board of Education minutes and all documents related to fiscal matters such as property, budgets, payroll, accounts, contracts, etc.
      4. The Administrator of Human Resources shall be the records officer for all records related to personnel.
      5. The Planning and Enrollment consultant shall be the records officer for all records related to students.
      6. The Planning and Enrollment consultant shall serve as the District's liaison to the State Archives.
    2. Records Classification
      1. All Jordan District records created after July 1, 1992, shall be classified as either public, private, controlled, protected, or restricted.
      2. The Planning and Enrollment consultant shall inform the State Archives no later than July 1 of each year of the classification of any new record series created during the previous 12 months.
    3. Public Records
      1. Public records as described in Utah Code §63G-2-301 shall include:
        1. Official minutes, actions and decisions of the Board of Education and District Administration unless the record involves information which is classified as private, controlled, or protected.
        2. Official District and school policies, contracts, minutes, and accounts.
        3. Names, gender, job titles, job descriptions, business addresses, business telephone numbers, gross salaries, working hours, and dates of employment of all current and former employees.
    4. Private Records
      1. Private records are those set forth in Utah Code §63G-2-303 including:
        1. Personnel files including applications, nominations, recommendations, evaluations, and proposals for advancements or appointments.
        2. Documents related to eligibility for unemployment benefits, social services, welfare benefits, personal finances, individual medical condition, and military status.
      2. Private records shall be open only to the subject of the record and other authorized individuals or agencies.
    5. Controlled Records
      1. Controlled records are those set forth in Utah Code §63G-2-304 including records containing medical, psychiatric, or physiological data on an individual which, if disclosed, could be detrimental to the individual's mental health or safety.
      2. Controlled records shall be open only to authorized persons or agencies but are not open to the subject of the record.
    6. Protected Records
      1. Protected records are those set forth in Utah Code §63G-2-305 including:
        1. Any information that, if disclosed, would jeopardize the life or safety of an individual or security of district property or programs.
        2. Documents that, if disclosed, would place the District at a disadvantage in contract negotiations, property transactions, or bargaining position or could enable circumvention of an audit.
        3. Records related to potential litigation or personnel hearings.
        4. Records generated in meetings that are closed in accordance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings law.
        5. Test questions.
      2. Protected records shall be open only to authorized individuals and agencies or in response to court order.
    7. Restricted Records
      1. Restricted records as set forth in Utah Code §63G-2-201(3)(b) shall include student records that are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA). Access to student records shall be provided in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA). (See policy AS61—Student Records.)
    8. Access to District Records
      1. Requests to view District records must be submitted via the Utah Open Records Portal.
      2. Individuals requesting to view records classified as private, controlled, protected, or restricted shall be required to submit their request through the Utah Open Records Portal. Requesters must prove their right to access the record through personal identification, written release from the subject of the record, power of attorney, court order, or other appropriate means.
      3. The records officer shall review each request as soon as reasonably possible but not more than 10 working days from the date the request was received.
        1. Approve the request and provide records;
        2. Deny the request and provide notice of denial, including the right to appeal;
        3. Notify the requester it does not maintain the record and provide, if known, the name and address of the governmental entity that does maintain the record; or
        4. Notify the requester it cannot approve or deny the request because of extraordinary circumstances consistent with Utah Code §63G-2-204 and provide a description of the circumstances and when the records will be available.
    9. Appeals Process
      1. Appeals to the Chief Administrative Officer
        1. Appeals to the chief administrative officer of the District will follow the process outlined in Utah Code §63G-2-401.
        2. A notice of appeal shall be filed with the chief administrative officer within 30 days after receiving a notice of denial.
        3. The notice of appeal shall contain the name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number of the requester or interested party and the relief sought.
      2. If the chief administrative officer affirms the denial of a record request, an appeal may be made to the State Records Committee or district court, as outlined in outlined in Utah Code §63G-2-402 and §63G-2-403.
    10. Copying District Records
      1. The District shall charge a fee for duplicating District records that is equal to the actual duplication cost plus any employee time involved.
      2. The District shall refuse to allow duplication of copyrighted materials.
      3. The District shall charge 50 cents per page for duplicating records. If more than 15 minutes of research is involved, the District shall also charge for all personnel time (actual salary and benefit costs) of the employee fulfilling the GRAMA or other record request.
    11. Retention of District Records
      1. The District shall adhere to the general schedule for records retention approved by the State Records Committee.
      2. Records that are not covered by the general schedule shall be submitted to the State Records Committee for scheduling.
    12. Public Access to District Records
      1. If public access is granted to view or inspect District records, files, documents, etc., unless a waiver of fees is granted under Utah Code §63G-2-203(4), the District shall charge for all personnel time (actual salary and benefit costs) of the individual fulfilling the request necessary to facilitate such access. This includes charges for requests for information involving searches. The fee will be based on the actual salary and benefit costs of the employee fulfilling the request.
      2. The District is not required to create a document or file to answer a GRAMA or other request for records. Should the requestor request a document that does not already exist, and if the District agrees to prepare such a document in its sole discretion, all personnel time (actual salary and benefit costs and duplicating costs to prepare that document) will be charged to the requestor.
      3. Requests for records intended to be used for marketing or recruitment other than specified will be denied.
      4. If possible, the District should estimate the preparation cost for such documents in advance, and if the projected costs exceed $50, receive the funds from the requestor prior to preparing the requested materials.

Revision history: 2/14/2012

  • Effective: 1/27/1976
  • Revision: 9/28/2021

  1. Board Directive
    Complete and accurate records are essential to student education.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the administration responsibility for establishing policy that assures accuracy, completeness, appropriate access, and efficiency in the preparation and management of student records.  This policy is to be administered in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and in compliance with the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA).
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Student Records policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Confidentiality of Student Information and Student Records
      1. Employees, student aides, and volunteers in public schools who have access to student records shall receive appropriate training annually from the Planning and Student Services administrator regarding the confidentiality of student records including an overview of all federal, state, and local laws that pertain to the privacy of students, their parents, and their families.  They shall become familiar with the laws regarding the confidentiality of student information and student records.
      2. All student records that are electronically maintained shall require password protection.
      3. An employee, student aide, or volunteer shall not share, disclose, or disseminate passwords for electronic maintenance or access to student records.
      4. All public education employees, student aides and volunteers have a responsibility to protect confidential student information and access records only as necessary for their assignments.
      5. Public education employees shall maintain confidentiality concerning a student unless revealing confidential information to authorized persons serves the best interest of the student and serves a lawful purpose (see II.C. of this policy).
      6. Failure to adhere to confidentiality laws and policies may result in licensing discipline as defined in R277-515-1G.
    2. Management of Student Records
      1. The Planning and Student Services administrator shall serve as the District Student Records Officer and shall be responsible to see that student records are classified and maintained according to the Jordan District Student Record Classification and Retention schedule found online in the Planning and Student Services manual.
      2. The principal shall serve as the Student Records Officer for the school.
        1. The principal shall be responsible to see that counselors, teachers, secretaries, and assistants are appropriately trained in record keeping and follow the Jordan District Student Record Classification and Retention schedule.
        2. The principal shall receive requests to access student records and determine whether access is to be granted or denied.
        3. The principal shall be responsible to see that records are appropriately maintained in safe, secure files which will protect the documents and assure privacy.
        4. The principal shall be responsible to see that records are retained, transferred, archived, and destroyed in a timely, efficient, appropriate manner.
      3. Teachers and other school personnel as designated by the principal shall be responsible to see that attendance rolls, student progress reports, grades, health cards, and other necessary student records are prepared and maintained in accordance with this policy, and with all federal, state and local laws.
    3. Health or Safety Emergency (FERPA §99.36)
      1. If a student poses an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of the student or other individuals, an educational agency or institution may disclose, without consent, personally identifiable information from a student’s education record to any official whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
      2. Educational agencies and institutions shall record the articulable and significant threat that formed the basis for a disclosure under the health or safety emergency, and the parties to whom the information was disclosed.
    4. Access Rights
      1. All documents in the Student Cumulative/Permanent Record File, which include directory information, ethnic origin, schools and years attended, subjects completed, grades and credits earned, competency evaluations, certain health records, and other documents related to the educational program, shall be classified as private with the exception of certain directory information (refer to Item J).
      2. Student records shall be open to:
        1. Authorized school personnel having responsibility for the student's educational program and to individuals conducting district, state, or federal audits of educational programs.
        2. Parents or guardians.
          1. In the event that parents are divorced or separated, both parents shall be entitled to access their child's student records unless prohibited by court order.
            a) The custodial parent may not prohibit the non-custodial parent’s access to their child’s written record unless prohibited by court order.
            b) A non-custodial parent must make a written request to obtain his/her student’s written educational record.  A new request must be submitted each time records are requested.  Standing requests will not be honored.
            c) A custodial step-parent has the right to written education records only. The noncustodial step-parent has no rights, unless approved in writing by the custodial parent. (34 CFR §99.3 Family Policy Compliance office August 20, 2004).
          2. Information on access rights shall be distributed to parents as part of the school registration packet.
        3. Eligible students who are 18 years of age or older or who are married or enrolled in post-secondary education programs.
      3. Access to student records shall not be given to individuals other than those listed under item 2. a., b., and c. above without written permission of the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student or in response to a court order.
      4. Current or future employers, police officers, and public or private agencies have no access rights to student records.
      5. Information from student records classified as private shall not be released by telephone even though the caller may be authorized to access the record.
    5. Access Requests
      1. Requests to access student records should be addressed to the school principal.
        1. The requester may be required to submit the request in writing.
        2. The requester must prove access rights by personal identification, written consent from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), or a court order.
        3. The principal shall either grant or deny the request as soon as possible.  In no event shall the requester be required to wait more than 15 days for a response.
        4. The principal shall maintain a record of individuals or agencies that are granted access to student records.
    6. Right of Appeal
      1. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and eligible students who feel that their privacy rights have been violated because access to student records was granted inappropriately should make a written complaint to the Family Educational Rights and Act Office, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20201.
      2. Individuals who feel they have been inappropriately denied access to student records or who have complaints about record content or management have the right to appeal the principal's decision to the District Administration through the Planning and Student Services administrator.
    7. Appeals Process
      1. Appeals to the District Administration
        1. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student shall file a written request for a hearing with the  Planning and Student Services administrator at least 10 days prior to the desired hearing date.
        2. Upon receiving the request, the Planning and Student Services administrator shall schedule a mutually convenient date, time, and location for the hearing and notify all parties.
        3. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student has the right to be represented by legal counsel at the hearing.
          (1) If the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student is to be represented by legal counsel, the District Administration must be notified at least 10 days in advance of the hearing.
          (2) If the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student has legal counsel present at the hearing, the District Administration may also be represented by legal counsel.
        4. Within 30 days of the hearing, Planning and Student Services administrator shall notify the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student in writing of the action recommended.
        5. If the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student is not satisfied with the action recommended, an appeal may be filed with the Board of Education.
      2. Appeals to the Board of Education shall follow the same procedures and timelines outlined in G.1. of this policy.
      3. If the Board upholds the action recommended in the hearing with the District Administration, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or eligible student has the right to appeal the Board's decision in Third District Court.
    8. Transferring Student Records
      1. Within 14 days after enrolling a transfer student, and simultaneous with enrolling a child of active military personnel, a school shall request, directly from the student’s previous school, a certified copy of his/her record.
      2. Any school requested to forward a copy of a transferring student’s record to the new school shall comply within 30 school days of the request, and within 10 days of a request for a child of active military personnel records, unless the record has been flagged as a “Missing Child,” in which case the copy may not be forwarded and the requested school shall notify the police department (refer to item H.3.)  Note:  A parent release is not required when transferring student records from one school to another.
        1. The permanent cumulative record folder, which includes all of the records created as part of the student's instructional program, shall be purged of all outdated or irrelevant materials and of documents containing confidential medical information, social history, teachers' notes, reports from outside agencies, or other sensitive information included as an insert in the file but not part of the cumulative/permanent record.  Items included in the cumulative folder are:
          1. Achievement test scores
          2. Birth certificate
          3. Copies of report cards
          4. Health records
          5. Pertinent information concerning the student
        2. The cumulative/permanent records, including directory information, schools and years attended, grades and credits earned, health records (Utah School Immunization Record), and test scores, and transcripts shall be forwarded to the receiving school as follows:
          1. The original records of students in grades kindergarten through eight shall be transferred.  Copies of the original records may be provided to the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), if a request is received prior to the time the original records are transferred.
          2. A certified copy of the cumulative/permanent record along with the original health record (Utah School Immunization Record) of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be transferred to requesting schools outside of Jordan School District.
          3. The cumulative/permanent records and a copy of the health record (Utah School Immunization Record) of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be archived at the high school until three years after the student would have graduated.  Original records for ninth grade students whose records were requested and certified copies mailed, shall be delivered to the feeder system high school to be archived.
          4. Teacher files on students in resource or other special programs shall be kept until five (5) years after the student graduates or five (5) years after the student turns 22.
          5. The date the record transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent shall be entered on each archived file.
        3. It is permissible to transmit individual detailed student records between public schools and the Utah State Office of Education through the Utah eTranscript and Record Exchange (UTREx) (R277-404).
      3. The principal shall not transfer the record of any student whose file is flagged as a "Missing Child" pursuant to Utah Code Annotated.  The principal shall immediately notify the police department of the transfer request.  The flag restricting transfer shall be removed from the student's file and the transfer facilitated only upon official police notification that the child has been located.
    9. Requests to Correct or Expunge Student Records
      1. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and eligible students may request a conference with the principal and ask for correction or expungement if they feel information entered on their student record is inaccurate or inappropriate.
      2. If the requested record change or expungement is denied, the parent, guardian, or eligible student has a right to enter a statement of disagreement into the record.
    10. Publication of Directory Information
      1. The principal may authorize the release of certain student directory information for the purpose of publishing school directories, yearbooks, team rosters, honor roll lists, graduation lists, and other school purposes which would not normally be considered an invasion of student privacy.
      2. The Planning and Student Services administrator may authorize the release of certain student directory information for use by United States Military Forces and other authorized agencies.
      3. Parents who object to publication of their child's directory information may block publication by submitting a written notification to the principal.
      4. Parents have 14 days from the first day of school to provide written notification to the principal to block publication of directory information. (PPRA 20 USC section 1232h)
      5. Requests for student records intended to be used for marketing or recruitment other than specified in section J.2. will be denied.
    11. Use of Student Records for Research Purposes
      1. Individual student information may not be released for research purposes without written consent from parents.
      2. Information which does not reveal the individual identity of a student or infringe upon privacy rights; i.e., group test results, enrollment statistics, etc., may be released by the Planning and Student Services administrator for use in approved research projects.
      3. Information involving students which is not generated by the schools such as United States census data may be released to outside individuals or agencies in accordance with state and federal law.
    12. Retention of Student Records
      1. Attendance class roll books and grade sheets shall be retained three years at the local school.
      2. Cumulative/permanent records of students in grades kindergarten to eight, including records created as part of the instructional program and student history shall be maintained at the local school as long as the student is enrolled.  When a student transfers, item H. of this policy should be followed.   Records that are not requested should be kept at the school until at least three years after the student would have graduated, then destroyed.
      3. The original records and a copy of the health record (Utah School Immunization Record) of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be archived at the high school until at least three years after the student would have graduated, then destroyed.
      4. Transcripts, including but not limited to grades, directory information, recorded suspensions and expulsions shall be archived permanently at the local high school.
      5. Teacher files on students in resource or other special programs shall be kept until five (5) years after the student graduates or five (5) years after the student turns 22.
      6. The date the record transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent shall be entered on each archived file.
    13. “Transcript” means an official document or record(s) generated by one or several schools and shall be permanently retained at the high school.  The transcript shall include, at a minimum:
      1. Courses in which the secondary student was enrolled
      2. Grades and units of credit earned
      3. State basic standard competency skills test scores and dates of testing
      4. Citizenship and attendance records
      5. Notation of any recorded suspensions and/or expulsions, which shall be defined as 10 or more days for which a due process hearing was conducted. (Utah Code 53G-8-208 (4) (a))
      6. By State Rule 277-404, it is permissible to transmit transcripts through Utah eTranscript and Record Exchange (UTREx) to any post-secondary institution that participates in the e-transcript service.
    14. Diplomas or certificates, credit or unofficial transcripts may not be withheld from students for nonpayment of school fees. (State Board Rule R277-705.)
      1. Cap and gown may be withheld and a student not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies for nonpayment of school fees.
      2. The diploma may be withheld until after the graduation ceremony for nonpayment of school fees; however, once the graduation ceremonies are completed, the diploma cannot be withheld and must be awarded to the student.

  • Effective: 9/9/1969
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility for devising and implementing an adequate system for registration, enrollment, and student accounting.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Department of Planning and Student Services shall organize and maintain a system of student accounting including a monthly verification of membership.

    1. Students shall be registered at their boundary school.  Each student's address shall be checked at the school to verify that the student's primary residence is within the school's boundary.  For purposes of determining the place of residence of a student, "residence" means the primary and permanent residence of the student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s) even though the student or family temporarily resides elsewhere.  Temporary, vacation, and secondary rented homes, apartments or other dwellings shall not be considered for purposes of student residency.
    2. A special placement/registration permit is required by the Department of Planning and Student Services for students in the following categories:
      1. Students seeking reentry after having been excluded from school.  (Placement by the Appeals Committee is required.)
      2. Students who are non-immigrant, foreign exchange students.
      3. Non-resident students not living with at least one natural parent or with a legal guardian.
    3. Students wishing to transfer from their Jordan District boundary school should do so in accordance with District policy AS93—Open Enrollment/School Choice.  Students transferring from one school to another must meet the requirements of the Utah High School Activities Association with regard to eligibility for participation in athletics and activities at the receiving school.
    4. Within 14 days after enrolling a transfer student, and simultaneous with enrolling a military student, a school shall request a certified copy of his/her record directly from the student’s previous school.
    5. Any school requested to forward a copy of a transferring student’s record to the new school shall comply within 30 days of the request, and within 10 days of a request for a military child’s records; however, if the record has been flagged as a “Missing Child,” the record may not be forwarded and the requested school shall notify the local police department of the request.
    6. Permanent records shall be initiated by the school for all children entering the District according to the criteria set forth in the Planning and Student Services manual.
      1. Permanent records should only be transferred to the receiving school after a written request is received from that school.  A parental release is not required when transferring student records from one school to another.
        1. Maintain a record of the date the transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent.
        2. Transfer the original records for students in grades K through 8.
          1. Discard duplicate and non-essential materials from the file, making sure test scores, report cards, health records and pertinent information about the student remains.
          2. Complete the exit date, membership and all folder information on the file before sending to the receiving school.
        3. Transfer a certified copy of records for students in grades 9 through 12 to requesting schools outside of Jordan School District.
          1. The original records shall then be archived at the high school the student last attended.
          2. Original records for ninth grade students shall be transferred at the end of the year to the feeder system high school to be archived.
          3. Certified copies shall contain an official school seal, are stamped “Official”, and contain a cover letter or other means to certify the school records are official copies.
        4. Transfer the original records for students in grades 9 through 12 to requesting Jordan School District schools.
          1. The original records shall then be archived at the high school the student last attended.
          2. Original records for ninth grade students shall be transferred at the end of the year to the feeder system high school to be archived.
      2. The permanent records of students in grades K-8 who leave the District shall remain in the school until requested by the receiving school.
    7. Each school shall have a hard copy containing demographic information and class schedule for each student, including all new students, that is readily accessible in case of a power failure or other emergency situation.
    8. Teachers shall make daily attendance checks for the purpose of verifying average daily membership for allocation of minimum school funds and other relevant purposes including awarding grades and credits.
      1. The absentee report and check-in/check-out sheets or forms shall be properly recorded, and will become the daily attendance report.
      2. All enrollment and attendance shall be recorded through the District student accounting system.