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DP336 NEG – Leave of Absence (1 Year)—Licensed

  • Effective: 5/15/1979
  • Revision: 5/28/2024
  • Reviewed: 4/26/13

  1. Board Directive
    The Board recognizes that there are times when employees could benefit from a year's leave of absence.  This leave could be used for any purpose which is substantially different from the employee's current job assignment or duties but may not be used to enable an employee to take similar employment with another district, company, organization, etc., within the State of Utah.  A leave of absence of up to one (1) year may be granted upon recommendation of the employee's supervisor and approval by the Human Resources Department.
  2. Administrative Policy
    The following administrative policy provisions shall be followed in implementing Board directive:

    1. Requests for a leave of absence must be submitted through Skyward Employee Access using the Leave of Absence (1 Year) Licensed form at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the anticipated leave.  All designated information must be provided.  The leave cannot extend beyond one (1) contract year.
    2. Employees will not receive salary or fringe benefits while on leave of absence.  Health and accident insurance may be purchased through the district under the COBRA option.  The cost will be 102 percent of the established premium rate.
    3. The employee and his/her immediate supervisor will be notified in writing of the approval or denial of the leave request. The employee will be invited to the Teacher Transfer Fair to seek an available position for which he/she is qualified and licensed.
    4. If the employee is unable to secure a teaching position through the Teacher Transfer Fair or during the transfer
      window, he/she will be placed in the first available position for which he/she is qualified and licensed.
    5. This leave shall not apply to provisional employees in their first and second years of employment, except in cases of illness or injury.
    6. This leave will not be granted in successive years.
    7. On a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Administrator of Human Resources, an employee may apply to substitute.
    8. This leave does not provide experience credit for salary placement or change from provisional status.