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AA420 – High School Yearbook

  • Effective: 3/12/1975
  • Revision:

  1. Board Policy
    The Board supports the policy that each high school publish a yearbook. The Board recognizes that maximum student involvement in the processes provides many rewarding experiences and offers enrichment to the school curriculum. The Board commissions the District Administration to develop practices and procedures to ensure that each high school will be able to publish a yearbook that reflects District philosophy through maximum student involvement.

    1.  The processes of publishing a yearbook are not to compete with, advertise for, or promote private business.
      1. Pictures taken by the school for the yearbook are not to be sold.
      2. Advertisements for commercial firms are not to be placed in yearbooks.
    2. The District will provide technical assistance to each yearbook staff and adviser.
      1. The regular assistance of a District photographer is to be provided.
      2. The photo lab in the Jordan Technical Center will provide support facilities for film processing.
    3. Individual pictures for the yearbooks will be taken by the District photographer at no charge. Yearbook staffs will assist.
      1. An individual student may request to submit a substitute individual picture; however, it must meet the specifications set by each high school yearbook staff.
      2. Notification to students and parents that substitute pictures will be accepted is not necessary.
    4. The purchase price of yearbooks is to be approved by the Board.
      1. Quality, value received, and cost are to be constantly evaluated and equated.
  2. Administration Policy
    High school principals have the responsibility of coordinating and planning the necessary processes to publish a yearbook.

    1. High school principals will coordinate, through the Administrator of Schools, matters on a District level that pertain to yearbooks.
    2. Each principal will provide a faculty advisor and develop a method to choose students for the yearbook staff.
    3. Budgeting is the responsibility of the local principal.
    4. Time schedule for the District photographer will be coordinated through the area Administrator of Schools.
      1. Regular class schedule
      2. Taking of individual student pictures
    5. Local schools are to notify students of time schedules for the taking of individual pictures.
      1. Each yearbook staff shall have a written description of specifications for individual yearbook pictures available only to students who request a substitute photograph. Such description shall be made and available in adequate time to meet yearbook schedules.
      2. The District will not be responsible for providing picture specifications to commercial photographers.