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  • Effective: 8/23/2011
  • Reviewed: 3/26/2013

  1. Board Directive
    The philosophy of the Board of Education is to establish and maintain elementary schools which are structured to meet the unique needs of students at the elementary level.  The elementary school program shall emphasize academics and provide opportunities for a wide variety of learning experiences.  Programs shall be structured to enable students to develop social skills and learn to interact in a cooperative, supportive environment.  Elementary school extracurricular activities shall be designed solely with the needs of elementary school-age students in mind and shall not mirror middle school activities or events.  Activities which give all students opportunities to participate shall be encouraged with little or no emphasis given to competition.  The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for establishing policy regarding elementary school philosophy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    This policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:
    Memory Books

    1. Yearbooks, such as those published in high schools, shall not be part of the elementary school program.
    2. PTA organizations have the option of publishing a memory book on behalf of the school provided neither the school nor the staff assumes any responsibility for the publication, including liability for content, cost, and/or professional time.
    3. PTA organizations who choose to publish a memory book on behalf of the school shall comply with the Administrative Guidelines for Elementary School Memory Books.

  • Effective: 9/14/1993
  • Revision: 9/24/2024

  1. Board Directive
    1. It is the belief of the Board of Education that every student should have access to a library media center that offers a variety of materials, formats, and genres to meet multiple reading purposes: enjoyment, acquisition of knowledge, answering questions, different languages, emerging technologies, and personal growth.
    2. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guides the Jordan School District library media centers in both selection of materials and review of challenged materials. The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press...”
    3. This policy specifies the process for identifying materials to be included or disqualified from use in libraries and schools based on Utah Code Section 53G-10-103, Sensitive Instructional Materials, state and federal law, Utah State Board of Education Rule 277-217, Educator Standards and LEA Reporting, or based on age-appropriate contents.
    4. The Board delegates responsibility for developing and administering this policy to the District Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Library Media Selection and Review policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Selection of Materials
      The responsibility for selection rests with trained library personnel under the direction of the Jordan School District Board of Education, using the following criteria:

      1. Overall purpose and educational significance
      2. Legality
      3. Age and developmental appropriateness, including consideration of violence, pervasive vulgarity, self-harm, etc.
      4. Timeliness and/or permanence
      5. Readability and accessibility for intended audience
      6. Artistic quality and literary style
      7. Reputation and significance of author, producer, and/or publisher
      8. Variety of format with efforts to incorporate emerging technologies
      9. Quality and value commensurate with cost and/or need
    2. Responsibility for Selection
      1. The professional library media specialist assigned to the school and the school principal, working in cooperation with staff members, shall be responsible for the selection of materials for school library media centers. This includes material acquired through grants, book fairs, and other donations. Each library media specialist holds either a master’s degree or an endorsement in library media science and is qualified to make selections in a responsible and professional manner.
    3. Evaluating Materials, Self-selection and Internet Access
      1. The library media specialist strives to review all incoming collection items. Because of the volume of materials that are purchased each year, they are also evaluated based on credible reviews from professional publications, professional recommendations, award recipients and other professional sources. When books that have been purchased are received, additional evaluation may be appropriate.
      2. Library materials are available to students on a self-selection basis. The library media specialist, library media assistants, teachers or staff members may assist students in locating needed library media materials.
        1. Student self-selection of materials is often guided by reading lists provided by sources such as professional journals, student book clubs, public libraries and commercial companies.  These lists are not formally approved by library media specialists, school administration or District personnel. Approval of selection lists used as part of a curriculum activity/assignment is addressed in Policy AA424 - Literature Selection and Review.
        2. Responsibility for the reading, listening and viewing of library media materials and accessing internet resources by children rests with parents/guardians, the library media specialist, and school staff members. The parents/guardians are invited to consult with the library media specialist to find materials they feel are appropriate for their children. 
        3. Through Destiny online access, parents may view the title, author, and description of any material the parent’s child borrows from the school library, including a history of borrowed materials.
        4. Electronic databases and other web-based searches and content will be filtered through Jordan District’s state-required internet filter.
    4. Sensitive Instructional Materials
      1. Instructional materials are not exclusively library materials.
      2. Instructional materials determined to be objective sensitive materials or subjective sensitive materials are removed from all school settings as defined in Utah Code 53G-10-103.
      3. If an instructional material constitutes objective sensitive material, no further review is necessary.
      4. Sensitive materials do not include:
        1. A concurrent enrollment course that contains sensitive materials for which a parent receives notice and provides consent.
        2. Instructional materials for medical courses.
        3. Instructional materials for family and consumer science courses.
        4. Health curriculum selected by an LEA under Utah Code 53G-10-402.
      5. An educator may not expose students to sensitive materials as outlined in Board Rule R277-217.
      6. A library/instructional material review request may be made by Jordan School District employees, students, parents, and governing board members. There is no limitation on submission for reviews unless an individual makes three unsuccessful challenges, inclusive of a direct review or appeal, during a given school year.
    5. Library Materials Review Process - Initial Review
      1. A library materials review may be based upon the concern that the material contains sensitive material as defined in Utah Code Section 53G-10-103, or upon concerns with age-appropriateness of content.
      2. The Materials Review Request Form is available here: Jordan District Materials Review Form.
      3. The requester must provide all information requested on the form including the complaint or objection to the library material, with excerpts and other evidence to support the allegation.
      4. Upon receipt of a request for review, at least two Jordan School District employees, including the Instructional Support Services Consultant and the Administrator of Teaching and Learning or designee, will make an initial determination related to a plausible claim that the material contains or constitutes sensitive material.
      5. If a plausible claim is substantiated, the instructional material is immediately removed from student access in all school settings until the full review is completed.
      6. A full review is initiated after the completion of an initial review that substantiates a plausible claim.
      7. Parents may request a list of materials currently under review from library personnel.
      8. The identity of the requester and committee members will be protected and kept confidential from all individuals outside of the review process outlined in this policy, to the extent possible.
    6. Full Review: Objective Sensitive Materials
      1. Members of the Objective Sensitive Materials Review Committee will include:
        1. Administrator of Teaching and Learning or his/her designee
        2. Instructional Support Services Consultant
        3. A school community parent
      2. Members of the Objective Sensitive Materials Review Committee may not include those responsible for procurement of the materials or the individual(s) who brought the challenge.
      3. Members of the Review Committee will receive materials to complete the review process, including the following:
        1. A copy of the Materials Review Request Form
        2. Excerpts and other evidence to support the allegation
        3. A copy of Jordan District Policy AA440
        4. Materials provided to the committee may also include relevant information about the title compiled and shared by the library staff, including the reasons for initial approval of the material.
      4. The Review Committee will determine dates and times for meetings and maintain minutes of the meetings.
      5. The Review Committee will determine the amount of time needed for an adequate review of a material to make a thorough and thoughtful decision and inform the requester of the determined timeline with a preference for 30 school days where possible and no longer than 60 school days.
      6. The Review Committee will determine whether the material constitutes objective sensitive material using the standards found in Section 76-10-1235, under the non-discretionary standards described in Subsection
        76-10-1227 (1)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii).
      7. If the library or instructional material constitutes objective sensitive material, the review process is completed and the library or instructional material is immediately removed from all school settings.
      8. The Instructional Support Services Consultant will promptly report the determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 20 days after completing the full review.
      9. The outcome of the review will be reported to the requester.
      10. If the objective sensitive material standard is NOT upheld, initiate a subjective sensitive material review.
    7. Full Review: Subjective Sensitive Materials and Age Appropriateness
      1. Members of the Subjective Sensitive Materials Review Committee will include:
        1. Administrator of Teaching & Learning or the Instructional Support Services Consultant or designee
        2. A teacher-librarian
        3. Parents of current students at the school that number at least one more than the LEA employees on the Committee. Parents should be reflective of the school community as required in Utah Code Subsection 53G-10-103(3).
      2. Members of the Subjective Sensitive Materials Review Committee may not include those responsible for procurement of the materials or the individual(s) who brought the challenge.
      3. Members of the Review Committee will receive materials to complete the review process, including the following:
        1. A copy of the Materials Review Request Form
        2. Access to the complete work that includes the material being challenged
        3. A copy of this policy
        4. If needed, relevant information about the title compiled and shared by the library staff; this may include the reason for initial approval of the material.
      4. The Review Committee will determine meeting dates and times and maintain meeting minutes.
      5. The Review Committee will determine the amount of time needed for an adequate review of a material to make a thorough and thoughtful decision and inform the requester of the determined timeline with a preference for 30 school days where possible and no longer than 60 school days.
      6. During the review period, students may access material with parental consent.
      7. In deciding whether the material constitutes subjective sensitive material, the committee will use the subjective sensitive material standards: constitutes pornographic or indecent material, as that term is defined in Section 76-10-1235, under the following factor-balancing standards:
        1. Material that is harmful to minors under Section 76-10-1201;
        2. Material that is pornographic under Section 76-10-1203; or
        3. Material that includes certain fondling or other erotic touching under Subsection 76-10-1227(1)(a)(iv).
      8. If the library or instructional material is determined to be subjective sensitive material:
        1. Ensure that the material is inaccessible to students in any school setting and terminate parent consent.
        2. Report the determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 10 days of the final determination.
        3. Report the outcomes to the requester.
        4. Dispose of or return the material identified for removal.
        5. Ensure that it is not sold or distributed to a minor.
      9. The Subjective Sensitive Materials Committee may also receive book challenges based on developmental appropriateness, including considerations of violence, pervasive vulgarity, self-harm, etc. that are not a part of the state definition of sensitive materials.
    8. Appeals Process
      1. Employees, students, parents, and governing board members of Jordan School District may initiate an appeal regardless of whether the material was retained or removed. The appeal must be made in writing within 15 business days of receipt of the Review Committee's final determination using an Appeal Request Form. The form may be found at Appeal Request Form.
      2. The Jordan School District Board of Education will review the appeal and vote in a public Board meeting to decide the outcome of a sensitive material review appeal, clearly identifying:
        1. The rationale for their decision.
        2. Their determination on each component of any statutory or policy standards they used to reach their conclusions.
      3. The Instructional Support Services Consultant will promptly report the Board’s determination to the State Library Media Specialist within 20 days after the final determination of the appeal.
      4. The Jordan School District Board of Education may not enact rules or policies that prevent them from:
        1. Revisiting a previous decision.
        2. Reviewing a recommendation of Jordan School District personnel or parent-related committee regarding a challenged instructional material.
        3. Reconsidering a challenged library or instructional material unless additional information regarding the material is received.
    9. Communication
      1. Jordan School District will maintain an accessible public website where the following information can be located:
        1. Materials Review Request Form (pdf version) or Materials Review Request Form (electronic version)
        2. Appeal Request Form
        3. Application to Serve on a Materials Review Committee
        4. This library policy
      2. If made aware of material that may be considered sensitive material as defined in Section 53G-10-103, the District will inform relevant parties regarding appropriate actions to take pursuant to this policy.

  • Effective: 6/28/1977
  • Revision: 8/23/2022

  1. Board Directive
    The policy of the Jordan School District Board of Education is to see that all students have extensive experience with quality literature.  The Board is committed to involving parents in the process of selecting appropriate literature for school use, and respects the right of parents to protect their children from literature which they personally consider damaging.  Therefore, the Board delegates to the District Administration responsibility for developing and administering this policy.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The Literature Selection and Review policy shall be administered according to the following administrative policy provisions:

    1. Standards for Required Reading
      1. Literature selections which are assigned as required reading, read aloud to students in the classroom, or appear on a list from which students choose shall meet the requirements of Utah Code 53G-10-103 Sensitive Materials in Schools as well as the following criteria:
        1. The subject matter, interest and reading level, and maturity level of the selection are appropriate for the students being taught.
        2. The selection is appropriate for the age, emotional development, ability level, and social development of the students being taught.
        3. The selection meets an appropriate instructional purpose.
        4. The selection will help students better understand themselves and others.
        5. The selection has identifiable literary or curricular merit.
        6. The literary selection appropriately models element (character, setting, plot, conflict, etc.), style, or genre that the student is expected to learn.
        7. The informational selection has identifiable curricular merit, text structures, and text features that support main idea, argument, or author’s point of view.
      2. Literature that students select themselves from school library media centers, public libraries, home libraries, or other sources shall not come under the provisions of this policy.
      3. Literature titles that meet the above criteria may be accessed on the District Approved Elementary and Secondary lists.
    2. Standards for Independent Reading
      It is the responsibility of classroom teachers and their administrators to assure that reading materials available in classrooms are appropriate.  Reading materials, which are stored in classrooms and available for self-selection by students and shall meet the following criteria:

      1. The materials shall be appropriate regarding subject matter, reading level, and maturity level as well as appropriate for the ages and interests of the students.
      2. The literary materials appropriately model a literary element (character, setting, plot, conflict, etc.), style, or genre.
      3. The informational materials appropriately model text structures and text features.
    3. Organization of Literature Selection and Review Committees
      1. Elementary Literature Selection and Review Committees
        1. District Elementary Literature Selection and Review Committee
          1. The District shall organize an Elementary Literature Selection and Review Committee.  Membership shall include five teachers (one from each area) from grades 4, 5 and 6, a District elementary library media specialist, and five parents (one from each area) who are selected by the corresponding Administrator of Schools.  This committee shall be chaired by the District language arts consultant.
          2. The committee shall meet at least four times each year for the purpose of evaluating new literature selections which are being considered as suggested reading.  The committee shall periodically compile recommended reading lists for grades 4, 5, and 6.
        2. Each elementary school may organize a Literature Selection and Review Committee, if needed, for the purpose of selecting and reviewing literature for the classroom as requested by the principal, teachers, or parents within the school.   When created, this committee membership shall include the principal, who will chair the committee, two teachers appointed by the principal, the library media specialist, and three parents appointed by the School Community Council.
      2. Secondary Literature Selection and Review Committees
        1. District Middle School and High School Literature Selection and Review Committees
          1. These committees shall be organized for the purpose of screening and approving the literature that is assigned as required reading in the District's secondary schools.
          2. The Middle School Committee membership shall include one teacher and one parent from each middle school, and one secondary library media specialist.  The committees shall be chaired by the District language arts consultant and meet at least twice each year to review and approve new selections.
          3. The High School Committee membership shall include one teacher and one parent from each high school, and one secondary media specialist.  The committee shall be chaired by the District language arts consultant and shall meet at least twice during each year to review and approve new selections.
          4. Teachers shall not assign any literature selection that has not had prior approval for use in the classroom.   Secondary teachers who wish to teach a selection that does not appear on the current District-approved list should complete a Recommendation Form and submit it and three copies of the book, to the appropriate middle or high school District committee for review and approval.  Recommendation forms are available from the District Teaching and Learning Department and on the District website at
          5. Each secondary school may organize a Literature Selection and Review Committee for the purpose of recommending literature selections to the corresponding District committee.  Parents/guardians should assist their students in selecting literature from lists. At the request of the principal, teachers, or parents within the school, the committee shall also review literature selections whose appropriateness is challenged and/or ask for assistance from the District Literature Selection and Review Committee.  When created committee membership shall include the principal, who will chair the committee, one teacher appointed by the principal, the library media specialist, and two parents appointed by the School Community Council.
      3. Working in concert, the District Elementary, Middle School, and High School Committees shall articulate required literature assignments to assure that selections are offered at the appropriate age/maturity level and to see that required reading assignments are not duplicated as students move forward through the grades. The process for requesting use of a text that appears on a higher grade level list will be as follows:
        1. Teacher shall complete the request form that can be found on the elementary and middle school level websites.
        2. Teacher shall provide the book title, author and text level (guided reading level, lexile level, grade-level equivalent), reason/purpose for the request, and an explanation of how and with whom the book will be used.
        3. Requests will be reviewed and determinations made by the District language arts consultant, Administrators of Schools, and the Administrator of Teaching and Learning, with input from the literature selection committees.
    4. Literature Selection and Review Process
      1. Elementary Committees
        Literature selection for classroom material shall be conducted at the local level.  The District Recommended Book List may be used to assist schools when making text selections.
      2. Middle School and High School Committees
        1. Middle School and High School Committees shall recommend literature to the corresponding District committees for approval at least six weeks prior to a scheduled meeting.
        2. Members of the District committees shall read the selections under consideration.
        3. The District committees shall determine by majority vote, using the criteria established under II. A. of this policy as a guide, whether or not a given selection shall be approved.
    5. Challenges to Approved Literature
      1. Challenges to district-approved literature may be made by a parent/legal guardian of an active student within the District.
      2. Challenges to approved literature used in the classroom shall be submitted in writing to the District committee. Forms are available at the District Office and on the District website.
      3. The District language arts consultant, as chair of the committee, shall call a committee meeting. At least three committee members shall receive a copy of the challenge and read the selection prior to the meeting.
      4. The committee as a whole shall discuss the challenged selection, based on the administrative policy provisions outlined under Item II. A. of this policy and the written challenge.
      5. The committee shall determine by majority vote whether or not the challenged material selection shall be retained for classroom instruction.
      6. A material may not be reviewed again for three school years following the district committee's determination.
      7. To review previously challenged literature, email the Secondary Language Arts Consultant. Patrons will be informed if a material is currently under review or when it may be challenged again.
    6. Parents/Guardians Rights
      1. Parents/guardians may exempt their students from a required reading assignment if they personally find the literature objectionable.
      2. The student shall be provided with an alternate literature selection without penalty.