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DE504 – Intellectual Property

  • Effective: 10/28/1975
  • Revision: 2/25/2014

  1. Board Directive
    The Board values creativity, innovation and collaboration.  This policy clarifies ownership and proper usage of intellectual property rights.  Authority for establishing and enforcing policy is delegated to the Administration.
  2. Administrative Policy
    1. It is the policy of the Administration that all original materials created by District employees or any person receiving funding administered by the District, shall be solely owned by Jordan School District with the followings exceptions:
      1. The District shall have no ownership rights of regular academic work products not assigned or specifically ordered by the District, which shall be owned by its creator.
      2. For intellectual property created under a contractual agreement, ownership shall be determined in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
      3. Individuals who create teaching materials to be used in jointly developed and taught District courses grant permission to the District to permit other contributors of the course to continue using those jointly produced teaching materials.
    2. There will be a respect for all materials protected by copyright.  This includes printed materials, sound recordings, broadcasts, and electronic media (see policy DE505—Acceptable Use of Copyrighted Materials in Jordan School District).
    3. Materials protected by copyright will be used only with the written permission of the holder of the copyright and will be labeled as specified by copyright.
    4. All letters granting permission to reproduce materials protected by copyright will be maintained by the Administrator of Teaching and Learning or designee.